Special Recipes
From Space Station 14 Wiki
In this page you'll find how to get items and reagents which are not available in the crafting menu or secret recipes that have a more strange approach. (Things NT doesn't want you to know)
Product | Method | Description |
Cloth | Butchering clothing items | Cloth is used to make blindfolds |
Demons blood | Draw blood from Cerberus (Chaplain's devil dog) | Demons blood is used to cure Bleeder's bite disease. |
Fiber | Juice a piece of cloth | Fiber is used in Buzzochloric Bees recipe. |
Ground Bee | Grind a bee plushie | Ground Bee is used in Buzzochloric Bees recipe. |
Licoxide | Grind a power cell | Electrifying toxin |
Omnizine | Make Nettle Soup. Throw soup on the floor, mop it, and separate Omnizine from the rest of the reagents. | Very powerful medicine. |
Pulped Banana Peel | Grind a banana peel | Useful for stopping bleeding. |
Saxoite | Grind a saxophone | Saxoite is used in Buzzochloric Bees recipe. |
Wood Plank | Saw or cut down some logs | Planks are used in crafting recipes such as wood tables or baseball bats. |
Wooden Wall | Add 2 wood to a Wooden Barricade (The full tile barricades) | Wooden walls can significantly slow down any undesireable people that may want you dead. |