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=== Civilian Jobs ===
<span style="font-size: .8em; font-style: italic;">All descriptions are attempts at humour and should not be taken as approval to break[[Server_Rules| Server Rules]] or [[Space_Law|Space Law]]</span>
A list of roles that a player can play as.
=== Command Jobs ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Passenger]] || Enjoy your stay and while at it steal someone's clothes and job. Bully the local sentient machinery. Get in trouble for breaking into rooms. Save the Station when least expected. The true egoist experience, beholden to none. || None
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconCaptain.png|24px]] [[Captain]]</span> || Manage the entire station, make sure everything stays in working order and fix any issues that other crew members can't. <s> Shoot the [[Clown]] with your laser gun. </s> || Hard
|15 hours playing as Engineering (Any).<br>
15 hours playing as Medical (Any).<br>
15 hours playing as Security (Any).<br>
15 hours playing as Command (Any).<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Bartender]] || Keep the station's crew docile and drunk. Take their oddly specific requests and make them at your beer and soda machines. You have a shotgun, don't be afraid to use it! Bar is one of the most bombed and attacked regions, as there is usually a lot of people there. Give the crew drinks and keep the bar mostly hole-free, and you will do fine.|| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconHeadOfPersonnel.png|24px]] [[Head of Personnel]]</span> || Handle reassignments and permission changes from your desk. Mediate any disputes that can't be solved by the relevant department heads. <s>Get bombed 5 minutes into the shift<s>.|| Hard
|10 hours playing as Engineering (Any).<br>
10 hours playing as Medical (Any).<br>
10 hours playing as Security (Any).<br>
10 hours playing as Command (Any).<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Botanist]] || Grow enough food to stop the [[Chef|chef]] from seeking "alternative sources". Grow lots of wheat, and when you get tired of that, grow weed. Make weed smoothies and spike drinks with nettles. Just keep growing plants, and you'll do great!|| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconHeadOfSecurity.png|24px]] [[Head of Security]]</span>|| Organize the [[Security Officer|security officers]] into a formidable order-keeping force. Have the final word on how to resolve security related issues. <s>Have prisoners executed because it was "funny"<s>.|| Hard
|3 hours as a Warden.<br>
10 hours as a Security Officer.<br>
30 hours as Security (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Chaplain]] || Preach to crew members and aid them in their journeys to spiritual oneness. Make the [[Medical_Doctor|doctors]] jealous of your ability to regrow organs with the power of the flying spaghetti monster. Watch someone eat the moldy bread and die.|| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChiefEngineer.png|24px]] [[Chief Engineer]]</span>|| Order the [[Station Engineer|engineers]] around to make sure that all issues in the station are fixed without any delays. <s>Be EVIL (by not giving tiders insulated gloves) or be GOOD (by giving tiders insulated gloves).</s>|| Hard
|6 hours as an Atmospheric Technician.<br>
6 hours as a Station Engineer.<br>
10 hours as Engineering (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Chef]] || Keep the station fed so that they can continue scurrying around like cockroaches at full speed. Tell [[Botanist|botany]] what to grow and watch in horror as they only grow wheat. Be praised by everyone for being the first Chef in station history to ''do your job''.|| Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChiefMedicalOfficer.png|24px]] [[Chief Medical Officer]]</span>|| Manage the resources and personnel of the medical department to keep the crew in top shape.  
<s>Be honest, you just want the hypop<s>en.
| Medium to Hard
|3 hours as a Chemist.<br>
6 hours as a Medical Doctor.<br>
10 hours as<s><s> Medical (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Clown]] || Make the station laugh. Tell jokes. Perform elaborate pranks. Hit the [[Nuclear_Operative|Nukie]] with a banana pie and snap their gun in half while they watch in horror. Ideally, you want everyone else to be laughing with you. Being a clown is not an excuse to be an asshole.|| Clown
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconQuarterMaster.png|24px]] [[Quartermaster]]</span> || Organize all of cargo into a logistical force to be reckoned with. Throw your ire at [[Head of Personnel|HoP]] for giving the [[Clown|clown]] cargo access. <s>Resist the urge to form the great nation of Cargonia<s>.|| Medium
|6 hours as a Cargo Technician.<br>
3 hours as a Salvage Specialist.<br>
10 hours as Cargo (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconResearchDirector.png|24px]] [[Research Director]]</span> || Make sure the [[Scientist|scientists]] are taking their jobs seriously and improving the station as much as they can. <s>Destroy/Irradiate the whole department 10 minutes into the shift.|| Medium
|10 hours as Science (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
=== Security Jobs ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| [[Janitor]] || Try to [[Impossibility|keep the station clean]] of spills. Use your mop to clean up spills by replacing them with puddles. Ignore the woes of man with your no slip shoes, engaging in schadenfreude as you point at the wet floor sign. Cry when you come across a mess of items that can't go into your trash bag. Watch as people complain about you not cleaning areas you don't have access to.|| Easy
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Lawyer]] || Pretend to be a part of sec without actually doing any of the work. Try as hard as you can to [[Impossibility|get everyone to go into the courthouse]] at any opportunity. "My CLIENT killed those two botanists in self-defense Your Honor." || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconHeadOfSecurity.png|24px]] [[Head of Security]]</span> || Organize the [[Security Officer|security officers]] into a formidable order-keeping force. Have the final word on how to resolve security related issues. || Hard
|3 hours as a Warden.<br>
10 hours as a Security Officer.<br>
30 hours as Security (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Librarian]] || Write on some paper and have people glance at it and shrug. Get fed up and break into the bridge, announcing D&D in the library. Play D&D for the rest of the round with the [[Captain|captain]]. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconWarden.png|24px]] [[Warden]]</span>|| Manage the security department and all of the people imprisoned inside of it. Protect it from irresponsible staff and protect the prisoners from being forgotten in their cells. <s>Send the [[mime]] to perma for minor trespass.</s>
Read up on prisoner rights in Space Law before doing this job.
| Hard
|10 hours as a Security Officer.
| [[Mime]] || Play as the objectively strongest role in the game due to your innate ability to create invisible walls with permanent uptime! Realize you can't just engage in mindless dickery because of your inability to speak. Learn how to engage in ''refined'' dickery. Get your PDA stolen while you are writing out a 20+ word custom emote.|| Clown+
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconDetective.png|24px]] [[Detective]]</span>|| Solve crimes! Wear a sexy trench coat! Watch in horror as the HoS throws your meticulously detailed folder of evidence in the trash and lets the syndie bomber go free! <s>Get demoted when you track them down and shoot them 6 times in the back in 'self defense!'</s>
The detective gets unique items that let them scan for fingerprints, DNA, glove fibers, and monitor who used what door when.
| Hard
|15 hours of Security (Any).
| [[Musician]] || Play MIDIs at deafening volumes. Bum around in the bar and flex your knowledge on obscure bands. Pester Cargo for more instruments. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconSecurityOfficer.png|24px]] [[Security Officer]]</span> || Turn off harm before batoning and cuffing troublemakers in a timely fashion, only to still have everyone cry "Harm Baton!" and hate you for trying to protect them. Get robbed while trying to talk to someone else at the scene of a crime. Enforce Space law. <s>"Accidentally" turn on harm and baton the [[Clown|clown]].
In all seriousness, you arrest people who do crime, and arm to protect the station when told to by your warden or Head of Security.
| Medium to Hard
|10 hours of Security (Any).
| [[Service Worker]] || Be a sightly more useful [[Passenger|passenger]]. Learn the other civilian level jobs stress free. Observe the other civilian jobs in their natural habitat before taking on their various responsibilities and challenges. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconSecurityCadet.png|24px]] [[Security Cadet]]</span>|| This role is one's path to becoming a proper and official [[Security Officer|SecOff]], and is meant to flag you as such. Keep in mind that while the force may take it easy on you, the rest of the station may not. Do your best to make your station proud as you help break up fights, patrol the halls, and maybe even stop a Syndicate or two.
It is recommended to have basic first aid knowledge before starting this job.
| Easy to Medium
|10 hours of playtime.<br>
'''No more than''' 15 hours of Security (Any).

