Cargo Department

From Space Station 14 Wiki
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Welcome to the Cargo department!

The Cargo department is responsible for keeping the station stocked with all necessary materials and equipment that keeps the station running. Make vital purchasing decisions for the station such as a choice between 15 moth roach crates or a pizza party!

Cargo is a large department that is composed of a few sections. The sections that are under the cargo department includes Supply and Salvage. There are three jobs typically associated with the cargo department. The jobs that are associated with cargo includes Cargo Technician, Salvage Specialist, and Quartermaster.

Sections of Cargo



Supply is the lead distribution of minerals in the station.

Supply plays a vital role in taking order requests, managing finances, completing bounties, and trading at the Automated Trade Station(ATS). Supply mainly focuses on managing spesos (The galactic currency). Spesos can be gained by selling items at the ATS and completing bounties.



Salvage is the main source of rare materials and equipment.

Salvage mainly operates through mining and scavenging useful equipment for the station. Salvage's main goal is to provide as many rare minerals and scrap to the station as they can early on so that they can turn it into valuable materials that supply can distribute.

Jobs of Cargo



Quartermaster (QM) is in charge of the Cargo Department and mainly focuses on managing the employees within the Supply and Salvage sections.

In regards to the supply section, the QM will be expected to manage tough financial decisions, who will operate the desk, and efficiently assigning supply employees. In regards to the salvage section, the QM will be expected to direct the task decisions and mineral acquisition from the salvage employees. Leadership, task assignment, and organization are all highly valuable traits to aspire for when playing the role of QM.

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technicians operate as the labor force within the supply section.

Jobs that a cargo technician will operate includes operating the front desk, delivering goods, taking order requests, moving crates, delivering bounty requests, and delivering crates to/from the ATS. The main goal of a cargo technician is to follow the orders and leadership of the QM and ensure that cargo department is earning a steady income of spesos.

Salvage Specialist

Salvage Specialist

Salvage Specialists operate as the main role that obtains rare minerals and bulk base materials.

Salvage specialists will constantly put their lives in danger to fight off hostile xeno creatures so that they may acquire minerals, scrap, and equipment. There are a few ways that salvage specialists can acquire the loot including salvage magnet, expeditions, and going to the "grid" asteroid. The salvage specialists must follow orders from QM and ensure that orders for specific minerals and materials are fulfilled.

Automated Trade Station

The automated trade station(ATS) is a remote satellite station that allows for the ability for the exchange of cargo that was bought and sold.

Automated trade station

Typically the way to reach the ATS is by using the cargo shuttle. The green-hashed area within the ATS is for selling object for spesos. The orange-hashed within the ATS is used for retrieving objects from order purchases made on the cargo request computer.

Cargo Sale Computer

cargo sale computer

The cargo sale computer is held within the ATS. The cargo sell computer is currently the only way to sell objects.

cargo sale computer ui

The buttons along the bottom perform various functions:

Button What does it do?
Appraise All objects that are on the green-hashed sale area will be appraised.
Sell All objects on the green-hashed sale area will be sold.


Cargo comes equipped with a plethora of equipment. The equipment you can find within the cargo department includes:

Equipment Department Section
Autolathe Supply
Cargo request computer
Cargo shuttle console
Ore processor Supply and Salvage
Salvage Vendor Salvage
Salvage expeditions computer
Salvage magnet
Mass scanner computer


The Autolathe is useful for crafting a significant amount of basic items. The autolathe is a great place to store large quantities of basic materials such as glass, steel, cloth, wood, and plastic. As a cargo technician the autolathe is the main crafter you will use to supply crew members with any equipment they might request.

Cargo Request Console

Cargo request computer

The cargo request console is a valuable piece of equipment that handles the purchasing of difficult to obtain objects and equipment.

By clicking on an item within the console you will open the Order Form UI

The fields within the order form are as follows:

Field What does it affect?
Name Allows for the documentation of the original requester of the order.
Reason Allows for the documentation of the original requester's reasoning for the order.
Amount Controls the quantity of items ordered.
OK Confirms the order and puts it in the request section of the cargo request console

There a large list of objects and equipment that can be purchased through the cargo request console. The list is as follows:

