
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Product Materials Description
Air alarm electronics 3 steel, 3 plastic An electronics board used in air alarms
Air tank 3 steel Mixed, anyone?
APC electronics 2.5 steel, 2.5 glass Circuit used in APC Construction
Appraisal tool 5 steel A beancounter's best friend, with a quantum connection to the galactic market and the ability to appraise even the toughest items. It will also tell you if a crate contains a completed bounty
Beaker 1 glass Used to contain a moderate amount of chemicals and solutions
Beverage jug 2 plastic A jug for storing custom made drinks
Bowl 1 glass A simple bowl, used for soups and salads
Bucket 1 plastic It's a boring old bucket
Capacitor 0.5 steel, 0.5 plastic A basic capacitor used in the construction of a variety of devices
Cell recharger machine board 2.5 steel, 1.5 plastic A machine printed circuit board for a cell recharger
Conveyor belt 5 steel, 0.5 plastic A conveyor belt assembly. Used to construct a conveyor belt
Coupe glass 1 glass A classic thin neck coupe glass, the icon of fragile labels on crates around the galaxy
Crowbar 2 steel A multipurpose tool to pry open doors and fight interdimensional invaders
Cyborg recharging station machine board 2.5 steel, 1.5 plastic A machine printed circuit board for a robot recharging station
Door electronics 2.5 steel, 3 plastic An electronics board used in doors and airlocks
Durathread 1 plastic, 1 roll of cloth A raw material
Emergency eva suit 1.5 steel, 1 roll of cloth, 3 durathread An emergency EVA suit with a built-in helmet. It's horribly slow and lacking in temperature protection, but enough to buy you time from the harsh vacuum of space
Eva helmet 2 glass, 3 plastic, 0.5 cloth, 0.5 durathread An old-but-gold helmet designed for extravehicular activities. Infamous for making security officers paranoid
Eva helmet 2 glass, 3 plastic, 0.5 cloth, 0.5 durathread An old-but-gold helmet designed for extravehicular activities
Eva suit 1.5 steels, 1 cloth, 3 durathread A lightweight space suit with the basic ability to protect the wearer from the vacuum of space during emergencies
Exterior light tube 0.5 steel, 0.5 glass A high power energy bulb for the depth of space. May contain mercury
Fire alarm electronics 3 steel, 3 plastic An electronics board used in firm alarms
Firelock electronics 1.4 steel, 3.9 plastic An electronics board used to detect differences in pressure, temperature, and gas concentrations between two sides of the door
Flashlight 1 steel, 1 glass, 1 plastic It lights the way to freedom
Fluorescent light tube 0.5 steel, 0.5 glass A light fixture
Gas analyzer 8 steel, 3 glass A hand-held environmental scanner which reports current gas levels
Global positioning system 8 steel, 3 glass Helping lost spaceman find their way through the planets since 2016
Hand labeler 1 plastic A hand labeler, used to label items and objects
Holographic sign projector 2.5 plastic, 1.5 glass A handy-dandy holographic projector that displays a janitorial sign
HV cable coil 0.3 steel HV cable for connecting engines to heavy duty machinery, SMESes, and substations
Ignitor 3 steel, 1 plastic, 1 glass Creates a spark when activated by a signal
Incandescent light bulb 0.5 steel, 0.5 glass A light bulb
Intercom electronics 0.5 steel, 3 plastic An electronics board used in intercoms
Large plate 1 glass A large plate, excellent for bread
Led light bulb 0.5 steel, 0.5 glass A power efficient light bulb
Led light tube 0.5 steel, 0.5 glass A high power, high energy bulb
Light replacer 1 steel, 5 glass An item which uses magnets to easily replace broken lights. Refill by adding more lights into the replacer
LV cable coil 0.3 steel Low voltage stack of wires for connecting APCs to machines and other purposes
Mailing unit electronics 1.5 steel, 3 plastic An electronics board used in mailing units
Manipulator 0.5 steel, 0.5 plastic A basic manipulator used in the construction of a variety of devices
Matter bin 0.5 steel, 0.5 plastic A basic matter bin used in the construction of a variety of devices
