
From Space Station 14 Wiki

A markup tag is an open < and a close > angle brackets and the content within them, in a markup language, as XML or HTML:

For example, the <title> tag provides a title for the Web page.

This template provides a quick way to mention a markup-style tag in a preformatted way.


Syntax Result
{{tag|ref}} <ref>...</ref>
{{tag|ref|content=}} <ref></ref>
{{tag|ref|content=hello}} <ref>hello</ref>
{{tag|span|content=foo}} <span>foo</span>
{{tag|span|open}} <span>
{{tag|span|open|content=hello}} <span>hello
{{tag|span|close|content=hello}} hello</span>
{{tag|span|pair|content=hello}} <span>hello</span>
{{tag|ref|open|attribs=group="note"}} <ref group="note">
{{tag|references|single}} <references />
{{tag|br|single}} <br />
{{tag|!--|content=comment}} <!--comment-->
{{tag|math|attribs=chem}} <math chem>...</math>
{{tag|a |attribs=href="<nowiki>https://en.wikipedia.org/</nowiki>" |content=English Wikipedia}} <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/">English Wikipedia</a>

See also