You’ll usually start with one of these. If you don’t, you can always find one in a fire extinguisher cabinet.File:Extinguisher Cabinet.pngA fire extinguisher cabinet.
+ Blood Is Fuel (& other liquids, too.)
Extinguishers aren’t limited to just water.
In an emergency, you can get tiny uses out of it by only giving it 5u to blast. This means that, if you have a syringe, you can use your own blood to propel yourself. If you don’t, just pour your drink into it.
- Liquids Are Rare
Salvagers usually don’t start with access to liquid. Liquids can be found in water coolers, water/welding fuel tanks, or sinks. When in doubt, use your department’s radio channel (:u instead of the Common channel’s ;) to ask cargo to save you a tank.
- Can’t Go The Distance
Capacity’s too small to be used to search for wrecks. If you don’t start with a mass scanner, take a look at cargo’s shuttle console when it’s docked. (Don’t forget to make sure Sci knows you need a mass scanner so you can stop bumming off of Cargo.) File:Shuttle Console.pngA shuttle console.
- Harder to Drag Objects
Trying to drag large objects, like crates or air canisters, through space, is much more difficult with an extinguisher. Instead, you should drag and spin the object around you so it builds up speed, then release it towards the station. File:IfYouSpinItLikeThisItAddsVelocity.gifTODO: Record demonstration gif/video.
You can often find tanks of air inside wrecks. No need to hunt down a water tank in maint.
+ Drag Stuff Easier
Jetpacks, unlike the other options, provide constant propulsion. This makes it much easier to drag loot back home.
+ Wander Longer
A large fuel capacity makes it easier to find wrecks without a mass scanner.
- Harder To Obtain
Some maps don’t start you with any of these. If that’s the case, either ask Cargo to order some, or bug a Head to give you the jetpacks from EVA.
- Goodbye, Backpack Storage
Jetpacks are only worn on your backpack slot. If you want to use one of these, you’ll have to give up the personal storage of a backpack. This makes looting and inventory management much more difficult.
NEW SALVAGERS: The Mini Jetpack is not intended to be your sole method of propulsion. If you choose the Mini Jetpack, do NOT forget to take an air tank at very least.
+ Keep Your (Backpack) Secrets
Unlike a normal jetpack, minis are worn in your suit storage slot - the place you normally put your air tank. You get to wear a backpack, and keep some of the benefits of wearing a jetpack.
+ Drag Stuff Easier
Like the normal jetpack, the mini jetpack provides constant propulsion to aid dragging loot back to the station.
- The Rarest
These are even more difficult to find than a normal jetpack.
- Tiny Capacity
The contents of a Mini Jetpack must be used sparingly, or you will quickly run out of fuel, stranding yourself. You can mitigate this by bringing other methods of propulsion.
PSA: “Why am I gasping?”
As the tank empties below a healthy level (21.3 kPA), the tank’s target output pressure will decrease. This change will stay until you manually reset it via its UI (found by right-clicking the jetpack.) This is the case for all air tanks. File:Air Tank UI.pngWhat the UI should look like.
Most stacks of objects are only limited to 30. Those stacks are always 5 weight. Backpacks can store 100, duffel bags, 120. All you have to do to split a stack is right-click on it and select the option. You do the math.
+ You Already Have It
As long as you can pick something up, you can throw it.
- Can’t Hoard Everything
If you’re not careful, your bag will become full of ‘shit to throw’ and you won’t have any room for loot. Which is easy to work around, mind you - as long as you have the materials to build a crate or something like it, you’ll be fine.
Here’s some easy ways to get stackable items:
Crowbars can pry up floor tiles.
Screwdrivers can deconstruct crates & chairs into metal sheets.
Wirecutters can cut [lattices? girders? words man, help] into iron bars. (They can cut wires, too, but some wrecks still have power.)
Your survival knife can damage most wooden objects to the point where they deconstruct themselves.