Head of Personnel

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Head of Personnel

Access: Brig, Cargo, Chapel, Command, Head of Personnel, Hydroponics, Janitor, Kitchen, Maintenance, Quartermaster, Salvage, Service, Theatre
Difficulty: Hard
Duties: Change job titles and manage ID permissions, replace missing PDAs, coordinate the service department, protect Ian at any cost
Supervisors: Captain
Subordinates: Bartender, Botanist, Chaplain, Chef, Clown, Janitor, Lawyer,Detective , Librarian, Mime, Musician, Passenger
Guides: This is the guide

The Head of Personnel (Usually called HoP) is in charge of the service department and responsible for managing jobs, ID permissions and giving out replacement PDAs. They are the captain's left hand, and as such in case the captain somehow goes missing you are expected to take his place.

Next to the Captain, the Head of Personnel is probably one of the most gunned-after positions on the station as their ID and ID console are an easy key to unlimited access to anywhere on the station (usually called "all-access" and abbreviated as "AA"). You can be certain that at least a few of the crew members will take an opportunity to help themselves to increased access if given the chance, so be on your guard and try not to stray too far from your ID console.

Remember, your department is Service. Try not to interfere too much with others unless completely necessary. Do utilize your all-comms access to help coordinate the crew, but don't attempt to run another head's department. Similar to the Warden, the HoP is recommended to mostly remain in their office.

Managing jobs and PDAs

The ID console

Your ID console is used to change what groups of access an ID has assigned to it. It requires two ID cards:

  • Privileged ID - This is your ID or another ID that has the ability to modify other ID cards.
  • Target ID - This is the ID you will actually modify the access of.

Remember to take the Privileged ID out of the console when you are done with it! It is very easy to accidentally leave it in the computer, especially if you create a second ID which has modification permissions to avoid using your own ID.

Once the two ID cards are inserted, you will see which access groups an ID card has assigned to it. Clicking any group will toggle that group on and off. If you want to or if appropriate, you can change the job title on the ID card to whatever you like. Once you are done, click on Eject to eject them from the machine.

Changing jobs and access

The HoP's line can fill up quickly with various crew members unsatisfied with their job preferences vying for your attention and an ID change. Maintain some order and process each person as they come.

Be cautious about job assignments and request for additional access. If a crew member is requesting transfer or additional access to another department, it is common courtesy to notify the head of that department and/or request that crew member to get a paper stamped by that head of staff which they are transferring to. This may seem like a needless hoop, but this ensures that the HoP actually knows what is going on and doubles as a way to filter out those who are either too lazy to obtain a stamp or who would rather not have that department head know what they are up to.

Replacing a missing PDA or ID

The crew is often hapless victims of theft, and ID cards are among some of the most common items stolen for various reasons. If a crew member claims their ID or PDA has been stolen, you can create them a replacement one using the box of PDAs and box of Assistant IDs which spawn in your office. Equip the ID with the appropriate level of access for that crew member's job and send them on their way.

Be careful of being tricked, though. A crew member can easily disguise themselves in the jumpsuit of an unrelated job and claim they had their ID stolen, when in reality they have just hidden it in their bag. Once you give them the new ID for say, engineering, they'll walk off and now be in possession of both an Engineering and a Scientist ID as an example.