Object Cost What it contains
Air canister $1100 1 air canisters.
Airlock Kit $1100 6 door electronics, 1 LV cable coil, 30 steel sheets.
Antimatter containment jar crate $2000 3 AME fuel jars.
Armor crate $725 3 bulletproof vests.
Art supplies $500 1 crayon box.
Artifact container $500 1 artifact container.
AutoDrobe restock crate $2500 1 AutoDrobe restock box.
Bartending supplies crate $750 2 lime juice glasses, 5 metamorphic glasses, 2 milk creams, 2 orange juice glasses, 2 shakers, 5 shot glasses, 2 tomato juices, and 2 water bottles.
Beverage vender restock crate $1200 2 beverage restock boxes.
Big pet carrier $500 1 big pet carrier.
Bike horn implants $1000 3 bike horn implanters.
Board game crate $1500 6 bags of dice, 6 character sheets, 1 checkerboard, 1 chessboard, 1 grass battlemap, 1 moon battlemap, 1 parchis board, 1 sand battlemap, 1 ship battlemap, 1 snow battlemap.
Body bags crate $700
Bomb suit crate $1000
Books crate $1000
Booze dispenser refill crate $750
Booze-O-Mat restock crate $3500
Boxes crate $400
Boxing crate $500
Brass crate $3000
Brass instrument ensemble crate $2500
Bulk cable crate $750
Bulk lizard plushie crate $500
Bulk Plant-B-Gone crate $750
Bureaucracy crate $1000
Candles crate $500
Carbon dioxide canister $2200
Cardboard crate $750
Cat crate $1200
Chang restock crate $1200
ChefVend restock crate $680
Chemicals crate (D) $750
Chemicals crate (P) $850
Chemicals crate (S) $750
Chemistry supplies crate $750
CemVend restock crate $3820
Chicken crate $4000
Clothing restock crate $2400
Cold food cart $2000
Compressed matter crate $2500
Condiment station restock crate $300
Containment field generator crate $1000
Corgi crate $1200
Cow crate $3200
Crab crate $3000
Crate of bees $7000
Crate of butterflies $4400
Crate of mothroaches $5000
Crew monitoring boards $2000
Dartboard box set $900
Deployable barrier $1000
Disaster pizza delivery $1800
Discount Dans restock crate $1200
DIY smokeables crate $1000
Donut restock crate $1200
Duck crate $4000
Electrical supplies crate $4500
Emergency advanced kit $1200
Emergency bio suit crate $800
Emergency brute kit $600
Emergency burn kit $700
Emergency O2 kit $600
Emergency pizza delivery $450
Emergency radiation kit $600
Emergency toxin kit $600
Emitter crate $3000
EngiVend restock crate $3200
EVA kit $5000
Exotic seeds crate $1000
Fax machine crate $2000
Firefighting crate $1500
Fuel tank $1500
Getmore Chocolate Corp restock crate $1200
Glass sheet crate $1500
Goat crate $1200
Good Clean Fun restock crate $750
Goose crate $2100
Gorilla crate $1100
Guidebooks crate $1300
Gyroscope crate $4000
Hamster cage $2800
Happy Honk restock crate $2100
Helmet crate $550
Hot food cart $2000
HV cable crate $300
Hydroponics equipment crate $500
Inflatable wall crate $500
Internals crate $600
Internals crate (large) $2000
Janitor bio suit crate $800
Janitorial bomb suit closet $1000
Janitorial supplies crate $560
Janitorial trolley $300
Jetpack crate $1000
Kangaroo crate $2800
Keyed/percussion instrument ensemble crate $2500
Kitchen dinnerware crate $750
Kitchen supplies crate $750
Kobold cube crate $2000
Lasers crate $4800
Light implants $1000
Liquid carbon dioxide canister $4000
Liquid nitrogen canister $2500
Liquid oxygen canister $2500
Lizard crate $1100
Luxury mining hardsuit crate $15000
LV cable crate $300
Medical supplies crate $2400
Medicinal seeds crate $500
MegaSeed restock crate $3600
Mice crate $4400
MindShield implant crate $3000
Mini jetpack crate $750
Monkey cube crate $2000
Mousetraps crate $500
MRE crate $1000
MV cable crate $300
Mystery figure crate $4000
NanoMed restock crate $1750
Nitrogen canister $1100
Nonlethals crate $4000
NutriMax restock crate $2400
Ore box $500
Oxygen canister $1100
PA crate $2000
Paper crate $1000
Parrot crate $3000
Particle decelerators crate $15000
Party crate $1000
Penguins crate $2100
Personnel crate $1000
Pig crate $1100
Pirate chest $400
Pistols crate $5200
Plasma canister $4000
Plasteel Chef restock crate $2000
Plasteel crate $4800
Plastic sheel crate $2000
Plushie crate $1000
PTech restock crate $1200
Puppy corgi crate $1200
Radiation collector crate $1000
Radiation protection crate $1000
Random artifact spawner $2000
RCD crate $800
Replacement lights crate $600
Restraints crate $1000
Robotech Deluxe restock crate $1600
Sad trombone implants $1000
Salvage restock crate $1000
Scientist bio suit crate $800
Sealant grenade crate $2500
SecTech restock crate $2200
Security bio suit crate $800
Security supplies crate $500
Seeds crate $600
ShadyCigs restock crate $1200
Shotgun crate $7000
Singularity generator crate $4000
Slimeperson life support crate $350
SMG crate $9000
Smokeables crate $1500
Snake crate $3000
Soda dispenser refill crate $850
Softdrinks bulk crate $2400
Softdrinks crate $1200
Solar assembly crate $525
Solar's Best restock crate $1200
Solid plasma crate $2000
Space heater crate $350
Special instrument collector's crate $10000
Station beacon bundle $500
Steel sheet crate $1500
Storage canister $1010
String instrument ensemble crate $2500
Swat crate $7500
Tank dispenser restock crate $1000
Tesla coil crate $1200
Tesla generator crate $4000
Tesla grounding rod crate $400
Textiles crate $1500
The grand lottery $$$ $10000
Theatrical performances crate $1800
Thruster crate $1500
Toy box $900
Tracking implants $1000
Training bombs $3000
Variety instrument collection $2000
Vendomat restock crate $1200
Vial supply crate $1000
Virology bio suit crate $800
Water gun crate $750
Water tank $1000
Woodwind instrument ensemble crate $2500

The cargo request queue is the pending orders that are awaiting approval by an employee of cargo. For complicated, expensive, or illegal items please consult the Quartermaster before purchasing.

The order can either Approved or Canceled. The order will be announced over supply radio communications if approved.

Cargo Shuttle Console

Cargo shuttle console

The cargo shuttle console is the main operator of the cargo shuttle. One console will be found by the docking port at the loading bay and the other will be found on the cargo shuttle itself.

Cargo shuttle
Cargo shuttle

The default keys for piloting the cargo shuttle is as follows:

Default Key Direction of Movement
W Strafe up
A Strafe left
S Strafe down
D Strafe right
Q Rotate left
E Rotate right
Space Brake

The direction of movement is dependent on the rotation of the cargo shuttle console, which is south by default. The piloting keys can be rebound in the settings under settings/control/shuttle.

Ore Processor

Salvage Vendor

Salvage Expeditions Computer

Salvage Magnet

Mass Scanner Console
