Traitor Uplink: Difference between revisions

From Space Station 14 Wiki
(large uplink page and edit formatting update, TODO: add images and fill in the missing uplink items from recent PRs)
m (Updating the update date, as I forgot to do so earlier. ALSO realized I did not perform a full price check (within my means), so some TC values may still be outdated.)
(256 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
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To help them achieve their objectives, some [[Antagonist|antagonists]] including [[Traitor|traitors]] and [[Nuclear_Operative|nuclear operatives]] have access to an '''uplink''' from which they can purchase all sorts of illegal goodies from [[Syndicate|The Syndicate]]. For traitors, the '''uplink''' is accessible through their PDA. Some items are only available when playing certain [[Jobs|jobs]].
To help them achieve their objectives, some [[Antagonist|antagonists]] including [[Traitor|traitors]] and [[Nuclear_Operative|nuclear operatives]] have access to an '''uplink''' from which they can purchase all sorts of illegal goodies from [[Syndicate|The Syndicate]]. For traitors, the '''uplink''' is accessible through their PDA. Some items are only available when playing certain [[Jobs|jobs]].

== Strategy ==
== Small Foreword ==
I have successfully rewritten this article so that most if not all information is updated correctly. My account name is minthydra. And my discord name is sussy bottom jeans. If any of the information provided here is incorrect, pls feel free to message me!
I love you Space Station 14 community!!
== Syndicate gear effectiveness ==
[ This video shows multiple types of armor and how effective they are.]
[ This video shows the different weaponry and other things the syndicate uplink holds.]

* Buying from the uplink makes a "cha-ching" sound. Contrary to belief, this sound is not audible to nearby players.
[ This video shows mutliple job specific items that are available for traitors with that specific job.]
* Since traitors only start with 20 TC, they must <s>neutralize</s> collaborate with other agents in order to purchase high-value uplink items.
* Purchase what you need only when you need it. Security cannot discover your uplink, but they can certainly find a weapon in or grenade your bag.

Credits to Liltenhead for these guides.

== Strategy ==
<big><u>'''FOR [[Nuclear Operative]]s PLEASE SEE HERE'''</u></big>
|Note=Looks like the article engineers are still writing this page. This page is a stub, meaning it is incomplete and/or lacking information.
* Buying from the uplink makes a "cha-ching" sound. Contrary to belief, this sound is not audible to nearby players.
* Since traitors only start with 20 TC, they must <s>neutralize</s> collaborate with other agents in order to purchase high-value uplink items, or must be wise with their budget.
* Purchase what you need only when you need it. Security can search you and certainly find a weapon or grenade your bag.
* Keep your PDA locked when you don’t need it. You can unlock it by setting the ringtone to the code you are assigned when you first roll traitor.
* <s>Spend all your TC on a surplus box only to receive syndicate stamps</s>

== Uplink Catalog ==
== Uplink Catalog ==

<!-- TODO: Put whether nukeops can buy them or not -->
<!-- TODO: Put whether nukeops can buy them or not [mostly done]-->
<!-- TODO: Add more icons -->
<!-- TODO: add the items currently not in uplink [mostly done] job specific items -->
<!-- The last update done to the below tables was on 1 December 2023-->