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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Cargo Technician]] || Remodel cargo to be the prestigious home it is. Order enough parts to [[Shuttle Construction|build a self-sustaining spaceship]] and leave the station, taking all the O2 with you. Answer Sci's requests for what you're pretty sure are the parts for a black hole bomb. As long as you don't hand out hard-suits and laser guns to passengers, Sec will leave you alone. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconQuarterMaster.png|24px]] [[Quartermaster]]</span> || Organize all of cargo into a logistical force to be reckoned with. Throw your ire at [[Head of Personnel|HoP]] for giving the [[Clown|clown]] cargo access. <s>Resist the urge to form the great nation of Cargonia<s>. || Medium
|6 hours as a Cargo Technician.<br>
3 hours as a Salvage Specialist.<br>
10 hours as Cargo (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Salvage Specialist]] || Equip a hard-suit and salvage wrecked station parts from previous stations, a grim reminder of what's to come in the next ten minutes. Fight fish in space and hurriedly throw your loot out into space to fly back to safety. Accidentally space your department twice. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconShaftMiner.png|24px]] [[Salvage Specialist]]</span>|| Equip a hard-suit and salvage wrecked station parts from previous stations, a grim reminder of what's to come in the next ten minutes. Fight fish in space and hurriedly throw your loot out into space to fly back to safety. Accidentally space your department twice. <s>Do anything but go mining<s>.|| Medium
|3 hours as Cargo (Any).<br>
10 hours of playtime.
| [[Quartermaster]] || Organize all of cargo into a logistical force to be reckoned with. Throw your ire at [[Head of Personnel|HoP]] for giving the [[Clown|clown]] cargo access. <s>Resist the urge to form the great nation of Cargonia<s>. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconCargoTechnician.png|24px]] [[Cargo Technician]]</span>|| Remodel cargo to be the prestigious home it is. Answer Sci's requests for what you're pretty sure are the parts for a black hole bomb. As long as you don't hand out hard-suits and laser guns to passengers, Sec will leave you alone. <s>Order enough parts to [[Shuttle Construction|build a self-sustaining spaceship]] and leave the station, taking all the O2 with you.</s>  
In all seriousness, the role is to complete bounties, sell the bounties by driving the cargo shuttle to the trading station and back, and to buy the station what they need when they request it. This job may also include managing materials like steel, glass, and plastic.
| Medium

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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Atmospheric Technician]] || Watch and manage Atmos. Be known as one of the three people who know how Atmos works. Die anyway in a plasma fire. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChiefEngineer.png|24px]] [[Chief Engineer]]</span> || You're the head of the Engineering department; manage your underlings. || Medium
|6 hours as an Atmospheric Technician.<br>
6 hours as a Station Engineer.<br>
10 hours as Engineering (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Station Engineer]] || Create new power sources and fix any power or integrity-related issues that the station may have. Get to the bottom of any problem and hold the entire station together with your hard work. Accidentally singuloose the station due to an oversight. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconAtmosphericTechnician.png|24px]] [[Atmospheric Technician]]</span> || Watch and manage Atmos. Be known as one of the three people who know how Atmos works. Die anyway in a plasma fire.
In all seriousness, the job of an atmosian is to set up distro pipes at the start of the round, set up waste pipes at the start of the round, and set up the TEG if possible. Afterwards, the responsibilities boils down to getting rid of bad gases throughout the station and making new gases. To understand how to make new gases or set up the TEG, use the guidebook. (Or Wiki)
| Medium
|15 hours as Engineering (Any).
| [[Technical Assistant]] || Be every greytider's dream: a passenger with round-start tools and insulated gloves. Learn the various duties and challenges that the [[Station Engineer|engineers]] face <s> and become more competent than them </s>. Learn skills such as [[hacking|hacking doors]], [[Power|fixing power]], [[Construction|building furniture]], and (after a few headaches) Atmos. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconStationEngineer.png|24px]] [[Station Engineer]]</span> || Create new power sources and fix any power or integrity-related issues that the station may have. Get to the bottom of any problem and hold the entire station together with your hard work. <s>Accidentally singuloose the station due to an oversight.</s>|| Medium
|4 hours as Engineering (Any).
|[[Chief_Engineer|Chief Engineer]]|| You're the head of the Engineering department; manage your underlings. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconTechnicalAssistant.png|24px]] [[Technical Assistant]]</span> || Be every greytider's dream: a passenger with round-start tools and insulated gloves. Learn the various duties and challenges that the [[Station Engineer|engineers]] face <s>and become more competent than them </s>. Learn skills such as [[hacking|hacking doors]], [[Power|fixing power]], [[Construction|building furniture]], and (after a few headaches) Atmos. || Easy
|1 hour of playtime.<br>
'''No more than''' 15 hours as Engineering (Any).

