Pun Pun

From Space Station 14 Wiki
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Pun Pun

Access: Bartender Access
Difficulty: Easy
Duties: Making drinks, Serving said drinks to the crew. Sneaking into departments uninvited and doing whatever he wants.
Supervisors: Head of Personnel
Subordinates: None
Guides: This is the guide.

Pun Pun is a Nanotrasen hired monkey Ghost Role that spawns in the bar; as he got hired through the same channels as the rest of the crew, he has an ID and the same rights as any crew member.

When playing as Pun Pun, most crew will leave you alone as long as you just make the drinks. You play like a regular bartender, but with only one hand to use, though your tail will let you drag items and people even when the hand is full. Pun Pun also does not have a backpack slot, an eyewear slot, a gloves slot, a shoes slot, or pockets. Consider carrying around a toolbox or a duffel bag to keep things in. Pun Pun can wear most regular clothes, but cannot wear Emergency EVA suits or most overalls; he needs an EVA suit and a suitable helmet to survive in extreme pressures.

Being a member of the Service Team, Pun Pun answers directly to the Head of Personnel, who will usually be happy to give Pun Pun access to other service departments, like Janitorial, Botany, or the Kitchen. Transferring to other departments will usually require the stamp of the respective head on a related piece of paperwork.