
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 12:54, 2 June 2022 by Eclips e69 (talk | contribs) (overhaul the page with some tips from todd on #wiki-work)

Looks like the article engineers are still writing this page. This page is a stub, meaning it is incomplete and/or lacking information.


An antagonist are typically the primary bad guy of a single round. They are usually the main form of how a round can play out, ranging from a plain ass round with nothing interesting going on, to an investigation on why someone bombed Medical, or why the there are red people outside the Bridge.

Space Station 14 is currently adding new Antagonists, and most Antagonist's you'd expect to be in SS13 are most likely not yet implemented yet. Help us at [[1]]


Hello Agent. Your codewords are: Rainbow, Combatant, Tear, Cow

A traitor is an antagonist employed by a hostile corporation. They are not Syndicate Agents, but have access to various Syndicate tools and weapons through their Uplink.

Nuclear Operative

You have been chosen to join our finest group of operators, the Syndicate Nuclear Operative strike team.

A nuclear operative is an antagonist employed by the Syndicate, presumably operatives from ERT or bored greytiders. Your objective is simple, break in and detonate the Nuclear Fission Device. Escape is optional, just get the nuke detonated