Module:Item/item names by item id
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Item/item names by item id/doc
return { Actions = { "Actions", "entity-category-name-actions", }, GameRules = { "GameRules", "entity-category-name-game-rules", }, Objectives = { "Objectives", "entity-category-name-objectives", }, BaseFoldable = { "BaseFoldable", "foldable", }, BaseDeployFoldable = { "BaseDeployFoldable", "deploy foldable", }, ClickTestRotatingCornerVisible = { "ClickTestRotatingCornerVisible", "ClickTestRotatingCornerVisible", }, ClickTestRotatingCornerVisibleNoRot = { "ClickTestRotatingCornerVisibleNoRot", "ClickTestRotatingCornerVisibleNoRot", }, ClickTestRotatingCornerInvisible = { "ClickTestRotatingCornerInvisible", "ClickTestRotatingCornerInvisible", }, ClickTestRotatingCornerInvisibleNoRot = { "ClickTestRotatingCornerInvisibleNoRot", "ClickTestRotatingCornerInvisibleNoRot", }, ClickTestFixedCornerVisible = { "ClickTestFixedCornerVisible", "ClickTestFixedCornerVisible", }, ClickTestFixedCornerInvisible = { "ClickTestFixedCornerInvisible", "ClickTestFixedCornerInvisible", }, WeaponPistolDebug = { "WeaponPistolDebug", "bang, ded", }, MagazinePistolDebug = { "MagazinePistolDebug", "bang, ded mag", }, BulletDebug = { "BulletDebug", "bang, ded bullet", }, CartridgeDebug = { "CartridgeDebug", "bang, ded cartridge", }, MeleeDebugGib = { "MeleeDebugGib", "bang stick gibber", }, MeleeDebug100 = { "MeleeDebug100", "bang stick 100dmg", }, MeleeDebug200 = { "MeleeDebug200", "bang stick 200dmg", }, DrinkMeth = { "DrinkMeth", "meth", }, DebugItemShapeWeird = { "DebugItemShapeWeird", "weirdly shaped item", }, ToolDebug = { "ToolDebug", "spanish army knife", }, StressTest = { "StressTest", "stress test", }, Acidifier = { "Acidifier", "acid", }, AdminInstantEffectBase = { "AdminInstantEffectBase", "instant effect", }, Smoke = { "Smoke", "smoke", }, Foam = { "Foam", "foam", }, MetalFoam = { "MetalFoam", "metal foam", }, IronMetalFoam = { "IronMetalFoam", "iron metal foam", }, AluminiumMetalFoam = { "AluminiumMetalFoam", "aluminium metal foam", }, BaseFoamedMetal = { "BaseFoamedMetal", "base foamed metal", }, FoamedIronMetal = { "FoamedIronMetal", "foamed iron metal", }, FoamedAluminiumMetal = { "FoamedAluminiumMetal", "foamed aluminium metal", }, Exclamation = { "Exclamation", "exclamation", }, WhistleExclamation = { "WhistleExclamation", "exclamation", }, ExplosionLight = { "ExplosionLight", "explosion light", }, BaseLightning = { "BaseLightning", "lightning", }, Lightning = { "Lightning", "lightning", }, LightningRevenant = { "LightningRevenant", "spooky lightning", }, ChargedLightning = { "ChargedLightning", "charged lightning", }, Spark = { "Spark", "lightning", }, SuperchargedLightning = { "SuperchargedLightning", "supercharged lightning", }, HyperchargedLightning = { "HyperchargedLightning", "hypercharged lightning", }, MobSpawnCrabQuartz = { "MobSpawnCrabQuartz", "mobspawner quartzcrab", }, MobSpawnCrabIron = { "MobSpawnCrabIron", "mobspawner ironcrab", }, MobSpawnCrabSilver = { "MobSpawnCrabSilver", "mobspawner silvercrab", }, MobSpawnCrabUranium = { "MobSpawnCrabUranium", "mobspawner uraniumcrab", }, BasePortal = { "BasePortal", "bluespace portal", }, ShadowPortal = { "ShadowPortal", "shadow rift", }, PuddleSparkle = { "PuddleSparkle", "sparkle", }, Puddle = { "Puddle", "puddle", }, RadiationPulse = { "RadiationPulse", "shimmering anomaly", }, AtmosFixBlockerMarker = { "AtmosFixBlockerMarker", "Atmos Fix Vacuum Marker", }, AtmosFixOxygenMarker = { "AtmosFixOxygenMarker", "Atmos Fix Oxygen Marker", }, AtmosFixNitrogenMarker = { "AtmosFixNitrogenMarker", "Atmos Fix Nitrogen Marker", }, AtmosFixPlasmaMarker = { "AtmosFixPlasmaMarker", "Atmos Fix Plasma Marker", }, AtmosFixInstantPlasmaFireMarker = { "AtmosFixInstantPlasmaFireMarker", "Atmos Fix Instant Plasmafire Marker", }, AtmosFixFreezerMarker = { "AtmosFixFreezerMarker", "Atmos Fix Freezer Marker", }, clientsideclone = { "clientsideclone", "clientsideclone", }, constructionghost = { "constructionghost", "construction ghost", }, dragshadow = { "dragshadow", "drag shadow", }, hoverentity = { "hoverentity", "hover entity", }, MapText = { "MapText", "map text", }, PathfindPoint = { "PathfindPoint", "pathfind point", }, PointingArrow = { "PointingArrow", "pointing arrow", }, BaseRoomMarker = { "BaseRoomMarker", "Room marker", }, FTLPoint = { "FTLPoint", "FTL point", }, FTLExclusion = { "FTLExclusion", "FTL exclusion point", }, WarpPoint = { "WarpPoint", "warp point", }, WarpPointBeacon = { "WarpPointBeacon", "warp point (beacon)", }, WarpPointBombing = { "WarpPointBombing", "warp point", }, BaseItem = { "BaseItem", "item", }, BaseStorageItem = { "BaseStorageItem", "storage item", }, BaseBarricade = { "BaseBarricade", "wooden barricade", }, CargoTelepad = { "CargoTelepad", "cargo telepad", }, Catwalk = { "Catwalk", "catwalk", }, ConveyorBelt = { "ConveyorBelt", "conveyor belt", }, ConveyorBeltAssembly = { "ConveyorBeltAssembly", "conveyor belt", }, CryogenicSleepUnit = { "CryogenicSleepUnit", "cryogenic sleep unit", }, LogicGateOr = { "LogicGateOr", "logic gate", }, EdgeDetector = { "EdgeDetector", "edge detector", }, PowerSensor = { "PowerSensor", "power sensor", }, hydroponicsTray = { "hydroponicsTray", "hydroponics tray", }, KitchenSpike = { "KitchenSpike", "meat spike", }, PlasticFlapsClear = { "PlasticFlapsClear", "plastic flaps", }, PlasticFlapsOpaque = { "PlasticFlapsOpaque", "plastic flaps", }, PlasticFlapsAirtightClear = { "PlasticFlapsAirtightClear", "airtight plastic flaps", }, PlasticFlapsAirtightOpaque = { "PlasticFlapsAirtightOpaque", "airtight plastic flaps", }, hydroponicsSoil = { "hydroponicsSoil", "soil", }, Stairs = { "Stairs", "stairs", }, FloorBananiumEntity = { "FloorBananiumEntity", "bananium floor", }, BasaltOne = { "BasaltOne", "basalt", }, FloorChasmEntity = { "FloorChasmEntity", "chasm", }, FloorLavaEntity = { "FloorLavaEntity", "lava", }, FloorLiquidPlasmaEntity = { "FloorLiquidPlasmaEntity", "liquid plasma", }, ShadowBasaltOne = { "ShadowBasaltOne", "shadowstone", }, FloorWaterEntity = { "FloorWaterEntity", "water", }, VirtualBeamEntityController = { "VirtualBeamEntityController", "BEAM ENTITY YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS", }, StrippingHiddenEntity = { "StrippingHiddenEntity", "hidden entity", }, VirtualItem = { "VirtualItem", "VIRTUAL ITEM YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS", }, WorldChunk = { "WorldChunk", "world chunk", }, ClothingBackpack = { "ClothingBackpack", "backpack", }, ClothingBackpackClown = { "ClothingBackpackClown", "giggles von honkerton", }, ClothingBackpackIan = { "ClothingBackpackIan", "Ian's backpack", }, ClothingBackpackSecurity = { "ClothingBackpackSecurity", "security backpack", }, ClothingBackpackBrigmedic = { "ClothingBackpackBrigmedic", "brigmedic backpack", }, ClothingBackpackEngineering = { "ClothingBackpackEngineering", "engineering backpack", }, ClothingBackpackAtmospherics = { "ClothingBackpackAtmospherics", "atmospherics backpack", }, ClothingBackpackMedical = { "ClothingBackpackMedical", "medical backpack", }, ClothingBackpackCaptain = { "ClothingBackpackCaptain", "captain's backpack", }, ClothingBackpackMime = { "ClothingBackpackMime", "mime backpack", }, ClothingBackpackChemistry = { "ClothingBackpackChemistry", "chemistry backpack", }, ClothingBackpackHydroponics = { "ClothingBackpackHydroponics", "hydroponics backpack", }, ClothingBackpackScience = { "ClothingBackpackScience", "science backpack", }, ClothingBackpackVirology = { "ClothingBackpackVirology", "virology backpack", }, ClothingBackpackGenetics = { "ClothingBackpackGenetics", "genetics backpack", }, ClothingBackpackCargo = { "ClothingBackpackCargo", "cargo backpack", }, ClothingBackpackSalvage = { "ClothingBackpackSalvage", "salvage bag", }, ClothingBackpackMerc = { "ClothingBackpackMerc", "merc bag", }, ClothingBackpackERTLeader = { "ClothingBackpackERTLeader", "ERT leader backpack", }, ClothingBackpackERTSecurity = { "ClothingBackpackERTSecurity", "ERT security backpack", }, ClothingBackpackERTMedical = { "ClothingBackpackERTMedical", "ERT medical backpack", }, ClothingBackpackERTEngineer = { "ClothingBackpackERTEngineer", "ERT engineer backpack", }, ClothingBackpackERTJanitor = { "ClothingBackpackERTJanitor", "ERT janitor backpack", }, ClothingBackpackERTClown = { "ClothingBackpackERTClown", "ERT clown backpack", }, ClothingBackpackERTChaplain = { "ClothingBackpackERTChaplain", "ERT chaplain backpack", }, ClothingBackpackDeathSquad = { "ClothingBackpackDeathSquad", "death squad backpack", }, ClothingBackpackSyndicate = { "ClothingBackpackSyndicate", "syndicate backpack", }, ClothingBackpackHolding = { "ClothingBackpackHolding", "bag of holding", }, ClothingBackpackCluwne = { "ClothingBackpackCluwne", "jiggles von jonkerton", }, ClothingBackpackDebug = { "ClothingBackpackDebug", "wackpack", }, ClothingBackpackDebug2 = { "ClothingBackpackDebug2", "big wackpack", }, ClothingBackpackDebug3 = { "ClothingBackpackDebug3", "gay wackpack", }, ClothingBackpackDebug4 = { "ClothingBackpackDebug4", "offset wackpack", }, ClothingBackpackDuffel = { "ClothingBackpackDuffel", "duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelEngineering = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelEngineering", "engineering duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelAtmospherics = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelAtmospherics", "atmospherics duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelMedical = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelMedical", "medical duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelCaptain = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelCaptain", "captain's duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelClown = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelClown", "clown duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelSecurity = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelSecurity", "security duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelBrigmedic = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelBrigmedic", "brigmedic duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelChemistry = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelChemistry", "chemistry duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelVirology = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelVirology", "virology duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelGenetics = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelGenetics", "genetics duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelMime = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelMime", "mime duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelScience = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelScience", "science duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelHydroponics = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelHydroponics", "hydroponics duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelCargo = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelCargo", "cargo duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelSalvage = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelSalvage", "salvage duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicate = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicate", "syndicate duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicateAmmo = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicateAmmo", "syndicate duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicateMedical = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicateMedical", "syndicate duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelHolding = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelHolding", "duffelbag of holding", }, ClothingBackpackDuffelCBURN = { "ClothingBackpackDuffelCBURN", "CBURN duffel bag", }, ClothingBackpackSatchel = { "ClothingBackpackSatchel", "satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelLeather = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelLeather", "leather satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelEngineering = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelEngineering", "engineering satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelAtmospherics = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelAtmospherics", "atmospherics satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelClown = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelClown", "clown satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelMime = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelMime", "mime satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelMedical = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelMedical", "medical satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelChemistry = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelChemistry", "chemistry satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelVirology = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelVirology", "virology satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelGenetics = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelGenetics", "genetics satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelScience = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelScience", "science satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelSecurity = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelSecurity", "security satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelBrigmedic = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelBrigmedic", "brigmedic satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelCaptain = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelCaptain", "captain's satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelHydroponics = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelHydroponics", "hydroponics satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelCargo = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelCargo", "cargo satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelSalvage = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelSalvage", "salvage satchel", }, ClothingBackpackSatchelHolding = { "ClothingBackpackSatchelHolding", "satchel of holding", }, ClothingBackpackChameleon = { "ClothingBackpackChameleon", "backpack", }, ClothingBackpackWaterTank = { "ClothingBackpackWaterTank", "backpack water tank", }, ClothingBeltUtility = { "ClothingBeltUtility", "utility belt", }, ClothingBeltChiefEngineer = { "ClothingBeltChiefEngineer", "chief engineer's toolbelt", }, ClothingBeltAssault = { "ClothingBeltAssault", "assault belt", }, ClothingBeltJanitor = { "ClothingBeltJanitor", "janibelt", }, ClothingBeltMedical = { "ClothingBeltMedical", "medical belt", }, ClothingBeltMedicalEMT = { "ClothingBeltMedicalEMT", "EMT belt", }, ClothingBeltPlant = { "ClothingBeltPlant", "botanical belt", }, ClothingBeltChef = { "ClothingBeltChef", "chef belt", }, ClothingBeltSecurity = { "ClothingBeltSecurity", "security belt", }, ClothingBeltSheath = { "ClothingBeltSheath", "sabre sheath", }, ClothingBeltBandolier = { "ClothingBeltBandolier", "bandolier", }, ClothingBeltChampion = { "ClothingBeltChampion", "championship belt", }, ClothingBeltHolster = { "ClothingBeltHolster", "shoulder holster", }, ClothingBeltSyndieHolster = { "ClothingBeltSyndieHolster", "syndicate shoulder holster", }, ClothingBeltSecurityWebbing = { "ClothingBeltSecurityWebbing", "security webbing", }, ClothingBeltMercWebbing = { "ClothingBeltMercWebbing", "mercenary webbing", }, ClothingBeltSalvageWebbing = { "ClothingBeltSalvageWebbing", "salvage rig", }, ClothingBeltMilitaryWebbing = { "ClothingBeltMilitaryWebbing", "chest rig", }, ClothingBeltMilitaryWebbingMed = { "ClothingBeltMilitaryWebbingMed", "medical chest rig", }, ClothingBeltSuspenders = { "ClothingBeltSuspenders", "suspenders", }, ClothingBeltWand = { "ClothingBeltWand", "wand belt", }, ClothingBeltQuiver = { "ClothingBeltQuiver", "quiver", }, ClothingBeltStorageWaistbag = { "ClothingBeltStorageWaistbag", "leather waist bag", }, ClothingHeadset = { "ClothingHeadset", "headset", }, ClothingHeadsetGrey = { "ClothingHeadsetGrey", "passenger headset", }, ClothingHeadsetCargo = { "ClothingHeadsetCargo", "cargo headset", }, ClothingHeadsetMining = { "ClothingHeadsetMining", "mining headset", }, ClothingHeadsetQM = { "ClothingHeadsetQM", "qm headset", }, ClothingHeadsetCentCom = { "ClothingHeadsetCentCom", "CentComm headset", }, ClothingHeadsetCommand = { "ClothingHeadsetCommand", "command headset", }, ClothingHeadsetEngineering = { "ClothingHeadsetEngineering", "engineering headset", }, ClothingHeadsetCE = { "ClothingHeadsetCE", "ce headset", }, ClothingHeadsetMedical = { "ClothingHeadsetMedical", "medical headset", }, ClothingHeadsetCMO = { "ClothingHeadsetCMO", "cmo headset", }, ClothingHeadsetScience = { "ClothingHeadsetScience", "science headset", }, ClothingHeadsetMedicalScience = { "ClothingHeadsetMedicalScience", "medical research headset", }, ClothingHeadsetRobotics = { "ClothingHeadsetRobotics", "robotics headset", }, ClothingHeadsetRD = { "ClothingHeadsetRD", "rd headset", }, ClothingHeadsetSecurity = { "ClothingHeadsetSecurity", "security headset", }, ClothingHeadsetBrigmedic = { "ClothingHeadsetBrigmedic", "brigmedic headset", }, ClothingHeadsetService = { "ClothingHeadsetService", "service headset", }, ClothingHeadsetFreelance = { "ClothingHeadsetFreelance", "freelancer headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAlt = { "ClothingHeadsetAlt", "headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltCargo = { "ClothingHeadsetAltCargo", "quartermaster's over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom = { "ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom", "CentComm over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltCommand = { "ClothingHeadsetAltCommand", "command over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltEngineering = { "ClothingHeadsetAltEngineering", "chief engineer's over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltMedical = { "ClothingHeadsetAltMedical", "chief medical officer's over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltSecurity = { "ClothingHeadsetAltSecurity", "head of security's over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltScience = { "ClothingHeadsetAltScience", "research director's over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltSyndicate = { "ClothingHeadsetAltSyndicate", "blood-red over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetAltFreelancer = { "ClothingHeadsetAltFreelancer", "freelancer's over-ear headset", }, ClothingHeadsetChameleon = { "ClothingHeadsetChameleon", "passenger headset", }, ClothingEyesGlassesGar = { "ClothingEyesGlassesGar", "gar glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesGarOrange = { "ClothingEyesGlassesGarOrange", "orange gar glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesGarGiga = { "ClothingEyesGlassesGarGiga", "giga gar glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesMeson = { "ClothingEyesGlassesMeson", "engineering goggles", }, ClothingEyesGlasses = { "ClothingEyesGlasses", "glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesJensen = { "ClothingEyesGlassesJensen", "jensen glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesJamjar = { "ClothingEyesGlassesJamjar", "jamjar glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesOutlawGlasses = { "ClothingEyesGlassesOutlawGlasses", "outlaw glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesCheapSunglasses = { "ClothingEyesGlassesCheapSunglasses", "cheap sunglasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses = { "ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses", "sun glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesSecurity = { "ClothingEyesGlassesSecurity", "security glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesMercenary = { "ClothingEyesGlassesMercenary", "mercenary glasses", }, ClothingEyesGlassesThermal = { "ClothingEyesGlassesThermal", "optical thermal scanner", }, ClothingEyesGlassesChemical = { "ClothingEyesGlassesChemical", "chemical analysis goggles", }, ClothingEyesVisorNinja = { "ClothingEyesVisorNinja", "ninja visor", }, ClothingEyesHudDiagnostic = { "ClothingEyesHudDiagnostic", "diagnostic hud", }, ClothingEyesHudMedical = { "ClothingEyesHudMedical", "medical hud", }, ClothingEyesHudSecurity = { "ClothingEyesHudSecurity", "security hud", }, ClothingEyesHudBeer = { "ClothingEyesHudBeer", "beer goggles", }, ClothingEyesHudFriedOnion = { "ClothingEyesHudFriedOnion", "fried onion goggles", }, ClothingEyesHudOnionBeer = { "ClothingEyesHudOnionBeer", "thungerst goggles", }, ClothingEyesHudMedOnion = { "ClothingEyesHudMedOnion", "medonion hud", }, ClothingEyesHudMedOnionBeer = { "ClothingEyesHudMedOnionBeer", "medthungerst hud", }, ClothingEyesHudMedSec = { "ClothingEyesHudMedSec", "medsec hud", }, ClothingEyesHudMultiversal = { "ClothingEyesHudMultiversal", "multiversal hud", }, ClothingEyesHudOmni = { "ClothingEyesHudOmni", "omni hud", }, ClothingEyesHudSyndicate = { "ClothingEyesHudSyndicate", "syndicate visor", }, ClothingEyesHudSyndicateAgent = { "ClothingEyesHudSyndicateAgent", "syndicate agent visor", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudMedical = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudMedical", "medical hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudMedicalFlipped = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudMedicalFlipped", "medical hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudSecurity = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudSecurity", "security hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudSecurityFlipped = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudSecurityFlipped", "security hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudBeer = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudBeer", "beer hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudBeerFlipped = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudBeerFlipped", "beer hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudDiag = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudDiag", "diagnostic hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesEyepatchHudDiagFlipped = { "ClothingEyesEyepatchHudDiagFlipped", "diagnostic hud eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesBlindfold = { "ClothingEyesBlindfold", "blindfold", }, ClothingEyesEyepatch = { "ClothingEyesEyepatch", "eyepatch", }, ClothingEyesChameleon = { "ClothingEyesChameleon", "sun glasses", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorPurple = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorPurple", "purple gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorRed = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorRed", "red gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlue = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlue", "blue gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorBrown = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorBrown", "brown gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorGray = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorGray", "grey gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorGreen = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorGreen", "green gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorLightBrown = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorLightBrown", "light brown gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorOrange = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorOrange", "orange gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorWhite = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorWhite", "white gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlack = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlack", "black gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellow = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellow", "insulated gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellowBudget = { "ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellowBudget", "budget insulated gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingRed = { "ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingRed", "red boxing gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingBlue = { "ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingBlue", "blue boxing gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingGreen = { "ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingGreen", "green boxing gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingYellow = { "ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingYellow", "yellow boxing gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesCaptain = { "ClothingHandsGlovesCaptain", "captain gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesHop = { "ClothingHandsGlovesHop", "papercut-proof gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesLatex = { "ClothingHandsGlovesLatex", "latex gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesNitrile = { "ClothingHandsGlovesNitrile", "nitrile gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesLeather = { "ClothingHandsGlovesLeather", "botanist's leather gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesPowerglove = { "ClothingHandsGlovesPowerglove", "power gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesRobohands = { "ClothingHandsGlovesRobohands", "robohands gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesSpaceNinja = { "ClothingHandsGlovesSpaceNinja", "space ninja gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesCombat = { "ClothingHandsGlovesCombat", "combat gloves", }, ClothingHandsTacticalMaidGloves = { "ClothingHandsTacticalMaidGloves", "tactical maid gloves", }, ClothingHandsMercGlovesCombat = { "ClothingHandsMercGlovesCombat", "mercenary combat gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesFingerless = { "ClothingHandsGlovesFingerless", "fingerless gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesFingerlessInsulated = { "ClothingHandsGlovesFingerlessInsulated", "fingerless insulated gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesMercFingerless = { "ClothingHandsGlovesMercFingerless", "mercenary fingerless gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesCluwne = { "ClothingHandsGlovesCluwne", "cluwne hands", }, ClothingHandsGlovesNorthStar = { "ClothingHandsGlovesNorthStar", "gloves of the north star", }, ClothingHandsGlovesForensic = { "ClothingHandsGlovesForensic", "forensic gloves", }, ClothingHandsGlovesJanitor = { "ClothingHandsGlovesJanitor", "rubber gloves", }, ClothingHandsChameleon = { "ClothingHandsChameleon", "black gloves", }, ClothingHeadHatAnimalCat = { "ClothingHeadHatAnimalCat", "grey cat hat", }, ClothingHeadHatAnimalCatBrown = { "ClothingHeadHatAnimalCatBrown", "brown cat hat", }, ClothingHeadHatAnimalCatBlack = { "ClothingHeadHatAnimalCatBlack", "black cat hat", }, ClothingHeadHatAnimalHeadslime = { "ClothingHeadHatAnimalHeadslime", "headslime hat", }, ClothingHeadHatAnimalMonkey = { "ClothingHeadHatAnimalMonkey", "monkey hat", }, ClothingHeadBandBlack = { "ClothingHeadBandBlack", "black bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandBlue = { "ClothingHeadBandBlue", "blue bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandBotany = { "ClothingHeadBandBotany", "botany bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandGold = { "ClothingHeadBandGold", "gold bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandGreen = { "ClothingHeadBandGreen", "green bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandGrey = { "ClothingHeadBandGrey", "grey bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandRed = { "ClothingHeadBandRed", "red bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandSkull = { "ClothingHeadBandSkull", "skull bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandMerc = { "ClothingHeadBandMerc", "mercenary bandana", }, ClothingHeadBandBrown = { "ClothingHeadBandBrown", "brown bandana", }, ClothingHeadLightBase = { "ClothingHeadLightBase", "base helmet with light", }, ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase = { "ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase", "base space helmet", }, ClothingHeadHardsuitBase = { "ClothingHeadHardsuitBase", "base hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHardsuitWithLightBase = { "ClothingHeadHardsuitWithLightBase", "base hardsuit helmet with light", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBase", "base winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHelmetEVA = { "ClothingHeadHelmetEVA", "EVA helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetEVALarge = { "ClothingHeadHelmetEVALarge", "EVA helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetSyndicate = { "ClothingHeadHelmetSyndicate", "syndicate EVA helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetCosmonaut = { "ClothingHeadHelmetCosmonaut", "cosmonaut helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamed = { "ClothingHeadHelmetVoidParamed", "paramedic void helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetAncient = { "ClothingHeadHelmetAncient", "NTSRA void helmet", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatBlue = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatBlue", "blue hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatOrange = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatOrange", "orange hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatRed = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatRed", "red hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatWhite = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatWhite", "white hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatYellow = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatYellow", "yellow hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatYellowDark = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatYellowDark", "dark yellow hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatHardhatArmored = { "ClothingHeadHatHardhatArmored", "armored hard hat", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitBasic = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitBasic", "basic hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitAtmos = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitAtmos", "atmos hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitEngineering = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitEngineering", "engineering hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSpatio = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSpatio", "spationaut hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSalvage = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSalvage", "salvage hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMaxim = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMaxim", "salvager maxim helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSecurity = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSecurity", "security hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitBrigmedic = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitBrigmedic", "brigmedic hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitWarden = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitWarden", "warden's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCap = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCap", "captain's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitEngineeringWhite = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitEngineeringWhite", "chief engineer's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMedical = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMedical", "chief medical officer's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitRd = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitRd", "experimental research hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSecurityRed = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSecurityRed", "head of security's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitLuxury = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitLuxury", "luxury mining hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndie = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndie", "blood-red hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieMedic = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieMedic", "blood-red medic hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieElite = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieElite", "syndicate elite helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieCommander = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSyndieCommander", "syndicate commander helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCybersun = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitCybersun", "cybersun juggernaut helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitWizard = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitWizard", "wizard hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitLing = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitLing", "organic space helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitPirateEVA = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitPirateEVA", "deep space EVA helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitPirateCap = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitPirateCap", "pirate captain's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTLeader = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTLeader", "ERT leader hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTChaplain = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTChaplain", "ERT chaplain hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTEngineer = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTEngineer", "ERT engineer hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTMedical = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTMedical", "ERT medic hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTSecurity = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTSecurity", "ERT security hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTJanitor = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitERTJanitor", "ERT janitor hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetCBURN = { "ClothingHeadHelmetCBURN", "CBURN exosuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitDeathsquad = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitDeathsquad", "deathsquad hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitClown = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitClown", "clown hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMime = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitMime", "mime hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSanta = { "ClothingHeadHelmetHardsuitSanta", "Santa's hardsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHatBeaverHat = { "ClothingHeadHatBeaverHat", "beaver hat", }, ClothingHeadHatBeret = { "ClothingHeadHatBeret", "beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretFrench", "french beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretSecurity = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretSecurity", "security beret", }, ClothingHeadHatCasa = { "ClothingHeadHatCasa", "casa", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretRND = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretRND", "scientific beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretEngineering = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretEngineering", "engineering beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretQM = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretQM", "quartermaster's beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretHoS = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretHoS", "head of security's beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretWarden = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretWarden", "warden's beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretSeniorPhysician = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretSeniorPhysician", "physician beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretBrigmedic = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretBrigmedic", "brigmedical beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretMerc = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretMerc", "mercenary beret", }, ClothingHeadHatBowlerHat = { "ClothingHeadHatBowlerHat", "bowler hat", }, ClothingHeadHatCaptain = { "ClothingHeadHatCaptain", "captain's hardhat", }, ClothingHeadHatCardborg = { "ClothingHeadHatCardborg", "cardborg helmet", }, ClothingHeadHatCentcom = { "ClothingHeadHatCentcom", "CentComm brand hat", }, ClothingHeadHatChef = { "ClothingHeadHatChef", "chef's hat", }, ClothingHeadHatFedoraBrown = { "ClothingHeadHatFedoraBrown", "brown fedora", }, ClothingHeadHatFedoraGrey = { "ClothingHeadHatFedoraGrey", "grey fedora", }, ClothingHeadHatFez = { "ClothingHeadHatFez", "fez", }, ClothingHeadHatHopcap = { "ClothingHeadHatHopcap", "head of personnel's cap", }, ClothingHeadHatHoshat = { "ClothingHeadHatHoshat", "head of security cap", }, ClothingHeadHatOutlawHat = { "ClothingHeadHatOutlawHat", "outlaw's hat", }, ClothingHeadHatWitch1 = { "ClothingHeadHatWitch1", "witch hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPaper = { "ClothingHeadHatPaper", "paper hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPirate = { "ClothingHeadHatPirate", "pirate hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPlaguedoctor = { "ClothingHeadHatPlaguedoctor", "plague doctor hat", }, ClothingHeadHatRedwizard = { "ClothingHeadHatRedwizard", "red wizard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatSantahat = { "ClothingHeadHatSantahat", "santa hat", }, ClothingHeadHatSombrero = { "ClothingHeadHatSombrero", "sombrero", }, ClothingHeadHatSurgcapBlue = { "ClothingHeadHatSurgcapBlue", "surgical cap", }, ClothingHeadHatSurgcapGreen = { "ClothingHeadHatSurgcapGreen", "surgical cap", }, ClothingHeadHatSurgcapPurple = { "ClothingHeadHatSurgcapPurple", "surgical cap", }, ClothingHeadHatTophat = { "ClothingHeadHatTophat", "tophat", }, ClothingHeadHatUshanka = { "ClothingHeadHatUshanka", "ushanka", }, ClothingHeadHatVioletwizard = { "ClothingHeadHatVioletwizard", "violet wizard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatWarden = { "ClothingHeadHatWarden", "warden's cap", }, ClothingHeadHatWitch = { "ClothingHeadHatWitch", "witch hat", }, ClothingHeadHatWizardFake = { "ClothingHeadHatWizardFake", "fake wizard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatWizard = { "ClothingHeadHatWizard", "wizard hat", }, ClothingHeadHatXmasCrown = { "ClothingHeadHatXmasCrown", "xmas crown", }, ClothingHeadHatTrucker = { "ClothingHeadHatTrucker", "trucker hat", }, ClothingHeadPyjamaSyndicateBlack = { "ClothingHeadPyjamaSyndicateBlack", "syndicate black pyjama hat", }, ClothingHeadPyjamaSyndicatePink = { "ClothingHeadPyjamaSyndicatePink", "syndicate pink pyjama hat", }, ClothingHeadPyjamaSyndicateRed = { "ClothingHeadPyjamaSyndicateRed", "syndicate red pyjama hat", }, ClothingHeadPaperSack = { "ClothingHeadPaperSack", "papersack hat", }, ClothingHeadPaperSackSmile = { "ClothingHeadPaperSackSmile", "smiling papersack hat", }, ClothingHeadFishCap = { "ClothingHeadFishCap", "fishing cap", }, ClothingHeadNurseHat = { "ClothingHeadNurseHat", "nurse hat", }, ClothingHeadRastaHat = { "ClothingHeadRastaHat", "rasta hat", }, ClothingHeadSafari = { "ClothingHeadSafari", "safari hat", }, ClothingHeadHatJester = { "ClothingHeadHatJester", "jester hat", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretCmo = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretCmo", "chief medical officer's beret", }, ClothingHeadHatPirateTricord = { "ClothingHeadHatPirateTricord", "pirate hat", }, ClothingHeadHatWatermelon = { "ClothingHeadHatWatermelon", "watermelon helmet", }, ClothingHeadHatSyndie = { "ClothingHeadHatSyndie", "syndicate hat", }, ClothingHeadHatSyndieMAA = { "ClothingHeadHatSyndieMAA", "master at arms hat", }, ClothingHeadHatTacticalMaidHeadband = { "ClothingHeadHatTacticalMaidHeadband", "tactical maid headband", }, ClothingHeadHatHetmanHat = { "ClothingHeadHatHetmanHat", "hetman hat", }, ClothingHeadHatMagician = { "ClothingHeadHatMagician", "magician's tophat", }, ClothingHeadHatCapcap = { "ClothingHeadHatCapcap", "cap cap", }, ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap = { "ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap", "CentComm cap", }, ClothingHeadHatGladiator = { "ClothingHeadHatGladiator", "gladiator helmet", }, ClothingHeadHatPartyRed = { "ClothingHeadHatPartyRed", "red party hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPartyYellow = { "ClothingHeadHatPartyYellow", "yellow party hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPartyGreen = { "ClothingHeadHatPartyGreen", "green party hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPartyBlue = { "ClothingHeadHatPartyBlue", "blue party hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPartyWaterCup = { "ClothingHeadHatPartyWaterCup", "water cup party hat", }, ClothingHeadHatGreyFlatcap = { "ClothingHeadHatGreyFlatcap", "grey flatcap", }, ClothingHeadHatBrownFlatcap = { "ClothingHeadHatBrownFlatcap", "brown flatcap", }, ClothingHeadHatCowboyBrown = { "ClothingHeadHatCowboyBrown", "brown cowboy hat", }, ClothingHeadHatCowboyBlack = { "ClothingHeadHatCowboyBlack", "black cowboy hat", }, ClothingHeadHatCowboyGrey = { "ClothingHeadHatCowboyGrey", "grey cowboy hat", }, ClothingHeadHatCowboyRed = { "ClothingHeadHatCowboyRed", "red cowboy hat", }, ClothingHeadHatCowboyWhite = { "ClothingHeadHatCowboyWhite", "white cowboy hat", }, ClothingHeadHatCowboyBountyHunter = { "ClothingHeadHatCowboyBountyHunter", "bounty hunter cowboy hat", }, ClothingHeadHatStrawHat = { "ClothingHeadHatStrawHat", "straw hat", }, ClothingHeadHatBeretMedic = { "ClothingHeadHatBeretMedic", "medical beret", }, ClothingHeadHelmetBasic = { "ClothingHeadHelmetBasic", "helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetMerc = { "ClothingHeadHelmetMerc", "mercenary helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetSwat = { "ClothingHeadHelmetSwat", "SWAT helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetSwatSyndicate = { "ClothingHeadHelmetSwatSyndicate", "SWAT helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetRiot = { "ClothingHeadHelmetRiot", "light riot helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetBombSuit = { "ClothingHeadHelmetBombSuit", "bombsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetJanitorBombSuit = { "ClothingHeadHelmetJanitorBombSuit", "janitorial bombsuit helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetCult = { "ClothingHeadHelmetCult", "cult helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetSpaceNinja = { "ClothingHeadHelmetSpaceNinja", "space ninja helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetTemplar = { "ClothingHeadHelmetTemplar", "templar helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetThunderdome = { "ClothingHeadHelmetThunderdome", "thunderdome helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetWizardHelm = { "ClothingHeadHelmetWizardHelm", "wizard helm", }, ClothingHeadHelmetFire = { "ClothingHeadHelmetFire", "fire helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetAtmosFire = { "ClothingHeadHelmetAtmosFire", "atmos fire helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetLing = { "ClothingHeadHelmetLing", "chitinous helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetERTLeader = { "ClothingHeadHelmetERTLeader", "ERT leader helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetERTSecurity = { "ClothingHeadHelmetERTSecurity", "ERT security helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetERTMedic = { "ClothingHeadHelmetERTMedic", "ERT medic helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetERTEngineer = { "ClothingHeadHelmetERTEngineer", "ERT engineer helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetERTJanitor = { "ClothingHeadHelmetERTJanitor", "ERT janitor helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetRaid = { "ClothingHeadHelmetRaid", "syndicate raid helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetBone = { "ClothingHeadHelmetBone", "bone helmet", }, ClothingHeadHelmetPodWars = { "ClothingHeadHelmetPodWars", "ironclad II helmet", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodBioGeneral = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodBioGeneral", "bio hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodBioCmo = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodBioCmo", "bio hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodBioJanitor = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodBioJanitor", "bio hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodBioScientist = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodBioScientist", "bio hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodBioSecurity = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodBioSecurity", "bio hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodBioVirology = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodBioVirology", "bio hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodChaplainHood = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodChaplainHood", "chaplain's hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodCulthood = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodCulthood", "cult hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodNunHood = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodNunHood", "nun hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodRad = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodRad", "radiation hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodGoliathCloak = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodGoliathCloak", "goliath cloak hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodIan = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodIan", "ian hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodCarp = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodCarp", "carp hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodMoth = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodMoth", "moth mask", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterDefault = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterDefault", "default winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBartender = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterBartender", "bartender winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCaptain = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCaptain", "captain's winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCargo = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCargo", "cargo winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCE = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCE", "chief engineer's winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCentcom = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCentcom", "CentComm winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterChem = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterChem", "chemist winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCMO = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterCMO", "chief medical officer's winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterEngineer = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterEngineer", "engineer winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHOP = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHOP", "head of personnel's winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHOS = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHOS", "head of security's winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHydro = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterHydro", "hydroponics coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterJani = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterJani", "janitor coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMed = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMed", "medic coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMime = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMime", "mime coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMiner = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterMiner", "miner coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterPara = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterPara", "paramedic coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterQM = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterQM", "quartermaster's coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterRD = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterRD", "research director's coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterRobo = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterRobo", "robotics coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSci = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSci", "scientist coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSec = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSec", "security coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSyndie = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterSyndie", "syndicate coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterWarden = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterWarden", "warden's coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterWeb = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterWeb", "web coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorBlack = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorBlack", "black winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorPurple = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorPurple", "purple winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorRed = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorRed", "red winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorBlue = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorBlue", "blue winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorBrown = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorBrown", "brown winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorGray = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorGray", "gray winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorGreen = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorGreen", "green winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorLightBrown = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorLightBrown", "light brown winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorOrange = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorOrange", "orange winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorWhite = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorWhite", "white winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorYellow = { "ClothingHeadHatHoodWinterColorYellow", "yellow winter coat hood", }, ClothingHeadHatBunny = { "ClothingHeadHatBunny", "bunny ears", }, ClothingHeadHatCake = { "ClothingHeadHatCake", "cake hat", }, ClothingHeadHatChickenhead = { "ClothingHeadHatChickenhead", "chicken head", }, ClothingHeadHatFlowerWreath = { "ClothingHeadHatFlowerWreath", "flower wreath", }, ClothingHeadHatPumpkin = { "ClothingHeadHatPumpkin", "pumpkin hat", }, ClothingHeadHatPwig = { "ClothingHeadHatPwig", "pwig", }, ClothingHeadMirror = { "ClothingHeadMirror", "head mirror", }, ClothingHeadHatRichard = { "ClothingHeadHatRichard", "richard", }, ClothingHeadHatSkub = { "ClothingHeadHatSkub", "skub hat", }, ClothingHeadHatShrineMaidenWig = { "ClothingHeadHatShrineMaidenWig", "shrine maiden's wig", }, ClothingHeadHatCone = { "ClothingHeadHatCone", "warning cone", }, ClothingHeadHatFancyCrown = { "ClothingHeadHatFancyCrown", "fancy crown", }, ClothingHeadHatCatEars = { "ClothingHeadHatCatEars", "cat ears", }, ActionBecomeValid = { "ActionBecomeValid", "Become Valid", }, ClothingHeadHatDogEars = { "ClothingHeadHatDogEars", "doggy ears", }, ClothingHeadHatSquid = { "ClothingHeadHatSquid", "squiddy", }, ClothingHeadHatRedRacoon = { "ClothingHeadHatRedRacoon", "red racoon hat", }, WaterDropletHat = { "WaterDropletHat", "water droplet", }, ClothingHeadHatBluesoft = { "ClothingHeadHatBluesoft", "blue cap", }, ClothingHeadHatBluesoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatBluesoftFlipped", "blue cap", }, ClothingHeadHatCargosoft = { "ClothingHeadHatCargosoft", "cargo cap", }, ClothingHeadHatCargosoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatCargosoftFlipped", "cargo cap", }, ClothingHeadHatQMsoft = { "ClothingHeadHatQMsoft", "quartermaster's cap", }, ClothingHeadHatQMsoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatQMsoftFlipped", "quartermaster's cap", }, ClothingHeadHatCorpsoft = { "ClothingHeadHatCorpsoft", "corporate cap", }, ClothingHeadHatCorpsoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatCorpsoftFlipped", "corporate cap", }, ClothingHeadHatGreensoft = { "ClothingHeadHatGreensoft", "green cap", }, ClothingHeadHatGreensoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatGreensoftFlipped", "green cap", }, ClothingHeadHatBlacksoft = { "ClothingHeadHatBlacksoft", "black cap", }, ClothingHeadHatBlacksoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatBlacksoftFlipped", "black cap", }, ClothingHeadHatGreysoft = { "ClothingHeadHatGreysoft", "grey cap", }, ClothingHeadHatGreysoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatGreysoftFlipped", "grey cap", }, ClothingHeadHatMimesoft = { "ClothingHeadHatMimesoft", "mime cap", }, ClothingHeadHatMimesoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatMimesoftFlipped", "mime cap", }, ClothingHeadHatOrangesoft = { "ClothingHeadHatOrangesoft", "orange cap", }, ClothingHeadHatOrangesoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatOrangesoftFlipped", "orange cap", }, ClothingHeadHatPurplesoft = { "ClothingHeadHatPurplesoft", "purple cap", }, ClothingHeadHatPurplesoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatPurplesoftFlipped", "purple cap", }, ClothingHeadHatRedsoft = { "ClothingHeadHatRedsoft", "red cap", }, ClothingHeadHatRedsoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatRedsoftFlipped", "red cap", }, ClothingHeadHatSecsoft = { "ClothingHeadHatSecsoft", "security cap", }, ClothingHeadHatSecsoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatSecsoftFlipped", "security cap", }, ClothingHeadHatYellowsoft = { "ClothingHeadHatYellowsoft", "yellow cap", }, ClothingHeadHatYellowsoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatYellowsoftFlipped", "yellow cap", }, ClothingHeadHatBizarreSoft = { "ClothingHeadHatBizarreSoft", "troublemaker's cap", }, ClothingHeadHatBizarreSoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatBizarreSoftFlipped", "troublemaker's cap", }, ClothingHeadHatParamedicsoft = { "ClothingHeadHatParamedicsoft", "paramedic cap", }, ClothingHeadHatParamedicsoftFlipped = { "ClothingHeadHatParamedicsoftFlipped", "paramedic cap", }, ClothingHeadHatChameleon = { "ClothingHeadHatChameleon", "beret", }, WeldingMaskBase = { "WeldingMaskBase", "welding mask", }, ClothingHeadHatWelding = { "ClothingHeadHatWelding", "welding mask", }, ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlame = { "ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlame", "flame welding mask", }, ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlameBlue = { "ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlameBlue", "blue-flame welding mask", }, ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskPainted = { "ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskPainted", "painted welding mask", }, ClothingMaskBandBlack = { "ClothingMaskBandBlack", "black bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandBlue = { "ClothingMaskBandBlue", "blue bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandBotany = { "ClothingMaskBandBotany", "botany bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandGold = { "ClothingMaskBandGold", "gold bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandGreen = { "ClothingMaskBandGreen", "green bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandGrey = { "ClothingMaskBandGrey", "grey bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandRed = { "ClothingMaskBandRed", "red bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandSkull = { "ClothingMaskBandSkull", "skull bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandMerc = { "ClothingMaskBandMerc", "mercenary bandana", }, ClothingMaskBandBrown = { "ClothingMaskBandBrown", "brown bandana", }, ActionToggleMask = { "ActionToggleMask", "Toggle Mask", }, ClothingMaskGas = { "ClothingMaskGas", "gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasSecurity = { "ClothingMaskGasSecurity", "security gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasSyndicate = { "ClothingMaskGasSyndicate", "syndicate gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasAtmos = { "ClothingMaskGasAtmos", "atmospheric gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasCaptain = { "ClothingMaskGasCaptain", "captain's gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasCentcom = { "ClothingMaskGasCentcom", "CentComm gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasExplorer = { "ClothingMaskGasExplorer", "explorer gas mask", }, ClothingMaskBreathMedical = { "ClothingMaskBreathMedical", "medical mask", }, ClothingMaskBreathMedicalSecurity = { "ClothingMaskBreathMedicalSecurity", "military-style medical mask", }, ClothingMaskBreath = { "ClothingMaskBreath", "breath mask", }, ClothingMaskClownBase = { "ClothingMaskClownBase", "clown wig and mask", }, ClothingMaskClownBanana = { "ClothingMaskClownBanana", "banana clown wig and mask", }, ClothingMaskClownSecurity = { "ClothingMaskClownSecurity", "security clown wig and mask", }, ClothingMaskJoy = { "ClothingMaskJoy", "joy mask", }, ClothingMaskMime = { "ClothingMaskMime", "mime mask", }, ClothingMaskSterile = { "ClothingMaskSterile", "sterile mask", }, ClothingMaskMuzzle = { "ClothingMaskMuzzle", "muzzle", }, ClothingMaskPlague = { "ClothingMaskPlague", "plague doctor mask", }, ClothingMaskCluwne = { "ClothingMaskCluwne", "cluwne face and hair", }, ClothingMaskGasSwat = { "ClothingMaskGasSwat", "swat gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasMerc = { "ClothingMaskGasMerc", "mercenary gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasERT = { "ClothingMaskGasERT", "ert gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGasDeathSquad = { "ClothingMaskGasDeathSquad", "death squad gas mask", }, ClothingMaskRat = { "ClothingMaskRat", "rat mask", }, ClothingMaskFox = { "ClothingMaskFox", "fox mask", }, ClothingMaskBee = { "ClothingMaskBee", "bee mask", }, ClothingMaskBear = { "ClothingMaskBear", "bear mask", }, ClothingMaskRaven = { "ClothingMaskRaven", "raven mask", }, ClothingMaskJackal = { "ClothingMaskJackal", "jackal mask", }, ClothingMaskBat = { "ClothingMaskBat", "bat mask", }, ClothingMaskNeckGaiter = { "ClothingMaskNeckGaiter", "neck gaiter", }, ClothingMaskNeckGaiterRed = { "ClothingMaskNeckGaiterRed", "red neck gaiter", }, ClothingMaskSexyClown = { "ClothingMaskSexyClown", "sexy clown mask", }, ClothingMaskSexyMime = { "ClothingMaskSexyMime", "sexy mime mask", }, ClothingMaskSadMime = { "ClothingMaskSadMime", "sad mime mask", }, ClothingMaskScaredMime = { "ClothingMaskScaredMime", "scared mime mask", }, ClothingMaskItalianMoustache = { "ClothingMaskItalianMoustache", "italian moustache", }, ClothingMaskNinja = { "ClothingMaskNinja", "ninja mask", }, ClothingMaskGasChameleon = { "ClothingMaskGasChameleon", "gas mask", }, ClothingMaskWeldingGas = { "ClothingMaskWeldingGas", "welding gas mask", }, ClothingMaskGoldenCursed = { "ClothingMaskGoldenCursed", "golden mask", }, ClothingNeckCloakCentcom = { "ClothingNeckCloakCentcom", "central commander's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakCap = { "ClothingNeckCloakCap", "captain's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakHos = { "ClothingNeckCloakHos", "head of security's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakCe = { "ClothingNeckCloakCe", "chief engineer's cloak", }, ClothingCloakCmo = { "ClothingCloakCmo", "chief medical officer's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakRd = { "ClothingNeckCloakRd", "research director's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakQm = { "ClothingNeckCloakQm", "quartermaster's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakHop = { "ClothingNeckCloakHop", "head of personnel's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakHerald = { "ClothingNeckCloakHerald", "herald's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakNanotrasen = { "ClothingNeckCloakNanotrasen", "nanotrasen cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakCapFormal = { "ClothingNeckCloakCapFormal", "captain's formal cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakAdmin = { "ClothingNeckCloakAdmin", "weh cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakMiner = { "ClothingNeckCloakMiner", "miner's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakTrans = { "ClothingNeckCloakTrans", "vampire cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakGoliathCloak = { "ClothingNeckCloakGoliathCloak", "goliath cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakPirateCap = { "ClothingNeckCloakPirateCap", "pirate captain cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakMoth = { "ClothingNeckCloakMoth", "moth cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakVoid = { "ClothingNeckCloakVoid", "void cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakAce = { "ClothingNeckCloakAce", "pilot's cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakAro = { "ClothingNeckCloakAro", "werewolf cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakBi = { "ClothingNeckCloakBi", "poison cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakIntersex = { "ClothingNeckCloakIntersex", "cyclops cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakLesbian = { "ClothingNeckCloakLesbian", "poet cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakGay = { "ClothingNeckCloakGay", "multi-level marketing cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakEnby = { "ClothingNeckCloakEnby", "treasure hunter cloak", }, ClothingNeckCloakPan = { "ClothingNeckCloakPan", "chef's cloak", }, ClothingNeckMantleCap = { "ClothingNeckMantleCap", "captain's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantleCE = { "ClothingNeckMantleCE", "chief engineer's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantleCMO = { "ClothingNeckMantleCMO", "chief medical officer's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantleHOP = { "ClothingNeckMantleHOP", "head of personnel's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantleHOS = { "ClothingNeckMantleHOS", "head of security's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantleRD = { "ClothingNeckMantleRD", "research director's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantleQM = { "ClothingNeckMantleQM", "quartermaster's mantle", }, ClothingNeckMantle = { "ClothingNeckMantle", "mantle", }, ClothingNeckBronzeheart = { "ClothingNeckBronzeheart", "bronzeheart medal", }, ClothingNeckGoldmedal = { "ClothingNeckGoldmedal", "gold medal of crewmanship", }, ClothingNeckCargomedal = { "ClothingNeckCargomedal", "cargo medal", }, ClothingNeckEngineermedal = { "ClothingNeckEngineermedal", "engineer medal", }, ClothingNeckMedicalmedal = { "ClothingNeckMedicalmedal", "medical medal", }, ClothingNeckSciencemedal = { "ClothingNeckSciencemedal", "science medal", }, ClothingNeckSecuritymedal = { "ClothingNeckSecuritymedal", "security medal", }, ClothingNeckClownmedal = { "ClothingNeckClownmedal", "clown medal", }, ClothingNeckHeadphones = { "ClothingNeckHeadphones", "headphones", }, ClothingNeckStethoscope = { "ClothingNeckStethoscope", "stethoscope", }, ClothingNeckBling = { "ClothingNeckBling", "bling", }, ClothingNeckLawyerbadge = { "ClothingNeckLawyerbadge", "lawyer badge", }, ActionStethoscope = { "ActionStethoscope", "Listen with stethoscope", }, ClothingNeckPinBase = { "ClothingNeckPinBase", "pin", }, ClothingNeckLGBTPin = { "ClothingNeckLGBTPin", "LGBT pin", }, ClothingNeckAromanticPin = { "ClothingNeckAromanticPin", "aromantic pin", }, ClothingNeckAsexualPin = { "ClothingNeckAsexualPin", "asexual pin", }, ClothingNeckBisexualPin = { "ClothingNeckBisexualPin", "bisexual pin", }, ClothingNeckIntersexPin = { "ClothingNeckIntersexPin", "intersex pin", }, ClothingNeckLesbianPin = { "ClothingNeckLesbianPin", "lesbian pin", }, ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin = { "ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin", "non-binary pin", }, ClothingNeckPansexualPin = { "ClothingNeckPansexualPin", "pansexual pin", }, ClothingNeckTransPin = { "ClothingNeckTransPin", "transgender pin", }, ClothingNeckAutismPin = { "ClothingNeckAutismPin", "autism pin", }, ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin = { "ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin", "golden autism pin", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedRed = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedRed", "striped red scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlue = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlue", "striped blue scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedGreen = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedGreen", "striped green scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlack = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlack", "striped black scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedBrown = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedBrown", "striped brown scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedLightBlue = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedLightBlue", "striped light blue scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedOrange = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedOrange", "striped orange scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedPurple = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedPurple", "striped purple scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedSyndieGreen = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedSyndieGreen", "striped syndicate green scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedSyndieRed = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedSyndieRed", "striped syndicate red scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedCentcom = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedCentcom", "striped CentComm scarf", }, ClothingNeckScarfStripedZebra = { "ClothingNeckScarfStripedZebra", "zebra scarf", }, ClothingNeckChameleon = { "ClothingNeckChameleon", "striped red scarf", }, ClothingNeckStoleChaplain = { "ClothingNeckStoleChaplain", "chaplain stole", }, ClothingNeckTieRed = { "ClothingNeckTieRed", "red-tie", }, ClothingNeckTieDet = { "ClothingNeckTieDet", "detective's tie", }, ClothingNeckTieSci = { "ClothingNeckTieSci", "scientist's tie", }, ClothingOuterArmorBasic = { "ClothingOuterArmorBasic", "armor vest", }, ClothingOuterArmorBasicSlim = { "ClothingOuterArmorBasicSlim", "armor vest", }, ClothingOuterArmorRiot = { "ClothingOuterArmorRiot", "riot suit", }, ClothingOuterArmorBulletproof = { "ClothingOuterArmorBulletproof", "bulletproof vest", }, ClothingOuterArmorReflective = { "ClothingOuterArmorReflective", "reflective vest", }, ClothingOuterArmorRaid = { "ClothingOuterArmorRaid", "syndicate raid suit", }, ClothingOuterArmorCult = { "ClothingOuterArmorCult", "acolyte armor", }, ClothingOuterArmorHeavy = { "ClothingOuterArmorHeavy", "heavy armor suit", }, ClothingOuterArmorHeavyGreen = { "ClothingOuterArmorHeavyGreen", "green heavy armor suit", }, ClothingOuterArmorHeavyRed = { "ClothingOuterArmorHeavyRed", "red heavy armor suit", }, ClothingOuterArmorMagusblue = { "ClothingOuterArmorMagusblue", "blue magus armor", }, ClothingOuterArmorMagusred = { "ClothingOuterArmorMagusred", "red magus armor", }, ClothingOuterArmorCaptainCarapace = { "ClothingOuterArmorCaptainCarapace", "captain's carapace", }, ClothingOuterArmorChangeling = { "ClothingOuterArmorChangeling", "chitinous armor", }, ClothingOuterArmorBone = { "ClothingOuterArmorBone", "bone armor", }, ClothingOuterArmorPodWars = { "ClothingOuterArmorPodWars", "ironclad II armor", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitBase = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitBase", "base hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterEVASuitBase = { "ClothingOuterEVASuitBase", "base EVA Suit", }, ClothingOuterBaseToggleable = { "ClothingOuterBaseToggleable", "hoodie with hood", }, ClothingOuterBioGeneral = { "ClothingOuterBioGeneral", "bio suit", }, ClothingOuterBioCmo = { "ClothingOuterBioCmo", "bio suit", }, ClothingOuterBioJanitor = { "ClothingOuterBioJanitor", "bio suit", }, ClothingOuterBioScientist = { "ClothingOuterBioScientist", "bio suit", }, ClothingOuterBioSecurity = { "ClothingOuterBioSecurity", "bio suit", }, ClothingOuterBioVirology = { "ClothingOuterBioVirology", "bio suit", }, ClothingOuterCoatBomber = { "ClothingOuterCoatBomber", "bomber jacket", }, ClothingOuterCoatDetective = { "ClothingOuterCoatDetective", "detective trenchcoat", }, ClothingOuterCoatDetectiveLoadoutGrey = { "ClothingOuterCoatDetectiveLoadoutGrey", "noir trenchcoat", }, ClothingOuterCoatGentle = { "ClothingOuterCoatGentle", "gentle coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatHoSTrench = { "ClothingOuterCoatHoSTrench", "head of security's armored trenchcoat", }, ClothingOuterCoatJensen = { "ClothingOuterCoatJensen", "jensen coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatTrench = { "ClothingOuterCoatTrench", "trench coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLab = { "ClothingOuterCoatLab", "lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabOpened", "lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabChem = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabChem", "chemist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabChemOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabChemOpened", "chemist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabViro = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabViro", "virologist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabViroOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabViroOpened", "virologist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabGene = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabGene", "geneticist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabGeneOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabGeneOpened", "geneticist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabCmo = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabCmo", "chief medical officer's lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabCmoOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabCmoOpened", "chief medical officer's lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatRnd = { "ClothingOuterCoatRnd", "scientist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatRndOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatRndOpened", "scientist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatRobo = { "ClothingOuterCoatRobo", "roboticist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatRoboOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatRoboOpened", "roboticist lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatRD = { "ClothingOuterCoatRD", "research director lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatRDOpened = { "ClothingOuterCoatRDOpened", "research director lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatPirate = { "ClothingOuterCoatPirate", "pirate garb", }, ClothingOuterCoatWarden = { "ClothingOuterCoatWarden", "warden's armored jacket", }, ClothingOuterDameDane = { "ClothingOuterDameDane", "yakuza coat", }, ClothingOuterClownPriest = { "ClothingOuterClownPriest", "robes of the honkmother", }, ClothingOuterDogi = { "ClothingOuterDogi", "samurai dogi", }, ClothingOuterCoatParamedicWB = { "ClothingOuterCoatParamedicWB", "paramedic windbreaker", }, ClothingOuterCoatSyndieCap = { "ClothingOuterCoatSyndieCap", "syndicate's coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatSyndieCapArmored = { "ClothingOuterCoatSyndieCapArmored", "syndicate's armored coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatAMG = { "ClothingOuterCoatAMG", "armored medical gown", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabSeniorResearcher = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabSeniorResearcher", "senior researcher lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatLabSeniorPhysician = { "ClothingOuterCoatLabSeniorPhysician", "senior physician lab coat", }, ClothingOuterCoatSpaceAsshole = { "ClothingOuterCoatSpaceAsshole", "the coat of space asshole", }, ClothingOuterCoatExpensive = { "ClothingOuterCoatExpensive", "expensive coat", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitBasic = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitBasic", "basic hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitAtmos = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitAtmos", "atmos hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineering = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineering", "engineering hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSpatio = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSpatio", "spationaut hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSalvage = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSalvage", "mining hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitMaxim = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitMaxim", "salvager maxim hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurity = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurity", "security hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitBrigmedic = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitBrigmedic", "brigmedic hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitWarden = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitWarden", "warden's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitCap = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitCap", "captain's armored spacesuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineeringWhite = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineeringWhite", "chief engineer's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitMedical = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitMedical", "chief medical officer's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitRd = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitRd", "experimental research hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurityRed = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSecurityRed", "head of security's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitLuxury = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitLuxury", "luxury mining hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndie = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndie", "blood-red hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieMedic = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieMedic", "blood-red medic hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieElite = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieElite", "syndicate elite hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieCommander = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieCommander", "syndicate commander hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitJuggernaut = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitJuggernaut", "cybersun juggernaut suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitWizard = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitWizard", "wizard hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitLing = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitLing", "organic space suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitPirateEVA = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitPirateEVA", "deep space EVA suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitPirateCap = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitPirateCap", "pirate captain's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader", "ERT leader's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitERTChaplain = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitERTChaplain", "ERT chaplain's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer", "ERT engineer's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical", "ERT medic's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity", "ERT security's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitERTJanitor = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitERTJanitor", "ERT janitor's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitDeathsquad = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitDeathsquad", "death squad hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitCBURN = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitCBURN", "CBURN exosuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitClown = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitClown", "clown hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitMime = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitMime", "mime hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSanta = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSanta", "Santa's hardsuit", }, ClothingOuterApron = { "ClothingOuterApron", "apron", }, ClothingOuterApronBar = { "ClothingOuterApronBar", "apron", }, ClothingOuterApronBotanist = { "ClothingOuterApronBotanist", "apron", }, ClothingOuterApronChef = { "ClothingOuterApronChef", "apron", }, ClothingOuterJacketChef = { "ClothingOuterJacketChef", "chef jacket", }, ClothingOuterHoodieBlack = { "ClothingOuterHoodieBlack", "black hoodie", }, ClothingOuterHoodieGrey = { "ClothingOuterHoodieGrey", "grey hoodie", }, ClothingOuterCardborg = { "ClothingOuterCardborg", "cardborg costume", }, ClothingOuterHoodieChaplain = { "ClothingOuterHoodieChaplain", "chaplain's hoodie", }, ClothingOuterPonchoClassic = { "ClothingOuterPonchoClassic", "classic poncho", }, ClothingOuterRobesCult = { "ClothingOuterRobesCult", "cult robes", }, ClothingOuterRobesJudge = { "ClothingOuterRobesJudge", "judge robes", }, ClothingOuterPoncho = { "ClothingOuterPoncho", "poncho", }, ClothingOuterSanta = { "ClothingOuterSanta", "santa suit", }, ClothingOuterWizardViolet = { "ClothingOuterWizardViolet", "violet wizard robes", }, ClothingOuterWizard = { "ClothingOuterWizard", "wizard robes", }, ClothingOuterWizardRed = { "ClothingOuterWizardRed", "red wizard robes", }, ClothingOuterSkub = { "ClothingOuterSkub", "skub suit", }, ClothingOuterPlagueSuit = { "ClothingOuterPlagueSuit", "plague doctor suit", }, ClothingOuterNunRobe = { "ClothingOuterNunRobe", "nun robe", }, ClothingOuterGhostSheet = { "ClothingOuterGhostSheet", "ghost sheet", }, ClothingOuterHospitalGown = { "ClothingOuterHospitalGown", "hospital gown", }, ClothingOuterFlannelRed = { "ClothingOuterFlannelRed", "red flannel jacket", }, ClothingOuterFlannelBlue = { "ClothingOuterFlannelBlue", "blue flannel jacket", }, ClothingOuterFlannelGreen = { "ClothingOuterFlannelGreen", "green flannel jacket", }, ClothingOuterRedRacoon = { "ClothingOuterRedRacoon", "red racoon suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitEVA = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitEVA", "EVA suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndicate = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndicate", "syndicate EVA suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitEmergency = { "ClothingOuterSuitEmergency", "emergency EVA suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitEVAPrisoner = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitEVAPrisoner", "prisoner EVA suit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitAncientEVA = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitAncientEVA", "NTSRA voidsuit", }, ClothingOuterHardsuitVoidParamed = { "ClothingOuterHardsuitVoidParamed", "paramedic void suit", }, ClothingOuterChameleon = { "ClothingOuterChameleon", "vest", }, ClothingOuterSuitBomb = { "ClothingOuterSuitBomb", "bomb suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitJanitorBomb = { "ClothingOuterSuitJanitorBomb", "janitorial bomb suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitFire = { "ClothingOuterSuitFire", "fire suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitAtmosFire = { "ClothingOuterSuitAtmosFire", "atmos fire suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitRad = { "ClothingOuterSuitRad", "radiation suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitSpaceNinja = { "ClothingOuterSuitSpaceNinja", "space ninja suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitChicken = { "ClothingOuterSuitChicken", "chicken suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitShrineMaiden = { "ClothingOuterSuitShrineMaiden", "shrine maiden outfit", }, ClothingOuterSuitWitchRobes = { "ClothingOuterSuitWitchRobes", "witch robes", }, ClothingOuterSuitMonkey = { "ClothingOuterSuitMonkey", "monkey suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitIan = { "ClothingOuterSuitIan", "ian suit", }, ClothingOuterSuitCarp = { "ClothingOuterSuitCarp", "carp suit", }, ClothingOuterVestWeb = { "ClothingOuterVestWeb", "web vest", }, ClothingOuterVestWebMerc = { "ClothingOuterVestWebMerc", "merc web vest", }, ClothingOuterVestDetective = { "ClothingOuterVestDetective", "detective's vest", }, ClothingOuterVestHazard = { "ClothingOuterVestHazard", "hi-viz vest", }, ClothingOuterVest = { "ClothingOuterVest", "vest", }, ClothingOuterVestTank = { "ClothingOuterVestTank", "tank harness", }, ClothingOuterWinterCoat = { "ClothingOuterWinterCoat", "winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterCoatToggleable = { "ClothingOuterWinterCoatToggleable", "winter coat with hood", }, ClothingOuterWinterAtmos = { "ClothingOuterWinterAtmos", "atmospherics winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterBar = { "ClothingOuterWinterBar", "bartender winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterCap = { "ClothingOuterWinterCap", "captain's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterCargo = { "ClothingOuterWinterCargo", "cargo winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterCE = { "ClothingOuterWinterCE", "chief engineer's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterCentcom = { "ClothingOuterWinterCentcom", "CentComm winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterChef = { "ClothingOuterWinterChef", "chef's freezer coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterChem = { "ClothingOuterWinterChem", "chemistry winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterCMO = { "ClothingOuterWinterCMO", "chief medical officer's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterClown = { "ClothingOuterWinterClown", "clown winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterEngi = { "ClothingOuterWinterEngi", "engineering winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterGen = { "ClothingOuterWinterGen", "genetics winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterHoP = { "ClothingOuterWinterHoP", "head of personnel's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterHoS = { "ClothingOuterWinterHoS", "head of security's armored winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterHoSUnarmored = { "ClothingOuterWinterHoSUnarmored", "head of security's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterHydro = { "ClothingOuterWinterHydro", "hydroponics winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterJani = { "ClothingOuterWinterJani", "janitorial winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterMed = { "ClothingOuterWinterMed", "medical winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterMime = { "ClothingOuterWinterMime", "mime winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterMiner = { "ClothingOuterWinterMiner", "mining winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterPara = { "ClothingOuterWinterPara", "paramedic winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterQM = { "ClothingOuterWinterQM", "quartermaster's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterRD = { "ClothingOuterWinterRD", "research director's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterRobo = { "ClothingOuterWinterRobo", "robotics winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterSci = { "ClothingOuterWinterSci", "science winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterSec = { "ClothingOuterWinterSec", "security winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterViro = { "ClothingOuterWinterViro", "virology winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterWarden = { "ClothingOuterWinterWarden", "warden's armored winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterWardenUnarmored = { "ClothingOuterWinterWardenUnarmored", "warden's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterSyndieCap = { "ClothingOuterWinterSyndieCap", "syndicate's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterSyndieCapArmored = { "ClothingOuterWinterSyndieCapArmored", "syndicate's armored winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterSyndie = { "ClothingOuterWinterSyndie", "syndicate's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterMusician = { "ClothingOuterWinterMusician", "musician's winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterWeb = { "ClothingOuterWinterWeb", "web winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorBlack = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorBlack", "black winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorPurple = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorPurple", "purple winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorRed = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorRed", "red winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorBlue = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorBlue", "blue winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorBrown = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorBrown", "brown winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorGray = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorGray", "gray winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorGreen = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorGreen", "green winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorLightBrown = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorLightBrown", "light brown winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorOrange = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorOrange", "orange winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorWhite = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorWhite", "white winter coat", }, ClothingOuterWinterColorYellow = { "ClothingOuterWinterColorYellow", "yellow winter coat", }, ClothingShoesBootsWork = { "ClothingShoesBootsWork", "workboots", }, ClothingShoesBootsJack = { "ClothingShoesBootsJack", "jackboots", }, ClothingShoesBootsSalvage = { "ClothingShoesBootsSalvage", "salvage boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsPerformer = { "ClothingShoesBootsPerformer", "performer's boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsCombat = { "ClothingShoesBootsCombat", "combat boots", }, ClothingShoesHighheelBoots = { "ClothingShoesHighheelBoots", "high-heeled boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsMerc = { "ClothingShoesBootsMerc", "mercenary boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsLaceup = { "ClothingShoesBootsLaceup", "laceup shoes", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinter = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinter", "winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterCargo = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterCargo", "cargo winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterEngi = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterEngi", "engineering winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterMed = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterMed", "medical winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterSci = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterSci", "science winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterSec = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterSec", "security winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterSyndicate = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterSyndicate", "syndicate's winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsWinterWeb = { "ClothingShoesBootsWinterWeb", "web winter boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsCowboyBrown = { "ClothingShoesBootsCowboyBrown", "brown cowboy boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsCowboyBlack = { "ClothingShoesBootsCowboyBlack", "black cowboy boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsCowboyWhite = { "ClothingShoesBootsCowboyWhite", "white cowboy boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsCowboyFancy = { "ClothingShoesBootsCowboyFancy", "fancy cowboy boots", }, ClothingShoesColorBlack = { "ClothingShoesColorBlack", "black shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorWhite = { "ClothingShoesColorWhite", "white shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorBlue = { "ClothingShoesColorBlue", "blue shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorBrown = { "ClothingShoesColorBrown", "brown shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorGreen = { "ClothingShoesColorGreen", "green shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorOrange = { "ClothingShoesColorOrange", "orange shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorRed = { "ClothingShoesColorRed", "red shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorYellow = { "ClothingShoesColorYellow", "yellow shoes", }, ClothingShoesColorPurple = { "ClothingShoesColorPurple", "purple shoes", }, ClothingShoesBootsMag = { "ClothingShoesBootsMag", "magboots", }, ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv = { "ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv", "advanced magboots", }, ClothingShoesBootsMagBlinding = { "ClothingShoesBootsMagBlinding", "magboots of blinding speed", }, ClothingShoesBootsMagSyndie = { "ClothingShoesBootsMagSyndie", "blood-red magboots", }, ActionToggleMagboots = { "ActionToggleMagboots", "Toggle Magboots", }, ClothingShoesFlippers = { "ClothingShoesFlippers", "flippers", }, ClothingShoesLeather = { "ClothingShoesLeather", "leather shoes", }, ClothingShoesSlippers = { "ClothingShoesSlippers", "slippers", }, ClothingShoeSlippersDuck = { "ClothingShoeSlippersDuck", "ducky slippers", }, ClothingShoesTourist = { "ClothingShoesTourist", "tourist shoes", }, ClothingShoesDameDane = { "ClothingShoesDameDane", "yakuza shoes", }, ClothingShoesSnakeskinBoots = { "ClothingShoesSnakeskinBoots", "snakeskin boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsSpeed = { "ClothingShoesBootsSpeed", "speed boots", }, ActionToggleSpeedBoots = { "ActionToggleSpeedBoots", "Toggle Speed Boots", }, ClothingShoesBootsMoon = { "ClothingShoesBootsMoon", "moon boots", }, ClothingShoesChef = { "ClothingShoesChef", "chef shoes", }, ClothingShoesClown = { "ClothingShoesClown", "clown shoes", }, ClothingShoesClownBanana = { "ClothingShoesClownBanana", "banana clown shoes", }, ClothingShoesBling = { "ClothingShoesBling", "bling clown shoes", }, ClothingShoesCult = { "ClothingShoesCult", "cult shoes", }, ClothingShoesGaloshes = { "ClothingShoesGaloshes", "galoshes", }, ClothingShoesSpaceNinja = { "ClothingShoesSpaceNinja", "space ninja shoes", }, ClothingShoesSwat = { "ClothingShoesSwat", "swat shoes", }, ClothingShoesWizard = { "ClothingShoesWizard", "wizard shoes", }, ClothingShoesChameleon = { "ClothingShoesChameleon", "black shoes", }, ClothingShoesChameleonNoSlips = { "ClothingShoesChameleonNoSlips", "black shoes", }, ClothingShoesJester = { "ClothingShoesJester", "jester shoes", }, ClothingShoesCluwne = { "ClothingShoesCluwne", "cluwne shoes", }, ClothingShoesClownLarge = { "ClothingShoesClownLarge", "large clown shoes", }, ClothingShoesSkates = { "ClothingShoesSkates", "roller skates", }, ClothingUnderSocksBee = { "ClothingUnderSocksBee", "bee socks", }, ClothingUnderSocksCoder = { "ClothingUnderSocksCoder", "coder socks", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlackElegantDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlackElegantDress", "black elegant dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtRedElegantDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtRedElegantDress", "red elegant dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenElegantDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenElegantDress", "green elegant dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlueElegantDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlueElegantDress", "blue elegant dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtPurpleElegantDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtPurpleElegantDress", "purple elegant dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCyanStripedDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCyanStripedDress", "cyan striped dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtRedStripedDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtRedStripedDress", "red striped dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenStripedDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenStripedDress", "green striped dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtPinkStripedDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtPinkStripedDress", "pink striped dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtOrangeStripedDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtOrangeStripedDress", "orange striped dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtPurpleTurtleneckDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtPurpleTurtleneckDress", "purple turtleneck dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtRedTurtleneckDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtRedTurtleneckDress", "red turtleneck dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenTurtleneckDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtGreenTurtleneckDress", "green turtleneck dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlueTurtleneckDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtBlueTurtleneckDress", "blue turtleneck dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtYellowTurtleneckDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtYellowTurtleneckDress", "yellow turtleneck dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtYellowOldDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtYellowOldDress", "yellow old dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorWhite = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorWhite", "white jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorGrey", "grey jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorBlack = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorBlack", "black jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorBlue", "blue jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorDarkBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorDarkBlue", "dark blue jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorTeal = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorTeal", "teal jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorGreen = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorGreen", "green jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorDarkGreen = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorDarkGreen", "dark green jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorOrange = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorOrange", "orange jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorPink = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorPink", "pink jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorRed", "red jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorYellow = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorYellow", "yellow jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorPurple", "purple jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorLightBrown = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorLightBrown", "light brown jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorBrown = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorBrown", "brown jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorMaroon = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorMaroon", "maroon jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorWhite = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorWhite", "white jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorGrey", "grey jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorBlack = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorBlack", "black jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorBlue", "blue jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorDarkBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorDarkBlue", "dark blue jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorTeal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorTeal", "teal jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorGreen = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorGreen", "green jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorDarkGreen = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorDarkGreen", "dark green jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorOrange = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorOrange", "orange jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorPink = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorPink", "pink jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorRed", "red jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorYellow = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorYellow", "yellow jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorPurple", "purple jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorLightBrown = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorLightBrown", "light brown jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorBrown = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorBrown", "brown jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorMaroon = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorMaroon", "maroon jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformColorRainbow = { "ClothingUniformColorRainbow", "rainbow jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtBartender = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtBartender", "bartender's uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCaptain = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCaptain", "captain's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCargo = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCargo", "cargo tech jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtChiefEngineer = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtChiefEngineer", "chief engineer's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtChiefEngineerTurtle = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtChiefEngineerTurtle", "chief engineer's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtChaplain = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtChaplain", "chaplain's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtChef = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtChef", "chef uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtChemistry = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtChemistry", "chemistry jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtVirology = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtVirology", "virology jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtGenetics = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtGenetics", "genetics jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCMO = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCMO", "chief medical officer's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCMOTurtle = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCMOTurtle", "chief medical officer's turtleneck jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetective = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetective", "hard-worn suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetectiveGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetectiveGrey", "noir suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtEngineering = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtEngineering", "engineering jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoP = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoP", "head of personnel's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoS = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoS", "head of security's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoSAlt = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoSAlt", "head of security's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoSParadeMale = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtHoSParadeMale", "head of security's parade uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtHydroponics = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtHydroponics", "hydroponics jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanitor = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanitor", "janitor jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtMedicalDoctor = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtMedicalDoctor", "medical doctor jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtMime = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtMime", "mime jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtParamedic = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtParamedic", "paramedic jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtBrigmedic = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtBrigmedic", "brigmedic jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtPrisoner = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtPrisoner", "prisoner jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtQM = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtQM", "quartermaster's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtQMTurtleneck = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtQMTurtleneck", "quartermasters's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtResearchDirector = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtResearchDirector", "research director's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtScientist = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtScientist", "scientist jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtRoboticist = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtRoboticist", "roboticist jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSec = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSec", "security jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtWarden = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtWarden", "warden's uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtLibrarian = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtLibrarian", "librarian jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCurator = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCurator", "sensible skirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtPerformer = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtPerformer", "performer's jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCapFormalDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCapFormalDress", "captain's formal dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCentcomFormalDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCentcomFormalDress", "central command formal dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtHosFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtHosFormal", "hos's formal dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtOperative = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtOperative", "operative jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtTacticool = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtTacticool", "tacticool jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtAtmos = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtAtmos", "atmospheric technician jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaid = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaid", "janitorial maid uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaidmini = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaidmini", "janitorial maid uniform with miniskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerRed", "red lawyer suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerBlue", "blue lawyer suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerBlack = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerBlack", "black lawyer suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerPurple", "purple lawyer suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerGood = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtLawyerGood", "good lawyer's suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSyndieFormalDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSyndieFormalDress", "syndicate formal dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtTacticalMaid = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtTacticalMaid", "tactical maid suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtOfLife = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtOfLife", "skirt of life", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorEngineer = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorEngineer", "senior engineer jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorResearcher = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorResearcher", "senior researcher jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorPhysician = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorPhysician", "senior physician jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorOfficer = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSeniorOfficer", "senior officer jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtSecGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtSecGrey", "grey security jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtWeb = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtWeb", "web jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCasualBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCasualBlue", "casual blue jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCasualPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCasualPurple", "casual purple jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtCasualRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtCasualRed", "casual red jumpskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtOldDress = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtOldDress", "old dress", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtMusician = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtMusician", "musician's skirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpskirtPsychologist = { "ClothingUniformJumpskirtPsychologist", "psychologist suitskirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitDeathSquad = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitDeathSquad", "death squad uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitAncient = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitAncient", "ancient jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitBartender = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitBartender", "bartender's uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitJacketMonkey = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitJacketMonkey", "bartender's jacket monkey", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitBartenderPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitBartenderPurple", "purple bartender's uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCaptain = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCaptain", "captain's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCargo = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCargo", "cargo tech jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSalvageSpecialist = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSalvageSpecialist", "salvage specialist's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineer = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineer", "chief engineer's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineerTurtle = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineerTurtle", "chief engineer's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChaplain = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChaplain", "chaplain's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomAgent = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomAgent", "CentComm agent's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomOfficial = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomOfficial", "CentComm official's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomOfficer = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomOfficer", "CentComm officer's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChef = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChef", "chef uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChemistry = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChemistry", "chemistry jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitVirology = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitVirology", "virology jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitGenetics = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitGenetics", "genetics jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitClown = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitClown", "clown suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitClownBanana = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitClownBanana", "banana clown suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitJester = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitJester", "jester suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCMO = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCMO", "chief medical officer's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCMOTurtle = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCMOTurtle", "chief medical officer's turtleneck jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetective = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetective", "hard-worn suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetectiveGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetectiveGrey", "noir suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitEngineering = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitEngineering", "engineering jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitEngineeringHazard = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitEngineeringHazard", "hazard jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoP = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoP", "head of personnel's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoS = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoS", "head of security's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSAlt = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSAlt", "head of security's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSBlue", "head of security's blue jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSGrey", "head of security's grey jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSParadeMale = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHoSParadeMale", "head of security's parade uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHydroponics = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHydroponics", "hydroponics jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitJanitor = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitJanitor", "janitor jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitKimono = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitKimono", "kimono", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitMedicalDoctor = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitMedicalDoctor", "medical doctor jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitMime = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitMime", "mime suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitParamedic = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitParamedic", "paramedic jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitBrigmedic = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitBrigmedic", "brigmedic jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitPrisoner = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitPrisoner", "prisoner jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitQM = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitQM", "quartermaster's jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitQMTurtleneck = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitQMTurtleneck", "quartermasters's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitQMFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitQMFormal", "quartermasters's formal suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitResearchDirector = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitResearchDirector", "research director's turtleneck", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitScientist = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitScientist", "scientist jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitScientistFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitScientistFormal", "scientist's formal jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitRoboticist = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitRoboticist", "roboticist jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSec = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSec", "security jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSecBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSecBlue", "blue shirt and tie", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSecGrey = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSecGrey", "grey security jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitWarden = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitWarden", "warden's uniform", }, ClothingUniformOveralls = { "ClothingUniformOveralls", "overalls", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLibrarian = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLibrarian", "librarian jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCurator = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCurator", "sensible suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerRed", "red lawyer suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlue", "blue lawyer suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlack = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlack", "black lawyer suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerPurple", "purple lawyer suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerGood = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerGood", "good lawyer's suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitPyjamaSyndicateBlack = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitPyjamaSyndicateBlack", "black syndicate pyjamas", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitPyjamaSyndicatePink = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitPyjamaSyndicatePink", "pink syndicate pyjamas", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitPyjamaSyndicateRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitPyjamaSyndicateRed", "red syndicate pyjamas", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitNanotrasen = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitNanotrasen", "nanotrasen jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCapFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCapFormal", "captain's formal suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomFormal", "central command formal suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHosFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHosFormal", "hos's formal suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitOperative = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitOperative", "operative jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitTacticool = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitTacticool", "tacticool jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitMercenary = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitMercenary", "mercenary jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitNinja = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitNinja", "ninja jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitAtmos = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitAtmos", "atmospheric technician jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitAtmosCasual = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitAtmosCasual", "atmospheric technician's casual jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitPsychologist = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitPsychologist", "psychologist suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitReporter = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitReporter", "reporter suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSafari = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSafari", "safari suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitJournalist = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitJournalist", "journalist suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitMonasticRobeDark = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitMonasticRobeDark", "dark monastic robe", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitMonasticRobeLight = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitMonasticRobeLight", "light monastic robe", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitMusician = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitMusician", "musician's tuxedo", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTChaplain = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTChaplain", "ERT chaplain uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTEngineer = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTEngineer", "ERT engineering uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTJanitor = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTJanitor", "ERT janitorial uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTLeader = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTLeader", "ERT leader uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTMedic = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTMedic", "ERT medical uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTSecurity = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitERTSecurity", "ERT security uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCluwne = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCluwne", "cluwne suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitDameDane = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitDameDane", "yakuza outfit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitPirate = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitPirate", "pirate slops", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCossack = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCossack", "cossack suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiBlack = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiBlack", "black hawaiian shirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiBlue", "blue hawaiian shirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiRed", "red hawaiian shirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiYellow = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitHawaiYellow", "yellow hawaiian shirt", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSyndieFormal = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSyndieFormal", "syndicate formal suit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitFlannel = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitFlannel", "flannel jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorEngineer = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorEngineer", "senior engineer jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorResearcher = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorResearcher", "senior researcher jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorPhysician = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorPhysician", "senior physician jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorOfficer = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitSeniorOfficer", "senior officer jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitWeb = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitWeb", "web jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitLoungewear = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitLoungewear", "loungewear", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitGladiator = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitGladiator", "gladiator uniform", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualBlue = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualBlue", "casual blue jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualPurple = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualPurple", "casual purple jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualRed = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitCasualRed", "casual red jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitFamilyGuy = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitFamilyGuy", "familiar garbs", }, UniformShortsRed = { "UniformShortsRed", "boxing shorts", }, UniformShortsRedWithTop = { "UniformShortsRedWithTop", "boxing shorts with top", }, ClothingRandomSpawner = { "ClothingRandomSpawner", "random colorful costume", }, ClothingUniformRandomArmless = { "ClothingUniformRandomArmless", "colorful hands-free costume", }, ClothingUniformRandomStandard = { "ClothingUniformRandomStandard", "colorful costume", }, ClothingUniformRandomBra = { "ClothingUniformRandomBra", "colorful bra", }, ClothingUniformRandomShorts = { "ClothingUniformRandomShorts", "colorful pants", }, ClothingUniformRandomShirt = { "ClothingUniformRandomShirt", "colorful costume", }, UniformScrubsColorPurple = { "UniformScrubsColorPurple", "purple scrubs", }, UniformScrubsColorGreen = { "UniformScrubsColorGreen", "green scrubs", }, UniformScrubsColorBlue = { "UniformScrubsColorBlue", "blue scrubs", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitRecruitNT = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitRecruitNT", "recruit jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitRecruitSyndie = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitRecruitSyndie", "syndicate recruit jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitRepairmanNT = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitRepairmanNT", "repairman jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitRepairmanSyndie = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitRepairmanSyndie", "syndicate repairman jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitParamedicNT = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitParamedicNT", "paramedic jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitParamedicSyndie = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitParamedicSyndie", "syndicate paramedic jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineerNT = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineerNT", "chief engineer jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineerSyndie = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChiefEngineerSyndie", "syndicate chief engineer jumpsuit", }, ClothingUniformJumpsuitChameleon = { "ClothingUniformJumpsuitChameleon", "black jumpsuit", }, SpawnMobMedibot = { "SpawnMobMedibot", "medibot spawner", }, SpawnMobCleanBot = { "SpawnMobCleanBot", "cleanbot spawner", }, SalvageHumanCorpseSpawner = { "SalvageHumanCorpseSpawner", "Human Corpse Spawner", }, RandomServiceCorpseSpawner = { "RandomServiceCorpseSpawner", "Random Service Corpse Spawner", }, RandomEngineerCorpseSpawner = { "RandomEngineerCorpseSpawner", "Random Engineer Corpse Spawner", }, RandomCargoCorpseSpawner = { "RandomCargoCorpseSpawner", "Random Cargo Corpse Spawner", }, RandomMedicCorpseSpawner = { "RandomMedicCorpseSpawner", "Random Medic Corpse Spawner", }, RandomScienceCorpseSpawner = { "RandomScienceCorpseSpawner", "Random Science Corpse Spawner", }, RandomSecurityCorpseSpawner = { "RandomSecurityCorpseSpawner", "Random Security Corpse Spawner", }, RandomCommandCorpseSpawner = { "RandomCommandCorpseSpawner", "Random Command Corpse Spawner", }, SpawnMobHuman = { "SpawnMobHuman", "Urist Spawner", }, BaseAntagSpawner = { "BaseAntagSpawner", "ghost role spawn point", }, SpawnPointGhostRatKing = { "SpawnPointGhostRatKing", "ghost role spawn point", }, SpawnPointGhostRemilia = { "SpawnPointGhostRemilia", "ghost role spawn point", }, SpawnPointGhostCerberus = { "SpawnPointGhostCerberus", "ghost role spawn point", }, SpawnPointGhostNukeOperative = { "SpawnPointGhostNukeOperative", "ghost role spawn point", }, SpawnMobSyndicateFootSoldier = { "SpawnMobSyndicateFootSoldier", "syndicate footsoldier spawner", }, SpawnMobSyndicateFootsoldierPilot = { "SpawnMobSyndicateFootsoldierPilot", "syndicate shuttle pilot spawner", }, SpawnPointObserver = { "SpawnPointObserver", "observer spawn point", }, SpawnPointLatejoin = { "SpawnPointLatejoin", "latejoin spawn point", }, SpawnPointQuartermaster = { "SpawnPointQuartermaster", "quartermaster", }, SpawnPointCargoTechnician = { "SpawnPointCargoTechnician", "cargotechnician", }, SpawnPointSalvageSpecialist = { "SpawnPointSalvageSpecialist", "salvagespecialist", }, SpawnPointPassenger = { "SpawnPointPassenger", "passenger", }, SpawnPointTechnicalAssistant = { "SpawnPointTechnicalAssistant", "technical assistant", }, SpawnPointMedicalIntern = { "SpawnPointMedicalIntern", "medical intern", }, SpawnPointSecurityCadet = { "SpawnPointSecurityCadet", "security cadet", }, SpawnPointResearchAssistant = { "SpawnPointResearchAssistant", "research assistant", }, SpawnPointServiceWorker = { "SpawnPointServiceWorker", "service worker", }, SpawnPointBartender = { "SpawnPointBartender", "bartender", }, SpawnPointChef = { "SpawnPointChef", "chef", }, SpawnPointBotanist = { "SpawnPointBotanist", "botanist", }, SpawnPointClown = { "SpawnPointClown", "clown", }, SpawnPointMime = { "SpawnPointMime", "mime", }, SpawnPointChaplain = { "SpawnPointChaplain", "chaplain", }, SpawnPointLibrarian = { "SpawnPointLibrarian", "librarian", }, SpawnPointLawyer = { "SpawnPointLawyer", "lawyer", }, SpawnPointJanitor = { "SpawnPointJanitor", "janitor", }, SpawnPointMusician = { "SpawnPointMusician", "musician", }, SpawnPointBoxer = { "SpawnPointBoxer", "boxer", }, SpawnPointBorg = { "SpawnPointBorg", "cyborg", }, SpawnPointCaptain = { "SpawnPointCaptain", "captain", }, SpawnPointHeadOfPersonnel = { "SpawnPointHeadOfPersonnel", "headofpersonnel", }, SpawnPointChiefEngineer = { "SpawnPointChiefEngineer", "chiefengineer", }, SpawnPointStationEngineer = { "SpawnPointStationEngineer", "stationengineer", }, SpawnPointAtmos = { "SpawnPointAtmos", "atmospherics", }, SpawnPointChiefMedicalOfficer = { "SpawnPointChiefMedicalOfficer", "chiefmedicalofficer", }, SpawnPointMedicalDoctor = { "SpawnPointMedicalDoctor", "medicaldoctor", }, SpawnPointParamedic = { "SpawnPointParamedic", "paramedic", }, SpawnPointChemist = { "SpawnPointChemist", "chemist", }, SpawnPointResearchDirector = { "SpawnPointResearchDirector", "researchdirector", }, SpawnPointScientist = { "SpawnPointScientist", "scientist", }, SpawnPointHeadOfSecurity = { "SpawnPointHeadOfSecurity", "headofsecurity", }, SpawnPointWarden = { "SpawnPointWarden", "warden", }, SpawnPointSecurityOfficer = { "SpawnPointSecurityOfficer", "securityofficer", }, SpawnPointDetective = { "SpawnPointDetective", "detective", }, SpawnPointBrigmedic = { "SpawnPointBrigmedic", "brigmedic", }, SpawnPointERTLeader = { "SpawnPointERTLeader", "ERTleader", }, SpawnPointERTChaplain = { "SpawnPointERTChaplain", "ERTchaplain", }, SpawnPointERTEngineer = { "SpawnPointERTEngineer", "ERTengineer", }, SpawnPointERTMedical = { "SpawnPointERTMedical", "ERTmedical", }, SpawnPointERTSecurity = { "SpawnPointERTSecurity", "ERTsecurity", }, SpawnPointERTJanitor = { "SpawnPointERTJanitor", "ERTjanitor", }, SpawnPointReporter = { "SpawnPointReporter", "reporter", }, SpawnPointPsychologist = { "SpawnPointPsychologist", "psychologist", }, SpawnPointZookeeper = { "SpawnPointZookeeper", "zookeeper", }, SpawnMechRipley = { "SpawnMechRipley", "Ripley APLU Spawner", }, SpawnMechHonker = { "SpawnMechHonker", "H.O.N.K. Spawner", }, SpawnMobMouse = { "SpawnMobMouse", "Mouse Spawner", }, SpawnMobCockroach = { "SpawnMobCockroach", "Cockroach Spawner", }, SpawnMobCorgi = { "SpawnMobCorgi", "HoP Corgi Spawner", }, SpawnMobPossumMorty = { "SpawnMobPossumMorty", "Possum Morty Spawner", }, SpawnMobRaccoonMorticia = { "SpawnMobRaccoonMorticia", "Raccoon Morticia Spawner", }, SpawnMobFoxRenault = { "SpawnMobFoxRenault", "Fox Renault Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatRuntime = { "SpawnMobCatRuntime", "Runtime Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatException = { "SpawnMobCatException", "Exception Spawner", }, SpawnMobCrabAtmos = { "SpawnMobCrabAtmos", "Tropico Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatFloppa = { "SpawnMobCatFloppa", "Floppa Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatBingus = { "SpawnMobCatBingus", "Bingus Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatSpace = { "SpawnMobCatSpace", "Space Cat Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatKitten = { "SpawnMobCatKitten", "Kitten Spawner", }, SpawnMobCat = { "SpawnMobCat", "Cat Spawner", }, SpawnMobCatGeneric = { "SpawnMobCatGeneric", "Generic Cat Spawner", }, SpawnMobBandito = { "SpawnMobBandito", "Bandito Spawner", }, SpawnMobMcGriff = { "SpawnMobMcGriff", "McGriff Spawner", }, SpawnMobSlothPaperwork = { "SpawnMobSlothPaperwork", "Sloth Paperwork Spawner", }, SpawnMobWalter = { "SpawnMobWalter", "Walter Spawner", }, SpawnMobBear = { "SpawnMobBear", "Space Bear Spawner", }, SpawnMobCarp = { "SpawnMobCarp", "Space Carp Spawner", }, SpawnMobCarpMagic = { "SpawnMobCarpMagic", "Magicarp Spawner", }, SpawnMobCarpHolo = { "SpawnMobCarpHolo", "Holocarp Spawner", }, SpawnMobShark = { "SpawnMobShark", "Space Sharkminnow Spawner", }, SpawnMobHamsterHamlet = { "SpawnMobHamsterHamlet", "Hamster Hamlet Spawner", }, SpawnMobAlexander = { "SpawnMobAlexander", "Alexander Spawner", }, SpawnMobShiva = { "SpawnMobShiva", "Shiva Spawner", }, SpawnMobKangarooWillow = { "SpawnMobKangarooWillow", "Willow Spawner", }, SpawnMobKangaroo = { "SpawnMobKangaroo", "Space Kangaroo Spawner", }, SpawnMobBoxingKangaroo = { "SpawnMobBoxingKangaroo", "Boxing Kangaroo Spawner", }, SpawnMobSpaceSpider = { "SpawnMobSpaceSpider", "Space Spider Spawner", }, SpawnMobSpaceCobra = { "SpawnMobSpaceCobra", "Space Cobra Spawner", }, SpawnMobAdultSlimesBlue = { "SpawnMobAdultSlimesBlue", "Slimes Spawner Blue", }, SpawnMobAdultSlimesBlueAngry = { "SpawnMobAdultSlimesBlueAngry", "Slimes Spawner Blue Angry", }, SpawnMobAdultSlimesGreen = { "SpawnMobAdultSlimesGreen", "Slimes Spawner Green", }, SpawnMobAdultSlimesGreenAngry = { "SpawnMobAdultSlimesGreenAngry", "Slimes Spawner Green Angry", }, SpawnMobAdultSlimesYellow = { "SpawnMobAdultSlimesYellow", "Slimes Spawner Yellow", }, SpawnMobAdultSlimesYellowAngry = { "SpawnMobAdultSlimesYellowAngry", "Slimes Spawner Yellow Angry", }, SpawnMobSmile = { "SpawnMobSmile", "Smile Spawner", }, SpawnMobMonkeyPunpun = { "SpawnMobMonkeyPunpun", "Pun Pun Spawner", }, SpawnMobBehonker = { "SpawnMobBehonker", "behonker Spawner", }, SpawnMobMonkey = { "SpawnMobMonkey", "Monkey Spawner", }, SpawnMobPurpleSnake = { "SpawnMobPurpleSnake", "Purple Snake Spawner", }, SpawnMobSmallPurpleSnake = { "SpawnMobSmallPurpleSnake", "Small Purple Snake Spawner", }, SpawnMobSlug = { "SpawnMobSlug", "Slug Spawner", }, SpawnMobLizard = { "SpawnMobLizard", "Lizard Spawner", }, SpawnMobCrab = { "SpawnMobCrab", "Crab Spawner", }, SpawnMobGoat = { "SpawnMobGoat", "Goat Spawner", }, SpawnMobFrog = { "SpawnMobFrog", "Frog Spawner", }, SpawnMobBee = { "SpawnMobBee", "Bee Spawner", }, SpawnMobParrot = { "SpawnMobParrot", "Parrot Spawner", }, SpawnMobButterfly = { "SpawnMobButterfly", "Butterfly Spawner", }, SpawnMobCow = { "SpawnMobCow", "Cow Spawner", }, SpawnMobGorilla = { "SpawnMobGorilla", "Gorilla Spawner", }, SpawnMobPenguin = { "SpawnMobPenguin", "Penguin Spawner", }, SpawnMobHellspawn = { "SpawnMobHellspawn", "Hellspawn Spawner", }, SpawnMobOreCrab = { "SpawnMobOreCrab", "ore crab spawner", }, SpawnMobLuminousPerson = { "SpawnMobLuminousPerson", "luminous person spawner", }, SpawnMobLuminousObject = { "SpawnMobLuminousObject", "luminous object spawner", }, SpawnMobLuminousEntity = { "SpawnMobLuminousEntity", "luminous entity spawner", }, SpawnClownSpider = { "SpawnClownSpider", "clown spider spawner", }, SpawnHonkBot = { "SpawnHonkBot", "honk bot spawner", }, SpawnVendingMachineRestockFoodDrink = { "SpawnVendingMachineRestockFoodDrink", "Vending Machine Restock", }, SpawnVendingMachineRestockFood = { "SpawnVendingMachineRestockFood", "Vending Machine Restock", }, SpawnVendingMachineRestockDrink = { "SpawnVendingMachineRestockDrink", "Vending Machine Restock", }, BaseBorgChassis = { "BaseBorgChassis", "cyborg", }, BorgChassisMining = { "BorgChassisMining", "salvage cyborg", }, BorgChassisEngineer = { "BorgChassisEngineer", "engineer cyborg", }, BorgChassisJanitor = { "BorgChassisJanitor", "janitor cyborg", }, BorgChassisMedical = { "BorgChassisMedical", "medical cyborg", }, BorgChassisService = { "BorgChassisService", "service cyborg", }, BorgChassisSyndicateAssault = { "BorgChassisSyndicateAssault", "syndicate assault cyborg", }, BorgChassisSyndicateMedical = { "BorgChassisSyndicateMedical", "syndicate medical cyborg", }, BorgChassisSyndicateSaboteur = { "BorgChassisSyndicateSaboteur", "syndicate saboteur cyborg", }, MobDebugCounter = { "MobDebugCounter", "debug counter", }, MobDebugRandomCounter = { "MobDebugRandomCounter", "debug random counter", }, MobDebugRandomLess = { "MobDebugRandomLess", "debug random less", }, MobBat = { "MobBat", "bat", }, MobBee = { "MobBee", "bee", }, MobAngryBee = { "MobAngryBee", "bee", }, MobChicken = { "MobChicken", "chicken", }, MobCockroach = { "MobCockroach", "cockroach", }, MobGlockroach = { "MobGlockroach", "glockroach", }, MobMothroach = { "MobMothroach", "mothroach", }, MobDuckMallard = { "MobDuckMallard", "mallard duck", }, MobDuckWhite = { "MobDuckWhite", "white duck", }, MobDuckBrown = { "MobDuckBrown", "brown duck", }, MobButterfly = { "MobButterfly", "butterfly", }, MobCow = { "MobCow", "cow", }, MobCrab = { "MobCrab", "crab", }, MobGoat = { "MobGoat", "goat", }, MobGoose = { "MobGoose", "goose", }, MobGorilla = { "MobGorilla", "gorilla", }, MobKangaroo = { "MobKangaroo", "kangaroo", }, MobBoxingKangaroo = { "MobBoxingKangaroo", "boxing kangaroo", }, MobBaseAncestor = { "MobBaseAncestor", "genetic ancestor", }, MobMonkey = { "MobMonkey", "monkey", }, MobBaseSyndicateMonkey = { "MobBaseSyndicateMonkey", "monkey", }, MobBaseKobold = { "MobBaseKobold", "kobold", }, MobKobold = { "MobKobold", "kobold", }, MobGuidebookMonkey = { "MobGuidebookMonkey", "guidebook monkey", }, MobMouse = { "MobMouse", "mouse", }, MobMouseDead = { "MobMouseDead", "mouse", }, MobMouseCancer = { "MobMouseCancer", "cancer mouse", }, MobLizard = { "MobLizard", "lizard", }, MobSlug = { "MobSlug", "slug", }, MobFrog = { "MobFrog", "frog", }, MobParrot = { "MobParrot", "parrot", }, MobPenguin = { "MobPenguin", "penguin", }, MobGrenadePenguin = { "MobGrenadePenguin", "grenade penguin", }, MobSnake = { "MobSnake", "snake", }, MobGiantSpider = { "MobGiantSpider", "tarantula", }, MobGiantSpiderAngry = { "MobGiantSpiderAngry", "tarantula", }, MobClownSpider = { "MobClownSpider", "clown spider", }, MobGiantSpiderWizard = { "MobGiantSpiderWizard", "wizard spider", }, MobPossum = { "MobPossum", "possum", }, MobPossumOld = { "MobPossumOld", "possum", }, MobRaccoon = { "MobRaccoon", "raccoon", }, MobFox = { "MobFox", "fox", }, MobCorgi = { "MobCorgi", "corgi", }, MobCorgiNarsi = { "MobCorgiNarsi", "corrupted corgi", }, MobCorgiPuppy = { "MobCorgiPuppy", "corgi puppy", }, MobCat = { "MobCat", "cat", }, MobCatCalico = { "MobCatCalico", "calico cat", }, MobCatSyndy = { "MobCatSyndy", "syndicat", }, MobCatSpace = { "MobCatSpace", "space cat", }, MobCatCaracal = { "MobCatCaracal", "caracal cat", }, MobCatKitten = { "MobCatKitten", "kitten", }, MobSloth = { "MobSloth", "sloth", }, MobFerret = { "MobFerret", "ferret", }, MobHamster = { "MobHamster", "hamster", }, MobPig = { "MobPig", "pig", }, MobDionaNymph = { "MobDionaNymph", "diona nymph", }, MobArgocyteSlurva = { "MobArgocyteSlurva", "slurva", }, MobArgocyteBarrier = { "MobArgocyteBarrier", "barrier", }, MobArgocyteSkitter = { "MobArgocyteSkitter", "skitter", }, MobArgocyteSwiper = { "MobArgocyteSwiper", "swiper", }, MobArgocyteMolder = { "MobArgocyteMolder", "molder", }, MobArgocytePouncer = { "MobArgocytePouncer", "pouncer", }, MobArgocyteGlider = { "MobArgocyteGlider", "glider", }, MobArgocyteHarvester = { "MobArgocyteHarvester", "harvester", }, MobArgocyteCrawler = { "MobArgocyteCrawler", "crawler", }, MobArgocyteEnforcer = { "MobArgocyteEnforcer", "enforcer", }, MobArgocyteFounder = { "MobArgocyteFounder", "founder", }, MobArgocyteLeviathing = { "MobArgocyteLeviathing", "leviathing", }, BaseMobBehonker = { "BaseMobBehonker", "behonker", }, MobBehonkerElectrical = { "MobBehonkerElectrical", "behonker", }, MobBehonkerPyro = { "MobBehonkerPyro", "behonker", }, MobBehonkerGrav = { "MobBehonkerGrav", "behonker", }, MobBehonkerIce = { "MobBehonkerIce", "behonker", }, BaseMobCarp = { "BaseMobCarp", "space carp", }, MobCarpMagic = { "MobCarpMagic", "magicarp", }, MobCarpHolo = { "MobCarpHolo", "holocarp", }, MobCarpRainbow = { "MobCarpRainbow", "rainbow carp", }, MobCarpDragon = { "MobCarpDragon", "space carp", }, MobShark = { "MobShark", "sharkminnow", }, MobHumanPathDummy = { "MobHumanPathDummy", "pathfinding dummy", }, MobOreCrab = { "MobOreCrab", "ore crab", }, MobSilverCrab = { "MobSilverCrab", "ore crab", }, ReagentSlime = { "ReagentSlime", "reagent slime", }, ReagentSlimeSpawner = { "ReagentSlimeSpawner", "Reagent Slime Spawner", }, BaseMobFlesh = { "BaseMobFlesh", "aberrant flesh", }, MobAbomination = { "MobAbomination", "abomination", }, BaseMobFleshSalvage = { "BaseMobFleshSalvage", "aberrant flesh", }, MobHellspawn = { "MobHellspawn", "hellspawn", }, MobCivilian = { "MobCivilian", "civilian", }, MobSalvager = { "MobSalvager", "salvager", }, MobSpirate = { "MobSpirate", "spirate", }, MobSyndicateFootsoldier = { "MobSyndicateFootsoldier", "syndicate footsoldier", }, MobSyndicateFootsoldierPilot = { "MobSyndicateFootsoldierPilot", "syndicate shuttle pilot", }, SalvageHumanCorpse = { "SalvageHumanCorpse", "unidentified corpse", }, MobCluwne = { "MobCluwne", "person", }, MobWatcherBase = { "MobWatcherBase", "watcher", }, MobWatcherIcewing = { "MobWatcherIcewing", "icewing watcher", }, MobWatcherMagmawing = { "MobWatcherMagmawing", "magmawing watcher", }, MobWatcherPride = { "MobWatcherPride", "pride watcher", }, MobLivingLight = { "MobLivingLight", "luminous person", }, MobLuminousObject = { "MobLuminousObject", "luminous object", }, MobLuminousEntity = { "MobLuminousEntity", "luminous entity", }, MobMimic = { "MobMimic", "mimic", }, MobLaserRaptor = { "MobLaserRaptor", "laser raptor", }, MobTomatoKiller = { "MobTomatoKiller", "tomato killer", }, MobCorgiIan = { "MobCorgiIan", "Ian", }, MobCorgiIanOld = { "MobCorgiIanOld", "Old Ian", }, MobCorgiLisa = { "MobCorgiLisa", "Lisa", }, MobCorgiIanPup = { "MobCorgiIanPup", "Puppy Ian", }, MobCatRuntime = { "MobCatRuntime", "Runtime", }, MobCatException = { "MobCatException", "Exception", }, MobCatFloppa = { "MobCatFloppa", "Floppa", }, MobBandito = { "MobBandito", "Bandito", }, MobBingus = { "MobBingus", "Bingus", }, MobMcGriff = { "MobMcGriff", "McGriff", }, MobPaperwork = { "MobPaperwork", "Paperwork", }, MobWalter = { "MobWalter", "Walter", }, MobPossumMorty = { "MobPossumMorty", "Morty", }, MobPossumMortyOld = { "MobPossumMortyOld", "Morty", }, MobPossumPoppy = { "MobPossumPoppy", "Poppy", }, MobRaccoonMorticia = { "MobRaccoonMorticia", "Morticia", }, MobAlexander = { "MobAlexander", "Alexander", }, MobFoxRenault = { "MobFoxRenault", "Renault", }, MobHamsterHamlet = { "MobHamsterHamlet", "Hamlet", }, MobSpiderShiva = { "MobSpiderShiva", "Shiva", }, MobKangarooWillow = { "MobKangarooWillow", "Willow", }, MobSlimesPet = { "MobSlimesPet", "Smile", }, MobMonkeyPunpun = { "MobMonkeyPunpun", "Pun Pun", }, MobCrabAtmos = { "MobCrabAtmos", "Tropico", }, MobRatKing = { "MobRatKing", "rat king", }, MobRatServant = { "MobRatServant", "rat servant", }, ActionRatKingRaiseArmy = { "ActionRatKingRaiseArmy", "Raise Army", }, ActionRatKingDomain = { "ActionRatKingDomain", "Rat King's Domain", }, ActionRatKingOrderStay = { "ActionRatKingOrderStay", "Stay", }, ActionRatKingOrderFollow = { "ActionRatKingOrderFollow", "Follow", }, ActionRatKingOrderCheeseEm = { "ActionRatKingOrderCheeseEm", "Cheese 'Em", }, ActionRatKingOrderLoose = { "ActionRatKingOrderLoose", "Loose", }, MobRevenant = { "MobRevenant", "revenant", }, MobCatShadow = { "MobCatShadow", "shadow cat", }, MobHonkBot = { "MobHonkBot", "honkbot", }, MobJonkBot = { "MobJonkBot", "jonkbot", }, MobCleanBot = { "MobCleanBot", "cleanbot", }, MobMedibot = { "MobMedibot", "medibot", }, MobMimeBot = { "MobMimeBot", "mimebot", }, MobSupplyBot = { "MobSupplyBot", "supplybot", }, BaseMobAdultSlimes = { "BaseMobAdultSlimes", "basic slime", }, MobAdultSlimes = { "MobAdultSlimes", "basic slime", }, MobAdultSlimesBlue = { "MobAdultSlimesBlue", "blue slime", }, MobAdultSlimesBlueAngry = { "MobAdultSlimesBlueAngry", "blue slime", }, MobAdultSlimesGreen = { "MobAdultSlimesGreen", "green slime", }, MobAdultSlimesGreenAngry = { "MobAdultSlimesGreenAngry", "green slime", }, MobAdultSlimesYellow = { "MobAdultSlimesYellow", "yellow slime", }, MobAdultSlimesYellowAngry = { "MobAdultSlimesYellowAngry", "yellow slime", }, MobSpaceBasic = { "MobSpaceBasic", "basic", }, MobBearSpace = { "MobBearSpace", "space bear", }, MobKangarooSpace = { "MobKangarooSpace", "space kangaroo", }, MobSpiderSpace = { "MobSpiderSpace", "space spider", }, MobCobraSpace = { "MobCobraSpace", "space cobra", }, MobTick = { "MobTick", "space tick", }, MobXeno = { "MobXeno", "burrower", }, MobXenoPraetorian = { "MobXenoPraetorian", "praetorian", }, MobXenoDrone = { "MobXenoDrone", "drone", }, MobXenoQueen = { "MobXenoQueen", "queen", }, MobXenoRavager = { "MobXenoRavager", "ravager", }, MobXenoRunner = { "MobXenoRunner", "runner", }, MobXenoRouny = { "MobXenoRouny", "rouny", }, MobXenoSpitter = { "MobXenoSpitter", "spitter", }, MobPurpleSnake = { "MobPurpleSnake", "space adder", }, MobSmallPurpleSnake = { "MobSmallPurpleSnake", "space adder", }, AdminObserver = { "AdminObserver", "admin observer", }, ActionAGhostShowSolar = { "ActionAGhostShowSolar", "Solar Control Interface", }, ActionAGhostShowCommunications = { "ActionAGhostShowCommunications", "Communications Interface", }, ActionAGhostShowRadar = { "ActionAGhostShowRadar", "Mass Scanner Interface", }, ActionAGhostShowCargo = { "ActionAGhostShowCargo", "Cargo Ordering Interface", }, ActionAGhostShowCrewMonitoring = { "ActionAGhostShowCrewMonitoring", "Crew Monitoring Interface", }, ActionAGhostShowStationRecords = { "ActionAGhostShowStationRecords", "Station Records Interface", }, MobArachnid = { "MobArachnid", "Urist McWeb", }, MobDiona = { "MobDiona", "Urist McPlants", }, MobDionaReformed = { "MobDionaReformed", "Reformed Diona", }, BaseMobDragon = { "BaseMobDragon", "space dragon", }, DragonsBreathGun = { "DragonsBreathGun", "dragon's lung", }, ActionSpawnRift = { "ActionSpawnRift", "Summon Carp Rift", }, ActionDevour = { "ActionDevour", "[color=red]Devour[/color]", }, ActionDragonsBreath = { "ActionDragonsBreath", "[color=orange]Dragon's Breath[/color]", }, MobDwarf = { "MobDwarf", "Urist McHands The Dwarf", }, MobBatRemilia = { "MobBatRemilia", "Remilia", }, MobCorgiCerberus = { "MobCorgiCerberus", "Cerberus", }, MobGingerbread = { "MobGingerbread", "Urist McCookie", }, MobGuardianBase = { "MobGuardianBase", "GuardianBase", }, MobHoloparasiteGuardian = { "MobHoloparasiteGuardian", "Holoparasite", }, MobIfritGuardian = { "MobIfritGuardian", "Ifrit", }, MobHoloClownGuardian = { "MobHoloClownGuardian", "HoloClown", }, ActionToggleGuardian = { "ActionToggleGuardian", "Toggle Guardian", }, MobHuman = { "MobHuman", "Urist McHands", }, MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase = { "MobHumanSyndicateAgentBase", "syndicate agent", }, MobHumanSyndicateAgent = { "MobHumanSyndicateAgent", "syndicate agent", }, MobHumanSyndicateAgentMedic = { "MobHumanSyndicateAgentMedic", "syndicate medic", }, MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy = { "MobHumanSyndicateAgentSpy", "syndicate spy", }, MobHumanSyndicateAgentThief = { "MobHumanSyndicateAgentThief", "syndicate thief", }, MobHumanNukeOp = { "MobHumanNukeOp", "Nuclear Operative", }, MobHumanLoneNuclearOperative = { "MobHumanLoneNuclearOperative", "Lone Operative", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerDeathSquad = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerDeathSquad", "Death Squad Agent", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTLeader = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTLeader", "ERT leader", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTLeaderEVA = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTLeaderEVA", "ERT leader", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTChaplain = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTChaplain", "ERT chaplain", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTChaplainEVA = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTChaplainEVA", "ERT chaplain", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTJanitor = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTJanitor", "ERT janitor", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTJanitorEVA = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTJanitorEVA", "ERT janitor", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTEngineer = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTEngineer", "ERT engineer", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTEngineerEVA = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTEngineerEVA", "ERT engineer", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTSecurity = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTSecurity", "ERT security", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTSecurityEVA = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTSecurityEVA", "ERT security", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTMedical = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTMedical", "ERT medic", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTMedicalEVA = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerERTMedicalEVA", "ERT medic", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerCBURNUnit = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerCBURNUnit", "CBURN Agent", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerCentcomOfficial = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerCentcomOfficial", "CentComm official", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerSyndicateAgent = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerSyndicateAgent", "syndicate agent", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerNukeOp = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerNukeOp", "Nuclear Operative", }, RandomHumanoidSpawnerCluwne = { "RandomHumanoidSpawnerCluwne", "Cluwne", }, LostCargoTechnicianSpawner = { "LostCargoTechnicianSpawner", "lost cargo technician spawner", }, RandomHumanoidLostCargoTechnician = { "RandomHumanoidLostCargoTechnician", "lost cargo technician ghost role", }, ClownTroupeSpawner = { "ClownTroupeSpawner", "clown troupe spawner", }, RandomHumanoidClownTroupe = { "RandomHumanoidClownTroupe", "clown troupe ghost role", }, RandomHumanoidClownTroupeBanana = { "RandomHumanoidClownTroupeBanana", "banana clown troupe", }, TravelingChefSpawner = { "TravelingChefSpawner", "traveling chef spawner", }, RandomHumanoidTravelingChef = { "RandomHumanoidTravelingChef", "traveling chef ghost role", }, DisasterVictimSpawner = { "DisasterVictimSpawner", "disaster victim spawner", }, RandomHumanoidDisasterVictimRD = { "RandomHumanoidDisasterVictimRD", "disaster victim RD ghost role", }, RandomHumanoidDisasterVictimCMO = { "RandomHumanoidDisasterVictimCMO", "disaster victim CMO ghost role", }, RandomHumanoidDisasterVictimCaptain = { "RandomHumanoidDisasterVictimCaptain", "disaster victim Captain ghost role", }, SyndieDisasterVictimSpawner = { "SyndieDisasterVictimSpawner", "syndie disaster victim spawner", }, RandomHumanoidSyndieDisasterVictim = { "RandomHumanoidSyndieDisasterVictim", "syndie disaster victim ghost role", }, MobMoth = { "MobMoth", "Urist McFluff", }, MobNarsieBase = { "MobNarsieBase", "Nar'Sie", }, MobObserver = { "MobObserver", "observer", }, ActionGhostBoo = { "ActionGhostBoo", "Boo!", }, ActionToggleLighting = { "ActionToggleLighting", "Toggle All Lighting", }, ActionToggleFov = { "ActionToggleFov", "Toggle FoV", }, ActionToggleGhosts = { "ActionToggleGhosts", "Toggle Ghosts", }, ActionToggleGhostHearing = { "ActionToggleGhostHearing", "Toggle Ghost Hearing", }, MobRatvarBase = { "MobRatvarBase", "Ratvar", }, MobReptilian = { "MobReptilian", "Urist McScales", }, MobSkeletonPirate = { "MobSkeletonPirate", "skeleton pirate", }, MobSkeletonBiker = { "MobSkeletonBiker", "skeleton biker", }, MobSkeletonCloset = { "MobSkeletonCloset", "closet skeleton", }, MobVox = { "MobVox", "Uristititi McVox", }, BaseMobArachnid = { "BaseMobArachnid", "Urist McWebs", }, BaseMobDiona = { "BaseMobDiona", "Urist McPlants", }, BaseMobDwarf = { "BaseMobDwarf", "Urist McHands The Dwarf", }, BaseMobGingerbread = { "BaseMobGingerbread", "Urist McCookie", }, BaseMobHuman = { "BaseMobHuman", "Urist McHands", }, BaseMobMoth = { "BaseMobMoth", "Urist McFluff", }, BaseMobReptilian = { "BaseMobReptilian", "Urisst' Mzhand", }, BaseMobSkeletonPerson = { "BaseMobSkeletonPerson", "Urist McSkelly", }, BaseMobSlimePerson = { "BaseMobSlimePerson", "Urist McSlime", }, Ashtray = { "Ashtray", "ashtray", }, BaseRock = { "BaseRock", "boulder", }, FloraStalagmite1 = { "FloraStalagmite1", "stalagmite", }, FloraTree01 = { "FloraTree01", "tree", }, FloraTree02 = { "FloraTree02", "tree", }, FloraTree03 = { "FloraTree03", "tree", }, FloraTree04 = { "FloraTree04", "tree", }, FloraTree05 = { "FloraTree05", "tree", }, FloraTree06 = { "FloraTree06", "tree", }, FloraTreeSnow01 = { "FloraTreeSnow01", "snowy tree", }, FloraTreeSnow02 = { "FloraTreeSnow02", "snowy tree", }, FloraTreeSnow03 = { "FloraTreeSnow03", "snowy tree", }, FloraTreeSnow04 = { "FloraTreeSnow04", "snowy tree", }, FloraTreeSnow05 = { "FloraTreeSnow05", "snowy tree", }, FloraTreeSnow06 = { "FloraTreeSnow06", "snowy tree", }, FloraTreeStump = { "FloraTreeStump", "tree stump", }, FloraTreeLarge01 = { "FloraTreeLarge01", "large tree", }, FloraTreeLarge02 = { "FloraTreeLarge02", "large tree", }, FloraTreeLarge03 = { "FloraTreeLarge03", "large tree", }, FloraTreeLarge04 = { "FloraTreeLarge04", "large tree", }, FloraTreeLarge05 = { "FloraTreeLarge05", "large tree", }, FloraTreeLarge06 = { "FloraTreeLarge06", "large tree", }, FloraTreeConifer01 = { "FloraTreeConifer01", "snowy conifer", }, FloraTreeConifer02 = { "FloraTreeConifer02", "snowy conifer", }, FloraTreeConifer03 = { "FloraTreeConifer03", "snowy conifer", }, FloraTreeChristmas01 = { "FloraTreeChristmas01", "christmas tree", }, FloraTreeChristmas02 = { "FloraTreeChristmas02", "christmas tree", }, FloraTreeStumpConifer = { "FloraTreeStumpConifer", "tree stump", }, ShadowTree01 = { "ShadowTree01", "dark wood", }, LightTree01 = { "LightTree01", "glowing tree", }, CarvedPumpkin = { "CarvedPumpkin", "carved pumpkin", }, PumpkinLantern = { "PumpkinLantern", "jack o' lantern", }, LidSalami = { "LidSalami", "salami lid", }, WoodenSign = { "WoodenSign", "wooden sign", }, WoodenSupport = { "WoodenSupport", "wooden support", }, WoodenSupportBeam = { "WoodenSupportBeam", "wooden support beam", }, WoodenSupportWall = { "WoodenSupportWall", "wooden support wall", }, PresentBase = { "PresentBase", "present", }, PresentTrash = { "PresentTrash", "wrapping paper", }, NotekeeperCartridge = { "NotekeeperCartridge", "notekeeper cartridge", }, NewsReaderCartridge = { "NewsReaderCartridge", "news cartridge", }, CrewManifestCartridge = { "CrewManifestCartridge", "crew manifest cartridge", }, NetProbeCartridge = { "NetProbeCartridge", "NetProbe cartridge", }, LogProbeCartridge = { "LogProbeCartridge", "LogProbe cartridge", }, ChameleonProjector = { "ChameleonProjector", "chameleon projector", }, ChameleonDisguise = { "ChameleonDisguise", "Urist McKleiner", }, ActionDisguiseNoRot = { "ActionDisguiseNoRot", "Toggle Rotation", }, ActionDisguiseAnchor = { "ActionDisguiseAnchor", "Toggle Anchored", }, DoorRemoteDefault = { "DoorRemoteDefault", "door remote", }, DoorRemoteCommand = { "DoorRemoteCommand", "command door remote", }, DoorRemoteSecurity = { "DoorRemoteSecurity", "security door remote", }, DoorRemoteArmory = { "DoorRemoteArmory", "armory door remote", }, DoorRemoteService = { "DoorRemoteService", "service door remote", }, DoorRemoteResearch = { "DoorRemoteResearch", "research door remote", }, DoorRemoteCargo = { "DoorRemoteCargo", "cargo door remote", }, DoorRemoteMedical = { "DoorRemoteMedical", "medical door remote", }, DoorRemoteEngineering = { "DoorRemoteEngineering", "engineering door remote", }, DoorRemoteAll = { "DoorRemoteAll", "super door remote", }, EncryptionKey = { "EncryptionKey", "encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyCommon = { "EncryptionKeyCommon", "common encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyCargo = { "EncryptionKeyCargo", "cargo encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyCentCom = { "EncryptionKeyCentCom", "central command encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyStationMaster = { "EncryptionKeyStationMaster", "station master encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyCommand = { "EncryptionKeyCommand", "command encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyEngineering = { "EncryptionKeyEngineering", "engineering encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyMedical = { "EncryptionKeyMedical", "medical encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyMedicalScience = { "EncryptionKeyMedicalScience", "med-sci encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyScience = { "EncryptionKeyScience", "science encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyRobo = { "EncryptionKeyRobo", "robotech encryption key", }, EncryptionKeySecurity = { "EncryptionKeySecurity", "security encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyService = { "EncryptionKeyService", "service encryption key", }, EncryptionKeySyndie = { "EncryptionKeySyndie", "blood-red encryption key", }, EncryptionKeyBinary = { "EncryptionKeyBinary", "binary translator key", }, EncryptionKeyFreelance = { "EncryptionKeyFreelance", "freelancer encryption key", }, BaseFlatpack = { "BaseFlatpack", "base flatpack", }, SolarAssemblyFlatpack = { "SolarAssemblyFlatpack", "solar assembly flatpack", }, AmePartFlatpack = { "AmePartFlatpack", "AME flatpack", }, SingularityGeneratorFlatpack = { "SingularityGeneratorFlatpack", "singularity generator flatpack", }, RadiationCollectorFlatpack = { "RadiationCollectorFlatpack", "radiation collector flatpack", }, ContainmentFieldGeneratorFlatpack = { "ContainmentFieldGeneratorFlatpack", "containment field generator flatpack", }, EmitterFlatpack = { "EmitterFlatpack", "emitter flatpack", }, TeslaGeneratorFlatpack = { "TeslaGeneratorFlatpack", "tesla generator flatpack", }, TeslaCoilFlatpack = { "TeslaCoilFlatpack", "tesla coil flatpack", }, TeslaGroundingRodFlatpack = { "TeslaGroundingRodFlatpack", "grounding rod flatpack", }, GyroscopeFlatpack = { "GyroscopeFlatpack", "gyroscope flatpack", }, ThrusterFlatpack = { "ThrusterFlatpack", "thruster flatpack", }, SpaceHeaterFlatpack = { "SpaceHeaterFlatpack", "space heater flatpack", }, FaxMachineFlatpack = { "FaxMachineFlatpack", "fax machine flatpack", }, ForensicScanner = { "ForensicScanner", "forensic scanner", }, ForensicReportPaper = { "ForensicReportPaper", "forensic scanner report", }, GeigerCounter = { "GeigerCounter", "Geiger counter", }, HandTeleporter = { "HandTeleporter", "hand teleporter", }, Holoprojector = { "Holoprojector", "holographic sign projector", }, HolofanProjector = { "HolofanProjector", "holofan projector", }, HoloprojectorField = { "HoloprojectorField", "force field projector", }, HoloprojectorSecurity = { "HoloprojectorSecurity", "holobarrier projector", }, Mousetrap = { "Mousetrap", "mousetrap", }, MousetrapArmed = { "MousetrapArmed", "mousetrap", }, ExplosivePayload = { "ExplosivePayload", "explosive payload", }, ChemicalPayload = { "ChemicalPayload", "chemical payload", }, FlashPayload = { "FlashPayload", "flash payload", }, BasePDA = { "BasePDA", "PDA", }, PassengerPDA = { "PassengerPDA", "passenger PDA", }, TechnicalAssistantPDA = { "TechnicalAssistantPDA", "technical assistant PDA", }, MedicalInternPDA = { "MedicalInternPDA", "medical intern PDA", }, SecurityCadetPDA = { "SecurityCadetPDA", "security cadet PDA", }, ResearchAssistantPDA = { "ResearchAssistantPDA", "research assistant PDA", }, ServiceWorkerPDA = { "ServiceWorkerPDA", "service worker PDA", }, ChefPDA = { "ChefPDA", "chef PDA", }, BotanistPDA = { "BotanistPDA", "botanist PDA", }, ClownPDA = { "ClownPDA", "clown PDA", }, MimePDA = { "MimePDA", "mime PDA", }, ChaplainPDA = { "ChaplainPDA", "chaplain PDA", }, QuartermasterPDA = { "QuartermasterPDA", "quartermaster PDA", }, CargoPDA = { "CargoPDA", "cargo PDA", }, SalvagePDA = { "SalvagePDA", "salvage PDA", }, BartenderPDA = { "BartenderPDA", "bartender PDA", }, LibrarianPDA = { "LibrarianPDA", "librarian PDA", }, LawyerPDA = { "LawyerPDA", "lawyer PDA", }, JanitorPDA = { "JanitorPDA", "janitor PDA", }, CaptainPDA = { "CaptainPDA", "captain PDA", }, HoPPDA = { "HoPPDA", "head of personnel PDA", }, CEPDA = { "CEPDA", "chief engineer PDA", }, EngineerPDA = { "EngineerPDA", "engineer PDA", }, CMOPDA = { "CMOPDA", "chief medical officer PDA", }, MedicalPDA = { "MedicalPDA", "medical PDA", }, ParamedicPDA = { "ParamedicPDA", "paramedic PDA", }, ChemistryPDA = { "ChemistryPDA", "chemistry PDA", }, RnDPDA = { "RnDPDA", "research director PDA", }, SciencePDA = { "SciencePDA", "science PDA", }, HoSPDA = { "HoSPDA", "head of security PDA", }, WardenPDA = { "WardenPDA", "warden PDA", }, SecurityPDA = { "SecurityPDA", "security PDA", }, CentcomPDA = { "CentcomPDA", "CentComm PDA", }, AdminPDA = { "AdminPDA", "Admin PDA", }, MusicianPDA = { "MusicianPDA", "musician PDA", }, AtmosPDA = { "AtmosPDA", "atmos PDA", }, ClearPDA = { "ClearPDA", "clear PDA", }, SyndiPDA = { "SyndiPDA", "syndicate PDA", }, ERTLeaderPDA = { "ERTLeaderPDA", "ERT Leader PDA", }, ERTChaplainPDA = { "ERTChaplainPDA", "ERT Chaplain PDA", }, ERTEngineerPDA = { "ERTEngineerPDA", "ERT Engineer PDA", }, ERTJanitorPDA = { "ERTJanitorPDA", "ERT Janitor PDA", }, ERTMedicPDA = { "ERTMedicPDA", "ERT Medic PDA", }, ERTSecurityPDA = { "ERTSecurityPDA", "ERT Security PDA", }, CBURNPDA = { "CBURNPDA", "CBURN PDA", }, PsychologistPDA = { "PsychologistPDA", "psychologist PDA", }, ReporterPDA = { "ReporterPDA", "reporter PDA", }, ZookeeperPDA = { "ZookeeperPDA", "zookeeper PDA", }, BoxerPDA = { "BoxerPDA", "boxer PDA", }, DetectivePDA = { "DetectivePDA", "detective PDA", }, BrigmedicPDA = { "BrigmedicPDA", "brigmedic PDA", }, CluwnePDA = { "CluwnePDA", "cluwne PDA", }, SeniorEngineerPDA = { "SeniorEngineerPDA", "senior engineer PDA", }, SeniorResearcherPDA = { "SeniorResearcherPDA", "senior researcher PDA", }, SeniorPhysicianPDA = { "SeniorPhysicianPDA", "senior physician PDA", }, SeniorOfficerPDA = { "SeniorOfficerPDA", "senior officer PDA", }, PiratePDA = { "PiratePDA", "pirate PDA", }, SyndiAgentPDA = { "SyndiAgentPDA", "syndicate agent PDA", }, PinpointerBase = { "PinpointerBase", "pinpointer", }, PinpointerNuclear = { "PinpointerNuclear", "pinpointer", }, PinpointerSyndicateNuclear = { "PinpointerSyndicateNuclear", "syndicate pinpointer", }, PinpointerUniversal = { "PinpointerUniversal", "universal pinpointer", }, PinpointerStation = { "PinpointerStation", "station pinpointer", }, RadioHandheld = { "RadioHandheld", "handheld radio", }, RadioHandheldSecurity = { "RadioHandheldSecurity", "security radio", }, DefaultStationBeacon = { "DefaultStationBeacon", "station