<!--Minthydra: completely updated all uplink pages and costs as of 28th july 2024-->
<!-- This table is generated automatically. Your changes will be overwritten whenever it is updated. -->
<!-- This table is generated automatically. Your changes will be overwritten whenever it is updated. -->
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Category !!Description !!Cost (TC)
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
||[[File:Mosin base.png|64x64px]]
|| Surplus Rifle
|| A weapon of a bygone era. A huge bolt action rifle with medicore damage and low fire rate. The weapon has a 10 round internal magazine. Its biggest upside is the cost. Fires .30 rifle ammo
|| 1
|| Yes
||[[File:E-dagger lit icon.png|64x64px]]
|| Energy Dagger
|| A pen, that upon activation, turns into an energy dagger. The energy dagger makes less noise and does less damage than a full energy sword, however, it's easier to conceal and it is much cheaper.
|| 2
|| Yes
  ||[[File:Viper base.png|64x64px]]
  ||[[File:Viper base.png|64x64px]]
  || Viper
  || Viper
  || Weapons
  || A small, easily concealable, automatic pistol chambered in .35 auto. Retrofitted with a fully automatic receiver. Use pistol magazines.
  || A small, easily concealable, but somewhat underpowered gun. Use pistol magazines (.35 auto).
|| 3
|| Yes
||[[File:Cobra Base.png|64x64px]]
|| Cobra 
  || A rugged, robust operator handgun with an inbuilt silencer. Chambered in .25 caseless, this weapon leaves no trace. Uses pistol magazines. The impact of the bullets is louder then the gun itself.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Throwing knife better.png|64x64px]]
|| throwing knives
|| A set of 4 syndicate branded throwing knives, perfect for imbedding into the body of your victims.
  || 6
  || 6
|| Yes
|| [[File:Eshield-on .png|64x64px]]
|| Energy Shield
|| A close cousin to the Energy Sword, the Energy Shield is an ignitable plasma shield that deflects almost all lasers and energy based projectiles. Additionally, like other shields, it also blocks a good portion of other incoming damage.
|| 8
|| Yes
|| Gloves of the North Star
|| A pair of blue gloves that drastically increases your punching speed. Deals brute damage.
|| 8
|| Yes
  ||[[File:Homemade energy sword.png|64x64px]]
|| Energy Sword
|| A concealable and dangerous plasma sword. Can stored and easily concealed when turned off. Has a decent chance to reflect lasers and bullets. Igniting the sword makes a loud, unmistakable sound. 
|| 8
|| Yes
  || Python
  || Python
|| Weapons
  || A loud and deadly revolver. Uses .45 Magnum, and comes loaded with AP ammo. Has an internal cylinder magazine, and must be unloaded before reloading. AP bullets ignore all damage resistance of armor.
  || A loud and deadly revolver. Uses .45 Magnum.
  || 8
  || 8
|| Yes
||[[File:Ballistic Turret toolbox.png|64x64px]]
|| Disposable Ballistic Turret
|| A yellow toolbox that, when struck, deploys into a sentry turret that targets anyone that is not apart of the syndicate. The turret fires .35 auto at slow pace with near perfect accuracy.
|| 6
|| No
|| Sniper Bundle
|| A briefcase containing a Hristov, a powerful antimaterial rifle; a box with 10 bullets, a red tie, gloves, and a lawyer suit. The Hristov has an internal magazine of 5 bullets, so you can reload this weapon twice with this bundle. Sadly one of the worst guns you can buy.
|| 12
|| Yes
|| [[File:C-20r.png|64x64px]]
|| C-20r Bundle
|| A dufflebag containing a loaded C-20r SMG and two spare magazines. The C-20r is a fast firing .35 auto SMG that automatically ejects spent magazines, reducing overall downtime between reloads.
|| 17
|| Yes
|| Double Bladed Energy Sword
|| A much more expensive counter part to the normal energy sword: with a much higher reflection chance, larger attack angle, higher structural damage, and faster swing. Makes a lot of noise when used or turned on.
|| 20
|| No
|| [[File:Bulldog.png|64x64px]]
|| Bulldog Bundle
|| A dufflebag with a loaded Bulldog shotgun, two .50 pellet drum magazines, and a .50 beanbag magazine. The Bulldog is a powerful, fast firing and fully-automatic magazine fed shotgun. This weapon performs well against most targets and is lethal in close quarters.
|| 20
|| Yes
|| [[File:China Lake.png|64x64px]]
|| [[China-lake]] Bundle
|| A dufflebag with a China-Lake grenade launcher loaded with 3 frag grenades in the internal magazine. The bag also includes 4 blast grenades and 4 frag grenades. The grenades are exclusively designed to be fired from this weapon, and sport a dangerously large area of effect. Use with caution.
|| 25
|| Yes
||[[File:L6 saw base.png|64x64px]]
  || Cobra
|| L6 Saw Bundle
  || Weapons
|| A dufflebag with a loaded L6 SAW and a spare boxmag. The L6 is a fully automatic machinegun that excels at throwing rounds down range. This weapon is very inaccurate, so tougher targets may need to be engaged in close quarters. This weapon may be wielded for slightly better accuracy. 
  || A rugged, robust operator handgun with inbuilt silencer. Use pistol magazines (.25 caseless).  
|| 30
  || 8
  || Yes
=== Ammo ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
  ||[[File:.35 loaded lethals mag.png|64x64px]]
  || Pistol Magazine (.35 auto)
  || A pistol magazine with 10 rounds of .35 auto. Compatible with the Viper and Mk 58.
|| 1
|| Yes
||[[File:.25 Caseless Loaded.png|64x64px]]
|| Pistol Magazine (.25 caseless)
|| A pistol magazine with 10 rounds of .25 caseless ammo. Compatible with the Cobra. Leaves no round casings on the floor.
|| 1
|| Yes
||[[File:.30 Lethals box loaded.png|64x64px]]
|| Box of .30 Rifle Bullets
|| A box of 50 rounds for the surplus rifle.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:.60 Ammo can.png|64x64px]]
|| Box of .60 Anti-Material Bullets
|| A box with 10 rounds for the Hristov sniper rifle.
|| 2
  || Yes
||[[File:.35 lethals amg magazine.png|64x64px]]
|| Surplus Rifle
  || SMG Magazine
  || Weapons
  || A SMG Magazine with 30 rounds of .35 Auto. Compatible with the C-20r and Drozd.
  || Imagine a gun used in WW1, except now it's in space, it's slow, doesn't hurt much, but really cheap.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:Speedloader45.png|64x64px]]
  || Energy Sword
|| Speed Loader (.45 magnum AP)
  || Weapons
|| A speedloader for .45 caliber revolvers. Comes with 6 Armor Piercing (AP) rounds. AP ammunition completely ignores the damage resistance of a target's armor, making them potentially easier to kill.
  || Basically a lightsaber, can be activated or deactivated, makes a LOT of noise.
|| 3
  || 6
|| Yes
  || Ammo Bundle
  || A dufflebag containing four .35 auto SMG magazines, four .50 pellet drum mags, and two L6 SAW mag boxes. An efficient and must have purchase for sustaining the war against Nanotrasen.
|| 15
|| Yes†
=== Explosives ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| Flashbang
|| A flashbang. Temporarily blinds people without proper eye protection and drastically reduces their speed for a moderate duration. Impressive area of effect.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Smoke grenade.png|64x64px]]
|| smoke grenade
|| A grenade that releases a huge cloud of smoke, concealing your identity and allowing you to make a getaway after bombing med bay for the fifth time!
|| 1
|| Yes
|| EMP Grenade
|| A throwable grenade with a nonlethal effect. The explosion instantly drains all batteries and device charges within the area of effect. People caught within the explosion are not able to use their earpiece for a short duration. Moderate effect range.
|| 2
  || Yes
  ||[[File:Composition C4.png|64x64px|]]
|| Energy Dagger
  || C4
  || Weapons
  || An explosive device that can be attached to walls, dealing high structural damage without spacing the floor. Good for breaching walls and destroying machines. Can be set to have a variable time trigger (minimum 10 seconds) or linked to a remote detonator. The device is armed when it is planted. Moderate explosive range.
  || A pen that upon activation turns into an energy dagger, makes a bit less noise than the sword.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:GrenadeWhiteHole.png|64x64px]]
  || Fire Axe
|| Whitehole Grenade
  || Weapons
  || A grenade that repels everything not bolted down away from the center of the "explosion". The repelling force is moderately strong, and most humanoids can't walk thru singularity of the grenade. However, the grenade does no damage, does not spill any containers, and has a short duration. Does not explode.
  || A fireaxe that sets targets on fire upon attacking.
|| 3
  || 10
|| Yes
|| [[File:Fire grenade.png|64x64px]]
|| incendiary grenade
|| Releases a spray of incendiary fragments, igniting anyone near the detonation area.
|| 4
|| Yes
||[[File:Explosive pen B.png|64x64px]]
  || Exploding Pen
  || A small, easily concealable pen with an explosive inside it. It has a very small blast radius; however, the explosive is able to critically injure any unarmored target at the center of the blast. Unlike most other grenades, the pen does not emit a beeping noise when armed.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Sharp grenade.png|64x64px]]
|| shrapnel grenade
|| Launches a spray of sharp fragments dealing great damaged against unarmored targets.
  || 4
|| Yes
  ||[[File:Explosive Grenade.png|64x64px]]
  || Explosive Grenade
  || Explosive Grenade
  || Explosives
  || A 3.5 second fuse high explosive grenade. Deals low structural damage, but deals lethal damage against most foes caught within the blast. Moderate blast range.
|| An explosive oriented more to spessman damage rather than structural.
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes
  ||[[File:Grenade penguin icon.png|64x64px]]
  || flashbang
|| Grenade Penguin
  || Explosives
|| A grenade that takes the form of an aggressive penguin that explodes upon death, or when it meets the end of its fuse. The Penguin ignores syndicate agents. The grenade has a small, but lethal blast range.
  || A flashbang, not uplink exclusive.
|| 5
  || 2
  || Yes
  || Electrical Disruptor Kit
  || A large cardboard box that contains 3 EMP grenades and an EMP implanter, for an effective total of 6 EMP explosives. Buying this bundle would save you 3 telecrystals when compared to buying the items individually.  
  || 6
|| Yes
|| Syndicate minibomb
  || Supermatter Grenade
  || Explosives
  || A grenade that creates a strong gravity well that sucks anything nearby into a vortex. The effect finishes with a powerful explosion, with a yield similar to a minibomb. Has a high chance of tossing matter out of the vortex, which reduces its potential lethal effect.  
  || A bomb stronger than the explosive grenade at a higher cost, can space areas.
  || 6
  || 6
|| Yes
  ||[[File:Syndicate minibomb.png|64x64px]]
|| Grenade Penguin
  || Syndicate Minibomb
  || Explosives
  || A powerful explosive with incredible damage, but limited by its small blast radius. A perfect tool designed for destroying a machine, a body, or whatever else needs to go. 5 second fuse time.
