- Access: Whatever your job has access to, and wherever you can hack into.
- Difficulty: Medium
- Duties: Steal
items listed in your objectiveseverything - Supervisors: None
- Subordinates: None
- Guides: This is the guide.
"You are criminal scum, a kleptomaniac previously arrested and on parole for petty theft. You need to add more to your collection. You were forcibly given a pacifism implant after your last arrest, but that can't stop you from getting your fix by any means necessary."
A thief is a minor antagonist that can spawn at round start. They are not affiliated with other traitor organizations and can spawn at the same time as major antagonists.
The thief's only goal is to steal items listed in their character's objectives page and depart in the escape shuttle unharmed and unrestrained. Unfortunately, you've been caught previously, and your captors have injected you with a pacifism implant, which prohibits you from harming others. Fortunately, there are plenty of subtler ways to acquire your treasures...
Starting Equipment
Unlike Syndicate Agents, who recieve their activation codes after a few minutes have passed, Thieves are chosen at roundstart (or immediately upon latejoining). As a result, you'll immediately begin the game pacified, and your bag will contain your starting equipment, which consists of a pair of Chameleon Thieving Gloves, a Thieving Beacon and a Thief Undetermined Toolbox.
Chameleon Thieving Gloves

An exceptionally versatile pair of gloves. They're similar to the regular Thieving Gloves, but with added Chameleon capabilities. Essentially, while wearing these gloves, you can choose to change their appearance to match any other regular pair of gloves you choose. Furthermore, when using the gloves to steal something off of someone (Whether it be in their pocket, hand, on their back, or even their jumpsuit), your target will receive no indication they're being robbed. From their perspective, the item will simply disappear from their inventory or person - if they happen to notice at all. Stealing things in this manner is also quicker than usual.
Unfortunately, the Chameleon Thieving Gloves have one major downside - they leave behind Holographic Chameleon Fibers on any item they touch, which will immediately alert a Detective to the presence of a Thief on board the station. Consider cleaning items off with Soap in order to remove this residue when possible.
Thieving Beacon

As a Thief, you'll need to steal a lot of items. Sometimes you may have too many to fit onto your person, and sometimes you may need to steal machines or pets that you can't carry around with you! Thankfully, with your Thieving Beacon, you can keep all your stolen goods stashed away in a safe spot of your choosing. The Thieving Beacon is an advanced teleportation device, capable of safely teleporting all nearby stolen goods to your secret hideout at the end of the round.
After setting the Thieving Beacon down in a safe spot, you can set it up by right clicking it and choosing Unfold, and then right clicking it again and choosing Set Coordinates. Afterwards, your Thieving Beacon will be activated, and any steal objectives left within a ~1.5 tile radius of it will be counted as successfully stolen. You can check your Antagonist Status with the C key to see if stolen items are being registered properly by your Beacon.
The Thieving Beacon is an incredibly useful item for Thieves, as it allows you to leave stolen items in a safe location rather than risking carrying them around on your person. For certain things, such as machines or pets, it's essentially necessary to succeed. When choosing a location for your Thieving Beacon, consider leaving it somewhere secluded on the station's exterior if you have Externals access, or somewhere highly restricted by Departmental Access. Creating a hideout somewhere in Maintenance is also a classic strategy, especially if you consider using Secret Doors, which look identical to normal walls but function as doors that can be silently opened. Make your Beacon incredibly hard to find, and you'll have the best results.
Thief Undetermined Toolbox

The final item which spawns in your inventory, the Thief Undetermined Toolbox (Or Thief Toolbox) allows you to pick 2 of 7 possible Thief equipment kits to help you better achieve your objectives. In order to use the Thief Toolbox, simply open its UI while it's in your hand or nearby, select the two kits you want to take, and click the approve button. Be warned, as all of your equipment will immediately spawn at your feet, not in your inventory! After picking your kits, the Thief Toolbox will disappear.
