Slang: Difference between revisions

From Space Station 14 Wiki
(add tp)
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=== TC===
=== TC===
A telecrystal. Note that telepathy is frowned on.
A telecrystal. Note that telepathy is frowned on.
=== TP ===
Teleport. e.g. if CentCom teleport a player to a different location for doing something OOC.

== OOC ==
== OOC ==

Revision as of 06:41, 10 January 2023


Looks like the article engineers are still writing this page. This page is a stub, meaning it is incomplete and/or lacking information.

A list of commonly used slang by spessmen (players) in the community.


Frequently used terms In Character, this can also be used OOC.


An event hosted by an admin.


Short for Antagonists, which are specifically picked individuals designed to drive the round into chaos.


Short for Atmospherics.


A term for Atmospheric Technicians, or generally anyone who spends most of their round in Atmos.


Refers to a user who has disconnected from the game.

    • NOTE (VERY IMPORTANT): THIS PERSON CAN STILL COME BACK TO THE GAME!** Who knows? Maybe their computer crashed for a minute or two.


Short for Captain.

CentCom/Central Command

The administration branch of Nanotrasen, managing most Space Stations. Nanotrasen has other stuff to do, like wage war on the Syndicate!


Short for Chief Engineer, the head of the Engineering Department.


A term for the action of being an antag without the game specifically telling you to, which is a rulebreak.


Short for Chief Medical Officer, the head of the Medical Department.


Refers to your body being in Critical Condition, where you are horizontal and unable to move. You will slowly suffocate to death, unless someone finds you.


Short for Head of Personnel, the controller of the ID Console and head of the Service Department. Usually fully capitalized as HOP.


Short for Head of Security, the head of Security. Usually fully capitalized as HOS.


Short for Research Director, the head of the Science Department.


Short for Quartermaster, the head of Cargo.


Slang for a passenger.


An IC term representing a Game Administrator.


What the hardcore members of the Syndicate are called. They are heavily armed space terrorists who will stop at nothing to detonate a nuclear weapon on the station.


Short for Sudden Sleep Disorder - see below for definition.

Space Sleep Disorder

Commonly abbreviated as SSD. Also known as Sudden Sleep Disorder. An IC term for AFK. A virulent disease affecting spacemen far and wide, SSD causes spacemen to sleep with their eyes open, standing up.


A person who breaks the rules of the server to make the server gameplay generally shitty.


What members of the Syndicate are usually called. Top enemy of Nanotrasen, the company you work for. Syndies can be either traitors or nuclear operatives, although if they are nukeops they are usually called Nukies instead.


A team of Nuclear Operatives designated to blow the station to dust.


A Nuclear Operative who is new at being a nukie, newkie.


A fluked nuclear operation.


The company you work for.


A term to define the comedy/"random bullshit go" type of space games.


A term to define the deranged enough to work in Spess.


A telecrystal. Note that telepathy is frowned on.


Teleport. e.g. if CentCom teleport a player to a different location for doing something OOC.


Frequently used terms Out of Character, this can be in the OOC chat channel or in the Discord/Forum. Usage of this slang IC is prohibited by the rules.

AHelp/Admin Help

A chatbox which you can report rulebreaking to any online admins or the Discord.


Refers to receiving an AHelp, god bless your soul if you get one.


The baseline version of the game. Any changes to Upstream will "flow" down to all other forks of the game. All official Wizden servers work off of Upstream.


A form of insult thrown at new people in the Discord who don't know what they're talking about.


Low RolePlay servers, where roleplay rules are relaxed.


A mix between LRP and HRP, standing for Medium RolePlay. Generally you're wanting to do your role, however a strongly defined character isn't required and you should simply aim to roleplay an actual person.


High roleplay servers, where roleplay is required and you aim to actually follow the design and personality of your character (this generally includes doing your role, as your character probably wants to keep that role.) Backstory and flavortext is strongly recommended.