beacon", }, StationBeaconPart = { "StationBeaconPart", "station beacon flatpack", }, BaseHandheldStationMap = { "BaseHandheldStationMap", "station map", }, DeviceQuantumSpinInverter = { "DeviceQuantumSpinInverter", "quantum spin inverter", }, Wristwatch = { "Wristwatch", "wristwatch", }, WristwatchGold = { "WristwatchGold", "gold watch", }, BikeHorn = { "BikeHorn", "bike horn", }, CluwneHorn = { "CluwneHorn", "broken bike horn", }, GoldenBikeHorn = { "GoldenBikeHorn", "golden honker", }, BananiumHorn = { "BananiumHorn", "bananium horn", }, CandyBucket = { "CandyBucket", "candy bucket", }, Crayon = { "Crayon", "crayon", }, CrayonWhite = { "CrayonWhite", "white crayon", }, CrayonMime = { "CrayonMime", "mime crayon", }, CrayonRainbow = { "CrayonRainbow", "rainbow crayon", }, CrayonBlack = { "CrayonBlack", "black crayon", }, CrayonRed = { "CrayonRed", "red crayon", }, CrayonOrange = { "CrayonOrange", "orange crayon", }, CrayonYellow = { "CrayonYellow", "yellow crayon", }, CrayonGreen = { "CrayonGreen", "green crayon", }, CrayonBlue = { "CrayonBlue", "blue crayon", }, CrayonPurple = { "CrayonPurple", "purple crayon", }, CrayonBox = { "CrayonBox", "crayon box", }, Dart = { "Dart", "dart", }, TargetDarts = { "TargetDarts", "dartboard", }, HypoDartBox = { "HypoDartBox", "hypodart box", }, PercentileDie = { "PercentileDie", "percentile die", }, d20Dice = { "d20Dice", "d20", }, d12Dice = { "d12Dice", "d12", }, d10Dice = { "d10Dice", "d10", }, d8Dice = { "d8Dice", "d8", }, d6Dice = { "d6Dice", "d6", }, d4Dice = { "d4Dice", "d4", }, DiceBag = { "DiceBag", "bag of dice", }, MagicDiceBag = { "MagicDiceBag", "bag of dice", }, Error = { "Error", "error", }, BaseFigurine = { "BaseFigurine", "figurine", }, ToyFigurineHeadOfPersonnel = { "ToyFigurineHeadOfPersonnel", "head of personnel figure", }, ToyFigurinePassenger = { "ToyFigurinePassenger", "passenger figure", }, ToyFigurineGreytider = { "ToyFigurineGreytider", "greytider figure", }, ToyFigurineClown = { "ToyFigurineClown", "clown figure", }, ToyFigurineHoloClown = { "ToyFigurineHoloClown", "holoclown figure", }, ToyFigurineMime = { "ToyFigurineMime", "mime figure", }, ToyFigurineMusician = { "ToyFigurineMusician", "musician figure", }, ToyFigurineBoxer = { "ToyFigurineBoxer", "boxer figure", }, ToyFigurineCaptain = { "ToyFigurineCaptain", "captain figure", }, ToyFigurineHeadOfSecurity = { "ToyFigurineHeadOfSecurity", "head of security figure", }, ToyFigurineWarden = { "ToyFigurineWarden", "warden figure", }, ToyFigurineDetective = { "ToyFigurineDetective", "detective figure", }, ToyFigurineSecurity = { "ToyFigurineSecurity", "security officer figure", }, ToyFigurineLawyer = { "ToyFigurineLawyer", "lawyer figure", }, ToyFigurineCargoTech = { "ToyFigurineCargoTech", "cargo technican figure", }, ToyFigurineSalvage = { "ToyFigurineSalvage", "salvage specialist figure", }, ToyFigurineQuartermaster = { "ToyFigurineQuartermaster", "quartermaster figure", }, ToyFigurineChiefEngineer = { "ToyFigurineChiefEngineer", "chief engineer figure", }, ToyFigurineEngineer = { "ToyFigurineEngineer", "station engineer figure", }, ToyFigurineAtmosTech = { "ToyFigurineAtmosTech", "atmospheric technician figure", }, ToyFigurineResearchDirector = { "ToyFigurineResearchDirector", "research director figure", }, ToyFigurineScientist = { "ToyFigurineScientist", "scientist figurine", }, ToyFigurineChiefMedicalOfficer = { "ToyFigurineChiefMedicalOfficer", "chief medical officer figure", }, ToyFigurineChemist = { "ToyFigurineChemist", "chemist figure", }, ToyFigurineParamedic = { "ToyFigurineParamedic", "paramedic figure", }, ToyFigurineMedicalDoctor = { "ToyFigurineMedicalDoctor", "medical doctor figure", }, ToyFigurineLibrarian = { "ToyFigurineLibrarian", "librarian figure", }, ToyFigurineChaplain = { "ToyFigurineChaplain", "chaplain figure", }, ToyFigurineChef = { "ToyFigurineChef", "chef figure", }, ToyFigurineBartender = { "ToyFigurineBartender", "bartender figure", }, ToyFigurineBotanist = { "ToyFigurineBotanist", "botanist figure", }, ToyFigurineJanitor = { "ToyFigurineJanitor", "janitor figure", }, ToyFigurineNukie = { "ToyFigurineNukie", "syndicate operative figure", }, ToyFigurineNukieElite = { "ToyFigurineNukieElite", "elite syndicate operative figure", }, ToyFigurineNukieCommander = { "ToyFigurineNukieCommander", "syndicate operative commander figure", }, ToyFigurineFootsoldier = { "ToyFigurineFootsoldier", "syndicate footsoldier figure", }, ToyFigurineWizard = { "ToyFigurineWizard", "wizard figure", }, ToyFigurineWizardFake = { "ToyFigurineWizardFake", "fake wizard figure", }, ToyFigurineSpaceDragon = { "ToyFigurineSpaceDragon", "space dragon figure", }, ToyFigurineQueen = { "ToyFigurineQueen", "xeno queen figure", }, ToyFigurineRatKing = { "ToyFigurineRatKing", "rat king figure", }, ToyFigurineRatServant = { "ToyFigurineRatServant", "rat servant figure", }, ToyFigurineMouse = { "ToyFigurineMouse", "mouse figure", }, ToyFigurineSlime = { "ToyFigurineSlime", "slime figure", }, ToyFigurineHamlet = { "ToyFigurineHamlet", "hamlet figure", }, ToyGriffin = { "ToyGriffin", "griffin figure", }, ToyOwlman = { "ToyOwlman", "owl figure", }, ToySkeleton = { "ToySkeleton", "skeleton figure", }, ToyFigurineThief = { "ToyFigurineThief", "thief character figure", }, MysteryFigureBoxTrash = { "MysteryFigureBoxTrash", "unfolded cardboard box", }, MysteryFigureBox = { "MysteryFigureBox", "mystery spacemen minifigure box", }, ImmovableRod = { "ImmovableRod", "immovable rod", }, ImmovableRodMop = { "ImmovableRodMop", "immovable mop", }, ImmovableRodShark = { "ImmovableRodShark", "immovable shark", }, ImmovableRodClown = { "ImmovableRodClown", "immovable clown", }, ImmovableRodBanana = { "ImmovableRodBanana", "immovable banana", }, ImmovableRodHammer = { "ImmovableRodHammer", "immovable hammer", }, ImmovableRodThrongler = { "ImmovableRodThrongler", "immovable throngler", }, ImmovableRodGibstick = { "ImmovableRodGibstick", "immovable gibstick", }, BaseFigurineMech = { "BaseFigurineMech", "figurine", }, ToyRipley = { "ToyRipley", "ripley toy", }, ToyFireRipley = { "ToyFireRipley", "fire ripley", }, ToyDeathRipley = { "ToyDeathRipley", "deathripley toy", }, ToyGygax = { "ToyGygax", "gygax toy", }, ToyDurand = { "ToyDurand", "durand toy", }, ToyHonk = { "ToyHonk", "H.O.N.K. toy", }, ToyMarauder = { "ToyMarauder", "marauder toy", }, ToySeraph = { "ToySeraph", "seraph toy", }, ToyMauler = { "ToyMauler", "mauler toy", }, ToyOdysseus = { "ToyOdysseus", "odysseus toy", }, ToyPhazon = { "ToyPhazon", "phazon toy", }, ToyReticence = { "ToyReticence", "reticence toy", }, PersonalAI = { "PersonalAI", "personal ai device", }, SyndicatePersonalAI = { "SyndicatePersonalAI", "syndicate personal ai device", }, PotatoAI = { "PotatoAI", "potato artificial intelligence", }, ActionPAIPlayMidi = { "ActionPAIPlayMidi", "Play MIDI", }, ActionPAIOpenMap = { "ActionPAIOpenMap", "Open Map", }, MrChips = { "MrChips", "mr chips", }, MrDips = { "MrDips", "mr dips", }, Skub = { "Skub", "skub", }, SnapPop = { "SnapPop", "snap pop", }, SnapPopBox = { "SnapPopBox", "snap pop box", }, PlushieThrongler = { "PlushieThrongler", "The Throngler plushie", }, PlushieGhost = { "PlushieGhost", "ghost soft toy", }, PlushieGhostRevenant = { "PlushieGhostRevenant", "revenant soft toy", }, PlushieBee = { "PlushieBee", "bee plushie", }, PlushieHampter = { "PlushieHampter", "hampter plushie", }, PlushieRGBee = { "PlushieRGBee", "RGBee plushie", }, PlushieNuke = { "PlushieNuke", "nukie plushie", }, PlushieRouny = { "PlushieRouny", "rouny plushie", }, PlushieLamp = { "PlushieLamp", "lamp plushie", }, PlushieArachind = { "PlushieArachind", "arachnid plushie", }, PlushieLizard = { "PlushieLizard", "lizard plushie", }, PlushieSpaceLizard = { "PlushieSpaceLizard", "space lizard plushie", }, PlushieDiona = { "PlushieDiona", "diona plushie", }, PlushieSharkBlue = { "PlushieSharkBlue", "blue shark soft toy", }, PlushieSharkPink = { "PlushieSharkPink", "pink shark soft toy", }, PlushieSharkGrey = { "PlushieSharkGrey", "grey shark soft toy", }, PlushieRatvar = { "PlushieRatvar", "ratvar plushie", }, PlushieNar = { "PlushieNar", "nar'sie plushie", }, PlushieCarp = { "PlushieCarp", "carp plushie", }, PlushieMagicarp = { "PlushieMagicarp", "magicarp plushie", }, PlushieRainbowCarp = { "PlushieRainbowCarp", "rainbow carp plushie", }, PlushieHolocarp = { "PlushieHolocarp", "holocarp plushie", }, PlushieSlime = { "PlushieSlime", "slime plushie", }, PlushieSnake = { "PlushieSnake", "snake plushie", }, ToyMouse = { "ToyMouse", "mouse toy", }, ToyRubberDuck = { "ToyRubberDuck", "rubber ducky", }, PlushieVox = { "PlushieVox", "vox plushie", }, PlushieAtmosian = { "PlushieAtmosian", "atmosian plushie", }, PlushieXeno = { "PlushieXeno", "xeno plushie", }, PlushiePenguin = { "PlushiePenguin", "penguin plushie", }, PlushieHuman = { "PlushieHuman", "human plushie", }, PlushieMoth = { "PlushieMoth", "moth plushie", }, BaseFigurineCheapo = { "BaseFigurineCheapo", "figurine", }, ToyAi = { "ToyAi", "AI toy", }, ToyNuke = { "ToyNuke", "nuke toy", }, ToyIan = { "ToyIan", "ian toy", }, FoamCrossbow = { "FoamCrossbow", "foam crossbow", }, ToyGunBase = { "ToyGunBase", "ToyGunBase", }, RevolverCapGun = { "RevolverCapGun", "cap gun", }, RevolverCapGunFake = { "RevolverCapGunFake", "cap gun", }, FoamBlade = { "FoamBlade", "foamblade", }, Basketball = { "Basketball", "basketball", }, Football = { "Football", "football", }, BeachBall = { "BeachBall", "beach ball", }, BalloonSyn = { "BalloonSyn", "syndie balloon", }, BalloonNT = { "BalloonNT", "nanotrasen balloon", }, BalloonCorgi = { "BalloonCorgi", "corgi balloon", }, SingularityToy = { "SingularityToy", "singuloth-brand toy", }, TeslaToy = { "TeslaToy", "Teddy Tesla", }, PonderingOrb = { "PonderingOrb", "pondering orb", }, ToySword = { "ToySword", "toy sword", }, ToyAmongPequeno = { "ToyAmongPequeno", "among pequeño", }, FoamCutlass = { "FoamCutlass", "foam cutlass", }, ClownRecorder = { "ClownRecorder", "clown recorder", }, ToyHammer = { "ToyHammer", "rubber hammer", }, WhoopieCushion = { "WhoopieCushion", "whoopie cushion", }, PlasticBanana = { "PlasticBanana", "banana", }, CrazyGlue = { "CrazyGlue", "crazy glue", }, NewtonCradle = { "NewtonCradle", "newton cradle", }, BaseWhistle = { "BaseWhistle", "whistle", }, SyndicateWhistle = { "SyndicateWhistle", "trench whistle", }, BaseSpellbook = { "BaseSpellbook", "spellbook", }, WizardsGrimoire = { "WizardsGrimoire", "wizards grimoire", }, WizardsGrimoireNoRefund = { "WizardsGrimoireNoRefund", "wizards grimoire", }, SpawnSpellbook = { "SpawnSpellbook", "spawn spellbook", }, ForceWallSpellbook = { "ForceWallSpellbook", "force wall spellbook", }, BlinkBook = { "BlinkBook", "blink spellbook", }, SmiteBook = { "SmiteBook", "smite spellbook", }, KnockSpellbook = { "KnockSpellbook", "knock spellbook", }, FireballSpellbook = { "FireballSpellbook", "fireball spellbook", }, ScrollRunes = { "ScrollRunes", "scroll of runes", }, ShardCrystalBase = { "ShardCrystalBase", "crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalCyan = { "ShardCrystalCyan", "cyan crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalBlue = { "ShardCrystalBlue", "blue crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalOrange = { "ShardCrystalOrange", "orange crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalPink = { "ShardCrystalPink", "pink crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalGreen = { "ShardCrystalGreen", "green crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalRed = { "ShardCrystalRed", "red crystal shard", }, ShardCrystalRandom = { "ShardCrystalRandom", "random crystal shard", }, IngotGold = { "IngotGold", "gold bar30", }, IngotGold1 = { "IngotGold1", "gold bar1", }, IngotSilver = { "IngotSilver", "silver bar30", }, IngotSilver1 = { "IngotSilver1", "silver bar1", }, MaterialCardboard = { "MaterialCardboard", "cardboard", }, MaterialCloth = { "MaterialCloth", "cloth", }, MaterialDurathread = { "MaterialDurathread", "durathread", }, MaterialWoodPlank = { "MaterialWoodPlank", "wood", }, MaterialBiomass = { "MaterialBiomass", "biomass", }, MaterialHideBear = { "MaterialHideBear", "bear hide", }, MaterialHideCorgi = { "MaterialHideCorgi", "corgi hide", }, MaterialDiamond = { "MaterialDiamond", "refined diamond30", }, MaterialDiamond1 = { "MaterialDiamond1", "refined diamond1", }, MaterialCotton = { "MaterialCotton", "cotton", }, MaterialPyrotton = { "MaterialPyrotton", "pyrotton", }, MaterialBananium = { "MaterialBananium", "bananium", }, MaterialWebSilk = { "MaterialWebSilk", "silk", }, MaterialBones = { "MaterialBones", "bones", }, MaterialGunpowder = { "MaterialGunpowder", "gunpowder", }, GoldOre = { "GoldOre", "gold ore", }, DiamondOre = { "DiamondOre", "diamond ore", }, SteelOre = { "SteelOre", "iron ore", }, PlasmaOre = { "PlasmaOre", "plasma ore", }, SilverOre = { "SilverOre", "silver ore", }, SpaceQuartz = { "SpaceQuartz", "space quartz", }, UraniumOre = { "UraniumOre", "uranium ore", }, BananiumOre = { "BananiumOre", "bananium ore", }, Coal = { "Coal", "coal", }, SaltOre = { "SaltOre", "salt", }, PartRodMetal = { "PartRodMetal", "metal rod", }, PartRodMetal10 = { "PartRodMetal10", "metal rod", }, PartRodMetal1 = { "PartRodMetal1", "metal rod", }, BaseScrap = { "BaseScrap", "scrap", }, ScrapSteel = { "ScrapSteel", "blasted steel pile", }, ScrapGlass = { "ScrapGlass", "scrap circuitry", }, ScrapAirlock1 = { "ScrapAirlock1", "airlock door", }, ScrapAirlock2 = { "ScrapAirlock2", "airlock light", }, ScrapBucket = { "ScrapBucket", "busted bucket", }, ScrapCamera = { "ScrapCamera", "broken camera", }, ScrapCanister1 = { "ScrapCanister1", "canister handle", }, ScrapCanister2 = { "ScrapCanister2", "canister valve", }, ScrapCloset = { "ScrapCloset", "closet door", }, ScrapFaxMachine = { "ScrapFaxMachine", "fax machine", }, ScrapFireExtinguisher = { "ScrapFireExtinguisher", "split fire extinguisher", }, ScrapFirelock1 = { "ScrapFirelock1", "firelock door", }, ScrapFirelock2 = { "ScrapFirelock2", "firelock door", }, ScrapFirelock3 = { "ScrapFirelock3", "firelock frame", }, ScrapIntercom = { "ScrapIntercom", "intercom scrap", }, ScrapJetpack = { "ScrapJetpack", "busted jetpack", }, ScrapMedkit = { "ScrapMedkit", "snapped medkit", }, ScrapMopBucket = { "ScrapMopBucket", "half a mop bucket", }, ScrapPAI = { "ScrapPAI", "personal ai device", }, ScrapPAIGold = { "ScrapPAIGold", "gilded personal ai device", }, ScrapTube = { "ScrapTube", "shattered sample tube", }, ShardGlass = { "ShardGlass", "glass shard", }, ShardGlassReinforced = { "ShardGlassReinforced", "reinforced glass shard", }, ShardGlassPlasma = { "ShardGlassPlasma", "plasma glass shard", }, ShardGlassUranium = { "ShardGlassUranium", "uranium glass shard", }, ShardGlassClockwork = { "ShardGlassClockwork", "clockwork glass shard", }, ArabianLamp = { "ArabianLamp", "lamp", }, BedsheetBase = { "BedsheetBase", "BedsheetBase", }, BedsheetBlack = { "BedsheetBlack", "black bedsheet", }, BedsheetBlue = { "BedsheetBlue", "blue bedsheet", }, BedsheetBrown = { "BedsheetBrown", "brown bedsheet", }, BedsheetCaptain = { "BedsheetCaptain", "captain's bedsheet", }, BedsheetCE = { "BedsheetCE", "CE's bedsheet", }, BedsheetCentcom = { "BedsheetCentcom", "CentComm bedsheet", }, BedsheetClown = { "BedsheetClown", "clown's bedsheet", }, BedsheetCMO = { "BedsheetCMO", "CMO's bedsheet", }, BedsheetCosmos = { "BedsheetCosmos", "cosmos bedsheet", }, BedsheetCult = { "BedsheetCult", "cult bedsheet", }, BedsheetGreen = { "BedsheetGreen", "green bedsheet", }, BedsheetGrey = { "BedsheetGrey", "grey bedsheet", }, BedsheetHOP = { "BedsheetHOP", "HOP's bedsheet", }, BedsheetHOS = { "BedsheetHOS", "HOS's bedsheet", }, BedsheetIan = { "BedsheetIan", "Ian's bedsheet", }, BedsheetMedical = { "BedsheetMedical", "medical bedsheet", }, BedsheetMime = { "BedsheetMime", "mime's bedsheet", }, BedsheetNT = { "BedsheetNT", "NT bedsheet", }, BedsheetOrange = { "BedsheetOrange", "orange bedsheet", }, BedsheetPurple = { "BedsheetPurple", "purple bedsheet", }, BedsheetQM = { "BedsheetQM", "QM's bedsheet", }, BedsheetRainbow = { "BedsheetRainbow", "rainbow bedsheet", }, BedsheetRD = { "BedsheetRD", "RD's bedsheet", }, BedsheetBrigmedic = { "BedsheetBrigmedic", "brigmedic's bedsheet", }, BedsheetRed = { "BedsheetRed", "red bedsheet", }, BedsheetSyndie = { "BedsheetSyndie", "syndicate bedsheet", }, BedsheetUSA = { "BedsheetUSA", "USA bedsheet", }, BedsheetWhite = { "BedsheetWhite", "white bedsheet", }, BedsheetWiz = { "BedsheetWiz", "wizard's bedsheet", }, BedsheetYellow = { "BedsheetYellow", "yellow bedsheet", }, BookBase = { "BookBase", "book", }, BookSpaceEncyclopedia = { "BookSpaceEncyclopedia", "space encyclopedia", }, BookTheBookOfControl = { "BookTheBookOfControl", "the book of control", }, BookBartendersManual = { "BookBartendersManual", "bartender's manual", }, BookHowToCookForFortySpaceman = { "BookHowToCookForFortySpaceman", "How To Cook For Forty Spacemen", }, BookLeafLoversSecret = { "BookLeafLoversSecret", "leaf lover's secret", }, BookEngineersHandbook = { "BookEngineersHandbook", "engineer's handbook", }, BookScientistsGuidebook = { "BookScientistsGuidebook", "scientist's guidebook", }, BookSecurity = { "BookSecurity", "security 101", }, BookHowToKeepStationClean = { "BookHowToKeepStationClean", "how to keep station clean", }, BookHowToRockAndStone = { "BookHowToRockAndStone", "how to rock and stone", }, BookMedicalReferenceBook = { "BookMedicalReferenceBook", "medical reference book", }, BookHowToSurvive = { "BookHowToSurvive", "how to survive", }, BookChemicalCompendium = { "BookChemicalCompendium", "chempendium", }, BookSpaceLaw = { "BookSpaceLaw", "space law", }, BookAtmosDistro = { "BookAtmosDistro", "Newton's Guide to Atmos: The Distro", }, BookAtmosWaste = { "BookAtmosWaste", "Newton's Guide to Atmos: Waste", }, BookAtmosAirAlarms = { "BookAtmosAirAlarms", "Newton's Guide to Atmos: Air Alarms", }, BookAtmosVentsMore = { "BookAtmosVentsMore", "Newton's Guide to Atmos: Vents and More", }, BookNarsieLegend = { "BookNarsieLegend", "the legend of nar'sie", }, BookTruth = { "BookTruth", "exploring different philosophical perspectives on truth and the complexity of lying", }, BookWorld = { "BookWorld", "shaping the state of the world - interplay of forces and choices", }, BookIanAntarctica = { "BookIanAntarctica", "adventures of robert & ian - exploring antarctica", }, BookSlothClownSSS = { "BookSlothClownSSS", "the sloth and the clown - space station shenanigans", }, BookSlothClownPranks = { "BookSlothClownPranks", "the sloth and the clown - pranks on zorgs", }, BookSlothClownMMD = { "BookSlothClownMMD", "the sloth and the clown - maze maze danger", }, BookStruck = { "BookStruck", "the humbling and transformative experience of being struck by lightning", }, BookSun = { "BookSun", "reaching for the sun - a plant's quest for life", }, BookPossum = { "BookPossum", "fallen ambitions - the tragic tale of morty the possum", }, BookCafe = { "BookCafe", "the cafe possum", }, BookFeather = { "BookFeather", "a feather of magic - the wandering bird's journey to belonging", }, BookIanLostWolfPup = { "BookIanLostWolfPup", "the adventures of ian and renault - finding the lost wolf pup", }, BookIanRanch = { "BookIanRanch", "the adventures of ian and renault - ranch expedition", }, BookIanOcean = { "BookIanOcean", "the adventures of ian and renault - an ocean adventure", }, BookIanMountain = { "BookIanMountain", "the adventures of ian and renault - a mountain expedition", }, BookIanCity = { "BookIanCity", "the adventures of ian and renault - exploring the city", }, BookIanArctic = { "BookIanArctic", "the adventures of ian and renault - an arctic journey of courage and friendship", }, BookIanDesert = { "BookIanDesert", "the adventures of ian and renault - exploring the mysterious desert", }, BookNames = { "BookNames", "the power of names - a philosophical exploration", }, BookEarth = { "BookEarth", "earthly longing", }, BookAurora = { "BookAurora", "journey beyond - the starship aurora mission", }, BookTemple = { "BookTemple", "the nature of the divine - embracing the many gods", }, BookWatched = { "BookWatched", "watched", }, BookMedicalOfficer = { "BookMedicalOfficer", "horizon's battle - a medical officer's tale of trust and survival", }, BookMorgue = { "BookMorgue", "the ghostly residents of the abandoned morgue", }, BookRufus = { "BookRufus", "rufus and the mischievous fairy", }, BookMap = { "BookMap", "the map of adventure", }, BookJourney = { "BookJourney", "a journey of music, mountains, and self-discovery", }, BookInspiration = { "BookInspiration", "finding inspiration - a writer's journey through the woods", }, BookJanitorTale = { "BookJanitorTale", "the tales of a tired janitor", }, ProximitySensor = { "ProximitySensor", "proximity sensor", }, BrbSign = { "BrbSign", "brb sign", }, BriefcaseBrown = { "BriefcaseBrown", "brown briefcase", }, BrokenBottle = { "BrokenBottle", "broken bottle", }, Candle = { "Candle", "candle", }, CandleRed = { "CandleRed", "red candle", }, CandleBlue = { "CandleBlue", "blue candle", }, CandleBlack = { "CandleBlack", "black candle", }, CandleGreen = { "CandleGreen", "green candle", }, CandlePurple = { "CandlePurple", "purple candle", }, CandleSmall = { "CandleSmall", "small candle", }, CandleRedSmall = { "CandleRedSmall", "small red candle", }, CandleBlueSmall = { "CandleBlueSmall", "small blue candle", }, CandleBlackSmall = { "CandleBlackSmall", "small black candle", }, CandleGreenSmall = { "CandleGreenSmall", "small green candle", }, CandlePurpleSmall = { "CandlePurpleSmall", "small purple candle", }, CandleInfinite = { "CandleInfinite", "magic candle", }, CandleRedInfinite = { "CandleRedInfinite", "magic red candle", }, CandleBlueInfinite = { "CandleBlueInfinite", "magic blue candle", }, CandleBlackInfinite = { "CandleBlackInfinite", "magic black candle", }, CandleGreenInfinite = { "CandleGreenInfinite", "magic green candle", }, CandlePurpleInfinite = { "CandlePurpleInfinite", "magic purple candle", }, CandleRedSmallInfinite = { "CandleRedSmallInfinite", "small magic red candle", }, CandleBlueSmallInfinite = { "CandleBlueSmallInfinite", "small magic blue candle", }, CandleBlackSmallInfinite = { "CandleBlackSmallInfinite", "small magic black candle", }, CandleGreenSmallInfinite = { "CandleGreenSmallInfinite", "small magic green candle", }, CandlePurpleSmallInfinite = { "CandlePurpleSmallInfinite", "small magic purple candle", }, CandyBowl = { "CandyBowl", "candy bowl", }, FloorCarpetItemRed = { "FloorCarpetItemRed", "carpet", }, CoordinatesDisk = { "CoordinatesDisk", "coordinates disk", }, ChopSticks = { "ChopSticks", "chopsticks", }, PairedChopsticks = { "PairedChopsticks", "paired chopsticks", }, NukeDisk = { "NukeDisk", "nuclear authentication disk", }, NukeDiskFake = { "NukeDiskFake", "nuclear authentication disk", }, DeskBell = { "DeskBell", "desk bell", }, Dinkystar = { "Dinkystar", "star sticker", }, DiskCase = { "DiskCase", "diskcase", }, EggSpider = { "EggSpider", "egg spider", }, FireExtinguisher = { "FireExtinguisher", "fire extinguisher", }, ExtinguisherSpray = { "ExtinguisherSpray", "extinguisher spray", }, FireExtinguisherMini = { "FireExtinguisherMini", "pocket fire extinguisher", }, BaseLamp = { "BaseLamp", "lantern", }, Lamp = { "Lamp", "lamp", }, LampBanana = { "LampBanana", "banana lamp", }, LampGold = { "LampGold", "desk lamp", }, LampInterrogator = { "LampInterrogator", "interrogator lamp", }, Floodlight = { "Floodlight", "floodlight", }, FloodlightBroken = { "FloodlightBroken", "broken floodlight", }, Handcuffs = { "Handcuffs", "handcuffs", }, Cablecuffs = { "Cablecuffs", "makeshift handcuffs", }, Zipties = { "Zipties", "zipties", }, ZiptiesBroken = { "ZiptiesBroken", "broken zipties", }, CablecuffsBroken = { "CablecuffsBroken", "broken cables", }, ClothingOuterStraightjacket = { "ClothingOuterStraightjacket", "straitjacket", }, BlankHandyFlag = { "BlankHandyFlag", "blank handheld flag", }, NTHandyFlag = { "NTHandyFlag", "Nanotrasen handheld flag", }, SyndieHandyFlag = { "SyndieHandyFlag", "syndicate handheld flag", }, LGBTQHandyFlag = { "LGBTQHandyFlag", "LGBTQ handheld flag", }, PirateHandyFlag = { "PirateHandyFlag", "pirate handheld flag", }, IceCrust = { "IceCrust", "ice crust", }, IDCardStandard = { "IDCardStandard", "identification card", }, PassengerIDCard = { "PassengerIDCard", "passenger ID card", }, TechnicalAssistantIDCard = { "TechnicalAssistantIDCard", "technical assistant ID card", }, MedicalInternIDCard = { "MedicalInternIDCard", "medical intern ID card", }, ResearchAssistantIDCard = { "ResearchAssistantIDCard", "research assistant ID card", }, SecurityCadetIDCard = { "SecurityCadetIDCard", "security cadet ID card", }, ServiceWorkerIDCard = { "ServiceWorkerIDCard", "service worker ID card", }, CaptainIDCard = { "CaptainIDCard", "captain ID card", }, SecurityIDCard = { "SecurityIDCard", "security ID card", }, WardenIDCard = { "WardenIDCard", "warden ID card", }, EngineeringIDCard = { "EngineeringIDCard", "engineer ID card", }, MedicalIDCard = { "MedicalIDCard", "medical ID card", }, ParamedicIDCard = { "ParamedicIDCard", "paramedic ID card", }, ChemistIDCard = { "ChemistIDCard", "chemist ID card", }, CargoIDCard = { "CargoIDCard", "cargo ID card", }, SalvageIDCard = { "SalvageIDCard", "salvage ID card", }, QuartermasterIDCard = { "QuartermasterIDCard", "quartermaster ID card", }, ResearchIDCard = { "ResearchIDCard", "research ID card", }, ClownIDCard = { "ClownIDCard", "clown ID card", }, MimeIDCard = { "MimeIDCard", "mime ID card", }, ChaplainIDCard = { "ChaplainIDCard", "chaplain ID card", }, JanitorIDCard = { "JanitorIDCard", "janitor ID card", }, BartenderIDCard = { "BartenderIDCard", "bartender ID card", }, PunPunIDCard = { "PunPunIDCard", "pun pun ID card", }, ChefIDCard = { "ChefIDCard", "chef ID card", }, BotanistIDCard = { "BotanistIDCard", "botanist ID card", }, LibrarianIDCard = { "LibrarianIDCard", "librarian ID card", }, LawyerIDCard = { "LawyerIDCard", "lawyer ID card", }, HoPIDCard = { "HoPIDCard", "head of personnel ID card", }, CEIDCard = { "CEIDCard", "chief engineer ID card", }, CMOIDCard = { "CMOIDCard", "chief medical officer ID card", }, RDIDCard = { "RDIDCard", "research director ID card", }, HoSIDCard = { "HoSIDCard", "head of security ID card", }, BrigmedicIDCard = { "BrigmedicIDCard", "brigmedic ID card", }, CentcomIDCard = { "CentcomIDCard", "command officer ID card", }, ERTLeaderIDCard = { "ERTLeaderIDCard", "ERT leader ID card", }, ERTChaplainIDCard = { "ERTChaplainIDCard", "ERT chaplain ID card", }, ERTEngineerIDCard = { "ERTEngineerIDCard", "ERT engineer ID card", }, ERTJanitorIDCard = { "ERTJanitorIDCard", "ERT janitor ID card", }, ERTMedicIDCard = { "ERTMedicIDCard", "ERT medic ID card", }, ERTSecurityIDCard = { "ERTSecurityIDCard", "ERT security ID card", }, CentcomIDCardSyndie = { "CentcomIDCardSyndie", "command officer ID card", }, MusicianIDCard = { "MusicianIDCard", "musician ID card", }, CentcomIDCardDeathsquad = { "CentcomIDCardDeathsquad", "death squad ID card", }, AgentIDCard = { "AgentIDCard", "passenger ID card", }, NukieAgentIDCard = { "NukieAgentIDCard", "passenger ID card", }, AtmosIDCard = { "AtmosIDCard", "atmospheric technician ID card", }, SyndicateIDCard = { "SyndicateIDCard", "syndicate ID card", }, PirateIDCard = { "PirateIDCard", "pirate ID card", }, PsychologistIDCard = { "PsychologistIDCard", "psychologist ID card", }, ReporterIDCard = { "ReporterIDCard", "reporter ID card", }, BoxerIDCard = { "BoxerIDCard", "boxer ID card", }, ZookeeperIDCard = { "ZookeeperIDCard", "zookeeper ID card", }, DetectiveIDCard = { "DetectiveIDCard", "detective ID card", }, CBURNIDcard = { "CBURNIDcard", "CBURN ID card", }, CluwneIDCard = { "CluwneIDCard", "cluwne ID card", }, SeniorEngineerIDCard = { "SeniorEngineerIDCard", "senior engineer ID card", }, SeniorResearcherIDCard = { "SeniorResearcherIDCard", "senior researcher ID card", }, SeniorPhysicianIDCard = { "SeniorPhysicianIDCard", "senior physician ID card", }, SeniorOfficerIDCard = { "SeniorOfficerIDCard", "senior officer ID card", }, UniversalIDCard = { "UniversalIDCard", "universal ID card", }, BaseImplanter = { "BaseImplanter", "implanter", }, SadTromboneImplanter = { "SadTromboneImplanter", "sad trombone implanter", }, LightImplanter = { "LightImplanter", "light implanter", }, BikeHornImplanter = { "BikeHornImplanter", "bike horn implanter", }, TrackingImplanter = { "TrackingImplanter", "tracking implanter", }, StorageImplanter = { "StorageImplanter", "storage implanter", }, FreedomImplanter = { "FreedomImplanter", "freedom implanter", }, UplinkImplanter = { "UplinkImplanter", "uplink implanter", }, EmpImplanter = { "EmpImplanter", "EMP implanter", }, ScramImplanter = { "ScramImplanter", "scram implanter", }, DnaScramblerImplanter = { "DnaScramblerImplanter", "DNA scrambler implanter", }, MicroBombImplanter = { "MicroBombImplanter", "micro-bomb implanter", }, MacroBombImplanter = { "MacroBombImplanter", "macro-bomb implanter", }, DeathRattleImplanter = { "DeathRattleImplanter", "death rattle implanter", }, DeathAcidifierImplanter = { "DeathAcidifierImplanter", "death acidifier implanter", }, MindShieldImplanter = { "MindShieldImplanter", "mindshield implanter", }, ModularReceiver = { "ModularReceiver", "modular receiver", }, RifleStock = { "RifleStock", "rifle stock", }, InflatableWall = { "InflatableWall", "inflatable barricade", }, InflatableDoor = { "InflatableDoor", "inflatable door", }, Kudzu = { "Kudzu", "kudzu", }, KudzuFlowerFriendly = { "KudzuFlowerFriendly", "floral carpet", }, FleshKudzu = { "FleshKudzu", "tendons", }, ShadowKudzu = { "ShadowKudzu", "dark haze", }, ShadowKudzuWeak = { "ShadowKudzuWeak", "haze", }, LandMineKick = { "LandMineKick", "kick mine", }, LandMineModular = { "LandMineModular", "modular mine", }, LandMineExplosive = { "LandMineExplosive", "explosive mine", }, BaseStockPart = { "BaseStockPart", "stock part", }, CapacitorStockPart = { "CapacitorStockPart", "capacitor", }, MicroManipulatorStockPart = { "MicroManipulatorStockPart", "manipulator", }, MatterBinStockPart = { "MatterBinStockPart", "matter bin", }, MedalCase = { "MedalCase", "medal case", }, MonkeyCubeBox = { "MonkeyCubeBox", "monkey cube box", }, MonkeyCubeWrapped = { "MonkeyCubeWrapped", "monkey cube", }, KoboldCubeBox = { "KoboldCubeBox", "kobold cube box", }, VariantCubeBox = { "VariantCubeBox", "variant cube box", }, KoboldCubeWrapped = { "KoboldCubeWrapped", "kobold cube", }, SyndicateSpongeBox = { "SyndicateSpongeBox", "monkey cube box", }, SyndicateSpongeWrapped = { "SyndicateSpongeWrapped", "monkey cube", }, Paper = { "Paper", "paper", }, PaperScrap = { "PaperScrap", "paper scrap", }, PaperOffice = { "PaperOffice", "office paper", }, PaperArtifactAnalyzer = { "PaperArtifactAnalyzer", "artifact analyzer printout", }, PaperCaptainsThoughts = { "PaperCaptainsThoughts", "captain's thoughts", }, PaperCargoInvoice = { "PaperCargoInvoice", "cargo invoice", }, PaperCargoBountyManifest = { "PaperCargoBountyManifest", "bounty manifest", }, PaperCNCSheet = { "PaperCNCSheet", "character sheet", }, NukeCodePaper = { "NukeCodePaper", "nuclear authentication codes", }, BoxFolderBase = { "BoxFolderBase", "folder", }, BoxFolderCentCom = { "BoxFolderCentCom", "CentComm folder", }, BoxFolderClipboard = { "BoxFolderClipboard", "clipboard", }, BoxFolderCentComClipboard = { "BoxFolderCentComClipboard", "CentComm clipboard", }, BoxFolderQmClipboard = { "BoxFolderQmClipboard", "requisition digi-board", }, TraitorCodePaper = { "TraitorCodePaper", "syndicate codeword", }, AllTraitorCodesPaper = { "AllTraitorCodesPaper", "syndicate codewords registry", }, Envelope = { "Envelope", "envelope", }, Pen = { "Pen", "pen", }, LuxuryPen = { "LuxuryPen", "luxury pen", }, CyberPen = { "CyberPen", "Cybersun pen", }, PenCap = { "PenCap", "captain's fountain pen", }, PenCentcom = { "PenCentcom", "CentComm pen", }, PenHop = { "PenHop", "hop's fountain pen", }, PetCarrier = { "PetCarrier", "big pet carrier", }, PotatoAIChip = { "PotatoAIChip", "supercompact AI chip", }, RubberStampBase = { "RubberStampBase", "generic rubber stamp", }, RubberStampBaseAlt = { "RubberStampBaseAlt", "alternate rubber stamp", }, RubberStampCaptain = { "RubberStampCaptain", "captain's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampCentcom = { "RubberStampCentcom", "CentComm rubber stamp", }, RubberStampChaplain = { "RubberStampChaplain", "chaplain's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampLawyer = { "RubberStampLawyer", "lawyer's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampClown = { "RubberStampClown", "clown's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampCE = { "RubberStampCE", "chief engineer's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampCMO = { "RubberStampCMO", "chief medical officer's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampHop = { "RubberStampHop", "head of personnel's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampHos = { "RubberStampHos", "head of security's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampMime = { "RubberStampMime", "mime's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampQm = { "RubberStampQm", "quartermaster's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampRd = { "RubberStampRd", "research director's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampTrader = { "RubberStampTrader", "trader's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampSyndicate = { "RubberStampSyndicate", "syndicate rubber stamp", }, RubberStampWarden = { "RubberStampWarden", "warden's rubber stamp", }, RubberStampApproved = { "RubberStampApproved", "APPROVED rubber stamp", }, RubberStampDenied = { "RubberStampDenied", "DENIED rubber stamp", }, RubberStampDetective = { "RubberStampDetective", "detective's rubber stamp", }, BookSecretDocuments = { "BookSecretDocuments", "emergency security orders", }, Spaceshroom = { "Spaceshroom", "spaceshroom", }, FoodSpaceshroom = { "FoodSpaceshroom", "spaceshroom", }, FoodSpaceshroomCooked = { "FoodSpaceshroomCooked", "cooked spaceshroom", }, SpaceCash = { "SpaceCash", "spesos", }, Credit = { "Credit", "speso", }, Credit = { "Credit", "speso", }, SpiderWeb = { "SpiderWeb", "spider web", }, SpiderWebClown = { "SpiderWebClown", "clown spider web", }, BaseSubdermalImplant = { "BaseSubdermalImplant", "implant", }, SadTromboneImplant = { "SadTromboneImplant", "sad trombone implant", }, LightImplant = { "LightImplant", "light implant", }, BikeHornImplant = { "BikeHornImplant", "bike horn implant", }, TrackingImplant = { "TrackingImplant", "tracking implant", }, StorageImplant = { "StorageImplant", "storage implant", }, FreedomImplant = { "FreedomImplant", "freedom implant", }, UplinkImplant = { "UplinkImplant", "uplink implant", }, EmpImplant = { "EmpImplant", "EMP implant", }, ScramImplant = { "ScramImplant", "scram implant", }, DnaScramblerImplant = { "DnaScramblerImplant", "DNA scrambler implant", }, MicroBombImplant = { "MicroBombImplant", "micro-bomb implant", }, MacroBombImplant = { "MacroBombImplant", "macro-bomb implant", }, DeathAcidifierImplant = { "DeathAcidifierImplant", "death-acidifier implant", }, DeathRattleImplant = { "DeathRattleImplant", "death rattle implant", }, MindShieldImplant = { "MindShieldImplant", "mindshield implant", }, FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark = { "FloorTileItemSteelCheckerDark", "steel dark checker tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight = { "FloorTileItemSteelCheckerLight", "steel light checker tile", }, FloorTileItemDark = { "FloorTileItemDark", "dark tile", }, FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini = { "FloorTileItemDarkDiagonalMini", "dark steel diagonal mini tile", }, FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal = { "FloorTileItemDarkDiagonal", "dark steel diagonal tile", }, FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone = { "FloorTileItemDarkHerringbone", "dark steel herringbone", }, FloorTileItemDarkMini = { "FloorTileItemDarkMini", "dark steel mini tile", }, FloorTileItemDarkMono = { "FloorTileItemDarkMono", "dark steel mono tile", }, FloorTileItemDarkPavement = { "FloorTileItemDarkPavement", "dark steel pavement", }, FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical = { "FloorTileItemDarkPavementVertical", "dark steel vertical pavement", }, FloorTileItemDarkOffset = { "FloorTileItemDarkOffset", "offset dark steel tile", }, FloorTileItemSteel = { "FloorTileItemSteel", "steel tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelOffset = { "FloorTileItemSteelOffset", "offset steel tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini = { "FloorTileItemSteelDiagonalMini", "steel diagonal mini tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal = { "FloorTileItemSteelDiagonal", "steel diagonal tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone = { "FloorTileItemSteelHerringbone", "steel herringbone", }, FloorTileItemSteelMini = { "FloorTileItemSteelMini", "steel mini tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelMono = { "FloorTileItemSteelMono", "steel mono tile", }, FloorTileItemSteelPavement = { "FloorTileItemSteelPavement", "steel pavement", }, FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical = { "FloorTileItemSteelPavementVertical", "steel vertical pavement", }, FloorTileItemWhite = { "FloorTileItemWhite", "white tile", }, FloorTileItemWhiteOffset = { "FloorTileItemWhiteOffset", "offset white steel tile", }, FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini = { "FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonalMini", "white steel diagonal mini tile", }, FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal = { "FloorTileItemWhiteDiagonal", "white steel diagonal tile", }, FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone = { "FloorTileItemWhiteHerringbone", "white steel herringbone", }, FloorTileItemWhiteMini = { "FloorTileItemWhiteMini", "white steel mini tile", }, FloorTileItemWhiteMono = { "FloorTileItemWhiteMono", "white steel mono tile", }, FloorTileItemWhitePavement = { "FloorTileItemWhitePavement", "white steel pavement", }, FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical = { "FloorTileItemWhitePavementVertical", "white steel vertical pavement", }, FloorTileItemMetalDiamond = { "FloorTileItemMetalDiamond", "steel tile", }, FloorTileItemWood = { "FloorTileItemWood", "wood floor", }, FloorTileItemTechmaint = { "FloorTileItemTechmaint", "techmaint floor", }, FloorTileItemMono = { "FloorTileItemMono", "mono tile", }, FloorTileItemLino = { "FloorTileItemLino", "linoleum floor", }, FloorTileItemBrassFilled = { "FloorTileItemBrassFilled", "filled brass plate", }, FloorTileItemBrassReebe = { "FloorTileItemBrassReebe", "smooth brass plate", }, FloorTileItemDirty = { "FloorTileItemDirty", "dirty tile", }, FloorTileItemElevatorShaft = { "FloorTileItemElevatorShaft", "elevator shaft tile", }, FloorTileItemRockVault = { "FloorTileItemRockVault", "rock vault tile", }, FloorTileItemBlue = { "FloorTileItemBlue", "blue tile", }, FloorTileItemLime = { "FloorTileItemLime", "lime tile", }, FloorTileItemMining = { "FloorTileItemMining", "mining tile", }, FloorTileItemMiningDark = { "FloorTileItemMiningDark", "dark mining tile", }, FloorTileItemMiningLight = { "FloorTileItemMiningLight", "light mining tile", }, FloorTileItemFreezer = { "FloorTileItemFreezer", "freezer tile", }, FloorTileItemShowroom = { "FloorTileItemShowroom", "showroom tile", }, FloorTileItemHydro = { "FloorTileItemHydro", "hydro tile", }, FloorTileItemBar = { "FloorTileItemBar", "bar tile", }, FloorTileItemClown = { "FloorTileItemClown", "clown tile", }, FloorTileItemMime = { "FloorTileItemMime", "mime tile", }, FloorTileItemKitchen = { "FloorTileItemKitchen", "kitchen tile", }, FloorTileItemLaundry = { "FloorTileItemLaundry", "laundry tile", }, FloorTileItemConcrete = { "FloorTileItemConcrete", "concrete tile", }, FloorTileItemConcreteMono = { "FloorTileItemConcreteMono", "concrete mono tile", }, FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth = { "FloorTileItemConcreteSmooth", "concrete smooth", }, FloorTileItemGrayConcrete = { "FloorTileItemGrayConcrete", "gray concrete tile", }, FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono = { "FloorTileItemGrayConcreteMono", "gray concrete mono tile", }, FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth = { "FloorTileItemGrayConcreteSmooth", "gray concrete smooth", }, FloorTileItemOldConcrete = { "FloorTileItemOldConcrete", "old concrete tile", }, FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono = { "FloorTileItemOldConcreteMono", "old concrete mono tile", }, FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth = { "FloorTileItemOldConcreteSmooth", "old concrete smooth", }, FloorTileItemArcadeBlue = { "FloorTileItemArcadeBlue", "blue arcade floor", }, FloorTileItemArcadeBlue2 = { "FloorTileItemArcadeBlue2", "blue arcade floor", }, FloorTileItemArcadeRed = { "FloorTileItemArcadeRed", "red arcade floor", }, FloorTileItemEighties = { "FloorTileItemEighties", "eighties floor", }, FloorTileItemCarpetClown = { "FloorTileItemCarpetClown", "clown carpet floor", }, FloorTileItemCarpetOffice = { "FloorTileItemCarpetOffice", "office carpet floor", }, FloorTileItemBoxing = { "FloorTileItemBoxing", "boxing ring floor", }, FloorTileItemGym = { "FloorTileItemGym", "gym floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttleWhite = { "FloorTileItemShuttleWhite", "white shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttleBlue = { "FloorTileItemShuttleBlue", "blue shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttleOrange = { "FloorTileItemShuttleOrange", "orange shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttlePurple = { "FloorTileItemShuttlePurple", "purple shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttleRed = { "FloorTileItemShuttleRed", "red shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttleGrey = { "FloorTileItemShuttleGrey", "grey shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemShuttleBlack = { "FloorTileItemShuttleBlack", "black shuttle floor", }, FloorTileItemGold = { "FloorTileItemGold", "gold floor", }, FloorTileItemSilver = { "FloorTileItemSilver", "silver tile", }, FloorTileItemGCircuit = { "FloorTileItemGCircuit", "green circuit floor", }, FloorTileItemBCircuit = { "FloorTileItemBCircuit", "blue circuit floor", }, FloorTileItemGrass = { "FloorTileItemGrass", "grass tile", }, FloorTileItemGrassJungle = { "FloorTileItemGrassJungle", "jungle grass tile", }, FloorTileItemSnow = { "FloorTileItemSnow", "snow tile", }, FloorTileItemWoodPattern = { "FloorTileItemWoodPattern", "wood pattern floor", }, FloorTileItemFlesh = { "FloorTileItemFlesh", "flesh floor", }, FloorTileItemSteelMaint = { "FloorTileItemSteelMaint", "steel maint floor", }, FloorTileItemGratingMaint = { "FloorTileItemGratingMaint", "grating maint floor", }, FloorTileItemWeb = { "FloorTileItemWeb", "web tile", }, FloorTileItemAstroGrass = { "FloorTileItemAstroGrass", "astro-grass", }, FloorTileItemMowedAstroGrass = { "FloorTileItemMowedAstroGrass", "mowed astro-grass", }, FloorTileItemJungleAstroGrass = { "FloorTileItemJungleAstroGrass", "jungle astro-grass", }, FloorTileItemAstroIce = { "FloorTileItemAstroIce", "astro-ice", }, FloorTileItemAstroSnow = { "FloorTileItemAstroSnow", "astro-snow", }, FloorTileItemWoodLarge = { "FloorTileItemWoodLarge", "large wood floor", }, Torch = { "Torch", "torch", }, Fork = { "Fork", "fork", }, ForkPlastic = { "ForkPlastic", "plastic fork", }, Spoon = { "Spoon", "spoon", }, SpoonPlastic = { "SpoonPlastic", "plastic spoon", }, KnifePlastic = { "KnifePlastic", "plastic knife", }, BarSpoon = { "BarSpoon", "bar spoon", }, AmeJar = { "AmeJar", "AME fuel jar", }, LightBulb = { "LightBulb", "incandescent light bulb", }, LedLightBulb = { "LedLightBulb", "led light bulb", }, LightBulbOld = { "LightBulbOld", "old incandescent light bulb", }, LightBulbBroken = { "LightBulbBroken", "incandescent light bulb", }, ServiceLightBulb = { "ServiceLightBulb", "service light bulb", }, LightTube = { "LightTube", "fluorescent light tube", }, LightTubeOld = { "LightTubeOld", "old fluorescent light tube", }, LightTubeBroken = { "LightTubeBroken", "fluorescent light tube", }, LedLightTube = { "LedLightTube", "led light tube", }, ExteriorLightTube = { "ExteriorLightTube", "exterior light tube", }, SodiumLightTube = { "SodiumLightTube", "sodium light tube", }, LightTubeCrystalCyan = { "LightTubeCrystalCyan", "cyan crystal light tube", }, LightTubeCrystalBlue = { "LightTubeCrystalBlue", "blue crystal light tube", }, LightTubeCrystalPink = { "LightTubeCrystalPink", "pink crystal light tube", }, LightTubeCrystalOrange = { "LightTubeCrystalOrange", "orange crystal light tube", }, LightTubeCrystalRed = { "LightTubeCrystalRed", "red crystal light tube", }, LightTubeCrystalGreen = { "LightTubeCrystalGreen", "green crystal light tube", }, PortableRecharger = { "PortableRecharger", "portable recharger", }, PowerCellPotato = { "PowerCellPotato", "potato battery", }, PowerCellSmall = { "PowerCellSmall", "small-capacity power cell", }, PowerCellMedium = { "PowerCellMedium", "medium-capacity power cell", }, PowerCellHigh = { "PowerCellHigh", "high-capacity power cell", }, PowerCellHyper = { "PowerCellHyper", "hyper-capacity power cell", }, PowerCellMicroreactor = { "PowerCellMicroreactor", "microreactor power cell", }, PowerCellAntiqueProto = { "PowerCellAntiqueProto", "antique power cell prototype", }, PowerCageSmall = { "PowerCageSmall", "small-capacity power cage", }, PowerCageMedium = { "PowerCageMedium", "medium-capacity power cage", }, PowerCageHigh = { "PowerCageHigh", "high-capacity power cage", }, PowerSink = { "PowerSink", "power sink", }, BaseShield = { "BaseShield", "base shield", }, RiotShield = { "RiotShield", "riot shield", }, RiotLaserShield = { "RiotLaserShield", "riot laser shield", }, RiotBulletShield = { "RiotBulletShield", "riot bullet shield", }, WoodenBuckler = { "WoodenBuckler", "wooden buckler", }, MakeshiftShield = { "MakeshiftShield", "makeshift shield", }, WebShield = { "WebShield", "web shield", }, ClockworkShield = { "ClockworkShield", "clockwork shield", }, MirrorShield = { "MirrorShield", "mirror shield", }, EnergyShield = { "EnergyShield", "energy shield", }, BrokenEnergyShield = { "BrokenEnergyShield", "broken energy shield", }, TelescopicShield = { "TelescopicShield", "telescopic shield", }, GasAnalyzer = { "GasAnalyzer", "gas analyzer", }, Jug = { "Jug", "jug", }, JugCarbon = { "JugCarbon", "jug", }, JugIodine = { "JugIodine", "jug", }, JugFluorine = { "JugFluorine", "jug", }, JugChlorine = { "JugChlorine", "jug", }, JugAluminium = { "JugAluminium", "jug", }, JugPhosphorus = { "JugPhosphorus", "jug", }, JugSulfur = { "JugSulfur", "jug", }, JugSilicon = { "JugSilicon", "jug", }, JugHydrogen = { "JugHydrogen", "jug", }, JugLithium = { "JugLithium", "jug", }, JugSodium = { "JugSodium", "jug", }, JugPotassium = { "JugPotassium", "jug", }, JugRadium = { "JugRadium", "jug", }, JugIron = { "JugIron", "jug", }, JugCopper = { "JugCopper", "jug", }, JugGold = { "JugGold", "jug", }, JugMercury = { "JugMercury", "jug", }, JugSilver = { "JugSilver", "jug", }, JugEthanol = { "JugEthanol", "jug", }, JugSugar = { "JugSugar", "jug", }, JugNitrogen = { "JugNitrogen", "jug", }, JugOxygen = { "JugOxygen", "jug", }, JugPlantBGone = { "JugPlantBGone", "jug", }, JugWeldingFuel = { "JugWeldingFuel", "jug", }, BaseChemistryEmptyBottle = { "BaseChemistryEmptyBottle", "bottle", }, EpinephrineChemistryBottle = { "EpinephrineChemistryBottle", "epinephrine bottle", }, RobustHarvestChemistryBottle = { "RobustHarvestChemistryBottle", "robust harvest bottle", }, EZNutrientChemistryBottle = { "EZNutrientChemistryBottle", "ez nutrient bottle", }, Left4ZedChemistryBottle = { "Left4ZedChemistryBottle", "left-4-zed bottle", }, UnstableMutagenChemistryBottle = { "UnstableMutagenChemistryBottle", "unstable mutagen bottle", }, NocturineChemistryBottle = { "NocturineChemistryBottle", "nocturine bottle", }, EphedrineChemistryBottle = { "EphedrineChemistryBottle", "ephedrine bottle", }, OmnizineChemistryBottle = { "OmnizineChemistryBottle", "omnizine bottle", }, CognizineChemistryBottle = { "CognizineChemistryBottle", "cognizine bottle", }, PaxChemistryBottle = { "PaxChemistryBottle", "pax bottle", }, MuteToxinChemistryBottle = { "MuteToxinChemistryBottle", "mute toxin bottle", }, LeadChemistryBottle = { "LeadChemistryBottle", "lead bottle", }, ToxinChemistryBottle = { "ToxinChemistryBottle", "toxin bottle", }, BaseChemistryEmptyVial = { "BaseChemistryEmptyVial", "vial", }, VestineChemistryVial = { "VestineChemistryVial", "vestine vial", }, Beaker = { "Beaker", "beaker", }, CryoxadoneBeakerSmall = { "CryoxadoneBeakerSmall", "cryoxadone beaker", }, LargeBeaker = { "LargeBeaker", "large beaker", }, CryostasisBeaker = { "CryostasisBeaker", "cryostasis beaker", }, BluespaceBeaker = { "BluespaceBeaker", "bluespace beaker", }, Dropper = { "Dropper", "dropper", }, BorgDropper = { "BorgDropper", "borgdropper", }, BaseSyringe = { "BaseSyringe", "syringe", }, SyringeBluespace = { "SyringeBluespace", "bluespace syringe", }, SyringeCryostasis = { "SyringeCryostasis", "cryostasis syringe", }, Pill = { "Pill", "pill", }, PillCanister = { "PillCanister", "pill canister", }, MonkeyCube = { "MonkeyCube", "monkey cube", }, KoboldCube = { "KoboldCube", "kobold cube", }, CowCube = { "CowCube", "cow cube", }, GoatCube = { "GoatCube", "goat cube", }, MothroachCube = { "MothroachCube", "mothroach cube", }, MouseCube = { "MouseCube", "mouse cube", }, CockroachCube = { "CockroachCube", "cockroach cube", }, SpaceCarpCube = { "SpaceCarpCube", "carp cube", }, SpaceTickCube = { "SpaceTickCube", "tick cube", }, AbominationCube = { "AbominationCube", "abomination cube", }, DehydratedSpaceCarp = { "DehydratedSpaceCarp", "dehydrated space carp", }, SyndicateSponge = { "SyndicateSponge", "monkey cube", }, Telecrystal = { "Telecrystal", "telecrystal", }, BaseUplinkRadio = { "BaseUplinkRadio", "syndicate uplink", }, AccessConfigurator = { "AccessConfigurator", "access configurator", }, AccessConfiguratorUniversal = { "AccessConfiguratorUniversal", "universal access configurator", }, AppraisalTool = { "AppraisalTool", "appraisal tool", }, Bucket = { "Bucket", "bucket", }, CableStack = { "CableStack", "cable stack", }, CableHVStack = { "CableHVStack", "HV cable coil", "HV", "HV coil", "HV cable", "HV cable coil (30)", "HV (30)", "HV coil (30)", "HV cable (30)", }, CableHV20 = { "CableHV20", "HV cable coil (20)", "HV (20)", "HV coil (20)", "HV cable (20)", }, CableHV10 = { "CableHV10", "HV cable coil (10)", "HV (10)", "HV coil (10)", "HV cable (10)", }, CableMVStack = { "CableMVStack", "MV cable coil", "MV", "MV coil", "MV cable", "MV cable coil (30)", "MV (30)", "MV coil (30)", "MV cable (30)" }, CableMV20 = { "CableMV20", "MV cable coil (20)", "MV (20)", "MV coil (20)", "MV cable (20)" }, CableMV10 = { "CableMV10", "MV cable coil (10)", "MV (10)", "MV coil (10)", "MV cable (10)" }, CableApcStack = { "CableApcStack", "LV cable coil", "LV", "LV coil", "LV cable", "LV cable coil (30)", "LV (30)", "LV coil (30)", "LV cable (30)", }, CableApc20 = { "CableApc20", "LV cable coil (20)", "LV (20)", "LV coil (20)", "LV cable (20)", }, CableApc10 = { "CableApc10", "LV cable coil (10)", "LV (10)", "LV coil (10)", "LV cable (10)", }, Haycutters = { "Haycutters", "haycutters", }, Moodriver = { "Moodriver", "moodriver", }, Wronch = { "Wronch", "wronch", }, Cowbar = { "Cowbar", "cowbar", }, Mooltitool = { "Mooltitool", "mooltitool", }, Cowelder = { "Cowelder", "cowelding tool", }, Milkalyzer = { "Milkalyzer", "milkalyzer", }, CowToolbox = { "CowToolbox", "cow toolbox", }, CowToolboxFilled = { "CowToolboxFilled", "cow toolbox", }, BaseCrowbar = { "BaseCrowbar", "crowbar", }, CrowbarRed = { "CrowbarRed", "emergency crowbar", }, BalloonOperative = { "BalloonOperative", "operative balloon", }, BalloonAgent = { "BalloonAgent", "agent balloon", }, BalloonElite = { "BalloonElite", "elite operative balloon", }, BalloonJuggernaut = { "BalloonJuggernaut", "juggernaut balloon", }, BalloonCommander = { "BalloonCommander", "commander balloon", }, EmagUnlimited = { "EmagUnlimited", "cryptographic sequencer", }, Flare = { "Flare", "emergency flare", }, FlashlightLantern = { "FlashlightLantern", "flashlight", }, FlashlightSeclite = { "FlashlightSeclite", "seclite", }, Fulton = { "Fulton", "fulton", }, FultonBeacon = { "FultonBeacon", "fulton beacon", }, Fulton = { "Fulton", "fulton", }, Fulton1 = { "Fulton1", "fulton", }, FultonEffect = { "FultonEffect", "fulton effect", }, OxygenTank = { "OxygenTank", "oxygen tank", }, NitrogenTank = { "NitrogenTank", "nitrogen tank", }, EmergencyOxygenTank = { "EmergencyOxygenTank", "emergency oxygen tank", }, EmergencyNitrogenTank = { "EmergencyNitrogenTank", "emergency nitrogen tank", }, ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank = { "ExtendedEmergencyOxygenTank", "extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank", }, ExtendedEmergencyNitrogenTank = { "ExtendedEmergencyNitrogenTank", "extended-capacity emergency nitrogen tank", }, DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank = { "DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank", "double emergency oxygen tank", }, DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTank = { "DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTank", "double emergency nitrogen tank", }, EmergencyFunnyOxygenTank = { "EmergencyFunnyOxygenTank", "funny emergency oxygen tank", }, AirTank = { "AirTank", "air tank", }, NitrousOxideTank = { "NitrousOxideTank", "nitrous oxide tank", }, PlasmaTank = { "PlasmaTank", "plasma tank", }, GlowstickBase = { "GlowstickBase", "green glowstick", }, GlowstickRed = { "GlowstickRed", "red glowstick", }, GlowstickPurple = { "GlowstickPurple", "purple glowstick", }, GlowstickYellow = { "GlowstickYellow", "yellow glowstick", }, GlowstickBlue = { "GlowstickBlue", "blue glowstick", }, LightBehaviourTest1 = { "LightBehaviourTest1", "light pulse test", }, LightBehaviourTest2 = { "LightBehaviourTest2", "color cycle test", }, LightBehaviourTest3 = { "LightBehaviourTest3", "multi-behaviour light test", }, LightBehaviourTest4 = { "LightBehaviourTest4", "light fade in test", }, LightBehaviourTest5 = { "LightBehaviourTest5", "light pulse radius test", }, LightBehaviourTest6 = { "LightBehaviourTest6", "light randomize radius test", }, HandheldGPSBasic = { "HandheldGPSBasic", "global positioning system", }, HandHeldMassScanner = { "HandHeldMassScanner", "handheld mass scanner", }, HandLabeler = { "HandLabeler", "hand labeler", }, InflatableWallStack = { "InflatableWallStack", "inflatable barricade", }, InflatableDoorStack = { "InflatableDoorStack", "inflatable door", }, RadioJammer = { "RadioJammer", "radio jammer", }, JawsOfLife = { "JawsOfLife", "jaws of life", }, SyndicateJawsOfLife = { "SyndicateJawsOfLife", "syndicate jaws of life", }, BaseJetpack = { "BaseJetpack", "jetpack", }, ActionToggleJetpack = { "ActionToggleJetpack", "Toggle jetpack", }, JetpackBlue = { "JetpackBlue", "jetpack", }, JetpackBlueFilled = { "JetpackBlueFilled", "jetpack", }, JetpackBlack = { "JetpackBlack", "jetpack", }, JetpackBlackFilled = { "JetpackBlackFilled", "jetpack", }, JetpackCaptain = { "JetpackCaptain", "captain's jetpack", }, JetpackCaptainFilled = { "JetpackCaptainFilled", "captain's jetpack", }, JetpackMini = { "JetpackMini", "mini jetpack", }, JetpackMiniFilled = { "JetpackMiniFilled", "mini jetpack", }, JetpackSecurity = { "JetpackSecurity", "security jetpack", }, JetpackSecurityFilled = { "JetpackSecurityFilled", "security jetpack", }, JetpackVoid = { "JetpackVoid", "void jetpack", }, JetpackVoidFilled = { "JetpackVoidFilled", "void jetpack", }, Lantern = { "Lantern", "lantern", }, Lighter = { "Lighter", "basic lighter", }, CheapLighter = { "CheapLighter", "cheap lighter", }, FlippoLighter = { "FlippoLighter", "flippo lighter", }, FlippoEngravedLighter = { "FlippoEngravedLighter", "flippo engraved lighter", }, LightReplacer = { "LightReplacer", "light replacer", }, Matchstick = { "Matchstick", "match stick", }, Matchbox = { "Matchbox", "match box", }, SprayPainter = { "SprayPainter", "spray painter", }, trayScanner = { "trayScanner", "t-ray scanner", }, ThiefBeacon = { "ThiefBeacon", "thieving beacon", }, ToolboxEmergency = { "ToolboxEmergency", "emergency toolbox", }, ToolboxMechanical = { "ToolboxMechanical", "mechanical toolbox", }, ToolboxElectrical = { "ToolboxElectrical", "electrical toolbox", }, ToolboxElectricalTurret = { "ToolboxElectricalTurret", "electrical toolbox", }, ToolboxArtistic = { "ToolboxArtistic", "artistic toolbox", }, ToolboxSyndicate = { "ToolboxSyndicate", "suspicious toolbox", }, ToolboxGolden = { "ToolboxGolden", "golden toolbox", }, ToolboxThief = { "ToolboxThief", "thief undetermined toolbox", }, Wirecutter = { "Wirecutter", "wirecutter", }, Screwdriver = { "Screwdriver", "screwdriver", }, Wrench = { "Wrench", "wrench", }, Multitool = { "Multitool", "multitool", }, NetworkConfigurator = { "NetworkConfigurator", "network configurator", }, PowerDrill = { "PowerDrill", "power drill", }, RCD = { "RCD", "RCD", }, RCDRecharging = { "RCDRecharging", "experimental RCD", }, RCDExperimental = { "RCDExperimental", "experimental RCD", }, RCDAmmo = { "RCDAmmo", "compressed matter", }, Omnitool = { "Omnitool", "omnitool", }, Shovel = { "Shovel", "shovel", }, RollingPin = { "RollingPin", "rolling pin", }, Welder = { "Welder", "welding tool", }, WelderIndustrial = { "WelderIndustrial", "industrial welding tool", }, WelderIndustrialAdvanced = { "WelderIndustrialAdvanced", "advanced industrial welding tool", }, WelderExperimental = { "WelderExperimental", "experimental welding tool", }, WelderMini = { "WelderMini", "emergency welding tool", }, Stunbaton = { "Stunbaton", "stun baton", }, Truncheon = { "Truncheon", "truncheon", }, Flash = { "Flash", "flash", }, SciFlash = { "SciFlash", "flash", }, PortableFlasher = { "PortableFlasher", "portable flasher", }, BannerBase = { "BannerBase", "base banner", }, BannerNanotrasen = { "BannerNanotrasen", "nanotrasen banner", }, BannerCargo = { "BannerCargo", "cargo banner", }, BannerEngineering = { "BannerEngineering", "engineering banner", }, BannerMedical = { "BannerMedical", "medical banner", }, BannerRevolution = { "BannerRevolution", "revolution banner", }, BannerSyndicate = { "BannerSyndicate", "syndicate banner", }, BannerScience = { "BannerScience", "science banner", }, BannerSecurity = { "BannerSecurity", "security banner", }, BannerBlue = { "BannerBlue", "blue banner", }, BannerRed = { "BannerRed", "red banner", }, BannerYellow = { "BannerYellow", "yellow banner", }, BannerGreen = { "BannerGreen", "green banner", }, Bonfire = { "Bonfire", "bonfire", }, LegionnaireBonfire = { "LegionnaireBonfire", "legionnaire bonfire", }, Cobweb1 = { "Cobweb1", "cobweb", }, CrystalGreen = { "CrystalGreen", "crystal", }, BaseCurtains = { "BaseCurtains", "curtains", }, DecoratedFirTree = { "DecoratedFirTree", "decorated fir tree", }, Fireplace = { "Fireplace", "fireplace", }, FleshBlocker = { "FleshBlocker", "flesh clump", }, Mannequin = { "Mannequin", "mannequin", }, BaseShowcaseRobot = { "BaseShowcaseRobot", "security robot showcase", }, ShowcaseRobot = { "ShowcaseRobot", "security robot showcase", }, ShowcaseRobotWhite = { "ShowcaseRobotWhite", "white robot showcase", }, ShowcaseRobotAntique = { "ShowcaseRobotAntique", "cargo robot showcase", }, ShowcaseRobotMarauder = { "ShowcaseRobotMarauder", "marauder showcase", }, StatueVenusRed = { "StatueVenusRed", "statue of a pure maiden", }, StatueVenusBlue = { "StatueVenusBlue", "statue of a pure maiden", }, StatueBananiumClown = { "StatueBananiumClown", "bananium savior statue", }, BoozeDispenser = { "BoozeDispenser", "booze dispenser", }, ChemDispenser = { "ChemDispenser", "chemical dispenser", }, ChemDispenserEmpty = { "ChemDispenserEmpty", "chemical dispenser", }, SodaDispenser = { "SodaDispenser", "soda dispenser", }, AltarBase = { "AltarBase", "altar", }, AltarNanotrasen = { "AltarNanotrasen", "nanotrasen altar", }, AltarChaos = { "AltarChaos", "chaos altar", }, AltarDruid = { "AltarDruid", "druid altar", }, AltarToolbox = { "AltarToolbox", "toolbox altar", }, AltarSpaceChristian = { "AltarSpaceChristian", "space-Christian altar", }, AltarSatana = { "AltarSatana", "satanic altar", }, AltarTechnology = { "AltarTechnology", "technology altar", }, AltarConvertFestival = { "AltarConvertFestival", "festival altar", }, AltarConvertMaint = { "AltarConvertMaint", "maint altar", }, AltarConvertBlue = { "AltarConvertBlue", "blue altar", }, AltarConvertBurden = { "AltarConvertBurden", "burden altar", }, AltarConvert = { "AltarConvert", "convert altar", }, AltarConvertOrange = { "AltarConvertOrange", "orange altar", }, AltarConvertRed = { "AltarConvertRed", "red altar", }, AltarConvertWhite = { "AltarConvertWhite", "white altar", }, AltarConvertYellow = { "AltarConvertYellow", "yellow altar", }, AltarHeaven = { "AltarHeaven", "heaven altar", }, AltarFangs = { "AltarFangs", "fanged altar", }, AltarBananium = { "AltarBananium", "honkmother altar", }, Bed = { "Bed", "bed", }, MedicalBed = { "MedicalBed", "medical bed", }, DogBed = { "DogBed", "dog bed", }, Mattress = { "Mattress", "mattress", }, WebBed = { "WebBed", "web bed", }, PsychBed = { "PsychBed", "psychologist bed", }, BenchComfy = { "BenchComfy", "comfortable bench", }, Bookshelf = { "Bookshelf", "bookshelf", }, CarpetBase = { "CarpetBase", "carpet", }, CarpetChapel = { "CarpetChapel", "chapel's carpet", }, SeatBase = { "SeatBase", "chair", }, UnanchoredChairBase = { "UnanchoredChairBase", "chair", }, ChairBase = { "ChairBase", "chair", }, OfficeChairBase = { "OfficeChairBase", "chair", }, StoolBase = { "StoolBase", "stool", }, Chair = { "Chair", "chair", }, ChairGreyscale = { "ChairGreyscale", "chair", }, Stool = { "Stool", "stool", }, StoolBar = { "StoolBar", "bar stool", }, ChairBrass = { "ChairBrass", "brass chair", }, ChairOfficeLight = { "ChairOfficeLight", "white office chair", }, ChairOfficeDark = { "ChairOfficeDark", "dark office chair", }, ComfyChair = { "ComfyChair", "comfy chair", }, ChairPilotSeat = { "ChairPilotSeat", "pilot seat", }, ChairWood = { "ChairWood", "wooden chair", }, ChairRitual = { "ChairRitual", "ritual chair", }, ChairMeat = { "ChairMeat", "meat chair", }, ChairCursed = { "ChairCursed", "cursed chair", }, ChairWeb = { "ChairWeb", "web chair", }, ChairFolding = { "ChairFolding", "folding chair", }, SteelBench = { "SteelBench", "steel bench", }, WoodenBench = { "WoodenBench", "wooden bench", }, Dresser = { "Dresser", "dresser", }, Memorial = { "Memorial", "memorial", }, SS13Memorial = { "SS13Memorial", "tomb of the unknown employee", }, PottedPlantBase = { "PottedPlantBase", "potted plant", }, PottedPlantBioluminscent = { "PottedPlantBioluminscent", "bioluminescent potted plant", }, PottedPlantRD = { "PottedPlantRD", "RD's potted plant", }, PottedPlant27 = { "PottedPlant27", "plastic potted plant", }, RollerBed = { "RollerBed", "rollerbed", }, CheapRollerBed = { "CheapRollerBed", "rollerbed", }, EmergencyRollerBed = { "EmergencyRollerBed", "rollerbed", }, SinkEmpty = { "SinkEmpty", "sink", }, Sink = { "Sink", "sink", }, SinkWide = { "SinkWide", "wide sink", }, SinkStemless = { "SinkStemless", "sink", }, SinkStemlessWater = { "SinkStemlessWater", "sink", }, ToiletEmpty = { "ToiletEmpty", "toilet", }, HolosignWetFloor = { "HolosignWetFloor", "wet floor sign", }, HoloFan = { "HoloFan", "holofan", }, HolosignSecurity = { "HolosignSecurity", "holographic barrier", }, HolosignForcefield = { "HolosignForcefield", "holographic force field", }, AlwaysPoweredWallLight = { "AlwaysPoweredWallLight", "light", }, PoweredlightEmpty = { "PoweredlightEmpty", "light", }, SmallLight = { "SmallLight", "small light", }, PoweredSmallLightEmpty = { "PoweredSmallLightEmpty", "small light", }, EmergencyLight = { "EmergencyLight", "emergency light", }, LightPostSmall = { "LightPostSmall", "post light", }, PoweredLightPostSmallEmpty = { "PoweredLightPostSmallEmpty", "post light", }, PoweredLightPostSmall = { "PoweredLightPostSmall", "post light", }, PoweredLEDLightPostSmall = { "PoweredLEDLightPostSmall", "post light", }, AlwaysPoweredStrobeLight = { "AlwaysPoweredStrobeLight", "strobe", }, PoweredStrobeLightEmpty = { "PoweredStrobeLightEmpty", "strobe", }, MachineAnomalyVessel = { "MachineAnomalyVessel", "anomaly vessel", }, MachineAnomalyVesselExperimental = { "MachineAnomalyVesselExperimental", "experimental anomaly vessel", }, MachineAPE = { "MachineAPE", "A.P.E.", }, MachineAnomalyGenerator = { "MachineAnomalyGenerator", "anomaly generator", }, MachineAnomalySynchronizer = { "MachineAnomalySynchronizer", "anomaly synchronizer", }, MachineArtifactAnalyzer = { "MachineArtifactAnalyzer", "artifact analyzer", }, MachineArtifactCrusher = { "MachineArtifactCrusher", "artifact crusher", }, BaseHardBomb = { "BaseHardBomb", "hardbomb", }, TrainingBomb = { "TrainingBomb", "training bomb", }, SyndicateBomb = { "SyndicateBomb", "syndicate bomb", }, DebugHardBomb = { "DebugHardBomb", "debug bomb", }, ChemMaster = { "ChemMaster", "ChemMaster 4000", }, CloningPod = { "CloningPod", "cloning pod", }, CrewMonitoringServer = { "CrewMonitoringServer", "crew monitoring server", }, FatExtractor = { "FatExtractor", "lipid extractor", }, FaxMachineBase = { "FaxMachineBase", "long range fax machine", }, FaxMachineCentcom = { "FaxMachineCentcom", "CentComm long range fax machine", }, FaxMachineSyndie = { "FaxMachineSyndie", "syndicate long range fax machine", }, FaxMachineCaptain = { "FaxMachineCaptain", "captain long range fax machine", }, MachineFlatpacker = { "MachineFlatpacker", "Flatpacker 1001", }, UnfinishedMachineFrame = { "UnfinishedMachineFrame", "machine frame", }, MachineFrame = { "MachineFrame", "machine frame", }, MachineFrameDestroyed = { "MachineFrameDestroyed", "destroyed machine frame", }, BaseGateway = { "BaseGateway", "gateway", }, GravityGenerator = { "GravityGenerator", "gravity generator", }, GravityGeneratorMini = { "GravityGeneratorMini", "mini gravity generator", }, KitchenElectricGrill = { "KitchenElectricGrill", "electric grill", }, ChemistryHotplate = { "ChemistryHotplate", "hotplate", }, Jukebox = { "Jukebox", "jukebox", }, BaseLathe = { "BaseLathe", "lathe", }, Autolathe = { "Autolathe", "autolathe", }, AutolatheHyperConvection = { "AutolatheHyperConvection", "hyper convection autolathe", }, Protolathe = { "Protolathe", "protolathe", }, ProtolatheHyperConvection = { "ProtolatheHyperConvection", "hyper convection protolathe", }, CircuitImprinter = { "CircuitImprinter", "circuit imprinter", }, CircuitImprinterHyperConvection = { "CircuitImprinterHyperConvection", "hyper convection circuit imprinter", }, ExosuitFabricator = { "ExosuitFabricator", "exosuit fabricator", }, Biofabricator = { "Biofabricator", "biocube fabricator", }, SecurityTechFab = { "SecurityTechFab", "security techfab", }, AmmoTechFab = { "AmmoTechFab", "ammo techfab", }, MedicalTechFab = { "MedicalTechFab", "medical techfab", }, UniformPrinter = { "UniformPrinter", "uniform printer", }, OreProcessor = { "OreProcessor", "ore processor", }, OreProcessorIndustrial = { "OreProcessorIndustrial", "industrial ore processor", }, Sheetifier = { "Sheetifier", "sheet-meister 2000", }, CutterMachine = { "CutterMachine", "cutter machine", }, MaterialReclaimer = { "MaterialReclaimer", "material reclaimer", }, MedicalScanner = { "MedicalScanner", "medical scanner", }, KitchenMicrowave = { "KitchenMicrowave", "microwave", }, SyndicateMicrowave = { "SyndicateMicrowave", "donk co. microwave", }, NuclearBomb = { "NuclearBomb", "nuclear fission explosive", }, NuclearBombKeg = { "NuclearBombKeg", "nuclear fission explosive", }, KitchenReagentGrinder = { "KitchenReagentGrinder", "reagent grinder", }, ReagentGrinderIndustrial = { "ReagentGrinderIndustrial", "industrial reagent grinder", }, Recycler = { "Recycler", "recycler", }, ResearchAndDevelopmentServer = { "ResearchAndDevelopmentServer", "R&D server", }, BaseResearchAndDevelopmentPointSource = { "BaseResearchAndDevelopmentPointSource", "base R&D point source", }, SalvageMagnet = { "SalvageMagnet", "salvage magnet", }, SalvageLocator = { "SalvageLocator", "salvage locator", }, SeedExtractor = { "SeedExtractor", "seed extractor", }, SmartFridge = { "SmartFridge", "SmartFridge", }, StasisBed = { "StasisBed", "stasis bed", }, SurveillanceCameraRouterBase = { "SurveillanceCameraRouterBase", "camera router", }, SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterBase = { "SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterBase", "wireless camera router", }, TelecomServer = { "TelecomServer", "telecommunication server", }, VendingMachine = { "VendingMachine", "vending machine", }, VendingMachineCondiments = { "VendingMachineCondiments", "condiment station", }, VendingMachineAmmo = { "VendingMachineAmmo", "liberation station", }, VendingMachineBooze = { "VendingMachineBooze", "Booze-O-Mat", }, VendingMachineCart = { "VendingMachineCart", "PTech", }, VendingMachineChefvend = { "VendingMachineChefvend", "ChefVend", }, VendingMachineCigs = { "VendingMachineCigs", "ShadyCigs Deluxe", }, VendingMachineClothing = { "VendingMachineClothing", "ClothesMate", }, VendingMachineWinter = { "VendingMachineWinter", "WinterDrobe", }, VendingMachineCoffee = { "VendingMachineCoffee", "Solar's Best Hot Drinks", }, VendingMachineCola = { "VendingMachineCola", "Robust Softdrinks", }, VendingMachineColaRed = { "VendingMachineColaRed", "Space Cola Vendor", }, VendingMachineSpaceUp = { "VendingMachineSpaceUp", "Space-Up! Vendor", }, VendingMachineStarkist = { "VendingMachineStarkist", "Star-kist Vendor", }, VendingMachineShamblersJuice = { "VendingMachineShamblersJuice", "Shambler's Juice Vendor", }, VendingMachinePwrGame = { "VendingMachinePwrGame", "Pwr Game Vendor", }, VendingMachineDrGibb = { "VendingMachineDrGibb", "Dr. Gibb Vendor", }, VendingMachineDinnerware = { "VendingMachineDinnerware", "Plasteel Chef's Dinnerware Vendor", }, VendingMachineMagivend = { "VendingMachineMagivend", "MagiVend", }, VendingMachineDiscount = { "VendingMachineDiscount", "Discount Dan's", }, VendingMachineEngivend = { "VendingMachineEngivend", "Engi-Vend", }, VendingMachineMedical = { "VendingMachineMedical", "NanoMed Plus", }, VendingMachineNutri = { "VendingMachineNutri", "NutriMax", }, VendingMachineSec = { "VendingMachineSec", "SecTech", }, VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked = { "VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked", "MegaSeed Servitor", }, VendingMachineSnack = { "VendingMachineSnack", "Getmore Chocolate Corp", }, VendingMachineSustenance = { "VendingMachineSustenance", "Sustenance Vendor", }, VendingMachineSovietSoda = { "VendingMachineSovietSoda", "BODA", }, VendingMachineTheater = { "VendingMachineTheater", "AutoDrobe", }, VendingMachineVendomat = { "VendingMachineVendomat", "Vendomat", }, VendingMachineRobotics = { "VendingMachineRobotics", "Robotech Deluxe", }, VendingMachineYouTool = { "VendingMachineYouTool", "YouTool", }, VendingMachineGames = { "VendingMachineGames", "Good Clean Fun", }, VendingMachineChang = { "VendingMachineChang", "Mr. Chang", }, VendingMachineSalvage = { "VendingMachineSalvage", "Salvage Vendor", }, VendingMachineDonut = { "VendingMachineDonut", "Monkin' Donuts", }, VendingMachineWallmount = { "VendingMachineWallmount", "vending machine", }, VendingMachineWallMedical = { "VendingMachineWallMedical", "NanoMed", }, VendingMachineHydrobe = { "VendingMachineHydrobe", "HyDrobe", }, VendingMachineLawDrobe = { "VendingMachineLawDrobe", "LawDrobe", }, VendingMachineSecDrobe = { "VendingMachineSecDrobe", "SecDrobe", }, VendingBarDrobe = { "VendingBarDrobe", "BarDrobe", }, VendingMachineChapel = { "VendingMachineChapel", "PietyVend", }, VendingMachineCargoDrobe = { "VendingMachineCargoDrobe", "CargoDrobe", }, VendingMachineMediDrobe = { "VendingMachineMediDrobe", "MediDrobe", }, VendingMachineChemDrobe = { "VendingMachineChemDrobe", "ChemDrobe", }, VendingMachineCuraDrobe = { "VendingMachineCuraDrobe", "CuraDrobe", }, VendingMachineAtmosDrobe = { "VendingMachineAtmosDrobe", "AtmosDrobe", }, VendingMachineEngiDrobe = { "VendingMachineEngiDrobe", "EngiDrobe", }, VendingMachineChefDrobe = { "VendingMachineChefDrobe", "ChefDrobe", }, VendingMachineDetDrobe = { "VendingMachineDetDrobe", "DetDrobe", }, VendingMachineJaniDrobe = { "VendingMachineJaniDrobe", "JaniDrobe", }, VendingMachineSciDrobe = { "VendingMachineSciDrobe", "SciDrobe", }, VendingMachineSyndieDrobe = { "VendingMachineSyndieDrobe", "SyndieDrobe", }, VendingMachineRoboDrobe = { "VendingMachineRoboDrobe", "RoboDrobe", }, VendingMachineGeneDrobe = { "VendingMachineGeneDrobe", "GeneDrobe", }, VendingMachineViroDrobe = { "VendingMachineViroDrobe", "ViroDrobe", }, VendingMachineCentDrobe = { "VendingMachineCentDrobe", "CentDrobe", }, VendingMachineHappyHonk = { "VendingMachineHappyHonk", "Happy Honk Dispenser", }, VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA = { "VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA", "gas tank dispenser", }, VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering = { "VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering", "gas tank dispenser", }, VendingMachineChemicals = { "VendingMachineChemicals", "ChemVend", }, VendingMachineChemicalsSyndicate = { "VendingMachineChemicalsSyndicate", "SyndieJuice", }, SurveillanceWirelessCameraBase = { "SurveillanceWirelessCameraBase", "wireless camera", }, BaseAPC = { "BaseAPC", "APC", }, APCFrame = { "APCFrame", "APC frame", }, CableHV = { "CableHV", "HV power cable", }, CableMV = { "CableMV", "MV power cable", }, CableApcExtension = { "CableApcExtension", "LV power cable", }, CableTerminal = { "CableTerminal", "cable terminal", }, PowerCellRecharger = { "PowerCellRecharger", "cell recharger", }, PowerCageRecharger = { "PowerCageRecharger", "cage recharger", }, WeaponCapacitorRecharger = { "WeaponCapacitorRecharger", "recharger", }, TurboItemRecharger = { "TurboItemRecharger", "turbo recharger", }, WallWeaponCapacitorRecharger = { "WallWeaponCapacitorRecharger", "wall recharger", }, BorgCharger = { "BorgCharger", "cyborg recharging station", }, DebugConsumer = { "DebugConsumer", "consumer", }, DebugBatteryStorage = { "DebugBatteryStorage", "battery storage", }, DebugBatteryDischarger = { "DebugBatteryDischarger", "battery discharger", }, DebugPowerReceiver = { "DebugPowerReceiver", "power receiver", }, BaseSMES = { "BaseSMES", "SMES", }, BaseSubstation = { "BaseSubstation", "substation", }, BaseSubstationWall = { "BaseSubstationWall", "wallmount substation", }, BaseSubstationWallFrame = { "BaseSubstationWallFrame", "wallmount substation frame", }, ShuttleGunBase = { "ShuttleGunBase", "shittle gun", }, ShuttleGunSvalinnMachineGun = { "ShuttleGunSvalinnMachineGun", "LSE-400c \"Svalinn machine gun\"", }, ShuttleGunPerforator = { "ShuttleGunPerforator", "LSE-1200c \"Perforator\"", }, ShuttleGunFriendship = { "ShuttleGunFriendship", "EXP-320g \"Friendship\"", }, ShuttleGunDuster = { "ShuttleGunDuster", "EXP-2100g \"Duster\"", }, ShuttleGunPirateCannon = { "ShuttleGunPirateCannon", "pirate ship cannon", }, ShuttleGunKinetic = { "ShuttleGunKinetic", "PTK-800 \"Matter Dematerializer\"", }, BaseThruster = { "BaseThruster", "thruster", }, Thruster = { "Thruster", "thruster", }, Gyroscope = { "Gyroscope", "gyroscope", }, ChurchBell = { "ChurchBell", "church bell", }, CarpRift = { "CarpRift", "carp rift", }, XenoWardingTower = { "XenoWardingTower", "xeno warding tower", }, CarpStatue = { "CarpStatue", "carp statue", }, filingCabinet = { "filingCabinet", "filing cabinet", }, filingCabinetTall = { "filingCabinetTall", "tall cabinet", }, filingCabinetDrawer = { "filingCabinetDrawer", "chest drawer", }, GlassBox = { "GlassBox", "glass box", }, GlassBoxFrame = { "GlassBoxFrame", "glass box frame", }, GlassBoxBroken = { "GlassBoxBroken", "broken glass box", }, Morgue = { "Morgue", "morgue", }, Crematorium = { "Crematorium", "crematorium", }, OreBox = { "OreBox", "ore box", }, PaperBin = { "PaperBin", "paper bin", }, Rack = { "Rack", "rack", }, AirAlarm = { "AirAlarm", "air alarm", }, AirAlarmAssembly = { "AirAlarmAssembly", "air alarm assembly", }, BoxingBell = { "BoxingBell", "boxing bell", }, DefibrillatorCabinet = { "DefibrillatorCabinet", "defibrillator cabinet", }, ExtinguisherCabinet = { "ExtinguisherCabinet", "extinguisher cabinet", }, FireAxeCabinet = { "FireAxeCabinet", "fire axe cabinet", }, FireAlarm = { "FireAlarm", "fire alarm", }, FireAlarmAssembly = { "FireAlarmAssembly", "fire alarm assembly", }, BaseIntercom = { "BaseIntercom", "intercom", }, IntercomAssembly = { "IntercomAssembly", "intercom assembly", }, Mirror = { "Mirror", "mirror", }, ComputerTelevision = { "ComputerTelevision", "wooden television", }, WallmountTelescreenFrame = { "WallmountTelescreenFrame", "telescreen frame", }, WallmountTelescreen = { "WallmountTelescreen", "telescreen", }, WallmountTelevisionFrame = { "WallmountTelevisionFrame", "television frame", }, WallmountTelevision = { "WallmountTelevision", "television", }, NoticeBoard = { "NoticeBoard", "notice board", }, Screen = { "Screen", "screen", }, ArrivalsShuttleTimer = { "ArrivalsShuttleTimer", "arrivals screen", }, JanitorServiceLight = { "JanitorServiceLight", "janitorial service light", }, ShelfBase = { "ShelfBase", "shelf", }, ShelfBaseReinforced = { "ShelfBaseReinforced", "reinforced shelf", }, ShelfWood = { "ShelfWood", "wooden shelf", }, ShelfMetal = { "ShelfMetal", "metal shelf", }, ShelfGlass = { "ShelfGlass", "glass shelf", }, ShelfRWood = { "ShelfRWood", "sturdy wood shelf", }, ShelfRMetal = { "ShelfRMetal", "sturdy metal shelf", }, ShelfRGlass = { "ShelfRGlass", "sturdy glass shelf", }, ShelfBar = { "ShelfBar", "bar shelf", }, ShelfKitchen = { "ShelfKitchen", "kitchen shelf", }, ShelfChemistry = { "ShelfChemistry", "chemical shelf", }, ShotGunCabinet = { "ShotGunCabinet", "shotgun cabinet", }, StationMapBroken = { "StationMapBroken", "station map", }, StationMap = { "StationMap", "station map", }, StationMapAssembly = { "StationMapAssembly", "station map assembly", }, SurveillanceCameraBase = { "SurveillanceCameraBase", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraConstructed = { "SurveillanceCameraConstructed", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraEngineering = { "SurveillanceCameraEngineering", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraSecurity = { "SurveillanceCameraSecurity", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraScience = { "SurveillanceCameraScience", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraSupply = { "SurveillanceCameraSupply", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraCommand = { "SurveillanceCameraCommand", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraService = { "SurveillanceCameraService", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraMedical = { "SurveillanceCameraMedical", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraGeneral = { "SurveillanceCameraGeneral", "camera", }, SurveillanceCameraAssembly = { "SurveillanceCameraAssembly", "camera", }, SignalSwitch = { "SignalSwitch", "signal switch", }, SignalButton = { "SignalButton", "signal button", }, ApcNetSwitch = { "ApcNetSwitch", "apc net switch", }, TwoWayLever = { "TwoWayLever", "two way lever", }, SignalSwitchDirectional = { "SignalSwitchDirectional", "signal switch", }, SignalButtonDirectional = { "SignalButtonDirectional", "signal button", }, ApcNetSwitchDirectional = { "ApcNetSwitchDirectional", "apc net switch", }, LockableButton = { "LockableButton", "lockable button", }, ButtonFrame = { "ButtonFrame", "button frame", }, SignalButtonExt1 = { "SignalButtonExt1", "exterior button 1", }, SignalButtonExt2 = { "SignalButtonExt2", "exterior button 2", }, SignalButtonExt3 = { "SignalButtonExt3", "exterior button 3", }, SignalButtonBridge = { "SignalButtonBridge", "bridge windows button", }, SignalButtonWindows = { "SignalButtonWindows", "exterior windows button", }, SignalTimer = { "SignalTimer", "signal timer", }, ScreenTimer = { "ScreenTimer", "screen timer", }, BrigTimer = { "BrigTimer", "brig timer", }, TimerFrame = { "TimerFrame", "timer frame", }, CleanerDispenser = { "CleanerDispenser", "space cleaner dispenser", }, FuelDispenser = { "FuelDispenser", "fuel dispenser", }, AsteroidRock = { "AsteroidRock", "asteroid rock", }, AsteroidRockMining = { "AsteroidRockMining", "asteroid rock", }, IronRock = { "IronRock", "ironrock", }, IronRockMining = { "IronRockMining", "ironrock", }, WallRock = { "WallRock", "rock", }, WallRockBasalt = { "WallRockBasalt", "basalt", }, WallRockSnow = { "WallRockSnow", "snowdrift", }, WallRockSand = { "WallRockSand", "sandstone", }, WallRockChromite = { "WallRockChromite", "chromite", }, WallRockAndesite = { "WallRockAndesite", "andesite", }, BaseFenceMetal = { "BaseFenceMetal", "chain link fence", }, FenceMetalBroken = { "FenceMetalBroken", "broken chain link fence", }, FenceMetalGate = { "FenceMetalGate", "chain link fence gate", }, BaseFenceWood = { "BaseFenceWood", "wooden fence", }, BaseFenceWoodSmall = { "BaseFenceWoodSmall", "small wooden fence", }, FenceWoodHighGate = { "FenceWoodHighGate", "wooden fence gate", }, FenceWoodSmallGate = { "FenceWoodSmallGate", "wooden fence gate", }, Girder = { "Girder", "girder", }, ReinforcedGirder = { "ReinforcedGirder", "reinforced girder", }, ClockworkGirder = { "ClockworkGirder", "wall gear", }, Grille = { "Grille", "grille", }, ClockworkGrille = { "ClockworkGrille", "clockwork grille", }, GrilleBroken = { "GrilleBroken", "grille", }, ClockworkGrilleBroken = { "ClockworkGrilleBroken", "clockwork grille", }, GrilleDiagonal = { "GrilleDiagonal", "diagonal grille", }, ClockworkGrilleDiagonal = { "ClockworkGrilleDiagonal", "diagonal clockwork grille", }, Railing = { "Railing", "railing", }, RailingCorner = { "RailingCorner", "railing", }, RailingCornerSmall = { "RailingCornerSmall", "railing", }, RailingRound = { "RailingRound", "railing", }, BaseWall = { "BaseWall", "basewall", }, WallBrick = { "WallBrick", "brick wall", }, WallClock = { "WallClock", "clock wall", }, WallClown = { "WallClown", "bananium wall", }, WallMeat = { "WallMeat", "meat wall", }, WallCult = { "WallCult", "cult wall", }, WallDebug = { "WallDebug", "debug wall", }, WallDiamond = { "WallDiamond", "diamond wall", }, WallGold = { "WallGold", "gold wall", }, WallIce = { "WallIce", "ice wall", }, WallPlasma = { "WallPlasma", "plasma wall", }, WallPlastic = { "WallPlastic", "plastic wall", }, WallPlastitaniumIndestructible = { "WallPlastitaniumIndestructible", "plastitanium wall", }, WallPlastitanium = { "WallPlastitanium", "plastitanium wall", }, WallPlastitaniumDiagonal = { "WallPlastitaniumDiagonal", "plastitanium wall", }, WallReinforced = { "WallReinforced", "reinforced wall", }, WallReinforcedRust = { "WallReinforcedRust", "reinforced wall", }, WallReinforcedDiagonal = { "WallReinforcedDiagonal", "reinforced wall", }, WallRiveted = { "WallRiveted", "riveted wall", }, WallSandstone = { "WallSandstone", "sandstone wall", }, WallSilver = { "WallSilver", "silver wall", }, WallShuttleDiagonal = { "WallShuttleDiagonal", "shuttle wall", }, WallShuttle = { "WallShuttle", "shuttle wall", }, WallShuttleInterior = { "WallShuttleInterior", "shuttle wall", }, WallSolid = { "WallSolid", "solid wall", }, WallSolidDiagonal = { "WallSolidDiagonal", "solid wall", }, WallSolidRust = { "WallSolidRust", "solid wall", }, WallUranium = { "WallUranium", "uranium wall", }, WallWood = { "WallWood", "wood wall", }, WallWeb = { "WallWeb", "web wall", }, WallNecropolis = { "WallNecropolis", "stone wall", }, WallMining = { "WallMining", "mining wall", }, WallMiningDiagonal = { "WallMiningDiagonal", "mining wall", }, WallVaultAlien = { "WallVaultAlien", "alien vault wall", }, WallVaultRock = { "WallVaultRock", "rock vault wall", }, WallVaultSandstone = { "WallVaultSandstone", "sandstone vault wall", }, WallInvisible = { "WallInvisible", "invisible wall", }, WallForce = { "WallForce", "force wall", }, WallCobblebrick = { "WallCobblebrick", "cobblestone brick wall", }, WallBasaltCobblebrick = { "WallBasaltCobblebrick", "basalt brick wall", }, WallSnowCobblebrick = { "WallSnowCobblebrick", "snow brick wall", }, WallAsteroidCobblebrick = { "WallAsteroidCobblebrick", "asteroid stone brick wall", }, WallSandCobblebrick = { "WallSandCobblebrick", "sandstone brick wall", }, WallChromiteCobblebrick = { "WallChromiteCobblebrick", "chromite brick wall", }, WallAndesiteCobblebrick = { "WallAndesiteCobblebrick", "andesite brick wall", }, ClockworkWindow = { "ClockworkWindow", "clockwork window", }, WindowClockworkDirectional = { "WindowClockworkDirectional", "directional clockwork window", }, MiningWindow = { "MiningWindow", "mining window", }, PlasmaWindow = { "PlasmaWindow", "plasma window", }, PlasmaWindowDirectional = { "PlasmaWindowDirectional", "directional plasma window", }, PlastitaniumWindow = { "PlastitaniumWindow", "plastitanium window", }, ReinforcedWindow = { "ReinforcedWindow", "reinforced window", }, TintedWindow = { "TintedWindow", "tinted window", }, WindowReinforcedDirectional = { "WindowReinforcedDirectional", "directional reinforced window", }, ReinforcedPlasmaWindow = { "ReinforcedPlasmaWindow", "reinforced plasma window", }, PlasmaReinforcedWindowDirectional = { "PlasmaReinforcedWindowDirectional", "directional reinforced plasma window", }, ReinforcedUraniumWindow = { "ReinforcedUraniumWindow", "reinforced uranium window", }, UraniumReinforcedWindowDirectional = { "UraniumReinforcedWindowDirectional", "directional reinforced uranium window", }, ShuttleWindow = { "ShuttleWindow", "shuttle window", }, UraniumWindow = { "UraniumWindow", "uranium window", }, UraniumWindowDirectional = { "UraniumWindowDirectional", "directional uranium window", }, Window = { "Window", "window", }, WindowDirectional = { "WindowDirectional", "directional window", }, WindowFrostedDirectional = { "WindowFrostedDirectional", "directional frosted window", }, BaseAsteroidDebris = { "BaseAsteroidDebris", "asteroid debris", }, AsteroidDebrisSmall = { "AsteroidDebrisSmall", "asteroid debris small", }, AsteroidDebrisMedium = { "AsteroidDebrisMedium", "asteroid debris medium", }, AsteroidDebrisLarge = { "AsteroidDebrisLarge", "asteroid debris large", }, AsteroidDebrisLarger = { "AsteroidDebrisLarger", "asteroid debris larger", }, AsteroidSalvageSmall = { "AsteroidSalvageSmall", "salvage asteroid small", }, AsteroidSalvageMedium = { "AsteroidSalvageMedium", "salvage asteroid medium", }, AsteroidSalvageLarge = { "AsteroidSalvageLarge", "salvage asteroid large", }, AsteroidSalvageHuge = { "AsteroidSalvageHuge", "salvage asteroid huge", }, BaseScrapDebris = { "BaseScrapDebris", "scrap debris", }, ScrapDebrisSmall = { "ScrapDebrisSmall", "scrap debris small", }, ScrapDebrisMedium = { "ScrapDebrisMedium", "scrap debris medium", }, ScrapDebrisLarge = { "ScrapDebrisLarge", "scrap debris large", }, SpawnPointNukies = { "SpawnPointNukies", "nukies", }, SpawnPointPirates = { "SpawnPointPirates", "Pirate spawn point", }, AITimedSpawner = { "AITimedSpawner", "AI Timed Spawner", }, XenoAITimedSpawner = { "XenoAITimedSpawner", "Xeno AI Timed Spawner", }, MouseTimedSpawner = { "MouseTimedSpawner", "Mouse Timed Spawner", }, CockroachTimedSpawner = { "CockroachTimedSpawner", "Cockroach Timed Spawner", }, AltarSpawner = { "AltarSpawner", "random altar spawner", }, ConvertAltarSpawner = { "ConvertAltarSpawner", "random convert-altar spawner", }, CultAltarSpawner = { "CultAltarSpawner", "random cult-altar spawner", }, RandomAnomalySpawner = { "RandomAnomalySpawner", "random anomaly spawner", }, RandomArcade = { "RandomArcade", "random arcade spawner", }, RandomArtifactSpawner = { "RandomArtifactSpawner", "random artifact spawner", }, RandomArtifactSpawner20 = { "RandomArtifactSpawner20", "random artifact spawner [20]", }, BedsheetSpawner = { "BedsheetSpawner", "Random Sheet Spawner", }, CrateEmptySpawner = { "CrateEmptySpawner", "Empty Crate Spawner", }, CrateFilledSpawner = { "CrateFilledSpawner", "Filled Crate Spawner", }, LootSpawnerRandomCrateEngineering = { "LootSpawnerRandomCrateEngineering", "random engineering crate spawner", }, LootSpawnerRandomCrateSecurity = { "LootSpawnerRandomCrateSecurity", "random security crate spawner", }, CrystalSpawner = { "CrystalSpawner", "Crystal Spawner", }, CurtainSpawner = { "CurtainSpawner", "random curtain spawner", }, LootSpawnerEncryptionKey = { "LootSpawnerEncryptionKey", "random encryption key spawner", }, FancyTableSpawner = { "FancyTableSpawner", "random fancy table spawner", }, RandomFloraTree = { "RandomFloraTree", "random tree spawner", }, FolderSpawner = { "FolderSpawner", "Random Folder Spawner", }, GrilleSpawner = { "GrilleSpawner", "Random Grille Spawner", }, LootSpawnerIndustrialFluff = { "LootSpawnerIndustrialFluff", "industrial fluff spawner", }, LootSpawnerIndustrial = { "LootSpawnerIndustrial", "industrial loot spawner", }, RandomInstruments = { "RandomInstruments", "random instruments spawner", }, MaintenanceFluffSpawner = { "MaintenanceFluffSpawner", "Maint Loot Spawner", }, MaintenanceToolSpawner = { "MaintenanceToolSpawner", "Maint Loot Spawner", }, MaintenanceWeaponSpawner = { "MaintenanceWeaponSpawner", "Maint Loot Spawner", }, MaintenancePlantSpawner = { "MaintenancePlantSpawner", "Maint Loot Spawner", }, LootSpawnerMaterials = { "LootSpawnerMaterials", "materials spawner", }, LootSpawnerMaterialsSupplementary = { "LootSpawnerMaterialsSupplementary", "materials spawner", }, LootSpawnerMaterialsHighValueConstruction = { "LootSpawnerMaterialsHighValueConstruction", "high-value materials spawner", }, LootSpawnerMaterialsHighValue = { "LootSpawnerMaterialsHighValue", "high-value materials spawner", }, LootSpawnerMaterialsSurplus = { "LootSpawnerMaterialsSurplus", "surplus materials spawner", }, LootSpawnerCableCoil = { "LootSpawnerCableCoil", "cable coil spawner", }, LootSpawnerMedicalMinor = { "LootSpawnerMedicalMinor", "healing supplies spawner", }, LootSpawnerMedicalClassy = { "LootSpawnerMedicalClassy", "medical loot spawner", }, RandomWoodenSupport = { "RandomWoodenSupport", "wooden support spawner", }, RandomWoodenWall = { "RandomWoodenWall", "wooden wall spawner", }, RandomStalagmiteOrCrystal = { "RandomStalagmiteOrCrystal", "stalagmite or crystal spawner", }, RandomBrownStalagmite = { "RandomBrownStalagmite", "brown stalagmite spawner", }, RandomGreyStalagmite = { "RandomGreyStalagmite", "grey stalagmite spawner", }, RandomPainting = { "RandomPainting", "random painting spawner", }, RandomPosterAny = { "RandomPosterAny", "random poster spawner", }, RandomPosterContraband = { "RandomPosterContraband", "random contraband poster spawner", }, RandomPosterLegit = { "RandomPosterLegit", "random legit poster spawner", }, PottedPlantRandom = { "PottedPlantRandom", "random potted plant spawner", }, PottedPlantRandomPlastic = { "PottedPlantRandomPlastic", "random plastic potted plant spawner", }, SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner = { "SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner", "Salvage Material Crate Spawner", }, SalvageCanisterSpawner = { "SalvageCanisterSpawner", "Salvage Canister Spawner", }, SalvageLootSpawner = { "SalvageLootSpawner", "salvage loot spawner", }, SalvageMobSpawner = { "SalvageMobSpawner", "Salvage Mob Spawner", }, SpaceTickSpawner = { "SpaceTickSpawner", "Salvage Space Tick Spawner", }, SpawnMobBearSalvage = { "SpawnMobBearSalvage", "Salvage Space Bear Spawner", }, SpawnMobKangarooSalvage = { "SpawnMobKangarooSalvage", "Salvage Space Kangaroo Spawner", }, SpawnMobSpiderSalvage = { "SpawnMobSpiderSalvage", "Salvage Space Spider Spawner", }, SpawnMobCobraSalvage = { "SpawnMobCobraSalvage", "Salvage Space Cobra Spawner", }, SalvageFleshSpawner = { "SalvageFleshSpawner", "Salvage Flesh Spawner", }, LootSpawnerSecurityBasic = { "LootSpawnerSecurityBasic", "security loot spawner", }, LootSpawnerSecurity = { "LootSpawnerSecurity", "security loot spawner", }, LootSpawnerArmory = { "LootSpawnerArmory", "armory loot spawner", }, LootSpawnerArmoryGunsOnly = { "LootSpawnerArmoryGunsOnly", "armory loot spawner", }, LootSpawnerArmoryArmorOnly = { "LootSpawnerArmoryArmorOnly", "armory loot spawner", }, RandomSmokables = { "RandomSmokables", "random smokable spawner", }, RandomSoakedCigarette = { "RandomSoakedCigarette", "random soaked cigarette spawner", }, RandomSoap = { "RandomSoap", "random soap spawner", }, RandomBoard = { "RandomBoard", "random board spawner", }, ToySpawner = { "ToySpawner", "Toy Spawner", }, FigureSpawner = { "FigureSpawner", "Prize Figurine Spawner", }, SpacemenFigureSpawner = { "SpacemenFigureSpawner", "Spacemen Minifigure Spawner", }, RandomSpawner = { "RandomSpawner", "Trash Spawner", }, RandomVending = { "RandomVending", "random vending machine spawner", }, RandomVendingDrinks = { "RandomVendingDrinks", "random vending machine spawner", }, RandomVendingSnacks = { "RandomVendingSnacks", "random vending machine spawner", }, DrinkJuiceLimeCarton = { "DrinkJuiceLimeCarton", "lime juice", }, DrinkJuiceOrangeCarton = { "DrinkJuiceOrangeCarton", "orange juice", }, DrinkJuiceTomatoCarton = { "DrinkJuiceTomatoCarton", "tomato juice", }, DrinkCoconutWaterCarton = { "DrinkCoconutWaterCarton", "coconut water", }, DrinkCreamCarton = { "DrinkCreamCarton", "milk cream", }, DrinkMilkCarton = { "DrinkMilkCarton", "milk", }, DrinkSoyMilkCarton = { "DrinkSoyMilkCarton", "soy milk", }, DrinkOatMilkCarton = { "DrinkOatMilkCarton", "oat milk", }, DrinkJuiceLemonCarton = { "DrinkJuiceLemonCarton", "lemon juice", }, DrinkGlass = { "DrinkGlass", "metamorphic glass", }, DrinkGlassCoupeShaped = { "DrinkGlassCoupeShaped", "coupe glass", }, DrinkTeapot = { "DrinkTeapot", "teapot", }, DrinkWaterJug = { "DrinkWaterJug", "water jug", }, DrinkShakeBlue = { "DrinkShakeBlue", "blue milkshake", }, DrinkShakeEmpty = { "DrinkShakeEmpty", "shakeempty", }, DrinkShakeMeat = { "DrinkShakeMeat", "meat shake", }, DrinkShakeRobo = { "DrinkShakeRobo", "robo shake", }, DrinkShakeWhite = { "DrinkShakeWhite", "white shake", }, DrinkAbsintheBottleFull = { "DrinkAbsintheBottleFull", "Jailbreaker Verte", }, DrinkBlueCuracaoBottleFull = { "DrinkBlueCuracaoBottleFull", "Miss Blue Curacao", }, DrinkBottleOfNothingFull = { "DrinkBottleOfNothingFull", "bottle of nothing", }, DrinkChampagneBottleFull = { "DrinkChampagneBottleFull", "champagne bottle", }, DrinkCognacBottleFull = { "DrinkCognacBottleFull", "cognac bottle", }, DrinkColaBottleFull = { "DrinkColaBottleFull", "space cola bottle", }, DrinkGrenadineBottleFull = { "DrinkGrenadineBottleFull", "briar rose grenadine syrup bottle", }, DrinkGinBottleFull = { "DrinkGinBottleFull", "Griffeater gin", }, DrinkGildlagerBottleFull = { "DrinkGildlagerBottleFull", "gildlager bottle", }, DrinkCoffeeLiqueurBottleFull = { "DrinkCoffeeLiqueurBottleFull", "coffee liqueur bottle", }, DrinkMelonLiquorBottleFull = { "DrinkMelonLiquorBottleFull", "emeraldine melon liquor", }, DrinkPatronBottleFull = { "DrinkPatronBottleFull", "wrapp artiste patron bottle", }, DrinkPoisonWinebottleFull = { "DrinkPoisonWinebottleFull", "warlock's velvet bottle", }, DrinkRumBottleFull = { "DrinkRumBottleFull", "captain pete's Cuban spiced rum", }, DrinkSpaceMountainWindBottleFull = { "DrinkSpaceMountainWindBottleFull", "space mountain wind bottle", }, DrinkSpaceUpBottleFull = { "DrinkSpaceUpBottleFull", "space-up bottle", }, DrinkTequilaBottleFull = { "DrinkTequilaBottleFull", "caccavo guaranteed quality tequila bottle", }, DrinkVermouthBottleFull = { "DrinkVermouthBottleFull", "goldeneye vermouth bottle", }, DrinkVodkaBottleFull = { "DrinkVodkaBottleFull", "vodka bottle", }, DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull = { "DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull", "uncle git's special reserve", }, DrinkWineBottleFull = { "DrinkWineBottleFull", "doublebearded bearded special wine bottle", }, DrinkBeerBottleFull = { "DrinkBeerBottleFull", "beer", }, DrinkBeerGrowler = { "DrinkBeerGrowler", "Beer Growler", }, DrinkAleBottleFull = { "DrinkAleBottleFull", "Magm-Ale", }, DrinkAleBottleFullGrowler = { "DrinkAleBottleFullGrowler", "Magm-Ale Growler", }, DrinkWaterBottleFull = { "DrinkWaterBottleFull", "water bottle", }, DrinkSodaWaterBottleFull = { "DrinkSodaWaterBottleFull", "soda water bottle", }, DrinkTonicWaterBottleFull = { "DrinkTonicWaterBottleFull", "tonic water bottle", }, DrinkSakeBottleFull = { "DrinkSakeBottleFull", "small sake bottle", }, DrinkJuiceLimeCartonXL = { "DrinkJuiceLimeCartonXL", "lime juice XL", }, DrinkJuiceOrangeCartonXL = { "DrinkJuiceOrangeCartonXL", "orange juice XL", }, DrinkCreamCartonXL = { "DrinkCreamCartonXL", "milk cream XL", }, DrinkSugarJug = { "DrinkSugarJug", "sugar jug", }, DrinkLemonLimeJug = { "DrinkLemonLimeJug", "lemon lime jug", }, DrinkMeadJug = { "DrinkMeadJug", "mead jug", }, DrinkIceJug = { "DrinkIceJug", "ice jug", }, DrinkCoconutWaterJug = { "DrinkCoconutWaterJug", "coconut water jug", }, DrinkCoffeeJug = { "DrinkCoffeeJug", "coffee jug", }, DrinkTeaJug = { "DrinkTeaJug", "tea jug", }, DrinkGreenTeaJug = { "DrinkGreenTeaJug", "green tea jug", }, DrinkIcedTeaJug = { "DrinkIcedTeaJug", "iced tea jug", }, DrinkDrGibbJug = { "DrinkDrGibbJug", "dr gibb. jug", }, DrinkRootBeerJug = { "DrinkRootBeerJug", "root beer jug", }, DrinkWaterMelonJuiceJug = { "DrinkWaterMelonJuiceJug", "watermelon juice jug", }, DrinkEnergyDrinkJug = { "DrinkEnergyDrinkJug", "red bool jug", }, CustomDrinkJug = { "CustomDrinkJug", "beverage jug", }, DrinkColaCan = { "DrinkColaCan", "space cola", }, DrinkIcedTeaCan = { "DrinkIcedTeaCan", "iced tea can", }, DrinkLemonLimeCan = { "DrinkLemonLimeCan", "lemon-lime can", }, DrinkGrapeCan = { "DrinkGrapeCan", "grape soda can", }, DrinkRootBeerCan = { "DrinkRootBeerCan", "root beer can", }, DrinkSodaWaterCan = { "DrinkSodaWaterCan", "soda water can", }, DrinkSpaceMountainWindCan = { "DrinkSpaceMountainWindCan", "space mountain wind can", }, DrinkSpaceUpCan = { "DrinkSpaceUpCan", "space-up can", }, DrinkSolDryCan = { "DrinkSolDryCan", "sol dry", }, DrinkStarkistCan = { "DrinkStarkistCan", "starkist can", }, DrinkTonicWaterCan = { "DrinkTonicWaterCan", "tonic water can", }, DrinkFourteenLokoCan = { "DrinkFourteenLokoCan", "Fourteen Loko can", }, DrinkChangelingStingCan = { "DrinkChangelingStingCan", "changeling sting can", }, DrinkDrGibbCan = { "DrinkDrGibbCan", "Dr. Gibb can", }, DrinkNukieCan = { "DrinkNukieCan", "blood-red brew can", }, DrinkEnergyDrinkCan = { "DrinkEnergyDrinkCan", "red bool energy drink", }, DrinkCanPack = { "DrinkCanPack", "6pack", }, DrinkShamblersJuiceCan = { "DrinkShamblersJuiceCan", "shamblers juice can", }, DrinkPwrGameCan = { "DrinkPwrGameCan", "pwr game can", }, DrinkBeerCan = { "DrinkBeerCan", "beer can", }, DrinkWineCan = { "DrinkWineCan", "wine can", }, DrinkBaseCup = { "DrinkBaseCup", "base cup", }, DrinkGoldenCup = { "DrinkGoldenCup", "golden cup", }, DrinkBaseMug = { "DrinkBaseMug", "mug", }, DrinkMug = { "DrinkMug", "mug", }, DrinkMugBlack = { "DrinkMugBlack", "black mug", }, DrinkMugBlue = { "DrinkMugBlue", "blue mug", }, DrinkMugGreen = { "DrinkMugGreen", "green mug", }, DrinkMugDog = { "DrinkMugDog", "funny dog mug", }, DrinkMugHeart = { "DrinkMugHeart", "heart mug", }, DrinkMugMetal = { "DrinkMugMetal", "metal mug", }, DrinkMugMoebius = { "DrinkMugMoebius", "moebius mug", }, DrinkMugOne = { "DrinkMugOne", "#1 mug", }, DrinkMugRainbow = { "DrinkMugRainbow", "rainbow mug", }, DrinkMugRed = { "DrinkMugRed", "red mug", }, DrinkHotCoco = { "DrinkHotCoco", "hot chocolate", }, DrinkHotCoffee = { "DrinkHotCoffee", "coffee", }, DrinkCafeLatte = { "DrinkCafeLatte", "cafe latte", }, DrinkTeacup = { "DrinkTeacup", "teacup", }, DrinkGreenTea = { "DrinkGreenTea", "green tea", }, DrinkLean = { "DrinkLean", "grape juice", }, DrinkWaterCup = { "DrinkWaterCup", "water cup", }, DrinkShinyFlask = { "DrinkShinyFlask", "shiny flask", }, DrinkMREFlask = { "DrinkMREFlask", "MRE flask", }, DrinkDetFlask = { "DrinkDetFlask", "inspector's flask", }, DrinkHosFlask = { "DrinkHosFlask", "hos's flask", }, DrinkFlask = { "DrinkFlask", "captain's flask", }, DrinkFlaskBar = { "DrinkFlaskBar", "bar flask", }, DrinkFlaskOld = { "DrinkFlaskOld", "flask", }, DrinkLithiumFlask = { "DrinkLithiumFlask", "lithium flask", }, DrinkVacuumFlask = { "DrinkVacuumFlask", "vacuum flask", }, DrinkSpaceGlue = { "DrinkSpaceGlue", "space glue tube", }, DrinkSpaceLube = { "DrinkSpaceLube", "space lube tube", }, DrinkMopwataBottleRandom = { "DrinkMopwataBottleRandom", "delicious mopwata", }, DrinkVisualizerTestCut = { "DrinkVisualizerTestCut", "solution container vis cut-out", }, DrinkVisualizerTestNot = { "DrinkVisualizerTestNot", "solution container vis cut-not", }, DrinkShaker = { "DrinkShaker", "shaker", }, DrinkShotGlass = { "DrinkShotGlass", "shot glass", }, DrinkJar = { "DrinkJar", "jar", }, DrinkJarWhat = { "DrinkJarWhat", "jar of something", }, DrinkJigger = { "DrinkJigger", "jigger", }, DrinkIceBucket = { "DrinkIceBucket", "ice bucket", }, DrinkBottleBaseEmpty = { "DrinkBottleBaseEmpty", "base empty bottle", }, DrinkBottleBaseSmallEmpty = { "DrinkBottleBaseSmallEmpty", "base empty bottle", }, DrinkCartonBaseEmpty = { "DrinkCartonBaseEmpty", "base empty carton", }, DrinkCartonBaseLargeEmpty = { "DrinkCartonBaseLargeEmpty", "base empty bottle", }, DrinkBottleAbsinthe = { "DrinkBottleAbsinthe", "Jailbreaker Verte bottle", }, DrinkBottleAlcoClear = { "DrinkBottleAlcoClear", "alcohol bottle", }, DrinkBottleAle = { "DrinkBottleAle", "ale bottle", }, DrinkBottleBeer = { "DrinkBottleBeer", "beer bottle", }, DrinkBottleCognac = { "DrinkBottleCognac", "cognac bottle", }, DrinkBottleGin = { "DrinkBottleGin", "Griffeater gin bottle", }, DrinkBottleGildlager = { "DrinkBottleGildlager", "gildlager bottle", }, DrinkBottleCoffeeLiqueur = { "DrinkBottleCoffeeLiqueur", "coffee liqueur bottle", }, DrinkBottleNTCahors = { "DrinkBottleNTCahors", "nt cahors bottle", }, DrinkBottlePatron = { "DrinkBottlePatron", "patron bottle", }, DrinkBottlePoisonWine = { "DrinkBottlePoisonWine", "poison wine bottle", }, DrinkBottleRum = { "DrinkBottleRum", "rum bottle", }, DrinkBottleTequila = { "DrinkBottleTequila", "tequila bottle", }, DrinkBottleVermouth = { "DrinkBottleVermouth", "vermouth bottle", }, DrinkBottleVodka = { "DrinkBottleVodka", "vodka bottle", }, DrinkBottleWhiskey = { "DrinkBottleWhiskey", "whiskey bottle", }, DrinkBottleWine = { "DrinkBottleWine", "wine bottle", }, DrinkCartonLime = { "DrinkCartonLime", "lime juice carton", }, DrinkCartonOrange = { "DrinkCartonOrange", "orange juice carton", }, DrinkCartonTomato = { "DrinkCartonTomato", "tomato juice carton", }, DrinkCartonCream = { "DrinkCartonCream", "milk cream carton", }, DrinkCartonMilk = { "DrinkCartonMilk", "milk carton", }, DrinkCartonSoyMilk = { "DrinkCartonSoyMilk", "soy milk carton", }, DrinkCartonOatMilk = { "DrinkCartonOatMilk", "oat milk carton", }, FoodBreadBun = { "FoodBreadBun", "bun", }, FoodBreadBunBottom = { "FoodBreadBunBottom", "bottom bun", }, FoodBreadBunTop = { "FoodBreadBunTop", "top bun", }, FoodBurgerJelly = { "FoodBurgerJelly", "jelly burger", }, FoodBurgerAppendix = { "FoodBurgerAppendix", "appendix burger", }, FoodBurgerBacon = { "FoodBurgerBacon", "bacon burger", }, FoodBurgerBaseball = { "FoodBurgerBaseball", "baseball burger", }, FoodBurgerBear = { "FoodBurgerBear", "bearger", }, FoodBurgerBig = { "FoodBurgerBig", "big bite burger", }, FoodBurgerBrain = { "FoodBurgerBrain", "brain burger", }, FoodBurgerCat = { "FoodBurgerCat", "cat burger", }, FoodBurgerCheese = { "FoodBurgerCheese", "cheese burger", }, FoodBurgerChicken = { "FoodBurgerChicken", "chicken sandwich", }, FoodBurgerClown = { "FoodBurgerClown", "clown burger", }, FoodBurgerCorgi = { "FoodBurgerCorgi", "corger", }, FoodBurgerCrab = { "FoodBurgerCrab", "crab burger", }, FoodBurgerCrazy = { "FoodBurgerCrazy", "crazy hamburger", }, FoodBurgerDuck = { "FoodBurgerDuck", "duck sandwich", }, FoodBurgerEmpowered = { "FoodBurgerEmpowered", "empowered burger", }, FoodBurgerCarp = { "FoodBurgerCarp", "fillet-o-carp burger", }, FoodBurgerFive = { "FoodBurgerFive", "five alarm burger", }, FoodBurgerGhost = { "FoodBurgerGhost", "ghost burger", }, FoodBurgerHuman = { "FoodBurgerHuman", "human burger", }, FoodBurgerMcguffin = { "FoodBurgerMcguffin", "McGuffin", }, FoodBurgerMcrib = { "FoodBurgerMcrib", "BBQ Rib Sandwich", }, FoodBurgerMime = { "FoodBurgerMime", "mime burger", }, FoodBurgerPlain = { "FoodBurgerPlain", "plain burger", }, FoodBurgerRat = { "FoodBurgerRat", "rat burger", }, FoodBurgerRobot = { "FoodBurgerRobot", "roburger", }, FoodBurgerSoy = { "FoodBurgerSoy", "soylent burger", }, FoodBurgerSpell = { "FoodBurgerSpell", "spell burger", }, FoodBurgerSuper = { "FoodBurgerSuper", "super bite burger", }, FoodBurgerTofu = { "FoodBurgerTofu", "tofu burger", }, FoodBurgerXeno = { "FoodBurgerXeno", "xenoburger", }, FoodBurgerMothRoach = { "FoodBurgerMothRoach", "mothroachburger", }, Eggshells = { "Eggshells", "eggshells", }, FoodEgg = { "FoodEgg", "egg", }, FoodEggBoiled = { "FoodEggBoiled", "boiled egg", }, FoodFrozenSandwich = { "FoodFrozenSandwich", "ice-cream sandwich", }, FoodFrozenSandwichStrawberry = { "FoodFrozenSandwichStrawberry", "strawberry ice-cream sandwich", }, FoodFrozenFreezy = { "FoodFrozenFreezy", "space freezy", }, FoodFrozenSundae = { "FoodFrozenSundae", "ice-cream sundae", }, FoodFrozenCornuto = { "FoodFrozenCornuto", "cornuto", }, FoodFrozenPopsicleOrange = { "FoodFrozenPopsicleOrange", "orange creamsicle", }, FoodFrozenPopsicleBerry = { "FoodFrozenPopsicleBerry", "berry creamsicle", }, FoodFrozenPopsicleJumbo = { "FoodFrozenPopsicleJumbo", "jumbo ice-cream", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeBase = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeBase", "sweet snowcone", }, FoodFrozenSnowcone = { "FoodFrozenSnowcone", "flavorless snowcone", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeBerry = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeBerry", "berry snowcone", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeFruit = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeFruit", "fruit salad snowcone", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeClown = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeClown", "clowncone", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeMime = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeMime", "mime snowcone", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeRainbow = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeRainbow", "rainbow snowcone", }, FoodFrozenSnowconeTrash = { "FoodFrozenSnowconeTrash", "paper cone", }, FoodFrozenPopsicleTrash = { "FoodFrozenPopsicleTrash", "popsicle stick", }, ReagentContainerFlour = { "ReagentContainerFlour", "flour bag", }, ReagentContainerFlourSmall = { "ReagentContainerFlourSmall", "flour pack", }, ReagentContainerCornmeal = { "ReagentContainerCornmeal", "cornmeal bag", }, ReagentContainerCornmealSmall = { "ReagentContainerCornmealSmall", "cornmeal pack", }, ReagentContainerRice = { "ReagentContainerRice", "rice bag", }, ReagentContainerRiceSmall = { "ReagentContainerRiceSmall", "rice pack", }, ReagentContainerSugar = { "ReagentContainerSugar", "sugar bag", }, ReagentContainerSugarSmall = { "ReagentContainerSugarSmall", "sugar pack", }, ReagentContainerOliveoil = { "ReagentContainerOliveoil", "olive oil", }, ReagentContainerMayo = { "ReagentContainerMayo", "mayonnaise", }, FoodDough = { "FoodDough", "dough", }, FoodDoughSlice = { "FoodDoughSlice", "dough slice", }, FoodDoughRope = { "FoodDoughRope", "dough rope", }, FoodDoughCornmeal = { "FoodDoughCornmeal", "cornmeal dough", }, FoodDoughCornmealSlice = { "FoodDoughCornmealSlice", "cornmeal dough slice", }, FoodDoughTortilla = { "FoodDoughTortilla", "tortilla dough", }, FoodDoughTortillaSlice = { "FoodDoughTortillaSlice", "tortilla dough slice", }, FoodDoughTortillaFlat = { "FoodDoughTortillaFlat", "flattened tortilla dough", }, FoodDoughPastryBaseRaw = { "FoodDoughPastryBaseRaw", "raw pastry base", }, FoodDoughPastryBase = { "FoodDoughPastryBase", "pastry base", }, FoodDoughPie = { "FoodDoughPie", "pie dough", }, FoodDoughFlat = { "FoodDoughFlat", "flat dough", }, FoodDoughPizzaBaked = { "FoodDoughPizzaBaked", "pizza bread", }, FoodCakeBatter = { "FoodCakeBatter", "cake batter", }, FoodButter = { "FoodButter", "stick of butter", }, FoodButterSlice = { "FoodButterSlice", "butter slice", }, FoodCannabisButter = { "FoodCannabisButter", "stick of cannabis butter", }, FoodCheese = { "FoodCheese", "cheese wheel", }, FoodCheeseSlice = { "FoodCheeseSlice", "cheese wedge", }, FoodChevre = { "FoodChevre", "chèvre log", }, FoodChevreSlice = { "FoodChevreSlice", "chèvre disk", }, FoodTofu = { "FoodTofu", "tofu", }, FoodTofuSlice = { "FoodTofuSlice", "tofu slice", }, FoodBadRecipe = { "FoodBadRecipe", "burned mess", }, FoodCocoaBeans = { "FoodCocoaBeans", "cocoa beans", }, FoodMealPotatoLoaded = { "FoodMealPotatoLoaded", "loaded baked potato", }, FoodMealFries = { "FoodMealFries", "space fries", }, FoodMealFriesCheesy = { "FoodMealFriesCheesy", "cheesy fries", }, FoodMealFriesCarrot = { "FoodMealFriesCarrot", "carrot fries", }, FoodMealNachos = { "FoodMealNachos", "nachos", }, FoodMealNachosCheesy = { "FoodMealNachosCheesy", "cheesy nachos", }, FoodMealNachosCuban = { "FoodMealNachosCuban", "Cuban nachos", }, FoodMealMint = { "FoodMealMint", "mint", }, FoodMealEggplantParm = { "FoodMealEggplantParm", "eggplant parmigiana", }, FoodMealPotatoYaki = { "FoodMealPotatoYaki", "yaki imo", }, FoodMealCubancarp = { "FoodMealCubancarp", "Cuban carp", }, FoodMealCornedbeef = { "FoodMealCornedbeef", "corned beef and cabbage", }, FoodMealBearsteak = { "FoodMealBearsteak", "filet migrawr", }, FoodMealPigblanket = { "FoodMealPigblanket", "pig in a blanket", }, FoodMealRibs = { "FoodMealRibs", "bbq ribs", }, FoodMealEggsbenedict = { "FoodMealEggsbenedict", "eggs benedict", }, FoodMealOmelette = { "FoodMealOmelette", "cheese omelette", }, FoodMealFriedegg = { "FoodMealFriedegg", "fried egg", }, FoodMealMilkape = { "FoodMealMilkape", "milk ape", }, FoodMealMemoryleek = { "FoodMealMemoryleek", "memory leek", }, DisgustingSweptSoup = { "DisgustingSweptSoup", "salty sweet miso cola soup", }, FoodMealQueso = { "FoodMealQueso", "queso", }, FoodMealSashimi = { "FoodMealSashimi", "sashimi", }, FoodMealEnchiladas = { "FoodMealEnchiladas", "enchiladas", }, FoodSaladWatermelonFruitBowl = { "FoodSaladWatermelonFruitBowl", "melon fruit bowl", }, FoodMealCornInButter = { "FoodMealCornInButter", "corn in butter", }, FoodMeat = { "FoodMeat", "raw meat", }, FoodMeatHuman = { "FoodMeatHuman", "raw human meat", }, FoodMeatFish = { "FoodMeatFish", "raw carp fillet", }, FoodMeatBacon = { "FoodMeatBacon", "raw bacon", }, FoodMeatBear = { "FoodMeatBear", "raw bear meat", }, FoodMeatPenguin = { "FoodMeatPenguin", "raw penguin meat", }, FoodMeatChicken = { "FoodMeatChicken", "raw chicken meat", }, FoodMeatDuck = { "FoodMeatDuck", "raw duck meat", }, FoodMeatCorgi = { "FoodMeatCorgi", "prime-cut corgi meat", }, FoodMeatCrab = { "FoodMeatCrab", "raw crab meat", }, FoodMeatGoliath = { "FoodMeatGoliath", "raw goliath meat", }, FoodMeatDragon = { "FoodMeatDragon", "dragon flesh", }, FoodMeatRat = { "FoodMeatRat", "raw rat meat", }, FoodMeatLizard = { "FoodMeatLizard", "raw lizard meat", }, FoodMeatPlant = { "FoodMeatPlant", "raw plant meat", }, FoodMeatRotten = { "FoodMeatRotten", "rotten meat", }, FoodMeatSpider = { "FoodMeatSpider", "raw spider meat", }, FoodMeatSpiderLeg = { "FoodMeatSpiderLeg", "raw spider leg", }, FoodMeatWheat = { "FoodMeatWheat", "meatwheat clump", }, FoodMeatSnake = { "FoodMeatSnake", "raw snake meat", }, FoodMeatXeno = { "FoodMeatXeno", "raw xeno meat", }, FoodMeatRouny = { "FoodMeatRouny", "raw rouny meat", }, FoodMeatTomato = { "FoodMeatTomato", "killer tomato meat", }, FoodMeatSalami = { "FoodMeatSalami", "salami", }, FoodMeatClown = { "FoodMeatClown", "meat clown", }, FoodMeatMeatball = { "FoodMeatMeatball", "meatball", }, FoodMeatSlime = { "FoodMeatSlime", "slimeball", }, MaterialSmileExtract = { "MaterialSmileExtract", "smile extract", }, FoodMeatCooked = { "FoodMeatCooked", "steak", }, FoodMeatBaconCooked = { "FoodMeatBaconCooked", "bacon", }, FoodMeatBearCooked = { "FoodMeatBearCooked", "cooked bear", }, FoodMeatPenguinCooked = { "FoodMeatPenguinCooked", "penguin filet", }, FoodMeatChickenCooked = { "FoodMeatChickenCooked", "cooked chicken", }, FoodMeatChickenFried = { "FoodMeatChickenFried", "fried chicken", }, FoodMeatDuckCooked = { "FoodMeatDuckCooked", "cooked duck", }, FoodMeatCrabCooked = { "FoodMeatCrabCooked", "cooked crab", }, FoodMeatGoliathCooked = { "FoodMeatGoliathCooked", "goliath steak", }, FoodMeatRounyCooked = { "FoodMeatRounyCooked", "rouny steak", }, FoodMeatLizardCooked = { "FoodMeatLizardCooked", "lizard steak", }, FoodMeatSpiderlegCooked = { "FoodMeatSpiderlegCooked", "boiled spider leg", }, FoodMeatMeatballCooked = { "FoodMeatMeatballCooked", "meatball", }, FoodMeatCutlet = { "FoodMeatCutlet", "raw cutlet", }, FoodMeatBearCutlet = { "FoodMeatBearCutlet", "raw bear cutlet", }, FoodMeatPenguinCutlet = { "FoodMeatPenguinCutlet", "raw penguin cutlet", }, FoodMeatChickenCutlet = { "FoodMeatChickenCutlet", "raw chicken cutlet", }, FoodMeatDuckCutlet = { "FoodMeatDuckCutlet", "raw duck cutlet", }, FoodMeatLizardCutlet = { "FoodMeatLizardCutlet", "raw lizard cutlet", }, FoodMeatSpiderCutlet = { "FoodMeatSpiderCutlet", "raw spider cutlet", }, FoodMeatXenoCutlet = { "FoodMeatXenoCutlet", "raw xeno cutlet", }, FoodMeatTomatoCutlet = { "FoodMeatTomatoCutlet", "raw killer tomato cutlet", }, FoodMeatSalamiSlice = { "FoodMeatSalamiSlice", "salami slice", }, FoodMeatCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatCutletCooked", "cutlet", }, FoodMeatBearCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatBearCutletCooked", "bear cutlet", }, FoodMeatPenguinCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatPenguinCutletCooked", "penguin cutlet", }, FoodMeatChickenCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatChickenCutletCooked", "chicken cutlet", }, FoodMeatDuckCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatDuckCutletCooked", "duck cutlet", }, FoodMeatLizardCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatLizardCutletCooked", "lizard cutlet", }, FoodMeatSpiderCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatSpiderCutletCooked", "spider cutlet", }, FoodMeatXenoCutletCooked = { "FoodMeatXenoCutletCooked", "xeno cutlet", }, FoodNoodlesBoiled = { "FoodNoodlesBoiled", "boiled spaghetti", }, FoodNoodles = { "FoodNoodles", "spaghetti", }, FoodNoodlesCopy = { "FoodNoodlesCopy", "copypasta", }, FoodNoodlesMeatball = { "FoodNoodlesMeatball", "spaghetti and meatballs", }, FoodNoodlesSpesslaw = { "FoodNoodlesSpesslaw", "spesslaw", }, FoodNoodlesChowmein = { "FoodNoodlesChowmein", "chow mein", }, FoodNoodlesButter = { "FoodNoodlesButter", "butter noodles", }, WheatBushel = { "WheatBushel", "wheat bushel", }, OatBushel = { "OatBushel", "oat bushel", }, Sugarcane = { "Sugarcane", "sugarcane", }, Papercane = { "Papercane", "papercane roll", }, FoodLaughinPeaPod = { "FoodLaughinPeaPod", "laughin' pea pod", }, Log = { "Log", "tower-cap log", }, SteelLog = { "SteelLog", "steel-cap log", }, Nettle = { "Nettle", "nettle", }, DeathNettle = { "DeathNettle", "death nettle", }, FoodBanana = { "FoodBanana", "banana", }, FoodMimana = { "FoodMimana", "mimana", }, TrashBananaPeel = { "TrashBananaPeel", "banana peel", }, TrashBakedBananaPeel = { "TrashBakedBananaPeel", "baked banana peel", }, TrashMimanaPeel = { "TrashMimanaPeel", "mimana peel", }, TrashBananiumPeel = { "TrashBananiumPeel", "bananium peel", }, FoodCarrot = { "FoodCarrot", "carrot", }, FoodCabbage = { "FoodCabbage", "cabbage", }, FoodGarlic = { "FoodGarlic", "garlic", }, FoodLemon = { "FoodLemon", "lemon", }, FoodLemoon = { "FoodLemoon", "lemoon", }, FoodLime = { "FoodLime", "lime", }, FoodOrange = { "FoodOrange", "orange", }, FoodPineapple = { "FoodPineapple", "pineapple", }, FoodPotato = { "FoodPotato", "potato", }, FoodTomato = { "FoodTomato", "tomato", }, FoodBlueTomato = { "FoodBlueTomato", "blue tomato", }, FoodBloodTomato = { "FoodBloodTomato", "blood tomato", }, FoodEggplant = { "FoodEggplant", "eggplant", }, FoodApple = { "FoodApple", "apple", }, FoodGoldenApple = { "FoodGoldenApple", "golden apple", }, FoodCocoaPod = { "FoodCocoaPod", "cocoa pod", }, FoodCorn = { "FoodCorn", "ear of corn", }, FoodCornTrash = { "FoodCornTrash", "corn cob", }, FoodOnion = { "FoodOnion", "onion", }, FoodOnionRed = { "FoodOnionRed", "red onion", }, FoodMushroom = { "FoodMushroom", "chanterelle cluster", }, FoodPineappleSlice = { "FoodPineappleSlice", "pineapple slice", }, FoodOnionSlice = { "FoodOnionSlice", "onion slice", }, FoodOnionRedSlice = { "FoodOnionRedSlice", "red onion slice", }, FoodChiliPepper = { "FoodChiliPepper", "chili pepper", }, FoodChillyPepper = { "FoodChillyPepper", "chilly pepper", }, FoodAloe = { "FoodAloe", "aloe", }, FoodPoppy = { "FoodPoppy", "poppy", }, FoodLily = { "FoodLily", "lily", }, FoodLingzhi = { "FoodLingzhi", "lingzhi", }, FoodAmbrosiaVulgaris = { "FoodAmbrosiaVulgaris", "ambrosia vulgaris", }, FoodAmbrosiaDeus = { "FoodAmbrosiaDeus", "ambrosia deus", }, FoodGalaxythistle = { "FoodGalaxythistle", "galaxythistle", }, FoodGlasstle = { "FoodGlasstle", "glasstle", }, FoodFlyAmanita = { "FoodFlyAmanita", "fly amanita", }, FoodGatfruit = { "FoodGatfruit", "gatfruit", }, FoodRealCapfruit = { "FoodRealCapfruit", "capfruit", }, FoodFakeCapfruit = { "FoodFakeCapfruit", "capfruit", }, RiceBushel = { "RiceBushel", "rice bushel", }, FoodSoybeans = { "FoodSoybeans", "soybeans", }, FoodSpacemansTrumpet = { "FoodSpacemansTrumpet", "spaceman's trumpet", }, FoodKoibean = { "FoodKoibean", "koibean", }, FoodWatermelon = { "FoodWatermelon", "watermelon", }, FoodWatermelonSlice = { "FoodWatermelonSlice", "watermelon slice", }, FoodGrape = { "FoodGrape", "grapes", }, FoodBerries = { "FoodBerries", "berries", }, FoodBungo = { "FoodBungo", "bungo fruit", }, FoodBungoPit = { "FoodBungoPit", "bungo pit", }, FoodPeaPod = { "FoodPeaPod", "pea pod", }, FoodPumpkin = { "FoodPumpkin", "pumpkin", }, CottonBol = { "CottonBol", "cotton boll", }, PyrottonBol = { "PyrottonBol", "pyrotton boll", }, FoodKebabSkewer = { "FoodKebabSkewer", "skewer", }, FoodSnackBoritos = { "FoodSnackBoritos", "boritos", }, FoodSnackCnDs = { "FoodSnackCnDs", "C&Ds", }, FoodSnackCheesie = { "FoodSnackCheesie", "cheesie honkers", }, FoodSnackChips = { "FoodSnackChips", "chips", }, FoodSnackChocolate = { "FoodSnackChocolate", "chocolate bar", }, FoodSnackChocolateBar = { "FoodSnackChocolateBar", "chocolate bar", }, FoodSnackEnergy = { "FoodSnackEnergy", "energy bar", }, FoodSnackEnergyBar = { "FoodSnackEnergyBar", "energy bar", }, FoodSnackPistachios = { "FoodSnackPistachios", "sweetie's pistachios", }, FoodSnackPopcorn = { "FoodSnackPopcorn", "popcorn", }, FoodSnackRaisins = { "FoodSnackRaisins", "4no raisins", }, FoodSnackSemki = { "FoodSnackSemki", "bob's semki sunflower seeds", }, FoodSnackSus = { "FoodSnackSus", "sus jerky", }, FoodSnackSyndi = { "FoodSnackSyndi", "syndi-cakes", }, DrinkRamen = { "DrinkRamen", "cup ramen", }, DrinkHellRamen = { "DrinkHellRamen", "hell ramen", }, FoodSnackChowMein = { "FoodSnackChowMein", "chow mein", }, FoodSnackDanDanNoodles = { "FoodSnackDanDanNoodles", "dan dan noodles", }, FoodSnackCookieFortune = { "FoodSnackCookieFortune", "fortune cookie", }, FoodSnackNutribrick = { "FoodSnackNutribrick", "nutribrick", }, FoodSnackNutribrickOpen = { "FoodSnackNutribrickOpen", "nutribrick", }, FoodSnackMREBrownie = { "FoodSnackMREBrownie", "brownie", }, FoodSnackMREBrownieOpen = { "FoodSnackMREBrownieOpen", "brownie", }, FoodPacketBoritosTrash = { "FoodPacketBoritosTrash", "boritos bag", }, FoodPacketCnDsTrash = { "FoodPacketCnDsTrash", "C&Ds bag", }, FoodPacketCheesieTrash = { "FoodPacketCheesieTrash", "cheesie honkers", }, FoodPacketChipsTrash = { "FoodPacketChipsTrash", "chips", }, FoodPacketChocolateTrash = { "FoodPacketChocolateTrash", "chocolate wrapper", }, FoodPacketEnergyTrash = { "FoodPacketEnergyTrash", "energybar wrapper", }, FoodPacketPistachioTrash = { "FoodPacketPistachioTrash", "pistachios packet", }, FoodPacketPopcornTrash = { "FoodPacketPopcornTrash", "popcorn box", }, FoodPacketRaisinsTrash = { "FoodPacketRaisinsTrash", "4no raisins", }, FoodPacketSemkiTrash = { "FoodPacketSemkiTrash", "semki packet", }, FoodPacketSusTrash = { "FoodPacketSusTrash", "sus jerky", }, FoodPacketSyndiTrash = { "FoodPacketSyndiTrash", "syndi-cakes box", }, FoodPacketCupRamenTrash = { "FoodPacketCupRamenTrash", "empty cup ramen", }, FoodPacketChowMeinTrash = { "FoodPacketChowMeinTrash", "empty chow mein box", }, FoodPacketDanDanTrash = { "FoodPacketDanDanTrash", "empty dan dan box", }, FoodCookieFortune = { "FoodCookieFortune", "cookie fortune", }, FoodPacketMRETrash = { "FoodPacketMRETrash", "MRE wrapper", }, FoodSoupPea = { "FoodSoupPea", "pea soup", }, FoodSaladAesir = { "FoodSaladAesir", "aesir salad", }, FoodSaladHerb = { "FoodSaladHerb", "herb salad", }, FoodSaladValid = { "FoodSaladValid", "valid salad", }, FoodSaladColeslaw = { "FoodSaladColeslaw", "coleslaw", }, FoodSaladCaesar = { "FoodSaladCaesar", "caesar salad", }, FoodSaladKimchi = { "FoodSaladKimchi", "kimchi salad", }, FoodSaladFruit = { "FoodSaladFruit", "fruit salad", }, FoodSaladJungle = { "FoodSaladJungle", "jungle salad", }, FoodSaladCitrus = { "FoodSaladCitrus", "citrus salad", }, FoodSaladEden = { "FoodSaladEden", "salad of eden", }, FoodRiceBoiled = { "FoodRiceBoiled", "boiled rice", }, FoodRiceEgg = { "FoodRiceEgg", "egg-fried rice", }, FoodRicePork = { "FoodRicePork", "rice and pork", }, FoodRicePudding = { "FoodRicePudding", "rice pudding", }, FoodRiceGumbo = { "FoodRiceGumbo", "black-eyed gumbo", }, FoodOatmeal = { "FoodOatmeal", "oatmeal", }, FoodJellyDuff = { "FoodJellyDuff", "space liberty duff", }, FoodJellyAmanita = { "FoodJellyAmanita", "amanita jelly", }, FoodSoupMeatball = { "FoodSoupMeatball", "meatball soup", }, FoodSoupSlime = { "FoodSoupSlime", "slime soup", }, FoodSoupTomatoBlood = { "FoodSoupTomatoBlood", "tomato soup", }, FoodSoupWingFangChu = { "FoodSoupWingFangChu", "wing fang chu", }, FoodSoupClown = { "FoodSoupClown", "clown's tears", }, FoodSoupVegetable = { "FoodSoupVegetable", "vegetable soup", }, FoodSoupNettle = { "FoodSoupNettle", "nettle soup", }, FoodSoupMystery = { "FoodSoupMystery", "mystery soup", }, FoodSoupChiliHot = { "FoodSoupChiliHot", "bowl of hot chili", }, FoodSoupChiliCold = { "FoodSoupChiliCold", "cold chili", }, FoodSoupChiliClown = { "FoodSoupChiliClown", "chili con carnival", }, FoodSoupMonkey = { "FoodSoupMonkey", "monkey's delight", }, FoodSoupTomato = { "FoodSoupTomato", "tomato soup", }, FoodSoupEyeball = { "FoodSoupEyeball", "eyeball soup", }, FoodSoupMiso = { "FoodSoupMiso", "miso soup", }, FoodSoupMushroom = { "FoodSoupMushroom", "mushroom