Toolbox Kits
Kit | Description | Contents |
You've reached peak physical performance... with a little help. | Includes: Storage Implanter, DNA Scrambler Implanter, Ephedrine bottle (30u), Syringe, Empty Shaker, and Omega Soap. | |
What's that sound? A lil' C4 knockin' at their door. No obstacle can stop you! | Includes: Two C4, a Multitool, Remote Signaller, Jaws of Life, Advanced Industrial Welding Tool, Engineering Goggles, and Insulated Gloves. | |
You are everyone and no one; you are a master of disguise. Disguise as anyone and anything | Includes: A full set of Chameleon Clothing, a Chameleon Projector, and an Agent ID. | |
Money is power, and secrets are money. Use your silver tongue and wealth to subvert the station. | Includes: Master Key for all station channels, a CyberSun Pen, Voice Chameleon Mask, and 20k Spesos inside a briefcase. | |
Until we close our eyes for good, use your illegal prescriptions to keep others asleep. | Includes: Sleepy Nitrous Oxide tank, Two Nocturine bottles (30u each), and a Hypopen. | |
All thieves need somewhere to stash their goods in the dark. Don't forget to link your fulton. | Includes: Fulton Beacon, 10 Fultons, 3 Smoke Grenades, and an Invisible Crate to hide valuable loot. | |
Trinkets from a disavowed past, or stolen from a careless agent? You've made some connections. Whiskey, echo... | Includes: An Emag, Interdyne Herbals Packet, a Syndicate Codeword, a Radio Jammer, a Lighter and some strange red crystals (10 TeleCrystals) |
Kit Analysis
The Anatomy Kit is carried hard by the Storage Implanter, which is saying something, as the other items are also rather useful. The Storage Implanter gives you a 3x3 internal storage space that is effectively impossible for others to discover/search unless they know it exists and they're able to get an empty Implanter to extract it. It's exceptionally useful for quickly stashing away stolen items for a trip back to your Thieving Beacon, and is just good for carrying around contraband in general.
The DNA Scrambler Implant is also very useful, giving you a potent way to immediately shift your appearance if you know that you've become linked to one too many crimes. It'll randomize your name and appearance, and will also change the name of your currently equipped ID Card as well, so blending into your new identity is very easy.
The Ephedrine can be useful for moving quickly for time-sensitive heists, but with only 30 units you'll need to use it wisely and plan accordingly for it to have the desired effect. The syringe and shaker are both mundane items, and can be useful but are not really exceptional.
The Omega Soap can be very useful as well, as it slips targets for seven seconds, which is plenty of time to cuff an unwitting victim. Good for close chases with security as well.
The Breacher Kit is a very good all-around option that can guarantee you access to just about any room in the game. The Two C4 are paired well with the Multitool and Remote Detonator, giving you everything you need to set up an explosive entrance. Don't worry - your pacifism implant doesn't prevent you from using C4, whether it's triggered manually or with a remote.
The Advanced Industrial Welding Tool, Engineering Goggles, and Insulated Gloves give you the ability to hack or deconstruct your way into just about anywhere you'll need to go, which is always good utility. The Engineering Goggles are technically contraband, being Engineering only, but they're usually not going to be noticed by Security and can be replaced by a regular Welding Mask if needed.
But the Jaws of Life are probably the most useful item in the kit. They can pry open any door, powered or otherwise, as long as it isn't bolted, essentially giving you all-access. Powered doors will take a bit longer to pry open, and they do make a distinct sound, but they're infinite use, require no battery, and they aren't marked as contraband, meaning they're an exceptionally useful tool for getting access anywhere you shouldn't be.
The Chameleon Kit is a very interesting choice for anyone willing to think outside the box. The full set of Chameleon Clothing is good for quickly changing your appearance or imitating another Crew member, though doing so effectively will require a careful strategy, and without the Communicator Kit you'll lack the ability to imitate voices. The Agent ID is always a fantastic tool to have, allowing you to copy accesses off of any ID card you can get your hands on or change your ID's title/icon to resemble any role. Given you'll have guaranteed access to Thieving Gloves, this makes pickpocketing ID's and copying their access extremely easy.