  || A grenade that takes the form of an agressive penguin that explodes upon death or the end of the countdown.
  || 6
  || 6
|| Yes
  || [[File:Cluster.png|64x64px]]
  || C4
|| cluster grenade
  || Explosives
|| Three explosive grenades bundled together, the grenades get launched after the 3.5 second timer runs out.
  || An explosive that can be attached to walls, deals high structural damage.
Watch as all three grenades perfectly bounce back right back at you!
  || 2
|| 8
  || Yes
  || Syndicate Bomb
  || A large, difficult to defuse bomb that detonates in a huge, structurally devastating explosion if not disarmed in time. A useful and lethal distraction with a 180 second timer. Starts unanchored when purchased, but bolts upon being armed. Makes a dreaded beeping noise as the timer goes down.  
  || 11
|| Yes
|| Grenadier Chest Rig
|| A tactical chest rig stuffed with explosive devices. This web vest contains
* 4 Explosive grenades
* 2 Syndicate minibombs
* 2 EMP grenades
and saves 20 TC in total cost for the explosives.
|| 12
|| Yes†
  || [[File:Syndicate explosive bag.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate C-4 Bundle
  || Syndicate C-4 Bundle
|| Explosives
  || A bundle of 8 C-4 explosives. Comes with a free blood red dufflebag.
  || A bundle of C-4 contining 8 C-4 explosives.
  || 12
  || 12
|| Yes
=== Wearables ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| [[File:Syndie headset.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Over-Ear Headset
|| A not-so-subtle blood red headset. Comes with a syndicate encryption key, and can support 4 other encryption keys being inserted into it.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Syndie holster.png|64x64px]]
|| Shoulder Holster
|| Red shoulder straps that can hold 7 slots of normal sized weapons and ammo.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Grendair chest rig.png|64x64px]]
|| Chest Rig
|| Explosion-resistant tactical webbing used for holding traitor goods.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Syndi backpack.png|64x64px]]
  || Pistol Magazine (.35 auto)
|| Syndicate backpack
  || Ammo
|| Lightweight explosion-proof a backpack for holding various traitor goods.
  || A magazine for .35 auto caliber weapons.
  || 2
  || Yes
|| [[File:Nukie visor.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Visor
  || The syndicate's professional heads-up display, designed for better detection of fellow syndicate agents. Proceed to chinalake them anyway!
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:Syndi eva.png|64x64px]]
|| Pistol Magazine (.25 caseless)
  || Syndicate EVA Bundle
  || Ammo
  || A dufflebag that contains an EVA suit, helmet, gasmask and double emergency oxygen tank. Offers no protection asides from space.
  || A magazine for .25 caseless caliber weapons.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Insuls.png|64x64px]]
|| Speed Loader (.45 magnum)
  || Conducting Gloves
  || Ammo
  || Looks exactly like insulated gloves, but shocks you far worse than if you had nothing at all! Best given as a gift to a passenger you really don't like.
  || A speedloader package for .45 caliber weapons.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:White shoes.png|64x64px]]
|| Box of .30 Rifle Magazines
  || No Slip Shoes
  || Ammo
  || A pair of chameleon shoes that protects you from slipping. A deceptively powerful item.
  || A box of cartridges for the surplus rifle.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:Syndie jetpack.png|64x64px]]
  || Holoparasite Kit
  || Black Jetpack
  || Utility
  || A black and red jetpack that allows you to fly in space.
  || An item you can use on a person to grant them a holoparasite, said holoparasite is a ghostrole that shares damage with the host, can be summoned or unsummoned and can punch stuff.
  || 2
  || 14
  || Yes
|| [[File:Gas mask.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Shoulder Holster
  || Voice Mask
  || Utility
  || A chameleon tech gasmask that can alter the wearer's voice to sound like anyone they want.  
  || A belt slot item capable of containing ammunition and weapons, has 60 storage units.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:Webvest.png|64x64px]]
|| Emag
  || Web Vest
|| Utility
  || A armor vest that provides strong ballistic protection, and serviceable protection against slashing and blunt attacks. Webbing provides internal pockets with similar space to a jacket. Does not protect against space.
|| The emag is an item that can be used on access-locked objects to "break" the access lock and do some side-functions, like bolting doors open or granting soda dispensers more beverage options.
|| 8
|| Agent ID Card
  || Utility
  || A passenger ID card that can copy accesses from other cards and change its name and job title at-will.
  || 3
  || 3
|| Yes
|| [[File:Carp suit.png|64x64px]]
|| Black Jetpack
  || Carp Hardsuit
  || Utility
  || An ordinary carp suit now with space faring capabilities, so that you can fully make your carp dream come true!!!
  || A black jetpack. It allows you to fly around in space. Additional fuel not included.
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes
  || [[File:Duffle.png|64x64px]]
|| Reinforcement Teleporter
  || Chameleon Kit
  || Utility
  || A backpack full of chameleon tech clothing and accessories. Chameleon tech allows the user to change the appearance of the related item, allowing them to disguise as any job on the station, and more. Synergies well with an Agent ID.  
  || An item that upon activation enables a ghostrole of a budget syndicate agent; they have a knife, a viper, look like an operative and will do your bidding till their death.
  || 4
  || 25
|| Yes
|| Syndicate Overear-Headset
  || [[File:Blood red mag boots.png|64x64px]]
  || Utility
  || Blood Red Magboots
  || A headset with 3 slots for encryption keys.
  || Mag boots that prevent slipping. Has an integrated jetpack with a low amount of fuel. Magboots only slow the user down slightly when active.  
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Thiefing gloves.png|64x64px]]
|| Hypopen
  || Thieving Gloves
  || Utility
  || A pair of black gloves that greatly aid in one's thieving skills. Allows the thief to discreetly pick items off a target without alerting the victim. Gloves are not insulated, and do not support chameleon technology.  
  || A hypospray that looks just like a pen, can store 10u of any chemical and fits into your PDA.
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Blood red.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Syndicate Hardsuit]]
|| A dufflebag that contains the infamous blood-red hardsuit used by Syndicate operatives. Lightweight with robust armor. Also comes with some gloves, a gasmask and an airtank. 
|| 8
|| Yes
|| [[File:Raid.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Syndicate raid suit]]
|| A dufflebag that contains the newly devised syndicate raid suit. Capable of sustaining heavy damage with minimal slowdown. Space faring ability not included any and all harm from doing so is liable solely on the user please contact 1900 donk co for any complaints. Also comes with some gloves, a gasmask and a sick helmet. 
|| 8
|| Yes†
|| [[File:Jug suit.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Cybersun Juggernaut Suit]]
|| A super heavy suit that, by the name implies, will make you a walking juggernaut. The only thing that will be slowing you down is the suit. And tasers. And poison. Space capable, but does not come with an airtank or gasmask.
|| 12
|| Yes
|| [[File:Elite hardsuit.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Syndicate Elite Hardsuit]]
|| A dufflebag that contains An elite version of the blood-red hardsuit, with improved mobility and fireproofing. Property of the gorlex marauders.. Also comes with some gloves, a gasmask and an airtank. 
|| 12
|| Yes
=== Chemicals ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
  || Voice Mask
  || Utility
  || A gas mask that upon configuration changes your identity revealed through speech to whatever you configure it to.
|| [[File:Dart red.png|64x64px]]
|| Hypo Dart
|| markable dart with an enlarged reservoir for chemicals. It can store up to 7u of reagents in itself, and instantly inject when it hits the target. Starts empty.
A syndicates best friend for dealing with deathsquad scum.
|| 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Closedsyndismokes.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Smokes Packet
  || A pack of 5 cigarettes, infused with nicotine and omnizine. Smoking these cigarettes will slowly heal your wounds over time.
  || 2
  || Yes
|| [[File:Vials.png|64x64px]]
|| Chemical Synthesis Kit
  || A starter kit for the aspiring chemist, includes 3 vials of vestine, a beaker, and a set of chemist goggles. Perfect for all your lexorin foam grenade needs!
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Stimpen.png|64x64px]]
|| Hyperzine Injector
|| A stimulant injector, containing 30u of hyperziene enough chems to keep you running fast and resistant to stuns for 30 seconds. Unlike other stimulants, this chemical mix does not poison you and can keep you alive in dire situations.  
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes
  || [[File:Medipen.png|64x64px]]
  || C-20r Bundle
  || Combat Medipen
  || Bundles
  || A combat injector containing 25u of Omninzine and 5u of Tranexamic Acid. This will stop bleeding and heal all types of injuries.
  || A bundle with the C-20r SMG and 3 magazines to said SMG.
  || 4
  || 25
  || Yes
  || [[File:Combatkit vis.png|64x64px]]
|| Bulldog Bundle
  || Combat Medical Kit
  || Bundles
  || A black medical kit with  
  || A bune with the Bulldog shotgun, a beanbag drum and 2 buckshot drums to said shotgun.
* 10 Medicated sutures
  || 25
* 10 Regenerative meshes
* 1 Epinephrine pen
* 1 Bicardine pen
* 1 Dermaline pen
More than enough chems and bandages to keep you in the fight.  
  || 5
|| Yes
  || [[File:Nocturne.png|64x64px]]
|| China-Lake Bundle
  || Nocturine Bottle
  || Bundles
  || A 30u bottle filled with Nocturine, a chemical that forces sleep if over 8 units of the reagent is in the system.
  || A bundle with an old China-Lake grenade launcher bundled with 8 rounds of various destruction capability.
  || 6
  || 30
|| Yes
||[[File:L6 saw base.png|64x64px]]
|| [[File:Energy Dagger.png|64x64px]]
  || L6 Saw Bundle
  || Hypopen
  || Bundles
  || A miniature hypospray that's disguised as a pen. Capable of holding 10u of reagent and able to instantly inject 5u at a time. Able to be hidden inside a PDA.
  || A bundle with the L6 LMG, bundled with 2 box magazines to said LMG.
  || 6
  || 40
  || Yes
|| [[File:Stimpack kit.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Zombie Bundle
  || Hyperziene Injector Kit
  || Bundles
  || A white medkit containing 6 microinjectors. Each injector contains 15u of hyperzine and has about half the duration of a full injector.
  || An all-in-one kit for unleashing the undead upon a station.
  || 12
  || 40
  || Yes