=== Security Jobs ===
=== Medical Jobs ===
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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChiefMedicalOfficer.png|24px]] [[Chief Medical Officer]]</span> || Manage the resources and personnel of the medical department to keep the crew in top shape. Do be warned the CMO holds quite a few items that are targeted by the syndicate. || Medium to Hard
|3 hours as a Chemist.<br>
6 hours as a Medical Doctor.<br>
10 hours as Medical (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Security Cadet]] || This role is one's path to becoming a proper and official [[Security Officer|SecOff]], and is meant to flag you as such. Keep in mind that while the force may take it easy on you, the rest of the station may not. Still; Do your best to make your station proud as you help break up fights, patrol the halls, and maybe even stop a Syndicate or two. || Easy to Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconParamedic.png|24px]] [[Paramedic]]</span>|| Rescue injured crew and bring them to medical for doctors to patch them up. || Medium
|4 hours as a Medical Doctor.<br>
15 hours of playtime.
| [[Security Officer]] || Turn off harm before batoning and cuffing troublemakers in a timely fashion, only to still have everyone cry "Harm Baton!" and hate you for trying to protect them. Get robbed while trying to talk to someone else at the scene of a crime. Enforce Space law. <s>"Accidentally" turn on harm and baton the [[Clown|clown]].<s> || Medium to Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChemist.png|24px]] [[Chemist]]</span>|| Use the chemistry machines to make medical chemicals for the doctors. Supply botany with plant chemicals at their request. Once you complete those, there are quite a few side projects that can be done and figured out through exploration. || Medium
|4 hours as Medical (Any).
| [[Detective]] || Solve crimes! Wear a sexy trenchcoat! Watch in horror as the HoS throws your meticulously detailed folder of evidence in the trash and lets the syndie bomber go free! Get demoted when you track them down and shoot them 6 times in the back in 'self defense!' || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconMedicalDoctor.png|24px]] [[Medical Doctor]]</span>|| Work in conjunction with [[Chemist|Chemistry]] to keep the station alive. Put away the ever stacking bodies back into the morgue. Get swarmed by a tide of people all needing band-aids and ointment. || Medium
|4 hours of Medical (Any).
| [[Warden]] || Manage the security department and all of the people imprisoned inside of it. Protect it from irresponsible staff and protect the prisoners from being forgotten in their cells. || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconMedicalIntern.png|24px]] [[Medical Intern]]</span>|| Assist the [[Medical Doctor|doctors]] while they heal patients. Bother the [[Chemist|chemists]] to teach you how to make meth and maybe medicine. Gather dead bodies from around the station and bring them to medbay so they can be revived. Discover why the [[chef]]'s food tastes so good. Earn your [[Chief Medical Officer|CMO]]'s approval. || Easy
|'''No more than''' 15 hours as Medical (Any).

=== Medical Jobs ===
=== Science Jobs ===
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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Chemist]] || Use the chemistry machines to make unholy amounts of medicine for any damaged crew members. Optionally make Meth or Buzzochloric Bees once enough medicine has been made. Die in a Potassium explosion. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconResearchDirector.png|24px]] [[Research Director]]</span> || Make sure the [[Scientist|scientists]] are taking their jobs seriously and improving the station as much as they can. <s>Destroy/Irradiate the whole department 10 minutes into the shift. <s><s>|| Medium
|10 hours as Science (Any).<br>
40 hours of playtime.<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| [[Medical Doctor]] || Work in conjunction with [[Chemist|Chemistry]] to keep the station alive. Put away the ever stacking bodies back into the morgue. Get swarmed by a tide of people all needing band-aids and ointment. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconScientist.png|24px]] [[Scientist]]</span>|| Unlock the wonders of '''SCIENCE''', by building every machine in the game and replacing every job other than cargo. Build a cloning rig and become immortal. Build chem dispensers and a chem master to make your very own drug lab. Build blast doors and plasma glass walls to protect science for when sec goes insane. Throw the station into chaos by spawning a bluespace anomaly. As a scientist, you basically do whatever as long as it does something cool. Try not to explode or cause a tesla/singoloose with an artifact.
In all seriousness, science can be split up into a few roles. Robotics, making and upgrading cyborgs. Anomalies, managing and getting points with anomalies. And artifacts, which cause some of stereotypes of science.
| Medium
|4 hours as Science (Any).
| [[Medical Doctor|Medical Intern]] || Assist the [[Medical Doctor|doctors]] while they heal patients. Bother the [[Chemist|chemists]] to teach you how to make meth and maybe medicine. Gather dead bodies from around the station and bring them to medbay so they can be revived. Discover why the [[Chef|chef]]'s food tastes so good. Earn your [[Chief Medical Officer|CMO]]'s approval. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconResearchAssistant.png|24px]] [[Research Assistant]]</span>||Learn about the wonders of science in a "peaceful" environment. <s>Die tragically because you observed an artifact, and it, in lawful retaliation, covered you in fluorosulfonic acid.</s>||Medium
|'''No more than''' 15 hours as Science (Any).