The funnest item in the Kit, however, is definitely the Chameleon Projector. While holding it in your hand, it allows you to click on any item/object in your inventory or within range to immediately disguise yourself as a direct copy of that item/object. While disguised, you can choose to toggle your rotation or anchor yourself to appear more believable. You cannot open doors in any way, and if anyone attempts to interact with you by picking you up/clicking on you the disguise will immediately disappear. Suffice to say, the Chameleon Projector is the sort of item that you can build an entire strategy around, as it can allow you to move unseen between rooms or hide in plain sight directly in front of your pursuers.
What is the Communicator Kit? The easiest way to gain access to all the station's comms, of course! With a Master Encryption key, you'll automatically get the sort of radio access usually reserved for the Captain or Head of Personnel. This can be great for information gathering, as it can allow you to learn what critical Crew Members are currently doing, giving you insights of when they'll be easiest to rob. And if you want to sow some disinformation, you have a Chameleon Voice Mask at your disposal, allowing you to imitate any Crew member's voice. Great for disguises, but even better for causing the Captain to have a breakdown over comms.
The CyberSun pen is a useful tool as well, allowing you to edit already stamped documents in order to twist approved forms to suit your desires.
Finally, with 20,000 Spesos, you can bribe Cargo to buy you a lot of stuff. This can outright trivialize certain objectives, if the Cargo Technician you're bribing is willing to humor your strange requests.
The Sleeper Kit has one purpose: to knock out unsuspecting victims. The twin bottles of Nocturine and Hypopen can allow you to almost instantly incapacitate a target, and hooking them up to the tank of Nitrous Oxide can allow you to keep targets sleeping for extended periods of time, especially if you're smart enough to cuff them first. If you need to steal something that you know is going to be on your target, or you just want to try a wild kidnapping plan, this setup is a great choice.
Of course, your Hypopen can inject much more than just Nocturine. Despite your pacifism implant, you can freely inject people with highly poisonous chemical mixes, if you're willing to get your hands a little dirty...
The Smuggler Kit can make stealing machinery a breeze. Simply link up the Fultons to the Fulton Beacon (Which isn't too different from your Thieving Beacon) and attack them to any crate, locker, or other unwrenched structure of your choice! Remember that the Fultons will require 45 seconds to activate, during which time anyone can remove them. You can use the Smoke Grenades to obscure the area during this process, if you know somebody's going to end up being in the area.
The Fultons can also act as a great means of escape, as using them on a crate or locker can allow you to hop inside and catch a ride to the beacon's location. The Invisible Crate is a weird one - usually you'll want to keep it somewhere hidden, which usually means near your Thieving Beacon, which should already be hidden. It can serve as an extra layer of security for anything you've stolen, at least.
Finally, we end with the Syndie Kit, which provides a very versatile set of tools while also giving you the means to link up with other nefarious agents.
The Emag is, of course, a gamechanger. It can give you instant access to any door on the station, and provides you with a variety of new interactions with the machines you'll encounter throughout the station.
The Radio Jammer is an excellent tool for controlling the flow of communications, as it completely shuts down radio activity within a certain radius of your choosing while active. Use it to decrease the odds of someone successfully calling for Security when you're making your moves and stealing the goods, and remember that it works while active regardless of where you store it - Even inside a Storage Implant, for example.
The Interdyne Herbals are always nice to have, but are better as a gift or bribe rather than a source of healing. Remember - you can't really fight people as a Thief, so you should be avoiding taking damage wherever possible in the first place.
Finally, we come to the part of the kit that lets you network - the Syndicate Codeword and 10 TeleCrystals. The codeword will spawn on a piece of paper when you choose this kit, so be sure to memorize the word and immediately destroy the paper afterwards. Burn it, eat it, whatever - just don't let anyone else see it, or you'll screw over every agent on the station! Make sure you use that codeword, though, as you'll need a Syndicate agent in order to use your spare TeleCrystals. How you choose to do that is up to you. Maybe you use the codeword to identify a potential traitor, steal their PDA, and hope their uplink is left unlocked? Or you can bring them into their confidence, offer them your TC, and see if you can try to help them with their own objectives in return for a little help with yours. Or maybe you just beg them to buy you 5 stamps. The possibilities are endless!