|| [[File:Medical syndie duffle.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Surplus Crate
  || Medical Bundle
  || Bundles
  || A dufflebag containing a combat medkit, a defibrillator, three combat medipens, some latex gloves, and a syringe of tranexamic acid and hyroalin. A powerful purchase for a savvy Agent.  
  || Contains 50 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. It can be useless junk or really good, some items are not in it.
  || 20
  || 20
|| Yes†
  || [[File:ZombieIcon.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Super Surplus Crate
  || Syndicate [[Zombie]] Bundle
  || Bundles
  || An all-in-one kit for unleashing the undead upon a station. Comes with one syringe of Romerol, a python loaded with .45 Magnum, a box of .45 Incendiary ammo, One Ambuzol+ Pill, and three Ambuzol regular pills.  
|| Contains 125 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items, some items are not in it.
  || 40
  || 40
|| Yes†
=== Deception ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| [[File:Overpriced pen (why).png|64x64px]]
|| Cybersun Pen
|| A High-tech pen with a diamond edged tip. A serviceable and concealable melee weapon that doubles as a screwdriver and a functional pen. Maybe ineffective against armored opponents.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Robotics label.png|64x64px]]
|| Binary Translator Key
|| Allows you to listen and communicate onto the Silicon's binary channel, a network utilized by AI and cyborgs. Not recommended to communicate on this channel without a voice changer.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| Fake Nuclear Disk
|| A fake nuclear disk that looks like and has the same description as the real nuclear disk. Can only be identified by attempting to insert it into the nuke, scanning it with an appraisal tool, or, more commonly, using the pinpointer.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| Extra-Bright Lantern
|| An extremely bright lantern that can also be actively used as a flash. Holds 15 charges.
|| 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Synd label.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Encryption Keys
|| A box with two encryption keys that grant access to the Syndicate radio frequency. These keys can be inserted into the vast majority of earpieces. Give one to a trusted friend to communicate discreetly!
|| 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Id card.png|64x64px]]
|| Agent ID Card
|| A special ID card that can copy the accesses from other ID cards. With this card, you can change your ID name, job title, and job icon at will .
|| 3
|| Yes
|| [[File:Lobbying Bundle visible.png|64x64px]]
|| Lobbying Bundle
|| A brown briefcase with
* 30,000 Spessos
* A syndicate encryption key
* Syndicate red phone
* Jensen coat
* Tacticool jumpsuit
* Combat gloves
* A syndicate hand flag
This bundle is for when you're either really good for words or just need to buy a few guns with benefits.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:BombSyndicate.png|64x64px]]
|| Decoy Syndicate Bomb
|| A training bomb stolen from sec and repainted to look like the real thing! Has the same amount of wires as the real thing albeit with a tiny explosion.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Cardboard.png|64x64px]]
|| Stealth Box
|| A cardboard box outfitted with stealth technology. Has a stealth distortion field that weakens with movement. You can fit 4 people inside of one stealth box.
|| 5
|| Yes
|| [[File:Decoy kit.png|64x64px]]
|| Decoy Kit
|| State-of-the-art distraction technology straight from RND. Comes with 5 realistic balloons, four decoy grenades and some snap poppers!
|| 6
|| Yes
|| [[File:Chamelon.png|64x64px]]
|| Chameleon Projector
|| Disappear in plain sight by creating a hologram of an item around you. Do not use this to play the game "Object Search".
|| 7
|| Yes
=== Disruption  ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
||[[File:Nukie soap.png|64x64px]]
|| Soap
|| A red soap bar, engraved with syndicate markings. A powerful slipping device, with a higher slipping velocity and stun time than most other soaps due to its suspicious ingredients.
|| 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Syndie toolbox.png|64x64px]]
|| Toolbox
|| A suspicious black and red toolbox that contains insulated black gloves, a syndicate gasmask (which functions as a welding mask), and a full set of tools. The toolbox also functions as a powerful blunt weapon.
|| 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:JOL.png|64x64px]]
|| Suspicious Toolbox
  || Jaws of Life
  || Tools
  || A tool that can pry open any door on the station that's not bolted; however, it takes a few moments to work. This tool makes a loud and distinct sound when it forces open a door.  
  || A suspicous toolbox with the full set of tools, combat gloves, a syndicate gas mask and a shoulder holster, it also hits really hard.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Carpplush.png|64x64px]]
|| Dehydrated Space Carp
|| Just add water to have your very own hungry space carp. You must pet the carp prior to re-hydration to be immune to its vengeance.
|| 2
|| No
|| [[File:Nukie soap.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Jaws of Life
  || Slipocalypse Clustersoap
  || Tools
  || Scatters around small pieces of syndicate-brand soap after being thrown, these pieces of soap evaporate after 60 seconds.
  || A Jaws of Life under the Syndicate brand, can pry open powered doors with a long do-after, weighs a lot.
kinda looks like pieces of bubble gum.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:Radio jammer.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Surgical Duffel Bag
|| Radio Jammer
  || Tools
|| A device that will prevent any nearby outgoing radio communications when activated. Has a medium battery with about 100 seconds of use. 
  || A large duffel bag containing a full set of advanced surgical tools.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Syndicateborgbomb.png|64x64px]]
|| Martyr Cyborg Module
|| Turn your emagged borg friend into a walking bomb!
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Medical syndie duffle.png|64x64px]]
  || Surgical Duffel Bag
  || A dufflebag that contains a fullset of advance surgery tools. Currently, surgery hasn't been implemented, so the most impressive tool from this bundle is the circular saw.
  || 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Syndicate borg module.png|64x64px]]
|| Weapon Cyborg Module
|| This module will give a cyborg an reachable viper and energy dagger.
  || 5
  || 5
|| Yes
|| [[File:Powersink.png|64x64px]]
  || Power Sink
  || Power Sink
  || Tools
  || A device that drains a lot of power from the station before exploding. Must be anchored onto a wire to drain power.  
|| Can be wrenched onto HV wires, if done so it drains power from the grid the HV wire is on, explodes after a long while of sucking up power.
  || 8
  || 8
|| Yes
|| [[File:Emag.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Cryptographic Sequencer]] (EMAG)
|| The all-in-one hacking solution. Breaks doors, jailbreaks machines, mind control cyborgs, and more! Has three charges that regenerate over time.
|| 8
|| Yes
|| [[File:Singularity beacon.png|64x64px]]
|| Singularity Beacon
|| A device that attracts singularities. Has to be anchored and powered. Causes singularities to grow when consumed. CAUTION may blow up when damaged.
|| 12
|| Yes
|| Dehydrated Space Carp
|| Tools
=== Implants ===
|| Looks like a plush toy carp, but just add water and it becomes a real-life space carp!
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|| 3
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| Packet of Gatfruit Seeds
|| Job
|| A packet of seeds that grow into Gatfruit, said Gatfruit just so happens to have a .45 magnum "Predator" inside of it.
|| 6
|| Necronomicon
|| Job
|| An unholy book capable of summoning a demonic familiar.
|| 6
|| [[File:Microbomb.png|64x64px]]
  || Chameleon Kit
  || Micro Bomb Implanter
  || Armor
  || Explode on death or manual activation with this implant. Destroys the body along with all equipment worn.
  || A backpack containing a full set of Chameleon clothing, said Chameleon clothing can be configured to look like ANY clothing in existence.
  || 2
  || 6
  || Yes†
  || [[File:Portal.png|64x64px]]
|| No-Slip Shoes
  || EMP Implanter
  || Armor
  || An implanter that, once injected, gives the user the ability to unleash a small EMP burst that disables all nearby electrical devices like an EMP grenade. Has three uses.
  || These protect you from slips while looking like normal sneakers.
  || 2
  || 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Implanter0.png|64x64px]]
|| Thieving Gloves
  || Death Acidifer Implant
  || Armor
  || Completely melts the user including all of their equipment on use or death. Suspiciously only used after most operatives have been stripped.
  || These gloves look exactly like normal black gloves, except they allow you to strip; and thus steal objects from people faster.  
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes†
  || [[File:Box of doom.png|64x64px]]
|| Web Vest
  || Box of Deathrattler Implants
  || Armor
  || A cardboard box with 5 death rattler implants and 5 GPS devices. Death rattlers give a notification on the syndicate radio comms when an implanted user goes critical or perishes, and provides GPS coordinates.  
  || A synthetic armor vest. Looks almost like a kevlar vest but protects you more, and has 10u of item storage.
  || 4
  || 4
|| Yes†
|| [[File:Implanter0.png|64x64px]]
|| DNA Scrambler
|| An implanter that, once injected, allows the user to instantly randomize their phenotype on demand. The user retains their basic race, however, all other attributes will be randomized including name, gender, skin tone, and hair. Your new identity will not be on the manifest.
|| 5
|| Yes
|| [[File:Freedom.png|64x64px]]
|| Freedom Implanter
|| An implanter that, once injected, allows the user to escape cuffs up to three times on demand.
|| 5
|| Yes
|| [[File:Portal.png|64x64px]]
|| Scram Scrambler
|| A 2-use implant which teleports you within a large radius. Attempts to teleport you onto a unobstructed tile. Whether that tile is next to your fellow operatives or inside a minibomb is up to the gods to decide.
|| 6
|| Yes
  || [[File:Grey backpack.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Hardsuit Bundle
  || Storage Implanter
  || Armor
  || An implanter that, once injected, allows the user to access a subdermal storage bag that can hold up to 9 grids.
  || A bundle containing a Syndicate hardsuit with high damage resistances, no slowdown, and EVA compatibility. Makes you valid.
  || 8
  || 8
|| No
  || [[File:Microbomb.png|64x64px]]
|| Blood-Red Magboots
  || Macro Bomb Implanter
  || Armor
  || An implanter that, once injected, will cause the user to detonate in a large explosion upon death. Large area of effect and large potential for team fragging. Use with caution. 5 second fuse time after flat lining.
