Nuclear Operative Station Guide

From Space Station 14 Wiki


This will be an all encompassing more in depth guide for Nuclear Operatives exploring possible options in order to nuke every station in the game. Including possible strategies and or routes throughout the station. For more concise better narrated guides please watch litenheads video on how to nuke every station all credits go to litenhead for his amazing videos

Create a plan

Gear up

FTL and station approach

Once you are completely sure EVERY Nuclear Operatives is on board, informed of the plan going forward and geared up as much as possible, begin your preflight checklist.

- Ensure all Nuclear Operatives are outfitted with a jetpack up to six of which spawn within the armory of the nuclear outpost. Note that the Agent will spawn with Bloodred Magboots, which come with a jetpack function.

- Ensure all Nuclear Operatives have internals equipped with a backup if need be.

- Ensure that the ships IFF and show vessel options are turned off on the IFF console in order to avoid early detection by station crew.

- Reiterate the plan the all Nuclear Operatives ensuring everyone is aware and no one is SSD(AFK).

- Call out the nuclear code and dispose of the paper.

Now that the preflight checklist has been completed FTL and station approach may begin

Firstly, undock from the syndicate outpost before flying out in the direction of the station this can be done by using the ship console, under the MAP tab, to scan for nearby objects. once sufficient distance away from the outpost has been made begin FTL ensuring that the FTL entrance point is away from the trade station, salvage ship or mining ship that may be able to spot you and warn of your coming arrival (unless the planned upon strategy suggests otherwise i.e destroying ATS computers so that cargo cant buy guns).

Secondly once you have arrived in space around the station move the ship to the desired entrance point ensuring that the ship is far enough away from the station so that any crew peaking through windows or engineers working on solars do not see you. You want to leave the ship a decent distance away from the station itself and approach on jetpacks. Once a location has been chosen line up either airlock of the ship to the desired entry point in a STRAIGHT LINE, so no one gets lost in space. (THIS IS CRUCIAL).



station entrance armory rush

(note: when reading maps - the lighting bolt stands for emag and or open using jaws of life agnet id etc - the star stands for explode

Bagle station

box station