Power Cells

From Space Station 14 Wiki

Power Cells

Power cells are basically just batteries, required by certain devices to function. Devices that would require batteries include flashlights, defibrillators, anomaly locators, and the Svalinn laser pipigs.

You can recharge power cells at recharging pads. Alt-click to remove power cells from items, or right click and choose eject. Do understand that battery and power cell is synonymous. This means if a cargo bounty is asking for batteries, it means power cells.

Icon Item Capacity How to acquire Rechargeable Self-Recharging
Potato battery icon Potato Battery 70 Crafted by hand. No No
Small power cell 360 Crafted in an Autolathe. Yes No
Medium power cell 720 Crafted in an Autolathe. Found in flashlights and defibrillators Yes No
High power cell 1080 Must be researched, found within sec lights. Yes No
Microreactor power cell 720 Must be researched. (Crafted in Protolathe) Yes 12 per second
Hyper power cell 1800 Found on salvaging expeditions. Yes No
Antique power cell 1200 Found on salvaging expeditions. Yes 40 per second