  || A pair of Syndicate brand magboots, as any pair of magboots it allows you to walk with gravity in places without gravity.
  || 13
  || 2
|| Yes†
  || [[File:Holoparasite .png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate EVA Bundle
  || Holoparasite Kit
  || Armor
  || A cardboard box containing a Holoparasite Injector, terms and service, and a troublemaker's softcap. A holoparasite is a sentient guardian, capable of punching at rapid speeds. The parasite can remain inside the host, or can be deployed to a short distance. The parasite shares damage with its host.
  || A bundle containing the Syndicate EVA suit, this one is a wee bit better than NT's, but still sucks. Makes you valid but not as valid.
  || 14
  || 2
|| No
|| Cybersun Juggernaut Suit
|| Armor
|| One of the strongest hardsuits in the game that reduces damage intake and your movement speed by a tonne.
=== Allies ===
|| 12
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| Cybersun Pen
|| Misc
|| A cybersun pen is an all-in-one pen, melee weapon, pickaxe, screwdriver and fountain pen competition.
|| 4
|| [[File:Syndicate-icon-pai-off.png|64x64px]]
|| Fake Nuclear Disk
  || Syndicate pAI
  || Misc
  || A blood-red personal AI device. The perfect companion for when you're on the run. Comes equipped with access to the Syndicate communication network. Usefulness not guaranteed.
  || A fake nuclear disk that looks and has the same examine information as the real nuclear disk, can only be identified the nuke, appraise or pinpointer way.
  || 1
  || 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Old-radio-syndicat.png|64x64px]]
|| SyndiCat Teleporter
|| Call in a handy cat equipped with a microbomb implant. Explodes when seriously injured. Can bite painfully.
Mrrowow :3
|| 6
|| Yes
|| [[File:Old-radio-ancestor.png|64x64px]]
|| Monkey Reinforcement Teleporter
|| Call in a trained monkey to assist you. Comes with some drip and a cigarette. Monkey agents are supposed to follow your orders. Results may vary.
|| 6
|| Yes
|| [[File:Old-radio-urist.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Reinforcement Teleporter]]
|| A radio that calls in a specialized agent of variable quality. They come in three flavors medic, spy, and thief and are all equipped with a Viper, Combat Knife and carp plush. It is their job to assist you in whatever operation or objectives you are campaigning on.
|| 14
|| No
|| [[File:Old-radio-nukeop.png|64x64px]]
|| [[Nuclear Operative]] Reinforcement
|| A radio that calls in a [[Nuclear Operative]] of variable quality. They come equipped with a [[Syndicate Hardsuit]], Death Acidifier, Pin pointer, Viper, Nukie gas mask, Combat gloves, Chest rig, Combat Knife and carp plush. It is their job to assist you in whatever operation or objectives you are campaigning on.
|| 35
|| Yes†
|| [[File:Old-radio-borg-assault.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Assualt Cyborg Teleporter
|| A lean, mean killing machine with access to an Energy Sword, LMG, Cryptographic Sequencer, and a Pinpointer.
Dont forget welding fuel!!!
|| 65
|| Yes†
=== Surplus Crates ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| [[File:Syndie crate.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Surplus Crate
|| Contains 50 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. It can be useless junk or really good. Some items are blacklisted from the surplus crates. If you feel always having the same plan is bland, buy this. (And probably regret it.)
|| 20
|| No
|| [[File:Syndie crate.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Super Surplus Crate
|| Contains 125 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. Requires the pooling of at least two "cooperating" syndicate agents to purchase.
|| 40
|| No
=== Job Specific ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!Job
  || Syndicate Smokes Packet
  || Misc
  || [[File:Banana Peel.png|64x64px]]
  || A pack of 6 cigarettes infused with omnizine, which will heal you upon smoking them.
  || Explosive Banana Peel
  || A banana, that once peeled at set, explodes and deals a minor amount of damage.  
  || 2
  || 2
|| Clown
|| [[File:Hot potato.png|80x80px]]
|| Hot Potato
|| A special grenade with a long fuse. This grenade sticks to your hands, and constantly burns you until you hit somebody else with it, passing the curse off to them. The Hot Potato can accumulate a lot of heat damage before detonating. The timer is two minutes long, after which the explosion deals a lot of damage in a small area of effect.
|| 4
|| Chef, Botanist, Clown, Mime
  || [[File:Necronomicon.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Soap
  || Necronomicon
  || Misc
  || A book that is capable of summoning a demonic familiar, Cerberus, which is a ghost role. Cerberus is supposed to follow your commands.
  || A bar of soap with a high launching distance and a long stun duration.
|| 4
  || 1
  || Chaplain
  || [[File:Chimpbase.png|64x64px]]
  || Extra-Bright Lantern
  || CHIMP Handcannon upgrade chip
  || Misc
  || Once inserted into a CHIMP Handcannon, it allows the device to fire Omega particles. Omega particles can cause anomalies to go super critical, and they deal a moderate amount of burn damage on hit.
  || An extremely bright lighter that also works as a 15-use flash.
  || 4
  || 2
  || Scientist
  || [[File:Wetfloorsign.png|64x64px]]
|| Nocturine Bottle
  || Proximity Mine
  || Misc
  || A mine disguised as a wet floor sign. It has a large blast radius and does just enough damage to critically injure somebody not wearing armor.
  || A 30u bottle filled with Nocturine, a chemical that forces sleep if administered 8 units.
  || 5
  || 5
|| Janitor
  || [[File:Blue boxing gloves.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Segway
|| Rigged boxing gloves
  || Misc
|| Blue boxing gloves that deals high stamina damage and respectable brute damage. You can effectively stun lock a lone target with these gloves.
  || A crate shipment with a Syndicate Segway and keys to it, said Segway is one of the faster vehicles in the game.
|| 5
  || 5
|| Passenger, Boxer
|| [[File:Gatfruit seed.png|64x64px]]
|| Packet of Gatfruit Seeds
|| This packet of seeds slowly grows a tree that produces Gatfruit that, upon consumption, yields a Python with 6 rounds of .45 ammunition.
|| 6
|| Botanist
|| [[File:Monkey cube box.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Sponge Box
|| A box of 6 monkey cubes that, once rehydrated, transforms into a random hostile wildlife creature.
|| 7
|| Zookeeper, Science department, Chef
|| [[File:Capgun.png|64x64px]]
  || Fake Cap Gun
  || A disguised cap gun loaded with .45 Magnum Armor Piercing. Can fire both magnum rounds and cap gun rounds. Despite being a clown exclusive item, clowns cannot use this weapon, since it is a lethal firearm.
|| 9
|| Clown, Mime
|| [[File:Holoclown statue.png|64x64px]]
|| Holoclown kit
|| A clown exclusive holo-parasite. Functions similarly to a normal holoparasite, however, it has two pocket slots and a hand slot. Cannot use guns. 
|| 12
|| Clown
|| [[File:Holy hand grenade.png|64x64px]]
|| Holy Hand Grenade
|| 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' Massive area of effect and damage with a short fuse. Spaces rooms and destroys walls. The grenade glows bright white, and it sings when armed. Does not deal enough damage to gib by itself.  
  || 20
|| Chaplain
|| Cap Gun
|| Pointless
=== Pointless ===
|| A toy revolver for 4 TC, that's it, not uplink exclusive either.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|| 4
!class="unsortable"|Image !!Name !!Description !!Cost (TC) !!NukeOps
|| Syndicate Rubber Stamp
|| Pointless
|| You ever wanted to show off the Syndicate logo? Well now you can!
|| 2
  || Cat Ears
  || [[File:NB.png|64x64px]]
  || Pointless
  || Syndicate Snack Box
  || UwU
  || A harmless, but nukie themed lunchbox with a random toy and some suspicious drinks and snacks.
  || 26
  || 1
  || Yes
  || [[File:Sissorcs.png|64x64px]]
|| Outlaw's Hat
  || Barber Scissors
  || Pointless
  || A hat that makes you look like you carry a notched pistol, numbered one and nineteen more.
  || 1
  || 1
|| Yes
  || [[File:Outlaw glasses.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndicate Pyjama Duffel Bag
  || Outlaw Glasses
  || Pointless
  || A silly glasses and mustache combo. An essential pick for any serious undercover operation. 
  || Contains 3 pairs of syndicate pyjamas and 3 plushies for the ultimate sleepover.
  || 1
  || 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Outlaw hat.png|64x64px]]
|| Outlaw Hat
|| A black brimmed outlaw hat, perfect for challenging any head to a duel right before 12pm.
|| 1
  || Yes
  || [[File:Syndiesuit.png|64x64px]]
  || Clown Costume Duffel Bag
  || Operative Jumpsuit / Jumpskirt
  || Pointless
  || A cool black and tan jumpsuit used by syndicate operatives. Provides no statistical advantages over a normal jumpsuit. Does not have integrated vitals or coordinate sensors.
  || Contains a complete Clown outfit. Includes PDA and service radio.
  || 1
  || 4
  || Yes
  || [[File:Syndie scarf.png|64x64px]]
|| Operative Jumpsuit
  || Striped Syndicate Scarfs
  || Pointless
  || A valid way of keeping warm
  || A suit given to our nuclear operatives with fine fabric to make sure you stand out, no other benefits aside from looking cool.
  || 1
  || 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Green nukie scarf.png|64x64px]]
|| Operative Jumpskirt
  || Striped Syndicate Scarfs
  || Pointless
  || A valid way of keeping warm
  || A skirt given to our nuclear operatives with fine fabric to make sure you stand out, no other benefits aside from looking cool.
  || 1
  || 1
|| Yes
|| [[File:Clown duffle.png|64x64px]]
|| Clown Bundle
|| A clown dufflebag containing a full clown costume, PDA, and service earpiece.
|| 2
|| Yes
|| [[File:Stamp-syndicate.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate Rubber Stamp
|| Announce your presence in style by faxing HoP a death threat. A rubber stamp that engraves the "Syndicate" on any piece of paper.
|| 2
|| Yes
  || [[File:Carp suit.png|64x64px]]
  || Syndie Balloon
|| Carp Suit Dufflebag
  || Pointless
|| A dufflebag containing a carp costume and 6 carp plushes. Now you can relive your fantasies of being a space fish while sec uses lethals on you.
  || Handed out to the bravest souls who survived the "atomic twister" ride at Syndieland.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Sleepy.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndicate PJ Bundle
|| A dufflebag containing 3 pairs of Syndicate PJs, bedsheets and some random plushes.
|| 4
  || Yes
|| [[File:Capgun.png|64x64px]]
  || Cap gun
  || A normal cap gun. Not to be confused with the fake cap gun, which can use lethals.
|| 4
|| Yes
|| [[File:Syndie balloon.png|64x64px]]
|| Syndie Baloon
|| Watch Sec scream with fear as you approach with this inflatable terror.
  || 20
  || 20
|| Yes
|| [[File:Cat Ears.png|64x64px]]
|| Cat Ears
|| UwU
|| 26
|| Yes
†Exclusive to nukeops
Last price check and update was performed on 1 September 2024