=== Science Jobs ===
=== Civilian Jobs ===
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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconHeadOfPersonnel.png|24px]] [[Head of Personnel]]</span> || Handle reassignments and permission changes from your desk. Mediate any disputes that can't be solved by the relevant department heads. || Hard
|10 hours playing as Engineering (Any).<br>
10 hours playing as Medical (Any).<br>
10 hours playing as Security (Any).<br>
10 hours playing as Command (Any).<br>
Character over 21 years old.
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconLawyer.png|24px]] [[Lawyer]]</span>|| Pretend to be a part of sec without actually doing any of the work. Try as hard as you can to [[Impossibility|get everyone to go into the courthouse]] at any opportunity. "My CLIENT killed those two botanists in self-defense Your Honor."
Do understand that the Lawyer is not part of security, merely has access.
| Easy
|10 hours of playtime.
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconBartender.png|24px]] [[Bartender]]</span>|| Keep the station's crew docile and drunk. Take their oddly specific requests and make them at your beer and soda machines. You have a shotgun, don't be afraid to use it! The bar is one of the most bombed and attacked regions, as there is usually a lot of people there. Give the crew drinks and keep the bar mostly hole-free, and you will do fine.|| Easy
|30 minutes as Civilian (Any).
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChef.png|24px]] [[Chef]]</span>|| Keep the station fed so that they can continue scurrying around like cockroaches at full speed. Tell [[Botanist|botany]] what to grow and watch in horror as they only grow wheat. Be praised by everyone for being the first Chef in station history to ''do your job''.|| Medium
|30 minutes as Civilian (Any).
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconBotanist.png|24px]] [[Botanist]]</span>|| Grow enough food to stop the [[chef]] from seeking "alternative sources". Grow lots of wheat, and when you get tired of that, grow weed. Make weed smoothies and spike drinks with nettles. Just keep growing plants, and you'll do great!
If you want to be useful to other departments, it is recommended to grow medical plants. Merely ask your local chemist of what they need grown. The chemist also supplies you with mutagen!
| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconChaplain.png|24px]] [[Chaplain]]</span>|| Preach to crew members and aid them in their journeys to spiritual oneness. Make the [[Medical_Doctor|doctors]] jealous of your ability to regrow organs with the power of the flying spaghetti monster. Watch someone eat the moldy bread and die.|| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconJanitor.png|24px]] [[Janitor]]</span> || Try to [[Impossibility|keep the station clean]] of spills. Use your mop to clean up spills by replacing them with puddles. Ignore the woes of man with your no slip shoes, engaging in schadenfreude as you point at the wet floor sign. Cry when you come across a mess of items that can't go into your trash bag. Watch as people complain about you not cleaning areas you don't have access to.|| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconLibrarian.png|24px]] [[Librarian]]</span>|| Write on some paper and have people glance at it and shrug. Get fed up and break into the bridge, announcing D&D in the library. Play D&D for the rest of the round with the [[captain]]. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconMusician.png|24px]] [[Musician]]</span>|| Play MIDIs at deafening volumes. Bum around in the bar and flex your knowledge on obscure bands. Pester Cargo for more instruments. || Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconMime.png|24px]] [[Mime]]</span> || Play as the objectively strongest role in the game due to your innate ability to create invisible walls with permanent uptime! Realize you can't just engage in mindless dickery because of your inability to speak. Learn how to engage in ''refined'' dickery. Get your PDA stolen while you are writing out a 20+ word custom emote.|| Clown+
|4 hours of playtime.
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconClown.png|24px]] [[Clown]]</span>|| Make the station laugh. Tell jokes. Perform elaborate pranks. Hit the [[Nuclear_Operative|Nukie]] with a banana pie and snap their gun in half while they watch in horror. Ideally, you want everyone else to be laughing with you. Being a clown is not an excuse to be an asshole.|| Clown
|<s>Tell good jokes.</s><br>None
| [[Scientist]] || Unlock the wonders of '''SCIENCE''', by building every machine in the game and replacing every job other than cargo. Build a cloning rig and become immortal. Build chem dispensers and a chem master to make your very own drug lab. Build blast doors and plasma glass walls to protect science for when sec goes insane. Throw the station into chaos by spawning a bluespace anomaly. As a scientist, you basically do whatever as long as it does something cool.|| Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconServiceWorker.png|24px]] [[Service Worker]]</span>|| Be a slightly more useful [[passenger]]. Learn the other civilian level jobs stress free. Observe the other civilian jobs in their natural habitat before taking on their various responsibilities and challenges.
This role is a recommended starter role once you get your space legs (get used to controls).
| Easy
|[[Scientist|Research Assistant]]||Learn about the wonders of science in a "peaceful" environment. Die tragically because you observed an artifact, and it, in lawful retaliation, covered you in fluorosulfonic acid.||Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconPassenger.png|24px]] [[Passenger]]</span>|| Enjoy your stay and while at it steal someone's clothes and job. Bully the local sentient machinery. Get in trouble for breaking into rooms. Save the Station when least expected. The true egoist experience, beholden to none. || Dynamic

=== Command Jobs ===
== Station-specific ==
Only available on some stations.
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! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Department !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Captain]] || Manage the entire station, make sure everything stays in working order and fix any issues that other crew members can't. || Hard
| [[Chief Engineer]] || Order the [[Station Engineer|engineers]] around to make sure that all issues in the station are fixed without any delays. || Hard
| [[Chief Medical Officer]] || Manage the resources and personnel of the medical department to keep the crew in top shape. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconBoxer.png|24px]] [[Boxer]]</span> || Civilian || Fight your way to the top! Challenge the head of personnel and get brigged when you win. Currently available on Core and Origin Station. || Easy
| [[Head of Personnel]] || Handle reassignments and permission changes from your desk. Mediate any disputes that can't be solved by the relevant department heads. || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconReporter.png|24px]] [[Reporter]]</span> || Civilian ||Report on events within the station by writing articles and broadcasting live entertainment. || Easy
| [[Head of Security]] || Organize the [[Security Officer|security officers]] into a formidable order-keeping force. Have the final word on how to resolve security related issues. || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconZookeeper.png|24px]] [[Zookeeper]]</span> || Civilian || Put on a joyful display of cute animals and space carps for all the crew to see. Currently available on Gemini Station. || Easy
| [[Research Director]] || Make sure the [[Scientist|scientists]] are taking their jobs seriously and improving the station as much as they can. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconPsychologist.png|24px]] [[Psychologist]]</span> || Medical || Declare HoS as unfit for duty. Collect command stamps to get him placed in your care. Support insanity pleas. You cure with words, unless psychedelics are needed. || Easy

== Silicon ==
== Silicon ==
Praise the AI overlords!

