Automated Trade Station

The Automated Trade Station, or ATS, is an independent trading outpost designed to facilitate trade between the station and the rest of the galaxy. It can be found somewhat near the station, usually within 50 metres. Typically, the cargo transport shuttle is used to reach the ATS under normal operations. It comes equipped with its own atmosphere, solar array, and station anchor. This makes it a habitable place to be without a space-faring suit, assuming no damage has been done by meteors.
The ATS comes equipped with conveyor belts for easy transport of cargo goods on and off the shuttle. The green-hashed area within the ATS is for selling object for spesos. For items to be sold they must be on the green-hashed area when you press the SELL button on the Cargo Sale Computer. The orange-hashed within the ATS is used for retrieving objects from order purchases made on the cargo request computer, which will appear in crates the moment they are approved.
Cargo Sale Console

The cargo sale console is held within the ATS. This console is currently the only way to sell objects to off-station.
The UI is simple, having only two functions.

Button | Function |
Appraise | All objects that are on the green-hashed sale area will be appraised for their worth. |
Sell | All objects on the green-hashed sale area will be sold. |