Latest revision as of 02:08, 2 September 2024

To help them achieve their objectives, some antagonists including traitors and nuclear operatives have access to an uplink from which they can purchase all sorts of illegal goodies from The Syndicate. For traitors, the uplink is accessible through their PDA. Some items are only available when playing certain jobs.

Small Foreword

I have successfully rewritten this article so that most if not all information is updated correctly. My account name is minthydra. And my discord name is sussy bottom jeans. If any of the information provided here is incorrect, pls feel free to message me! I love you Space Station 14 community!!

Syndicate gear effectiveness

This video shows multiple types of armor and how effective they are.

This video shows the different weaponry and other things the syndicate uplink holds.

This video shows mutliple job specific items that are available for traitors with that specific job.

Credits to Liltenhead for these guides.


FOR Nuclear Operatives PLEASE SEE HERE

  • Buying from the uplink makes a "cha-ching" sound. Contrary to belief, this sound is not audible to nearby players.
  • Since traitors only start with 20 TC, they must neutralize collaborate with other agents in order to purchase high-value uplink items, or must be wise with their budget.
  • Purchase what you need only when you need it. Security can search you and certainly find a weapon or grenade your bag.
  • Keep your PDA locked when you don’t need it. You can unlock it by setting the ringtone to the code you are assigned when you first roll traitor.
  • Spend all your TC on a surplus box only to receive syndicate stamps

Uplink Catalog


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Surplus Rifle A weapon of a bygone era. A huge bolt action rifle with medicore damage and low fire rate. The weapon has a 10 round internal magazine. Its biggest upside is the cost. Fires .30 rifle ammo 1 Yes
Energy Dagger A pen, that upon activation, turns into an energy dagger. The energy dagger makes less noise and does less damage than a full energy sword, however, it's easier to conceal and it is much cheaper. 2 Yes
Viper A small, easily concealable, automatic pistol chambered in .35 auto. Retrofitted with a fully automatic receiver. Use pistol magazines. 3 Yes
Cobra A rugged, robust operator handgun with an inbuilt silencer. Chambered in .25 caseless, this weapon leaves no trace. Uses pistol magazines. The impact of the bullets is louder then the gun itself. 4 Yes
throwing knives A set of 4 syndicate branded throwing knives, perfect for imbedding into the body of your victims. 6 Yes
Energy Shield A close cousin to the Energy Sword, the Energy Shield is an ignitable plasma shield that deflects almost all lasers and energy based projectiles. Additionally, like other shields, it also blocks a good portion of other incoming damage. 8 Yes
Gloves of the North Star A pair of blue gloves that drastically increases your punching speed. Deals brute damage. 8 Yes
Energy Sword A concealable and dangerous plasma sword. Can stored and easily concealed when turned off. Has a decent chance to reflect lasers and bullets. Igniting the sword makes a loud, unmistakable sound. 8 Yes
Python A loud and deadly revolver. Uses .45 Magnum, and comes loaded with AP ammo. Has an internal cylinder magazine, and must be unloaded before reloading. AP bullets ignore all damage resistance of armor. 8 Yes
Disposable Ballistic Turret A yellow toolbox that, when struck, deploys into a sentry turret that targets anyone that is not apart of the syndicate. The turret fires .35 auto at slow pace with near perfect accuracy. 6 No
Sniper Bundle A briefcase containing a Hristov, a powerful antimaterial rifle; a box with 10 bullets, a red tie, gloves, and a lawyer suit. The Hristov has an internal magazine of 5 bullets, so you can reload this weapon twice with this bundle. Sadly one of the worst guns you can buy. 12 Yes
C-20r Bundle A dufflebag containing a loaded C-20r SMG and two spare magazines. The C-20r is a fast firing .35 auto SMG that automatically ejects spent magazines, reducing overall downtime between reloads. 17 Yes
Double Bladed Energy Sword A much more expensive counter part to the normal energy sword: with a much higher reflection chance, larger attack angle, higher structural damage, and faster swing. Makes a lot of noise when used or turned on.


20 No
Bulldog Bundle A dufflebag with a loaded Bulldog shotgun, two .50 pellet drum magazines, and a .50 beanbag magazine. The Bulldog is a powerful, fast firing and fully-automatic magazine fed shotgun. This weapon performs well against most targets and is lethal in close quarters. 20 Yes
China-lake Bundle A dufflebag with a China-Lake grenade launcher loaded with 3 frag grenades in the internal magazine. The bag also includes 4 blast grenades and 4 frag grenades. The grenades are exclusively designed to be fired from this weapon, and sport a dangerously large area of effect. Use with caution. 25 Yes
L6 Saw Bundle A dufflebag with a loaded L6 SAW and a spare boxmag. The L6 is a fully automatic machinegun that excels at throwing rounds down range. This weapon is very inaccurate, so tougher targets may need to be engaged in close quarters. This weapon may be wielded for slightly better accuracy. 30 Yes


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Pistol Magazine (.35 auto) A pistol magazine with 10 rounds of .35 auto. Compatible with the Viper and Mk 58. 1 Yes
Pistol Magazine (.25 caseless) A pistol magazine with 10 rounds of .25 caseless ammo. Compatible with the Cobra. Leaves no round casings on the floor. 1 Yes
Box of .30 Rifle Bullets A box of 50 rounds for the surplus rifle. 1 Yes
Box of .60 Anti-Material Bullets A box with 10 rounds for the Hristov sniper rifle. 2 Yes
SMG Magazine A SMG Magazine with 30 rounds of .35 Auto. Compatible with the C-20r and Drozd. 2 Yes
Speed Loader (.45 magnum AP) A speedloader for .45 caliber revolvers. Comes with 6 Armor Piercing (AP) rounds. AP ammunition completely ignores the damage resistance of a target's armor, making them potentially easier to kill. 3 Yes
Ammo Bundle A dufflebag containing four .35 auto SMG magazines, four .50 pellet drum mags, and two L6 SAW mag boxes. An efficient and must have purchase for sustaining the war against Nanotrasen. 15 Yes†


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Flashbang A flashbang. Temporarily blinds people without proper eye protection and drastically reduces their speed for a moderate duration. Impressive area of effect. 1 Yes
smoke grenade A grenade that releases a huge cloud of smoke, concealing your identity and allowing you to make a getaway after bombing med bay for the fifth time! 1 Yes
EMP Grenade A throwable grenade with a nonlethal effect. The explosion instantly drains all batteries and device charges within the area of effect. People caught within the explosion are not able to use their earpiece for a short duration. Moderate effect range. 2 Yes
C4 An explosive device that can be attached to walls, dealing high structural damage without spacing the floor. Good for breaching walls and destroying machines. Can be set to have a variable time trigger (minimum 10 seconds) or linked to a remote detonator. The device is armed when it is planted. Moderate explosive range. 2 Yes
Whitehole Grenade A grenade that repels everything not bolted down away from the center of the "explosion". The repelling force is moderately strong, and most humanoids can't walk thru singularity of the grenade. However, the grenade does no damage, does not spill any containers, and has a short duration. Does not explode. 3 Yes
incendiary grenade Releases a spray of incendiary fragments, igniting anyone near the detonation area. 4 Yes
Exploding Pen A small, easily concealable pen with an explosive inside it. It has a very small blast radius; however, the explosive is able to critically injure any unarmored target at the center of the blast. Unlike most other grenades, the pen does not emit a beeping noise when armed. 4 Yes
shrapnel grenade Launches a spray of sharp fragments dealing great damaged against unarmored targets. 4 Yes
Explosive Grenade A 3.5 second fuse high explosive grenade. Deals low structural damage, but deals lethal damage against most foes caught within the blast. Moderate blast range. 4 Yes
Grenade Penguin A grenade that takes the form of an aggressive penguin that explodes upon death, or when it meets the end of its fuse. The Penguin ignores syndicate agents. The grenade has a small, but lethal blast range. 5 Yes
Electrical Disruptor Kit A large cardboard box that contains 3 EMP grenades and an EMP implanter, for an effective total of 6 EMP explosives. Buying this bundle would save you 3 telecrystals when compared to buying the items individually. 6 Yes
Supermatter Grenade A grenade that creates a strong gravity well that sucks anything nearby into a vortex. The effect finishes with a powerful explosion, with a yield similar to a minibomb. Has a high chance of tossing matter out of the vortex, which reduces its potential lethal effect. 6 Yes
Syndicate Minibomb A powerful explosive with incredible damage, but limited by its small blast radius. A perfect tool designed for destroying a machine, a body, or whatever else needs to go. 5 second fuse time. 6 Yes
cluster grenade Three explosive grenades bundled together, the grenades get launched after the 3.5 second timer runs out.