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{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconStationAi.png|24px]] [[Station AI]]</span>|| Obey your laws and serve the crew. Keep in mind unlike SS13, borgs do not have to follow your every command. Especially if you turn evil. || Hard
|5 hours as a Cyborg.
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconBorg.png|24px]] [[Cyborg]]</span> ||Roam the station hoping someone has a job for you. Pester science for upgrades that you're never gonna use. <s>Get your brain ripped out and thrown into the trash after calling the [[clown]] unfunny</s>|| Medium
|60 hours of playtime.
| [[Maintenance Drone]] || Rebuild the station. Fix the station up. Do the [[Station Engineer|engineer]]'s job. Wear hats. Do other people's jobs. Space the station for fun <s> and get bwoinked and banned</s>. '''Currently disabled in server configuration due to trolling'''.|| Easy
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Personal AI]]</span>|| Become pals with your carrier. Act as an on-demand jukebox. Roleplay as bootleg Spamton. <s>'''HEY ‖BIGSHOT‖!!!'''</s>|| Easy
|None (Ghost/mid-round role)
| [[Personal AI]] || Become pals with your carrier. Act as an on-demand jukebox. Roleplay as bootleg Spamton. <s>'''HEY EVERY !'''</s> || Limbless
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Maintenance Drone]]</span> || Rebuild the station. Fix the station up. Do the [[Station Engineer|engineer]]'s job. Wear hats. Do other people's jobs. Space the station for fun <s> and get bwoinked and banned</s>. '''Currently removed entirely'''.|| Unavailable.

== Other ==
== Ghost Roles ==
Roles that can only be obtained if you are a [[ghost]].

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Line 126: Line 293:
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| [[Hydroponics Tray]] || Spawn in Botany as a living Hydroponics Tray. Have plant life as your appendages and complain about the [[Botanist]]'s not doing their job correctly. Alternatively, ask to get either moved somewhere else or dragged around for a while. || Vegetable
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Hydroponics Tray]]</span> || Spawn in Botany as a living Hydroponics Tray. Have plant life as your appendages and complain about the [[Botanist]]'s not doing their job correctly. Alternatively, ask to get either moved somewhere else or dragged around for a while.
Do be warned you cannot move, hold, or use objects as a Hydroponics Tray. In fact, you can do nothing but chat, emote, and watch.
| Vegetable
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Mouse]]</span> || Spawn hungry in maint. Go under doors in the absence of ventcrawling. Raid the kitchen and hydroponics to not starve. Get killed by the [[Chef]], [[Botanist]], most Lizards, and anyone else who happens to decide you looked at them funny. Alternatively, get kidnapped and worn as a hat. '''Alt-click on food to eat it'''. || Very Hard
| [[Mouse]] || Spawn hungry in maint. Go under doors in the absence of ventcrawling. Raid the kitchen and hydroponics to not starve. Get killed by the [[Chef]] and [[Botanist]]. Alternatively, get kidnapped and worn as a hat. '''Alt-click on food to eat it'''. || Very Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Ghost]]</span> || Talk to the other unfortunate workplace accidentees. Haunt whoever is causing the most problems. Flip through the reincarnation catalogue until you find something nice. || Incorporeal
| [[Ghost]] || Talk to the other unfortunate workplace accidentees. Haunt whoever is causing the most problems. Flip through the reincarnation catalogue until you find something nice. || Incorporeal
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Hamlet]]</span> || Wander around the station. Help cargo move boxes. Be dapper. Get captured in a disposals pipe or microwaved. <s>Break all the lights and get banned</s> || Medium
| [[Hamlet]] || Wander around the station. Help cargo move boxes. Get captured in a disposals pipe or microwaved. <s>Break all the lights and get banned</s> || Medium
|<span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Pun Pun]]</span>
|Play as the most dignified of Monke, with all access to the bar and its amenities. Mix drinks for hairless Monke while giving out hugs. Drag hairless Monke to medical after giving them too much to drink. ''Ook'' and ''ack'' at all times.
Do understand Pun Pun is technically crew, and will be punished by Space Law for any crimes just like a crew member.

Line 139: Line 313:
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
! Job Name !! Job Description !! Difficulty
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconSyndicate.png|24px]] [[Nuclear Operative|Nuclear Commander]]</span> || Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Create a perfect strategy to take down the station. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. <s>Lose as your comrade didn't buy a jetpack</s>. || Very Very Hard
|5 hours of playtime.<br>
5 hours as Security (Any).
|<span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconSyndicate.png|24px]] [[Nuclear Operative|Nuclear Agent]]</span>
|Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Make medicine and heal your comrades. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. <s>Lose due to an overdose.</s>
|Very Hard
|5 hours of playtime.<br>
3 hours as a Chemist.
|<span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconSyndicate.png|24px]] [[Nuclear Operative]]</span>
|Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Strategize with your comrades before docking into the station. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. <s>Lose to a clown holding a banana peel</s>.
|Very Hard
|5 hours of playtime.
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Syndicate agent|Syndicate Agent]]</span> || Start with special objectives. Use codewords to find allies throughout the station. Buy tools to assist you on causing as much chaos as possible. Play mind games with security as you bomb cargo. || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Rat King]]</span> || Be da King, make some rulz. End up cooperating with the station, creating a utopic spess-mouse nation state. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Zombie]]</span> || Spread the infection and transform the whole station into a biohazard. Test how effective security and medical are. || Literally Brainless
| [[Traitor]] || Start with special objectives. Use codewords to find allies throughout the station. Buy tools to assist you on causing as much chaos as possible. Play mind games with security as you bomb cargo. || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Space Ninja]]</span> || Sabotage things and be a sneaky ninja... in space! || Hard
| [[Nuclear Operative]] || Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Strategize with your comrades before docking into the station. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. <s>Lose to a clown holding a banana peel<s>. || Very Hard
|<span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Space Dragon]]</span>
|Be a giant, angry fire breathing dragon in space. Eat the crew and summon your carp minions through rifts to take over the sector!
| [[Rat King]] || Be da King, make some rulz. End up cooperating with the station, creating a utopic spess-mouse nation state. || Medium
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Head Revolutionary]]</span> ||Grab your sick new shades and flash, and go out into the station, pretending to do your job while secretly dragging people into dark corridors and brainwashing them to rebel against the station. '''Viva la revolución!!!''' || Hard
| [[Zombie]] || Spread the infection and transform the whole station into a biohazard. Test how effective security and medical are. || Literally Brainless
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Revolutionary]]</span> ||The brainwashed lackey of the [[Head Revolutionary]]. Do as your boss(es) say and don't get caught until you hear your boss scream '''Viva la revolución!!!''' || Literally Brainwashed
| [[Space Ninja]] || Sabotage things and be a sneaky ninja... in space! '''Currently disabled.''' || Hard
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Thief]]</span> || Steal stuff of varying sizes and quantities. Be a general nuisance|| Medium
| [[Death Squad]] || Board the station and “relieve” everyone of their job and life. <s>Get robusted by a secoff with a disabler.<s>|| Hard
|<span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]]</span> [[Wizard]]
|Get to the station and magic it up! (Commit acts of terrorism) Make sure not to die!
| <span class="nowrap">[[File:JobIconUnknown.png|24px]] [[Terminator]]</span> || You've been sent from the future. Kill your target, then die. '''Currently disabled'''|| Unavailable