Medium-capacity power cell 3 steel, 3 glass, 1 plastic, 0.1 gold A rechargeable power cell. This is the popular and reliable version
Metal mug 1 steel A metal mug. You're not sure which metal
Metamorphic glass 1 glass A metamorphic glass that automagically turns into a glass appropriate for the drink within. There's a sanded off patent number on the bottom
Modular receiver 7.5 steel, 1 plastic A vital part used in the creation of firearms
Mop 1 plastic A mop that can't be stopped, viscera cleanup detail awaits
Mousetrap 1 wood, 0.5 steel Useful for catching rodents sneaking into your kitchen
Mug 1 glass A plain white mug
Multitool 2 steel, 2 plastic An advanced tool to copy, store, and send electrical pulses and signals through wires and machines
MV cable coil 0.3 steel MV cables for connecting substations to APCs, and also powering a select few things like emitters
Network configurator 2 steel, 2 plastic A tool for linking devices together. Has two modes, a list mode for mass linking devices and a linking mode for advanced device linking
Pickaxe 10 steel, 5 wood Notched to perfection, for jamming it into rocks
Pie tin 1 steel A cheap foil tin for pies
Plasteel 1 plasma, 1 steel A sheet of metal, used often on the station in various applications
Plastic plate 1 plstic A large blue plastic plate, excellent for a birthday cake
Plastic plaste 0.5 plastic A blue plastic plate, excellent for slices of birthday cake
Recharger machine board 2.5 steel, 1.5 plastic A machine printer circuit board for a recharger
Reinforced glass 1 glass, 0.5 steel A reinforced sheet of glass
Remote signaler 1 steel, 2 plastic, 1 glass A handheld device used for remotely sending signals to objects within a small radius of about 15 meters
Rollerbed 6 plastic, 3 steel Used to carry patients around without damaging them
Rollerbed 6 plastic, 3 steel A rundown rollerbed. Used to carry patients around
Rollerbed 6 plastic, 3 steel A robust looking rollerbed for emergencies
Screwdriver 2 steel, 0.5 plastic Industrial grade torque in a small screwdriving package
Shot glass 1 glass Perfect for slamming down onto the table angerily
Signal timer electronics 2.5 steel, 1.5 plastic An electronics board used in timer circuitry. Looks like you could use a screwdriver to change the board type
Skewer 1 steel A thin rod of metal used to skewer just about anything and cook it
Small plate 0.5 glass A small plate. Delicate
Small-capacity power cell 1 steel, 0.5 plastic A rechargeable power cell. This is the cheapest kind you can find
SMES machine board 4 steel, 9 glass A machine printed circuit board for a SMES
Sodium light tube 0.5 steel, 0.5 glass A high power high energy bulb from the depths of space. Salty
Spray bottle 1 plastic A spray bottle with an unscrewable top
Spray painter 3 steel, 1 plastic A spray painter for painting airlocks and pipes
Station map 3 steel, 1 plastic Displays a readout of the current station
Station map machine board 2.5 steel, 1.5 plastic An electronics board used in station maps
Substation machine board 4.5 steel, 4.5 glass A machine printed circuit board for a substation
Syringe 1 plastic, 0.25 steel Used to draw blood samples from mobs, or to inject them with reagents
T-ray scanner 8 steel, 3 glass A high-tech scanning device that uses Terahertz Radiation to detect subfloor infrastructure
Trash bag 1 plastic A bag for picking up space trash
Utility belt 0.5 steel, 1 cloth Can hold various things
Wallmount substation electronics 2.5 steel, 3.5 glass Circuit used to construct a wallmount substation
Welding mask 4 steel, 2 glass A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye
Welding tool 4 steel Melts anything as long as it's fueled, don't forget your eye protection!
Wheelchair 5 steel, 3 plastic A chair with big wheels. It looks like you can move in these on your own
Wirecutters 2 steel, 0.5 plastic This kills the wire
Wrench 2 steel A common tool for assembly and disassembly. Remember, righty tighty, lefty loosey