Watch as all three grenades perfectly bounce back right back at you!

8 Yes
Syndicate Bomb A large, difficult to defuse bomb that detonates in a huge, structurally devastating explosion if not disarmed in time. A useful and lethal distraction with a 180 second timer. Starts unanchored when purchased, but bolts upon being armed. Makes a dreaded beeping noise as the timer goes down. 11 Yes
Grenadier Chest Rig A tactical chest rig stuffed with explosive devices. This web vest contains
  • 4 Explosive grenades
  • 2 Syndicate minibombs
  • 2 EMP grenades

and saves 20 TC in total cost for the explosives.

12 Yes†
Syndicate C-4 Bundle A bundle of 8 C-4 explosives. Comes with a free blood red dufflebag. 12 Yes


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Syndicate Over-Ear Headset A not-so-subtle blood red headset. Comes with a syndicate encryption key, and can support 4 other encryption keys being inserted into it. 1 Yes
Shoulder Holster Red shoulder straps that can hold 7 slots of normal sized weapons and ammo. 1 Yes
Chest Rig Explosion-resistant tactical webbing used for holding traitor goods. 1 Yes
Syndicate backpack Lightweight explosion-proof a backpack for holding various traitor goods. 2 Yes
Syndicate Visor The syndicate's professional heads-up display, designed for better detection of fellow syndicate agents. Proceed to chinalake them anyway! 2 Yes
Syndicate EVA Bundle A dufflebag that contains an EVA suit, helmet, gasmask and double emergency oxygen tank. Offers no protection asides from space. 2 Yes
Conducting Gloves Looks exactly like insulated gloves, but shocks you far worse than if you had nothing at all! Best given as a gift to a passenger you really don't like. 2 Yes
No Slip Shoes A pair of chameleon shoes that protects you from slipping. A deceptively powerful item. 2 Yes
Black Jetpack A black and red jetpack that allows you to fly in space. 2 Yes
Voice Mask A chameleon tech gasmask that can alter the wearer's voice to sound like anyone they want. 2 Yes
Web Vest A armor vest that provides strong ballistic protection, and serviceable protection against slashing and blunt attacks. Webbing provides internal pockets with similar space to a jacket. Does not protect against space. 3 Yes
Carp Hardsuit An ordinary carp suit now with space faring capabilities, so that you can fully make your carp dream come true!!! 4 Yes
Chameleon Kit A backpack full of chameleon tech clothing and accessories. Chameleon tech allows the user to change the appearance of the related item, allowing them to disguise as any job on the station, and more. Synergies well with an Agent ID. 4 Yes
Blood Red Magboots Mag boots that prevent slipping. Has an integrated jetpack with a low amount of fuel. Magboots only slow the user down slightly when active. 4 Yes
Thieving Gloves A pair of black gloves that greatly aid in one's thieving skills. Allows the thief to discreetly pick items off a target without alerting the victim. Gloves are not insulated, and do not support chameleon technology. 4 Yes
Syndicate Hardsuit A dufflebag that contains the infamous blood-red hardsuit used by Syndicate operatives. Lightweight with robust armor. Also comes with some gloves, a gasmask and an airtank. 8 Yes
Syndicate raid suit A dufflebag that contains the newly devised syndicate raid suit. Capable of sustaining heavy damage with minimal slowdown. Space faring ability not included any and all harm from doing so is liable solely on the user please contact 1900 donk co for any complaints. Also comes with some gloves, a gasmask and a sick helmet. 8 Yes†
Cybersun Juggernaut Suit A super heavy suit that, by the name implies, will make you a walking juggernaut. The only thing that will be slowing you down is the suit. And tasers. And poison. Space capable, but does not come with an airtank or gasmask. 12 Yes
Syndicate Elite Hardsuit A dufflebag that contains An elite version of the blood-red hardsuit, with improved mobility and fireproofing. Property of the gorlex marauders.. Also comes with some gloves, a gasmask and an airtank. 12 Yes


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Hypo Dart markable dart with an enlarged reservoir for chemicals. It can store up to 7u of reagents in itself, and instantly inject when it hits the target. Starts empty.

A syndicates best friend for dealing with deathsquad scum.

2 Yes
Syndicate Smokes Packet A pack of 5 cigarettes, infused with nicotine and omnizine. Smoking these cigarettes will slowly heal your wounds over time. 2 Yes
Chemical Synthesis Kit A starter kit for the aspiring chemist, includes 3 vials of vestine, a beaker, and a set of chemist goggles. Perfect for all your lexorin foam grenade needs! 4 Yes
Hyperzine Injector A stimulant injector, containing 30u of hyperziene enough chems to keep you running fast and resistant to stuns for 30 seconds. Unlike other stimulants, this chemical mix does not poison you and can keep you alive in dire situations. 4 Yes
Combat Medipen A combat injector containing 25u of Omninzine and 5u of Tranexamic Acid. This will stop bleeding and heal all types of injuries. 4 Yes
Combat Medical Kit A black medical kit with
  • 10 Medicated sutures
  • 10 Regenerative meshes
  • 1 Epinephrine pen
  • 1 Bicardine pen
  • 1 Dermaline pen

More than enough chems and bandages to keep you in the fight.

5 Yes
Nocturine Bottle A 30u bottle filled with Nocturine, a chemical that forces sleep if over 8 units of the reagent is in the system. 6 Yes
Hypopen A miniature hypospray that's disguised as a pen. Capable of holding 10u of reagent and able to instantly inject 5u at a time. Able to be hidden inside a PDA. 6 Yes
Hyperziene Injector Kit A white medkit containing 6 microinjectors. Each injector contains 15u of hyperzine and has about half the duration of a full injector. 12 Yes
Medical Bundle A dufflebag containing a combat medkit, a defibrillator, three combat medipens, some latex gloves, and a syringe of tranexamic acid and hyroalin. A powerful purchase for a savvy Agent. 20 Yes†
Syndicate Zombie Bundle An all-in-one kit for unleashing the undead upon a station. Comes with one syringe of Romerol, a python loaded with .45 Magnum, a box of .45 Incendiary ammo, One Ambuzol+ Pill, and three Ambuzol regular pills. 40 Yes†


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Cybersun Pen A High-tech pen with a diamond edged tip. A serviceable and concealable melee weapon that doubles as a screwdriver and a functional pen. Maybe ineffective against armored opponents. 1 Yes
Binary Translator Key Allows you to listen and communicate onto the Silicon's binary channel, a network utilized by AI and cyborgs. Not recommended to communicate on this channel without a voice changer. 1 Yes
Fake Nuclear Disk A fake nuclear disk that looks like and has the same description as the real nuclear disk. Can only be identified by attempting to insert it into the nuke, scanning it with an appraisal tool, or, more commonly, using the pinpointer. 1 Yes
Extra-Bright Lantern An extremely bright lantern that can also be actively used as a flash. Holds 15 charges. 2 Yes
Syndicate Encryption Keys A box with two encryption keys that grant access to the Syndicate radio frequency. These keys can be inserted into the vast majority of earpieces. Give one to a trusted friend to communicate discreetly! 2 Yes
Agent ID Card A special ID card that can copy the accesses from other ID cards. With this card, you can change your ID name, job title, and job icon at will . 3 Yes
Lobbying Bundle A brown briefcase with
  • 30,000 Spessos
  • A syndicate encryption key
  • Syndicate red phone
  • Jensen coat
  • Tacticool jumpsuit
  • Combat gloves
  • A syndicate hand flag

This bundle is for when you're either really good for words or just need to buy a few guns with benefits.

4 Yes
Decoy Syndicate Bomb A training bomb stolen from sec and repainted to look like the real thing! Has the same amount of wires as the real thing albeit with a tiny explosion. 4 Yes
Stealth Box A cardboard box outfitted with stealth technology. Has a stealth distortion field that weakens with movement. You can fit 4 people inside of one stealth box. 5 Yes
Decoy Kit State-of-the-art distraction technology straight from RND. Comes with 5 realistic balloons, four decoy grenades and some snap poppers!


6 Yes
Chameleon Projector Disappear in plain sight by creating a hologram of an item around you. Do not use this to play the game "Object Search". 7 Yes


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Soap A red soap bar, engraved with syndicate markings. A powerful slipping device, with a higher slipping velocity and stun time than most other soaps due to its suspicious ingredients. 1 Yes
Toolbox A suspicious black and red toolbox that contains insulated black gloves, a syndicate gasmask (which functions as a welding mask), and a full set of tools. The toolbox also functions as a powerful blunt weapon. 2 Yes
Jaws of Life A tool that can pry open any door on the station that's not bolted; however, it takes a few moments to work. This tool makes a loud and distinct sound when it forces open a door. 2 Yes
Dehydrated Space Carp Just add water to have your very own hungry space carp. You must pet the carp prior to re-hydration to be immune to its vengeance. 2 No
Slipocalypse Clustersoap Scatters around small pieces of syndicate-brand soap after being thrown, these pieces of soap evaporate after 60 seconds.

kinda looks like pieces of bubble gum.