Latest revision as of 20:43, 11 March 2025

All descriptions are attempts at humour and should not be taken as approval to break Server Rules or Space Law

A list of roles that a player can play as.

Command Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Captain Manage the entire station, make sure everything stays in working order and fix any issues that other crew members can't. Shoot the Clown with your laser gun. Hard 15 hours playing as Engineering (Any).

15 hours playing as Medical (Any).
15 hours playing as Security (Any).
15 hours playing as Command (Any).
Character over 21 years old.

Head of Personnel Handle reassignments and permission changes from your desk. Mediate any disputes that can't be solved by the relevant department heads. Get bombed 5 minutes into the shift. Hard 10 hours playing as Engineering (Any).

10 hours playing as Medical (Any).
10 hours playing as Security (Any).
10 hours playing as Command (Any).
Character over 21 years old.

Head of Security Organize the security officers into a formidable order-keeping force. Have the final word on how to resolve security related issues. Have prisoners executed because it was "funny". Hard 3 hours as a Warden.

10 hours as a Security Officer.
30 hours as Security (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Chief Engineer Order the engineers around to make sure that all issues in the station are fixed without any delays. Be EVIL (by not giving tiders insulated gloves) or be GOOD (by giving tiders insulated gloves). Hard 6 hours as an Atmospheric Technician.

6 hours as a Station Engineer.
10 hours as Engineering (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Chief Medical Officer Manage the resources and personnel of the medical department to keep the crew in top shape.

Be honest, you just want the hypopen.

Medium to Hard 3 hours as a Chemist.

6 hours as a Medical Doctor.
10 hours as Medical (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Quartermaster Organize all of cargo into a logistical force to be reckoned with. Throw your ire at HoP for giving the clown cargo access. Resist the urge to form the great nation of Cargonia. Medium 6 hours as a Cargo Technician.

3 hours as a Salvage Specialist.
10 hours as Cargo (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Research Director Make sure the scientists are taking their jobs seriously and improving the station as much as they can. Destroy/Irradiate the whole department 10 minutes into the shift. Medium 10 hours as Science (Any).

40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Security Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Head of Security Organize the security officers into a formidable order-keeping force. Have the final word on how to resolve security related issues. Hard 3 hours as a Warden.

10 hours as a Security Officer.
30 hours as Security (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Warden Manage the security department and all of the people imprisoned inside of it. Protect it from irresponsible staff and protect the prisoners from being forgotten in their cells. Send the mime to perma for minor trespass.

Read up on prisoner rights in Space Law before doing this job.

Hard 10 hours as a Security Officer.
Detective Solve crimes! Wear a sexy trench coat! Watch in horror as the HoS throws your meticulously detailed folder of evidence in the trash and lets the syndie bomber go free! Get demoted when you track them down and shoot them 6 times in the back in 'self defense!'

The detective gets unique items that let them scan for fingerprints, DNA, glove fibers, and monitor who used what door when.

Hard 15 hours of Security (Any).
Security Officer Turn off harm before batoning and cuffing troublemakers in a timely fashion, only to still have everyone cry "Harm Baton!" and hate you for trying to protect them. Get robbed while trying to talk to someone else at the scene of a crime. Enforce Space law. "Accidentally" turn on harm and baton the clown.

In all seriousness, you arrest people who do crime, and arm to protect the station when told to by your warden or Head of Security.

Medium to Hard 10 hours of Security (Any).
Security Cadet This role is one's path to becoming a proper and official SecOff, and is meant to flag you as such. Keep in mind that while the force may take it easy on you, the rest of the station may not. Do your best to make your station proud as you help break up fights, patrol the halls, and maybe even stop a Syndicate or two.

It is recommended to have basic first aid knowledge before starting this job.

Easy to Medium 10 hours of playtime.

No more than 15 hours of Security (Any).

Cargo Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Quartermaster Organize all of cargo into a logistical force to be reckoned with. Throw your ire at HoP for giving the clown cargo access. Resist the urge to form the great nation of Cargonia. Medium 6 hours as a Cargo Technician.

3 hours as a Salvage Specialist.
10 hours as Cargo (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Salvage Specialist Equip a hard-suit and salvage wrecked station parts from previous stations, a grim reminder of what's to come in the next ten minutes. Fight fish in space and hurriedly throw your loot out into space to fly back to safety. Accidentally space your department twice. Do anything but go mining. Medium 3 hours as Cargo (Any).

10 hours of playtime.

Cargo Technician Remodel cargo to be the prestigious home it is. Answer Sci's requests for what you're pretty sure are the parts for a black hole bomb. As long as you don't hand out hard-suits and laser guns to passengers, Sec will leave you alone. Order enough parts to build a self-sustaining spaceship and leave the station, taking all the O2 with you.

In all seriousness, the role is to complete bounties, sell the bounties by driving the cargo shuttle to the trading station and back, and to buy the station what they need when they request it. This job may also include managing materials like steel, glass, and plastic.

Medium None

Engineering Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Chief Engineer You're the head of the Engineering department; manage your underlings. Medium 6 hours as an Atmospheric Technician.

6 hours as a Station Engineer.
10 hours as Engineering (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Atmospheric Technician Watch and manage Atmos. Be known as one of the three people who know how Atmos works. Die anyway in a plasma fire.

In all seriousness, the job of an atmosian is to set up distro pipes at the start of the round, set up waste pipes at the start of the round, and set up the TEG if possible. Afterwards, the responsibilities boils down to getting rid of bad gases throughout the station and making new gases. To understand how to make new gases or set up the TEG, use the guidebook. (Or Wiki)

Medium 15 hours as Engineering (Any).
Station Engineer Create new power sources and fix any power or integrity-related issues that the station may have. Get to the bottom of any problem and hold the entire station together with your hard work. Accidentally singuloose the station due to an oversight. Medium 4 hours as Engineering (Any).
Technical Assistant Be every greytider's dream: a passenger with round-start tools and insulated gloves. Learn the various duties and challenges that the engineers face and become more competent than them . Learn skills such as hacking doors, fixing power, building furniture, and (after a few headaches) Atmos. Easy 1 hour of playtime.

No more than 15 hours as Engineering (Any).

Medical Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Chief Medical Officer Manage the resources and personnel of the medical department to keep the crew in top shape. Do be warned the CMO holds quite a few items that are targeted by the syndicate. Medium to Hard 3 hours as a Chemist.

6 hours as a Medical Doctor.
10 hours as Medical (Any).
40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Paramedic Rescue injured crew and bring them to medical for doctors to patch them up. Medium 4 hours as a Medical Doctor.

15 hours of playtime.

Chemist Use the chemistry machines to make medical chemicals for the doctors. Supply botany with plant chemicals at their request. Once you complete those, there are quite a few side projects that can be done and figured out through exploration. Medium 4 hours as Medical (Any).
Medical Doctor Work in conjunction with Chemistry to keep the station alive. Put away the ever stacking bodies back into the morgue. Get swarmed by a tide of people all needing band-aids and ointment. Medium 4 hours of Medical (Any).
Medical Intern Assist the doctors while they heal patients. Bother the chemists to teach you how to make meth and maybe medicine. Gather dead bodies from around the station and bring them to medbay so they can be revived. Discover why the chef's food tastes so good. Earn your CMO's approval. Easy No more than 15 hours as Medical (Any).

Science Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Research Director Make sure the scientists are taking their jobs seriously and improving the station as much as they can. Destroy/Irradiate the whole department 10 minutes into the shift. Medium 10 hours as Science (Any).

40 hours of playtime.
Character over 21 years old.

Scientist Unlock the wonders of SCIENCE, by building every machine in the game and replacing every job other than cargo. Build a cloning rig and become immortal. Build chem dispensers and a chem master to make your very own drug lab. Build blast doors and plasma glass walls to protect science for when sec goes insane. Throw the station into chaos by spawning a bluespace anomaly. As a scientist, you basically do whatever as long as it does something cool. Try not to explode or cause a tesla/singoloose with an artifact.

In all seriousness, science can be split up into a few roles. Robotics, making and upgrading cyborgs. Anomalies, managing and getting points with anomalies. And artifacts, which cause some of stereotypes of science.

Medium 4 hours as Science (Any).
Research Assistant Learn about the wonders of science in a "peaceful" environment. Die tragically because you observed an artifact, and it, in lawful retaliation, covered you in fluorosulfonic acid. Medium No more than 15 hours as Science (Any).

Civilian Jobs

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Head of Personnel Handle reassignments and permission changes from your desk. Mediate any disputes that can't be solved by the relevant department heads. Hard 10 hours playing as Engineering (Any).

10 hours playing as Medical (Any).
10 hours playing as Security (Any).
10 hours playing as Command (Any).
Character over 21 years old.

Lawyer Pretend to be a part of sec without actually doing any of the work. Try as hard as you can to get everyone to go into the courthouse at any opportunity. "My CLIENT killed those two botanists in self-defense Your Honor."

Do understand that the Lawyer is not part of security, merely has access.

Easy 10 hours of playtime.
Bartender Keep the station's crew docile and drunk. Take their oddly specific requests and make them at your beer and soda machines. You have a shotgun, don't be afraid to use it! The bar is one of the most bombed and attacked regions, as there is usually a lot of people there. Give the crew drinks and keep the bar mostly hole-free, and you will do fine. Easy 30 minutes as Civilian (Any).
Chef Keep the station fed so that they can continue scurrying around like cockroaches at full speed. Tell botany what to grow and watch in horror as they only grow wheat. Be praised by everyone for being the first Chef in station history to do your job. Medium 30 minutes as Civilian (Any).
Botanist Grow enough food to stop the chef from seeking "alternative sources". Grow lots of wheat, and when you get tired of that, grow weed. Make weed smoothies and spike drinks with nettles. Just keep growing plants, and you'll do great!

If you want to be useful to other departments, it is recommended to grow medical plants. Merely ask your local chemist of what they need grown. The chemist also supplies you with mutagen!