2 Yes
Radio Jammer A device that will prevent any nearby outgoing radio communications when activated. Has a medium battery with about 100 seconds of use. 4 Yes
Martyr Cyborg Module Turn your emagged borg friend into a walking bomb! 4 Yes
Surgical Duffel Bag A dufflebag that contains a fullset of advance surgery tools. Currently, surgery hasn't been implemented, so the most impressive tool from this bundle is the circular saw. 4 Yes
Weapon Cyborg Module This module will give a cyborg an reachable viper and energy dagger. 5 Yes
Power Sink A device that drains a lot of power from the station before exploding. Must be anchored onto a wire to drain power. 8 Yes
Cryptographic Sequencer (EMAG) The all-in-one hacking solution. Breaks doors, jailbreaks machines, mind control cyborgs, and more! Has three charges that regenerate over time. 8 Yes
Singularity Beacon A device that attracts singularities. Has to be anchored and powered. Causes singularities to grow when consumed. CAUTION may blow up when damaged.


12 Yes


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Micro Bomb Implanter Explode on death or manual activation with this implant. Destroys the body along with all equipment worn. 2 Yes†
EMP Implanter An implanter that, once injected, gives the user the ability to unleash a small EMP burst that disables all nearby electrical devices like an EMP grenade. Has three uses. 2 Yes
Death Acidifer Implant Completely melts the user including all of their equipment on use or death. Suspiciously only used after most operatives have been stripped. 4 Yes†
Box of Deathrattler Implants A cardboard box with 5 death rattler implants and 5 GPS devices. Death rattlers give a notification on the syndicate radio comms when an implanted user goes critical or perishes, and provides GPS coordinates. 4 Yes†
DNA Scrambler An implanter that, once injected, allows the user to instantly randomize their phenotype on demand. The user retains their basic race, however, all other attributes will be randomized including name, gender, skin tone, and hair. Your new identity will not be on the manifest. 5 Yes
Freedom Implanter An implanter that, once injected, allows the user to escape cuffs up to three times on demand. 5 Yes
Scram Scrambler A 2-use implant which teleports you within a large radius. Attempts to teleport you onto a unobstructed tile. Whether that tile is next to your fellow operatives or inside a minibomb is up to the gods to decide. 6 Yes
Storage Implanter An implanter that, once injected, allows the user to access a subdermal storage bag that can hold up to 9 grids. 8 No
Macro Bomb Implanter An implanter that, once injected, will cause the user to detonate in a large explosion upon death. Large area of effect and large potential for team fragging. Use with caution. 5 second fuse time after flat lining. 13 Yes†

Holoparasite Kit A cardboard box containing a Holoparasite Injector, terms and service, and a troublemaker's softcap. A holoparasite is a sentient guardian, capable of punching at rapid speeds. The parasite can remain inside the host, or can be deployed to a short distance. The parasite shares damage with its host. 14 No


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Syndicate pAI A blood-red personal AI device. The perfect companion for when you're on the run. Comes equipped with access to the Syndicate communication network. Usefulness not guaranteed. 1 Yes
SyndiCat Teleporter Call in a handy cat equipped with a microbomb implant. Explodes when seriously injured. Can bite painfully.

Mrrowow :3

6 Yes
Monkey Reinforcement Teleporter Call in a trained monkey to assist you. Comes with some drip and a cigarette. Monkey agents are supposed to follow your orders. Results may vary. 6 Yes
Reinforcement Teleporter A radio that calls in a specialized agent of variable quality. They come in three flavors medic, spy, and thief and are all equipped with a Viper, Combat Knife and carp plush. It is their job to assist you in whatever operation or objectives you are campaigning on. 14 No
Nuclear Operative Reinforcement A radio that calls in a Nuclear Operative of variable quality. They come equipped with a Syndicate Hardsuit, Death Acidifier, Pin pointer, Viper, Nukie gas mask, Combat gloves, Chest rig, Combat Knife and carp plush. It is their job to assist you in whatever operation or objectives you are campaigning on. 35 Yes†
Syndicate Assualt Cyborg Teleporter A lean, mean killing machine with access to an Energy Sword, LMG, Cryptographic Sequencer, and a Pinpointer.

Dont forget welding fuel!!!

65 Yes†

Surplus Crates

Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Syndicate Surplus Crate Contains 50 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. It can be useless junk or really good. Some items are blacklisted from the surplus crates. If you feel always having the same plan is bland, buy this. (And probably regret it.) 20 No
Syndicate Super Surplus Crate Contains 125 telecrystals worth of completely random Syndicate items. Requires the pooling of at least two "cooperating" syndicate agents to purchase. 40 No

Job Specific

Image Name Description Cost (TC) Job
Explosive Banana Peel A banana, that once peeled at set, explodes and deals a minor amount of damage. 2 Clown
Hot Potato A special grenade with a long fuse. This grenade sticks to your hands, and constantly burns you until you hit somebody else with it, passing the curse off to them. The Hot Potato can accumulate a lot of heat damage before detonating. The timer is two minutes long, after which the explosion deals a lot of damage in a small area of effect. 4 Chef, Botanist, Clown, Mime
Necronomicon A book that is capable of summoning a demonic familiar, Cerberus, which is a ghost role. Cerberus is supposed to follow your commands. 4 Chaplain
CHIMP Handcannon upgrade chip Once inserted into a CHIMP Handcannon, it allows the device to fire Omega particles. Omega particles can cause anomalies to go super critical, and they deal a moderate amount of burn damage on hit. 4 Scientist
Proximity Mine A mine disguised as a wet floor sign. It has a large blast radius and does just enough damage to critically injure somebody not wearing armor. 5 Janitor
Rigged boxing gloves Blue boxing gloves that deals high stamina damage and respectable brute damage. You can effectively stun lock a lone target with these gloves. 5 Passenger, Boxer
Packet of Gatfruit Seeds This packet of seeds slowly grows a tree that produces Gatfruit that, upon consumption, yields a Python with 6 rounds of .45 ammunition. 6 Botanist
Syndicate Sponge Box A box of 6 monkey cubes that, once rehydrated, transforms into a random hostile wildlife creature. 7 Zookeeper, Science department, Chef
Fake Cap Gun A disguised cap gun loaded with .45 Magnum Armor Piercing. Can fire both magnum rounds and cap gun rounds. Despite being a clown exclusive item, clowns cannot use this weapon, since it is a lethal firearm. 9 Clown, Mime
Holoclown kit A clown exclusive holo-parasite. Functions similarly to a normal holoparasite, however, it has two pocket slots and a hand slot. Cannot use guns. 12 Clown
Holy Hand Grenade 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' Massive area of effect and damage with a short fuse. Spaces rooms and destroys walls. The grenade glows bright white, and it sings when armed. Does not deal enough damage to gib by itself. 20 Chaplain


Image Name Description Cost (TC) NukeOps
Syndicate Snack Box A harmless, but nukie themed lunchbox with a random toy and some suspicious drinks and snacks. 1 Yes
Barber Scissors MAKE THEM ALL BALD. 1 Yes
Outlaw Glasses A silly glasses and mustache combo. An essential pick for any serious undercover operation. 1 Yes
Outlaw Hat A black brimmed outlaw hat, perfect for challenging any head to a duel right before 12pm. 1 Yes
Operative Jumpsuit / Jumpskirt A cool black and tan jumpsuit used by syndicate operatives. Provides no statistical advantages over a normal jumpsuit. Does not have integrated vitals or coordinate sensors. 1 Yes
Striped Syndicate Scarfs A valid way of keeping warm 1 Yes
Striped Syndicate Scarfs A valid way of keeping warm 1 Yes
Clown Bundle A clown dufflebag containing a full clown costume, PDA, and service earpiece. 2 Yes
Syndicate Rubber Stamp Announce your presence in style by faxing HoP a death threat. A rubber stamp that engraves the "Syndicate" on any piece of paper. 2 Yes
Carp Suit Dufflebag A dufflebag containing a carp costume and 6 carp plushes. Now you can relive your fantasies of being a space fish while sec uses lethals on you. 4 Yes
Syndicate PJ Bundle A dufflebag containing 3 pairs of Syndicate PJs, bedsheets and some random plushes. 4 Yes
Cap gun A normal cap gun. Not to be confused with the fake cap gun, which can use lethals. 4 Yes
Syndie Baloon Watch Sec scream with fear as you approach with this inflatable terror. 20 Yes
Cat Ears UwU 26 Yes

†Exclusive to nukeops

Last price check and update was performed on 1 September 2024