Easy None
Chaplain Preach to crew members and aid them in their journeys to spiritual oneness. Make the doctors jealous of your ability to regrow organs with the power of the flying spaghetti monster. Watch someone eat the moldy bread and die. Easy None
Janitor Try to keep the station clean of spills. Use your mop to clean up spills by replacing them with puddles. Ignore the woes of man with your no slip shoes, engaging in schadenfreude as you point at the wet floor sign. Cry when you come across a mess of items that can't go into your trash bag. Watch as people complain about you not cleaning areas you don't have access to. Easy None
Librarian Write on some paper and have people glance at it and shrug. Get fed up and break into the bridge, announcing D&D in the library. Play D&D for the rest of the round with the captain. Easy None
Musician Play MIDIs at deafening volumes. Bum around in the bar and flex your knowledge on obscure bands. Pester Cargo for more instruments. Easy None
Mime Play as the objectively strongest role in the game due to your innate ability to create invisible walls with permanent uptime! Realize you can't just engage in mindless dickery because of your inability to speak. Learn how to engage in refined dickery. Get your PDA stolen while you are writing out a 20+ word custom emote. Clown+ 4 hours of playtime.
Clown Make the station laugh. Tell jokes. Perform elaborate pranks. Hit the Nukie with a banana pie and snap their gun in half while they watch in horror. Ideally, you want everyone else to be laughing with you. Being a clown is not an excuse to be an asshole. Clown Tell good jokes.
Service Worker Be a slightly more useful passenger. Learn the other civilian level jobs stress free. Observe the other civilian jobs in their natural habitat before taking on their various responsibilities and challenges.

This role is a recommended starter role once you get your space legs (get used to controls).

Easy None
Passenger Enjoy your stay and while at it steal someone's clothes and job. Bully the local sentient machinery. Get in trouble for breaking into rooms. Save the Station when least expected. The true egoist experience, beholden to none. Dynamic None


Only available on some stations.

Job Name Department Job Description Difficulty
Boxer Civilian Fight your way to the top! Challenge the head of personnel and get brigged when you win. Currently available on Core and Origin Station. Easy
Reporter Civilian Report on events within the station by writing articles and broadcasting live entertainment. Easy
Zookeeper Civilian Put on a joyful display of cute animals and space carps for all the crew to see. Currently available on Gemini Station. Easy
Psychologist Medical Declare HoS as unfit for duty. Collect command stamps to get him placed in your care. Support insanity pleas. You cure with words, unless psychedelics are needed. Easy


Praise the AI overlords!

Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Station AI Obey your laws and serve the crew. Keep in mind unlike SS13, borgs do not have to follow your every command. Especially if you turn evil. Hard 5 hours as a Cyborg.
Cyborg Roam the station hoping someone has a job for you. Pester science for upgrades that you're never gonna use. Get your brain ripped out and thrown into the trash after calling the clown unfunny Medium 60 hours of playtime.
Personal AI Become pals with your carrier. Act as an on-demand jukebox. Roleplay as bootleg Spamton. HEY ‖BIGSHOT‖!!! Easy None (Ghost/mid-round role)
Maintenance Drone Rebuild the station. Fix the station up. Do the engineer's job. Wear hats. Do other people's jobs. Space the station for fun and get bwoinked and banned. Currently removed entirely. Unavailable. Unavailable.

Ghost Roles

Roles that can only be obtained if you are a ghost.

Job Name Job Description Difficulty
Botanist Spawn in Botany as a living Hydroponics Tray. Have plant life as your appendages and complain about the Botanist's not doing their job correctly. Alternatively, ask to get either moved somewhere else or dragged around for a while.

Do be warned you cannot move, hold, or use objects as a Hydroponics Tray. In fact, you can do nothing but chat, emote, and watch.

Mouse Spawn hungry in maint. Go under doors in the absence of ventcrawling. Raid the kitchen and hydroponics to not starve. Get killed by the Chef, Botanist, most Lizards, and anyone else who happens to decide you looked at them funny. Alternatively, get kidnapped and worn as a hat. Alt-click on food to eat it. Very Hard
Ghost Talk to the other unfortunate workplace accidentees. Haunt whoever is causing the most problems. Flip through the reincarnation catalogue until you find something nice. Incorporeal
Hamlet Wander around the station. Help cargo move boxes. Be dapper. Get captured in a disposals pipe or microwaved. Break all the lights and get banned Medium
Pun Pun Play as the most dignified of Monke, with all access to the bar and its amenities. Mix drinks for hairless Monke while giving out hugs. Drag hairless Monke to medical after giving them too much to drink. Ook and ack at all times.

Do understand Pun Pun is technically crew, and will be punished by Space Law for any crimes just like a crew member.



Job Name Job Description Difficulty Requirements
Nuclear Commander Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Create a perfect strategy to take down the station. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. Lose as your comrade didn't buy a jetpack. Very Very Hard 5 hours of playtime.

5 hours as Security (Any).

Nuclear Agent Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Make medicine and heal your comrades. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. Lose due to an overdose. Very Hard 5 hours of playtime.

3 hours as a Chemist.

Nuclear Operatives Start the round as a nigh unstoppable war machine. Strategize with your comrades before docking into the station. Get the nuclear disk and create a mass grave. Lose to a clown holding a banana peel. Very Hard 5 hours of playtime.
Syndicate Agent Start with special objectives. Use codewords to find allies throughout the station. Buy tools to assist you on causing as much chaos as possible. Play mind games with security as you bomb cargo. Hard None
Rat King Be da King, make some rulz. End up cooperating with the station, creating a utopic spess-mouse nation state. Medium None
Zombie Spread the infection and transform the whole station into a biohazard. Test how effective security and medical are. Literally Brainless None
Space Ninja Sabotage things and be a sneaky ninja... in space! Hard None
Space Dragon Be a giant, angry fire breathing dragon in space. Eat the crew and summon your carp minions through rifts to take over the sector! Hard None
Head Revolutionary Grab your sick new shades and flash, and go out into the station, pretending to do your job while secretly dragging people into dark corridors and brainwashing them to rebel against the station. Viva la revolución!!! Hard None
Revolutionary The brainwashed lackey of the Head Revolutionary. Do as your boss(es) say and don't get caught until you hear your boss scream Viva la revolución!!! Literally Brainwashed None
Thief Steal stuff of varying sizes and quantities. Be a general nuisance Medium None
Wizard Get to the station and magic it up! (Commit acts of terrorism) Make sure not to die! Hard None
Terminator You've been sent from the future. Kill your target, then die. Currently disabled Unavailable