soup", }, FoodSoupBeet = { "FoodSoupBeet", "beet soup", }, FoodSoupBeetRed = { "FoodSoupBeetRed", "red beet soup", }, FoodSoupStew = { "FoodSoupStew", "stew", }, FoodSoupPotato = { "FoodSoupPotato", "sweet potato soup", }, FoodSoupOnion = { "FoodSoupOnion", "french onion soup", }, FoodSoupBisque = { "FoodSoupBisque", "bisque", }, FoodSoupElectron = { "FoodSoupElectron", "electron soup", }, FoodSoupBungo = { "FoodSoupBungo", "bungo curry", }, FoodTacoShell = { "FoodTacoShell", "taco shell", }, BaseComputerCircuitboard = { "BaseComputerCircuitboard", "computer board", }, AlertsComputerCircuitboard = { "AlertsComputerCircuitboard", "alerts computer board", }, PowerComputerCircuitboard = { "PowerComputerCircuitboard", "power monitoring computer board", }, MedicalRecordsComputerCircuitboard = { "MedicalRecordsComputerCircuitboard", "medical records computer board", }, CriminalRecordsComputerCircuitboard = { "CriminalRecordsComputerCircuitboard", "criminal records computer board", }, StationRecordsComputerCircuitboard = { "StationRecordsComputerCircuitboard", "station records computer board", }, CargoRequestComputerCircuitboard = { "CargoRequestComputerCircuitboard", "cargo request computer board", }, CargoSaleComputerCircuitboard = { "CargoSaleComputerCircuitboard", "cargo sale computer board", }, CargoBountyComputerCircuitboard = { "CargoBountyComputerCircuitboard", "cargo bounty computer board", }, CargoShuttleComputerCircuitboard = { "CargoShuttleComputerCircuitboard", "cargo shuttle computer board", }, SalvageExpeditionsComputerCircuitboard = { "SalvageExpeditionsComputerCircuitboard", "salvage expeditions computer board", }, CargoShuttleConsoleCircuitboard = { "CargoShuttleConsoleCircuitboard", "cargo shuttle console board", }, SalvageShuttleConsoleCircuitboard = { "SalvageShuttleConsoleCircuitboard", "salvage shuttle console board", }, SurveillanceCameraMonitorCircuitboard = { "SurveillanceCameraMonitorCircuitboard", "surveillance camera monitor board", }, SurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitorCircuitboard = { "SurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitorCircuitboard", "surveillance wireless camera monitor board", }, ComputerTelevisionCircuitboard = { "ComputerTelevisionCircuitboard", "television board", }, ResearchComputerCircuitboard = { "ResearchComputerCircuitboard", "R&D computer board", }, AnalysisComputerCircuitboard = { "AnalysisComputerCircuitboard", "analysis computer board", }, TechDiskComputerCircuitboard = { "TechDiskComputerCircuitboard", "tech disk terminal board", }, CrewMonitoringComputerCircuitboard = { "CrewMonitoringComputerCircuitboard", "crew monitoring computer board", }, IDComputerCircuitboard = { "IDComputerCircuitboard", "ID card computer board", }, BodyScannerComputerCircuitboard = { "BodyScannerComputerCircuitboard", "body scanner computer board", }, CommsComputerCircuitboard = { "CommsComputerCircuitboard", "communications computer board", }, SyndicateCommsComputerCircuitboard = { "SyndicateCommsComputerCircuitboard", "syndicate communications computer board", }, RadarConsoleCircuitboard = { "RadarConsoleCircuitboard", "radar console computer board", }, SolarControlComputerCircuitboard = { "SolarControlComputerCircuitboard", "solar control computer board", }, SpaceVillainArcadeComputerCircuitboard = { "SpaceVillainArcadeComputerCircuitboard", "space villain arcade board", }, BlockGameArcadeComputerCircuitboard = { "BlockGameArcadeComputerCircuitboard", "block game arcade board", }, ParticleAcceleratorComputerCircuitboard = { "ParticleAcceleratorComputerCircuitboard", "PA control box computer board", }, ShuttleConsoleCircuitboard = { "ShuttleConsoleCircuitboard", "shuttle console board", }, SyndicateShuttleConsoleCircuitboard = { "SyndicateShuttleConsoleCircuitboard", "syndicate shuttle console board", }, CloningConsoleComputerCircuitboard = { "CloningConsoleComputerCircuitboard", "cloning console computer board", }, ComputerIFFCircuitboard = { "ComputerIFFCircuitboard", "IFF console board", }, ComputerIFFSyndicateCircuitboard = { "ComputerIFFSyndicateCircuitboard", "syndicate IFF console board", }, ComputerMassMediaCircuitboard = { "ComputerMassMediaCircuitboard", "news manager console board", }, SensorConsoleCircuitboard = { "SensorConsoleCircuitboard", "sensor monitoring console board", }, RoboticsConsoleCircuitboard = { "RoboticsConsoleCircuitboard", "robotics control console board", }, StationMapCircuitboard = { "StationMapCircuitboard", "station map electronics", }, AirAlarmElectronics = { "AirAlarmElectronics", "air alarm electronics", }, FireAlarmElectronics = { "FireAlarmElectronics", "fire alarm electronics", }, BaseElectronics = { "BaseElectronics", "base electronics", }, MailingUnitElectronics = { "MailingUnitElectronics", "mailing unit electronics", }, DoorElectronics = { "DoorElectronics", "door electronics", }, FirelockElectronics = { "FirelockElectronics", "firelock electronics", }, Igniter = { "Igniter", "igniter", }, IntercomElectronics = { "IntercomElectronics", "intercom electronics", }, RipleyCentralElectronics = { "RipleyCentralElectronics", "ripley central control module", }, RipleyPeripheralsElectronics = { "RipleyPeripheralsElectronics", "ripley peripherals control module", }, HonkerCentralElectronics = { "HonkerCentralElectronics", "H.O.N.K. central control module", }, HonkerPeripheralsElectronics = { "HonkerPeripheralsElectronics", "H.O.N.K. peripherals control module", }, HonkerTargetingElectronics = { "HonkerTargetingElectronics", "H.O.N.K. weapon control and targeting module", }, HamtrCentralElectronics = { "HamtrCentralElectronics", "HAMTR central control module", }, HamtrPeripheralsElectronics = { "HamtrPeripheralsElectronics", "HAMTR peripherals control module", }, APCElectronics = { "APCElectronics", "APC electronics", }, WallmountSubstationElectronics = { "WallmountSubstationElectronics", "wallmount substation electronics", }, WallmountGeneratorElectronics = { "WallmountGeneratorElectronics", "wallmount generator electronics", }, WallmountGeneratorAPUElectronics = { "WallmountGeneratorAPUElectronics", "wallmount APU electronics", }, SolarTrackerElectronics = { "SolarTrackerElectronics", "solar tracker electronics", }, RemoteSignaller = { "RemoteSignaller", "remote signaller", }, RemoteSignallerAdvanced = { "RemoteSignallerAdvanced", "advanced remote signaller", }, SignalTimerElectronics = { "SignalTimerElectronics", "signal timer electronics", }, ScreenTimerElectronics = { "ScreenTimerElectronics", "screen timer electronics", }, BrigTimerElectronics = { "BrigTimerElectronics", "brig timer electronics", }, TimerTrigger = { "TimerTrigger", "timer trigger", }, SignalTrigger = { "SignalTrigger", "signal trigger", }, VoiceTrigger = { "VoiceTrigger", "voice trigger", }, WeaponPistolCHIMPUpgradeKit = { "WeaponPistolCHIMPUpgradeKit", "C.H.I.M.P. handcannon upgrade chip", }, HoloparasiteInjector = { "HoloparasiteInjector", "holoparasite injector", }, HoloClownInjector = { "HoloClownInjector", "holoclown injector", }, MagicalLamp = { "MagicalLamp", "magical lamp", }, BoxHoloparasite = { "BoxHoloparasite", "holoparasite box", }, BoxHoloclown = { "BoxHoloclown", "holoclown box", }, ReinforcementRadio = { "ReinforcementRadio", "syndicate reinforcement radio", }, ReinforcementRadioSyndicate = { "ReinforcementRadioSyndicate", "syndicate reinforcement radio", }, ReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops = { "ReinforcementRadioSyndicateNukeops", "nuclear operative radio", }, ReinforcementRadioSyndicateAncestor = { "ReinforcementRadioSyndicateAncestor", "syndicate genetic ancestor reinforcement radio", }, ReinforcementRadioSyndicateSyndiCat = { "ReinforcementRadioSyndicateSyndiCat", "syndicat reinforcement radio", }, ReinforcementRadioSyndicateCyborgAssault = { "ReinforcementRadioSyndicateCyborgAssault", "syndicate assault cyborg reinforcement radio", }, SingularityBeacon = { "SingularityBeacon", "singularity beacon", }, NukeOpsDeclarationOfWar = { "NukeOpsDeclarationOfWar", "war declarator", }, BasePlaceableInstrument = { "BasePlaceableInstrument", "baseinstrument", }, BasePlaceableInstrumentRotatable = { "BasePlaceableInstrumentRotatable", "baseinstrumentrotatable", }, TrumpetInstrument = { "TrumpetInstrument", "trumpet", }, TromboneInstrument = { "TromboneInstrument", "trombone", }, FrenchHornInstrument = { "FrenchHornInstrument", "french horn", }, EuphoniumInstrument = { "EuphoniumInstrument", "euphonium", }, MusicalLungInstrument = { "MusicalLungInstrument", "musical lung", }, SeashellInstrument = { "SeashellInstrument", "seashell", }, BirdToyInstrument = { "BirdToyInstrument", "bird whistle", }, PhoneInstrument = { "PhoneInstrument", "red phone", }, PhoneInstrumentSyndicate = { "PhoneInstrumentSyndicate", "blood-red phone", }, HelicopterInstrument = { "HelicopterInstrument", "toy helicopter", }, CannedApplauseInstrument = { "CannedApplauseInstrument", "canned applause", }, GunpetInstrument = { "GunpetInstrument", "gunpet", }, BikeHornInstrument = { "BikeHornInstrument", "gilded bike horn", }, BananaPhoneInstrument = { "BananaPhoneInstrument", "banana phone", }, GlockenspielInstrument = { "GlockenspielInstrument", "glockenspiel", }, MusicBoxInstrument = { "MusicBoxInstrument", "music box", }, XylophoneInstrument = { "XylophoneInstrument", "xylophone", }, MicrophoneInstrument = { "MicrophoneInstrument", "microphone", }, SynthesizerInstrument = { "SynthesizerInstrument", "synthesizer", }, KalimbaInstrument = { "KalimbaInstrument", "kalimba", }, WoodblockInstrument = { "WoodblockInstrument", "woodblock", }, ReverseCymbalsInstrument = { "ReverseCymbalsInstrument", "reverse cymbals", }, SuperSynthesizerInstrument = { "SuperSynthesizerInstrument", "super synthesizer", }, ElectricGuitarInstrument = { "ElectricGuitarInstrument", "electric guitar", }, BassGuitarInstrument = { "BassGuitarInstrument", "bass guitar", }, RockGuitarInstrument = { "RockGuitarInstrument", "rock guitar", }, AcousticGuitarInstrument = { "AcousticGuitarInstrument", "acoustic guitar", }, GuitarlessFretsInstrument = { "GuitarlessFretsInstrument", "guitarless frets", }, BanjoInstrument = { "BanjoInstrument", "banjo", }, ViolinInstrument = { "ViolinInstrument", "violin", }, ViolaInstrument = { "ViolaInstrument", "viola", }, CelloInstrument = { "CelloInstrument", "cello", }, PianoInstrument = { "PianoInstrument", "piano", }, UprightPianoInstrument = { "UprightPianoInstrument", "upright piano", }, VibraphoneInstrument = { "VibraphoneInstrument", "vibraphone", }, MarimbaInstrument = { "MarimbaInstrument", "marimba", }, ChurchOrganInstrument = { "ChurchOrganInstrument", "church organ", }, TubaInstrument = { "TubaInstrument", "tuba", }, HarpInstrument = { "HarpInstrument", "harp", }, TimpaniInstrument = { "TimpaniInstrument", "timpani", }, TaikoInstrument = { "TaikoInstrument", "taiko", }, ContrabassInstrument = { "ContrabassInstrument", "contrabass", }, MinimoogInstrument = { "MinimoogInstrument", "minimoog", }, TomDrumsInstrument = { "TomDrumsInstrument", "tom drums", }, DawInstrument = { "DawInstrument", "digital audio workstation", }, SaxophoneInstrument = { "SaxophoneInstrument", "saxophone", }, AccordionInstrument = { "AccordionInstrument", "accordion", }, HarmonicaInstrument = { "HarmonicaInstrument", "harmonica", }, ClarinetInstrument = { "ClarinetInstrument", "clarinet", }, FluteInstrument = { "FluteInstrument", "flute", }, RecorderInstrument = { "RecorderInstrument", "recorder", }, PanFluteInstrument = { "PanFluteInstrument", "pan flute", }, OcarinaInstrument = { "OcarinaInstrument", "ocarina", }, BagpipeInstrument = { "BagpipeInstrument", "bagpipe", }, BackgammonBoard = { "BackgammonBoard", "backgammon board", }, BackgammonBoardTabletop = { "BackgammonBoardTabletop", "backgammon", }, BaseBoardEntity = { "BaseBoardEntity", "board", }, BaseBoardTabletop = { "BaseBoardTabletop", "baseboard", }, CheckerBoard = { "CheckerBoard", "checkerboard", }, CheckerBoardTabletop = { "CheckerBoardTabletop", "checkerboard", }, CheckerPieceWhite = { "CheckerPieceWhite", "white checker piece", }, CheckerCrownWhite = { "CheckerCrownWhite", "white checker crown", }, CheckerPieceBlack = { "CheckerPieceBlack", "black checker piece", }, CheckerCrownBlack = { "CheckerCrownBlack", "black checker crown", }, ChessBoard = { "ChessBoard", "chessboard", }, ChessBoardTabletop = { "ChessBoardTabletop", "chessboard", }, WhiteKing = { "WhiteKing", "white king", }, WhiteQueen = { "WhiteQueen", "white queen", }, WhiteRook = { "WhiteRook", "white rook", }, WhiteBishop = { "WhiteBishop", "white bishop", }, WhiteKnight = { "WhiteKnight", "white knight", }, WhitePawn = { "WhitePawn", "white pawn", }, BlackKing = { "BlackKing", "black king", }, BlackQueen = { "BlackQueen", "black queen", }, BlackRook = { "BlackRook", "black rook", }, BlackBishop = { "BlackBishop", "black bishop", }, BlackKnight = { "BlackKnight", "black knight", }, BlackPawn = { "BlackPawn", "black pawn", }, BaseBattlemap = { "BaseBattlemap", "battlemap", }, GrassBattlemap = { "GrassBattlemap", "grass battlemap", }, MoonBattlemap = { "MoonBattlemap", "moon battlemap", }, SandBattlemap = { "SandBattlemap", "sand battlemap", }, SnowBattlemap = { "SnowBattlemap", "snow battlemap", }, ShipBattlemap = { "ShipBattlemap", "ship battlemap", }, GrassBoardTabletop = { "GrassBoardTabletop", "grass battlemap", }, MoonBoardTabletop = { "MoonBoardTabletop", "grass battlemap", }, SandBoardTabletop = { "SandBoardTabletop", "sand battlemap", }, SnowBoardTabletop = { "SnowBoardTabletop", "snow battlemap", }, ShipBoardTabletop = { "ShipBoardTabletop", "ship battlemap", }, ParchisBoard = { "ParchisBoard", "parchís board", }, ParchisBoardTabletop = { "ParchisBoardTabletop", "parchís", }, RedTabletopPiece = { "RedTabletopPiece", "red piece", }, GreenTabletopPiece = { "GreenTabletopPiece", "green piece", }, YellowTabletopPiece = { "YellowTabletopPiece", "yellow piece", }, BlueTabletopPiece = { "BlueTabletopPiece", "blue piece", }, WhiteTabletopPiece = { "WhiteTabletopPiece", "white piece", }, BlackTabletopPiece = { "BlackTabletopPiece", "black piece", }, SheetGlassBase = { "SheetGlassBase", "glass30", }, SheetGlassBase10 = { "SheetGlass10", "glass10", }, SheetGlassBase1 = { "SheetGlassBase1", "glass1", }, SheetRGlass = { "SheetRGlass", "reinforced glass30", }, SheetRGlass1 = { "SheetRGlass1", "reinforced glass1", }, SheetPGlass = { "SheetPGlass", "plasma glass30", }, SheetPGlass1 = { "SheetPGlass1", "plasma glass1", }, SheetRPGlass = { "SheetRPGlass", "reinforced plasma glass30", }, SheetRPGlass1 = { "SheetRPGlass1", "reinforced plasma glass1", }, SheetUGlass = { "SheetUGlass", "uranium glass30", }, SheetUGlass1 = { "SheetUGlass1", "uranium glass1", }, SheetRUGlass = { "SheetRUGlass", "reinforced uranium glass30", }, SheetRUGlass1 = { "SheetRUGlass1", "reinforced uranium glass1", }, SheetClockworkGlass = { "SheetClockworkGlass", "clockwork glass30", }, SheetClockworkGlass1 = { "SheetClockworkGlass1", "clockwork glass1", }, SheetSteel = { "SheetSteel", "steel30", }, SheetSteel10 = { "SheetSteel10", "steel10", }, SheetSteel1 = { "SheetSteel1", "steel1", }, SheetBrass = { "SheetBrass", "brass30", }, SheetBrass10 = { "SheetBrass10", "brass10", }, SheetBrass1 = { "SheetBrass1", "brass1", }, SheetPlasteel = { "SheetPlasteel", "plasteel30", }, SheetPlasteel10 = { "SheetPlasteel10", "plasteel10", }, SheetPlasteel1 = { "SheetPlasteel1", "plasteel1", }, SheetPaper = { "SheetPaper", "paper30", }, SheetPaper1 = { "SheetPaper1", "paper1", }, SheetPlasma = { "SheetPlasma", "plasma30", }, SheetPlasma1 = { "SheetPlasma1", "plasma1", }, SheetPlastic = { "SheetPlastic", "plastic30", }, SheetPlastic10 = { "SheetPlastic10", "plastic10", }, SheetPlastic1 = { "SheetPlastic1", "plastic1", }, SheetUranium = { "SheetUranium", "uranium30", }, SheetUranium1 = { "SheetUranium1", "uranium1", }, MaterialSheetMeat = { "MaterialSheetMeat", "meat sheet", }, CargoPallet = { "CargoPallet", "cargo pallet", }, CargoPalletSell = { "CargoPalletSell", "cargo selling pallet", }, CargoPalletBuy = { "CargoPalletBuy", "cargo buying pallet", }, Bible = { "Bible", "bible", }, BibleNecronomicon = { "BibleNecronomicon", "necronomicon", }, ActionBibleSummon = { "ActionBibleSummon", "Summon familiar", }, Urn = { "Urn", "urn", }, ChemBag = { "ChemBag", "chemistry bag", }, ForensicPad = { "ForensicPad", "forensic pad", }, LeavesCannabis = { "LeavesCannabis", "cannabis leaves", }, LeavesCannabisDried = { "LeavesCannabisDried", "dried cannabis leaves", }, GroundCannabis = { "GroundCannabis", "ground cannabis", }, LeavesCannabisRainbow = { "LeavesCannabisRainbow", "rainbow cannabis leaves", }, LeavesCannabisRainbowDried = { "LeavesCannabisRainbowDried", "dried rainbow cannabis leaves", }, GroundCannabisRainbow = { "GroundCannabisRainbow", "ground rainbow cannabis", }, LeavesTobacco = { "LeavesTobacco", "tobacco leaves", }, LeavesTobaccoDried = { "LeavesTobaccoDried", "dried tobacco leaves", }, GroundTobacco = { "GroundTobacco", "ground tobacco", }, WheatSeeds = { "WheatSeeds", "packet of wheat seeds", }, OatSeeds = { "OatSeeds", "packet of oat seeds", }, BananaSeeds = { "BananaSeeds", "packet of banana seeds", }, MimanaSeeds = { "MimanaSeeds", "packet of mimana seeds", }, CarrotSeeds = { "CarrotSeeds", "packet of carrot seeds", }, CabbageSeeds = { "CabbageSeeds", "packet of cabbage seeds", }, GarlicSeeds = { "GarlicSeeds", "packet of garlic seeds", }, LaughinPeaSeeds = { "LaughinPeaSeeds", "packet of laughin' pea pods", }, LemonSeeds = { "LemonSeeds", "packet of lemon seeds", }, LemoonSeeds = { "LemoonSeeds", "packet of lemoon seeds", }, LimeSeeds = { "LimeSeeds", "packet of lime seeds", }, OrangeSeeds = { "OrangeSeeds", "packet of orange seeds", }, PineappleSeeds = { "PineappleSeeds", "packet of pineapple seeds", }, PotatoSeeds = { "PotatoSeeds", "packet of potato seeds", }, SugarcaneSeeds = { "SugarcaneSeeds", "packet of sugarcane seeds", }, PapercaneSeeds = { "PapercaneSeeds", "packet of papercane seeds", }, TowercapSeeds = { "TowercapSeeds", "packet of tower cap spores", }, SteelcapSeeds = { "SteelcapSeeds", "packet of steel cap spores", }, TomatoSeeds = { "TomatoSeeds", "packet of tomato seeds", }, BlueTomatoSeeds = { "BlueTomatoSeeds", "packet of blue tomato seeds", }, BloodTomatoSeeds = { "BloodTomatoSeeds", "packet of blood tomato seeds", }, KillerTomatoSeeds = { "KillerTomatoSeeds", "packet of killer tomato seeds", }, EggplantSeeds = { "EggplantSeeds", "packet of eggplant seeds", }, AppleSeeds = { "AppleSeeds", "packet of apple seeds", }, GoldenAppleSeeds = { "GoldenAppleSeeds", "packet of golden apple seeds", }, CornSeeds = { "CornSeeds", "packet of corn seeds", }, ChanterelleSeeds = { "ChanterelleSeeds", "packet of chanterelle spores", }, EggySeeds = { "EggySeeds", "packet of egg-plant seeds", }, TobaccoSeeds = { "TobaccoSeeds", "packet of tobacco seeds", }, CannabisSeeds = { "CannabisSeeds", "packet of cannabis seeds", }, RainbowCannabisSeeds = { "RainbowCannabisSeeds", "packet of rainbow cannabis seeds", }, NettleSeeds = { "NettleSeeds", "packet of nettle seeds", }, DeathNettleSeeds = { "DeathNettleSeeds", "packet of death nettle seeds", }, ChiliSeeds = { "ChiliSeeds", "packet of chili seeds", }, ChillySeeds = { "ChillySeeds", "packet of chilly seeds", }, AloeSeeds = { "AloeSeeds", "packet of aloe seeds", }, PoppySeeds = { "PoppySeeds", "packet of poppy seeds", }, LilySeeds = { "LilySeeds", "packet of lily seeds", }, LingzhiSeeds = { "LingzhiSeeds", "packet of lingzhi spores", }, AmbrosiaVulgarisSeeds = { "AmbrosiaVulgarisSeeds", "packet of ambrosia vulgaris seeds", }, AmbrosiaDeusSeeds = { "AmbrosiaDeusSeeds", "packet of ambrosia deus seeds", }, GalaxythistleSeeds = { "GalaxythistleSeeds", "packet of galaxythistle seeds", }, GlasstleSeeds = { "GlasstleSeeds", "packet of glasstle seeds", }, FlyAmanitaSeeds = { "FlyAmanitaSeeds", "packet of fly amanita spores", }, GatfruitSeeds = { "GatfruitSeeds", "packet of gatfruit seeds", }, OnionSeeds = { "OnionSeeds", "packet of onion seeds", }, RiceSeeds = { "RiceSeeds", "packet of rice seeds", }, SoybeanSeeds = { "SoybeanSeeds", "packet of soybean seeds", }, SpacemansTrumpetSeeds = { "SpacemansTrumpetSeeds", "packet of spaceman's trumpet seeds", }, KoibeanSeeds = { "KoibeanSeeds", "packet of koibean seeds", }, OnionRedSeeds = { "OnionRedSeeds", "packet of red onion seeds", }, WatermelonSeeds = { "WatermelonSeeds", "packet of watermelon seeds", }, GrapeSeeds = { "GrapeSeeds", "packet of grape seeds", }, CocoaSeeds = { "CocoaSeeds", "packet of cocoa seeds", }, BerrySeeds = { "BerrySeeds", "packet of berry seeds", }, BungoSeeds = { "BungoSeeds", "packet of bungo seeds", }, PeaSeeds = { "PeaSeeds", "packet of pea pods", }, PumpkinSeeds = { "PumpkinSeeds", "packet of pumpkin seeds", }, CottonSeeds = { "CottonSeeds", "packet of cotton seeds", }, PyrottonSeeds = { "PyrottonSeeds", "packet of pyrotton seeds", }, RealCapfruitSeeds = { "RealCapfruitSeeds", "packet of capfruit seeds", }, PlantBGoneSpray = { "PlantBGoneSpray", "Plant-B-Gone", }, WeedSpray = { "WeedSpray", "weed spray", }, PestSpray = { "PestSpray", "pest spray", }, HydroponicsToolMiniHoe = { "HydroponicsToolMiniHoe", "mini hoe", }, HydroponicsToolClippers = { "HydroponicsToolClippers", "plant clippers", }, HydroponicsToolScythe = { "HydroponicsToolScythe", "scythe", }, HydroponicsToolHatchet = { "HydroponicsToolHatchet", "hatchet", }, HydroponicsToolSpade = { "HydroponicsToolSpade", "spade", }, PlantBag = { "PlantBag", "plant bag", }, MopItem = { "MopItem", "mop", }, AdvMopItem = { "AdvMopItem", "advanced mop", }, WetFloorSign = { "WetFloorSign", "wet floor sign", }, Plunger = { "Plunger", "plunger", }, GoldenPlunger = { "GoldenPlunger", "golden plunger", }, RagItem = { "RagItem", "damp rag", }, Soap = { "Soap", "soap", }, SoapNT = { "SoapNT", "soap", }, SoapDeluxe = { "SoapDeluxe", "soap", }, SoapSyndie = { "SoapSyndie", "soap", }, SoapletSyndie = { "SoapletSyndie", "soaplet", }, SoapHomemade = { "SoapHomemade", "soap", }, SoapOmega = { "SoapOmega", "omega soap", }, SprayBottle = { "SprayBottle", "spray bottle", }, MegaSprayBottle = { "MegaSprayBottle", "mega spray bottle", }, SprayBottleWater = { "SprayBottleWater", "spray bottle", }, SprayBottleSpaceCleaner = { "SprayBottleSpaceCleaner", "space cleaner", }, Vapor = { "Vapor", "vapor", }, TrashBag = { "TrashBag", "trash bag", }, TrashBagBlue = { "TrashBagBlue", "trash bag", }, BagOfSummoningGarbage = { "BagOfSummoningGarbage", "spell of all-consuming cleanliness", }, FoodCartBase = { "FoodCartBase", "food cart", }, FoodCartHot = { "FoodCartHot", "hot food cart", }, FoodCartCold = { "FoodCartCold", "cold food cart", }, BooksBag = { "BooksBag", "books bag", }, MechEquipmentGrabber = { "MechEquipmentGrabber", "hydraulic clamp", }, MechEquipmentGrabberSmall = { "MechEquipmentGrabberSmall", "small hydraulic clamp", }, MechEquipmentHorn = { "MechEquipmentHorn", "mech horn", }, MechRipley = { "MechRipley", "Ripley APLU", }, MechHonker = { "MechHonker", "H.O.N.K.", }, MechHamtr = { "MechHamtr", "HAMTR", }, MechVim = { "MechVim", "Vim", }, RipleyHarness = { "RipleyHarness", "ripley harness", }, RipleyLArm = { "RipleyLArm", "ripley left arm", }, RipleyLLeg = { "RipleyLLeg", "ripley left leg", }, RipleyRLeg = { "RipleyRLeg", "ripley right leg", }, RipleyRArm = { "RipleyRArm", "ripley right arm", }, RipleyChassis = { "RipleyChassis", "ripley chassis", }, HonkerHarness = { "HonkerHarness", "H.O.N.K. harness", }, HonkerLArm = { "HonkerLArm", "H.O.N.K. left arm", }, HonkerLLeg = { "HonkerLLeg", "H.O.N.K. left leg", }, HonkerRLeg = { "HonkerRLeg", "H.O.N.K. right leg", }, HonkerRArm = { "HonkerRArm", "H.O.N.K. right arm", }, HonkerChassis = { "HonkerChassis", "H.O.N.K. chassis", }, HamtrHarness = { "HamtrHarness", "HAMTR harness", }, HamtrLArm = { "HamtrLArm", "HAMTR left arm", }, HamtrLLeg = { "HamtrLLeg", "HAMTR left leg", }, HamtrRLeg = { "HamtrRLeg", "HAMTR right leg", }, HamtrRArm = { "HamtrRArm", "HAMTR right arm", }, HamtrChassis = { "HamtrChassis", "HAMTR chassis", }, VimHarness = { "VimHarness", "vim harness", }, VimChassis = { "VimChassis", "vim chassis", }, BaseDefibrillator = { "BaseDefibrillator", "defibrillator", }, DiseaseSwab = { "DiseaseSwab", "sterile swab", }, BoxMouthSwab = { "BoxMouthSwab", "sterile swab dispenser", }, Vaccine = { "Vaccine", "vaccine", }, HandheldCrewMonitor = { "HandheldCrewMonitor", "handheld crew monitor", }, Ointment = { "Ointment", "ointment", }, RegenerativeMesh = { "RegenerativeMesh", "regenerative mesh", }, Brutepack = { "Brutepack", "bruise pack", }, MedicatedSuture = { "MedicatedSuture", "medicated suture", }, Bloodpack = { "Bloodpack", "blood pack", }, Tourniquet = { "Tourniquet", "tourniquet", }, Gauze = { "Gauze", "roll of gauze", }, AloeCream = { "AloeCream", "aloe cream", }, HealingToolbox = { "HealingToolbox", "healing toolbox", }, PillDexalin = { "PillDexalin", "pill", }, PillCanisterDexalin = { "PillCanisterDexalin", "pill canister", }, PillDylovene = { "PillDylovene", "pill", }, PillCanisterDylovene = { "PillCanisterDylovene", "pill canister", }, PillHyronalin = { "PillHyronalin", "pill", }, PillCanisterHyronalin = { "PillCanisterHyronalin", "pill canister", }, PillPotassiumIodide = { "PillPotassiumIodide", "pill", }, PillCanisterPotassiumIodide = { "PillCanisterPotassiumIodide", "pill canister", }, PillIron = { "PillIron", "pill", }, PillCopper = { "PillCopper", "pill", }, PillCanisterIron = { "PillCanisterIron", "pill canister", }, PillCanisterCopper = { "PillCanisterCopper", "pill canister", }, PillKelotane = { "PillKelotane", "pill", }, PillCanisterKelotane = { "PillCanisterKelotane", "pill canister", }, PillDermaline = { "PillDermaline", "pill", }, PillCanisterDermaline = { "PillCanisterDermaline", "pill canister", }, PillSpaceDrugs = { "PillSpaceDrugs", "space mirage", }, PillTricordrazine = { "PillTricordrazine", "pill", }, PillCanisterTricordrazine = { "PillCanisterTricordrazine", "pill canister", }, PillBicaridine = { "PillBicaridine", "pill", }, PillCanisterBicaridine = { "PillCanisterBicaridine", "pill canister", }, PillCharcoal = { "PillCharcoal", "pill", }, PillCanisterCharcoal = { "PillCanisterCharcoal", "pill canister", }, PillRomerol = { "PillRomerol", "romerol pill", }, PillAmbuzol = { "PillAmbuzol", "ambuzol pill", }, PillAmbuzolPlus = { "PillAmbuzolPlus", "ambuzol plus pill", }, SyringeEphedrine = { "SyringeEphedrine", "ephedrine syringe", }, SyringeInaprovaline = { "SyringeInaprovaline", "inaprovaline syringe", }, SyringeTranexamicAcid = { "SyringeTranexamicAcid", "tranexamic acid syringe", }, SyringeBicaridine = { "SyringeBicaridine", "bicaridine syringe", }, SyringeDermaline = { "SyringeDermaline", "dermaline syringe", }, SyringeHyronalin = { "SyringeHyronalin", "hyronalin syringe", }, SyringeIpecac = { "SyringeIpecac", "ipecac syringe", }, SyringeAmbuzol = { "SyringeAmbuzol", "ambuzol syringe", }, SyringeSigynate = { "SyringeSigynate", "sigynate syringe", }, SyringeEthylredoxrazine = { "SyringeEthylredoxrazine", "ethylredoxrazine syringe", }, SyringePhalanximine = { "SyringePhalanximine", "phalanximine syringe", }, SyringeSaline = { "SyringeSaline", "saline syringe", }, SyringeRomerol = { "SyringeRomerol", "romerol syringe", }, SyringeStimulants = { "SyringeStimulants", "hyperzine syringe", }, HandheldHealthAnalyzerUnpowered = { "HandheldHealthAnalyzerUnpowered", "health analyzer", }, Hypospray = { "Hypospray", "hypospray", }, SyndiHypo = { "SyndiHypo", "gorlex hypospray", }, BorgHypo = { "BorgHypo", "borghypo", }, AdminHypo = { "AdminHypo", "experimental hypospray", }, ChemicalMedipen = { "ChemicalMedipen", "chemical medipen", }, EmergencyMedipen = { "EmergencyMedipen", "emergency medipen", }, AntiPoisonMedipen = { "AntiPoisonMedipen", "poison auto-injector", }, BruteAutoInjector = { "BruteAutoInjector", "brute auto-injector", }, BurnAutoInjector = { "BurnAutoInjector", "burn auto-injector", }, RadAutoInjector = { "RadAutoInjector", "rad auto-injector", }, SpaceMedipen = { "SpaceMedipen", "space medipen", }, Stimpack = { "Stimpack", "hyperzine injector", }, StimpackMini = { "StimpackMini", "hyperzine microinjector", }, CombatMedipen = { "CombatMedipen", "combat medipen", }, Hypopen = { "Hypopen", "pen", }, HypopenBox = { "HypopenBox", "hypopen box", }, Medkit = { "Medkit", "first aid kit", }, MedkitBurn = { "MedkitBurn", "burn treatment kit", }, MedkitToxin = { "MedkitToxin", "toxin treatment kit", }, MedkitO2 = { "MedkitO2", "oxygen deprivation treatment kit", }, MedkitBrute = { "MedkitBrute", "brute trauma treatment kit", }, MedkitAdvanced = { "MedkitAdvanced", "advanced first aid kit", }, MedkitRadiation = { "MedkitRadiation", "radiation treatment kit", }, MedkitCombat = { "MedkitCombat", "combat medical kit", }, BodyBag = { "BodyBag", "body bag", }, BodyBagFolded = { "BodyBagFolded", "body bag", }, Ash = { "Ash", "ash", }, Ectoplasm = { "Ectoplasm", "ectoplasm", }, StrangePill = { "StrangePill", "strange pill", }, Cautery = { "Cautery", "cautery", }, Drill = { "Drill", "drill", }, Scalpel = { "Scalpel", "scalpel", }, ScalpelShiv = { "ScalpelShiv", "shiv", }, ScalpelAdvanced = { "ScalpelAdvanced", "advanced scalpel", }, ScalpelLaser = { "ScalpelLaser", "laser scalpel", }, Retractor = { "Retractor", "retractor", }, Hemostat = { "Hemostat", "hemostat", }, Saw = { "Saw", "metal saw", }, SawImprov = { "SawImprov", "choppa", }, SawElectric = { "SawElectric", "circular saw", }, SawAdvanced = { "SawAdvanced", "advanced circular saw", }, AnomalyScanner = { "AnomalyScanner", "anomaly scanner", }, AnomalyLocatorUnpowered = { "AnomalyLocatorUnpowered", "anomaly locator", }, AnomalyLocatorWideUnpowered = { "AnomalyLocatorWideUnpowered", "wide-spectrum anomaly locator", }, WeaponGauntletGorilla = { "WeaponGauntletGorilla", "G.O.R.I.L.L.A. gauntlet", }, ResearchDisk = { "ResearchDisk", "research point disk (1000)", }, ResearchDisk5000 = { "ResearchDisk5000", "research point disk (5000)", }, ResearchDisk10000 = { "ResearchDisk10000", "research point disk (10000)", }, ResearchDiskDebug = { "ResearchDiskDebug", "research point disk", }, TechnologyDisk = { "TechnologyDisk", "technology disk", }, BaseBorgModule = { "BaseBorgModule", "borg module", }, ActionBorgSwapModule = { "ActionBorgSwapModule", "Swap Module", }, BorgModuleCable = { "BorgModuleCable", "cable cyborg module", }, BorgModuleFireExtinguisher = { "BorgModuleFireExtinguisher", "fire extinguisher cyborg module", }, BorgModuleGPS = { "BorgModuleGPS", "GPS cyborg module", }, BorgModuleRadiationDetection = { "BorgModuleRadiationDetection", "radiation detection cyborg module", }, BorgModuleTool = { "BorgModuleTool", "tool cyborg module", }, BorgModuleAppraisal = { "BorgModuleAppraisal", "appraisal cyborg module", }, BorgModuleMining = { "BorgModuleMining", "mining cyborg module", }, BorgModuleGrapplingGun = { "BorgModuleGrapplingGun", "grappling gun cyborg module", }, BorgModuleAdvancedTool = { "BorgModuleAdvancedTool", "advanced tool cyborg module", }, BorgModuleConstruction = { "BorgModuleConstruction", "construction cyborg module", }, BorgModuleRCD = { "BorgModuleRCD", "RCD cyborg module", }, BorgModuleLightReplacer = { "BorgModuleLightReplacer", "light replacer cyborg module", }, BorgModuleCleaning = { "BorgModuleCleaning", "cleaning cyborg module", }, BorgModuleAdvancedCleaning = { "BorgModuleAdvancedCleaning", "advanced cleaning cyborg module", }, BorgModuleDiagnosis = { "BorgModuleDiagnosis", "diagnosis cyborg module", }, BorgModuleTreatment = { "BorgModuleTreatment", "treatment cyborg module", }, BorgModuleDefibrillator = { "BorgModuleDefibrillator", "defibrillator cyborg module", }, BorgModuleAdvancedTreatment = { "BorgModuleAdvancedTreatment", "advanced treatment cyborg module", }, BorgModuleArtifact = { "BorgModuleArtifact", "artifact cyborg module", }, BorgModuleAnomaly = { "BorgModuleAnomaly", "anomaly cyborg module", }, BorgModuleService = { "BorgModuleService", "service cyborg module", }, BorgModuleMusique = { "BorgModuleMusique", "musique cyborg module", }, BorgModuleGardening = { "BorgModuleGardening", "gardening cyborg module", }, BorgModuleHarvesting = { "BorgModuleHarvesting", "harvesting cyborg module", }, BorgModuleClowning = { "BorgModuleClowning", "clowning cyborg module", }, BorgModuleSyndicateWeapon = { "BorgModuleSyndicateWeapon", "weapon cyborg module", }, BorgModuleOperative = { "BorgModuleOperative", "operative cyborg module", }, BorgModuleEsword = { "BorgModuleEsword", "energy sword cyborg module", }, BorgModuleL6C = { "BorgModuleL6C", "L6C ROW cyborg module", }, BorgModuleMartyr = { "BorgModuleMartyr", "martyr cyborg module", }, LeftArmBorgEngineer = { "LeftArmBorgEngineer", "engineer cyborg left arm", }, RightArmBorgEngineer = { "RightArmBorgEngineer", "engineer cyborg right arm", }, LeftLegBorgEngineer = { "LeftLegBorgEngineer", "engineer cyborg left leg", }, RightLegBorgEngineer = { "RightLegBorgEngineer", "engineer cyborg right leg", }, HeadBorgEngineer = { "HeadBorgEngineer", "engineer cyborg head", }, TorsoBorgEngineer = { "TorsoBorgEngineer", "engineer cyborg torso", }, LeftLegBorgJanitor = { "LeftLegBorgJanitor", "janitor cyborg left leg", }, RightLegBorgJanitor = { "RightLegBorgJanitor", "janitor cyborg right leg", }, HeadBorgJanitor = { "HeadBorgJanitor", "janitor cyborg head", }, TorsoBorgJanitor = { "TorsoBorgJanitor", "janitor cyborg torso", }, LeftArmBorgMedical = { "LeftArmBorgMedical", "medical cyborg left arm", }, RightArmBorgMedical = { "RightArmBorgMedical", "medical cyborg right arm", }, LeftLegBorgMedical = { "LeftLegBorgMedical", "medical cyborg left leg", }, RightLegBorgMedical = { "RightLegBorgMedical", "medical cyborg right leg", }, HeadBorgMedical = { "HeadBorgMedical", "medical cyborg head", }, TorsoBorgMedical = { "TorsoBorgMedical", "medical cyborg torso", }, LeftArmBorgMining = { "LeftArmBorgMining", "mining cyborg left arm", }, RightArmBorgMining = { "RightArmBorgMining", "mining cyborg right arm", }, LeftLegBorgMining = { "LeftLegBorgMining", "mining cyborg left leg", }, RightLegBorgMining = { "RightLegBorgMining", "mining cyborg right leg", }, HeadBorgMining = { "HeadBorgMining", "mining cyborg head", }, TorsoBorgMining = { "TorsoBorgMining", "mining cyborg torso", }, LeftArmBorgService = { "LeftArmBorgService", "service cyborg left arm", }, RightArmBorgService = { "RightArmBorgService", "service cyborg right arm", }, LeftLegBorgService = { "LeftLegBorgService", "service cyborg left leg", }, RightLegBorgService = { "RightLegBorgService", "service cyborg right leg", }, HeadBorgService = { "HeadBorgService", "service cyborg head", }, TorsoBorgService = { "TorsoBorgService", "service cyborg torso", }, CyborgEndoskeleton = { "CyborgEndoskeleton", "cyborg endoskeleton", }, MMI = { "MMI", "man-machine interface", }, PositronicBrain = { "PositronicBrain", "positronic brain", }, OreBag = { "OreBag", "ore bag", }, OreBagOfHolding = { "OreBagOfHolding", "ore bag of holding", }, DeployableBarrier = { "DeployableBarrier", "deployable barrier", }, EvidenceMarker = { "EvidenceMarker", "evidence marker", }, BoxEvidenceMarkers = { "BoxEvidenceMarkers", "evidence marker box", }, TargetHuman = { "TargetHuman", "human target", }, TargetSyndicate = { "TargetSyndicate", "syndicate target", }, TargetClown = { "TargetClown", "clown target", }, TargetStrange = { "TargetStrange", "strange target", }, BarberScissors = { "BarberScissors", "barber scissors", }, BaseVendingMachineRestock = { "BaseVendingMachineRestock", "vending machine restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockBooze = { "VendingMachineRestockBooze", "Booze-O-Mat restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockChang = { "VendingMachineRestockChang", "Mr. Chang's restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockChefvend = { "VendingMachineRestockChefvend", "ChefVend restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockCondimentStation = { "VendingMachineRestockCondimentStation", "condiment station restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockClothes = { "VendingMachineRestockClothes", "wardrobe restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockCostumes = { "VendingMachineRestockCostumes", "AutoDrobe restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockDinnerware = { "VendingMachineRestockDinnerware", "Plasteel Chef's restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockDiscountDans = { "VendingMachineRestockDiscountDans", "Discount Dan's restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockDonut = { "VendingMachineRestockDonut", "Robust Donuts restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockEngineering = { "VendingMachineRestockEngineering", "EngiVend restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockGames = { "VendingMachineRestockGames", "Good Clean Fun restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockGetmoreChocolateCorp = { "VendingMachineRestockGetmoreChocolateCorp", "GetMore Chocolate restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockHotDrinks = { "VendingMachineRestockHotDrinks", "Solar's Best restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockMedical = { "VendingMachineRestockMedical", "NanoMed restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockNutriMax = { "VendingMachineRestockNutriMax", "NutriMax restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockPTech = { "VendingMachineRestockPTech", "PTech restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockRobustSoftdrinks = { "VendingMachineRestockRobustSoftdrinks", "beverage restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockSecTech = { "VendingMachineRestockSecTech", "SecTech restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockSalvageEquipment = { "VendingMachineRestockSalvageEquipment", "Salvage Vendor restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockSeeds = { "VendingMachineRestockSeeds", "MegaSeed restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockSmokes = { "VendingMachineRestockSmokes", "ShadyCigs restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockTankDispenser = { "VendingMachineRestockTankDispenser", "tank dispenser restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockVendomat = { "VendingMachineRestockVendomat", "Vendomat restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockRobotics = { "VendingMachineRestockRobotics", "Robotech Deluxe restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockHappyHonk = { "VendingMachineRestockHappyHonk", "Happy Honk restock box", }, VendingMachineRestockChemVend = { "VendingMachineRestockChemVend", "ChemVend restock box", }, CrateArtifactContainer = { "CrateArtifactContainer", "artifact container", }, BaseXenoArtifactItem = { "BaseXenoArtifactItem", "alien artifact", }, ArtifactFragment = { "ArtifactFragment", "artifact fragment", }, NodeScanner = { "NodeScanner", "node scanner", }, BaseXenoArtifact = { "BaseXenoArtifact", "alien artifact", }, FireBomb = { "FireBomb", "fire bomb", }, FireBombEmpty = { "FireBombEmpty", "fire bomb", }, HotPotato = { "HotPotato", "hot potato", }, TrashBananaPeelExplosive = { "TrashBananaPeelExplosive", "banana peel", }, TrashBananaPeelExplosiveUnarmed = { "TrashBananaPeelExplosiveUnarmed", "banana", }, PenExploding = { "PenExploding", "pen", }, PenExplodingBox = { "PenExplodingBox", "exploding pen box", }, PipeBomb = { "PipeBomb", "pipe bomb", }, PipeBombGunpowder = { "PipeBombGunpowder", "pipe bomb", }, PipeBombCable = { "PipeBombCable", "pipe bomb", }, C4 = { "C4", "composition C-4", }, SeismicCharge = { "SeismicCharge", "seismic charge", }, SpiderCharge = { "SpiderCharge", "spider clan charge", }, WeaponFlareGun = { "WeaponFlareGun", "flare gun", }, WeaponImprovisedPneumaticCannon = { "WeaponImprovisedPneumaticCannon", "improvised pneumatic cannon", }, LauncherCreamPie = { "LauncherCreamPie", "pie cannon", }, WeaponTurretSyndicateBroken = { "WeaponTurretSyndicateBroken", "ballistic turret (broken)", }, BaseWeaponTurret = { "BaseWeaponTurret", "ballistic turret", }, WeaponTurretSyndicateDisposable = { "WeaponTurretSyndicateDisposable", "disposable ballistic turret", }, WeaponTurretXeno = { "WeaponTurretXeno", "xeno turret", }, ArmBlade = { "ArmBlade", "arm blade", }, BaseBallBat = { "BaseBallBat", "baseball bat", }, IncompleteBaseBallBat = { "IncompleteBaseBallBat", "incomplete baseball bat", }, WeaponMeleeKnockbackStick = { "WeaponMeleeKnockbackStick", "knockback stick", }, Cane = { "Cane", "cane", }, CaneBlade = { "CaneBlade", "cane blade", }, Chainsaw = { "Chainsaw", "chainsaw", }, RitualDagger = { "RitualDagger", "ritual dagger", }, EldritchBlade = { "EldritchBlade", "eldritch blade", }, UnholyHalberd = { "UnholyHalberd", "unholy halberd", }, EnergySword = { "EnergySword", "energy sword", }, EnergyDaggerLoud = { "EnergyDaggerLoud", "energy dagger", }, EnergyDagger = { "EnergyDagger", "pen", }, EnergyDaggerBox = { "EnergyDaggerBox", "e-dagger box", }, EnergyCutlass = { "EnergyCutlass", "energy cutlass", }, EnergySwordDouble = { "EnergySwordDouble", "double-bladed energy sword", }, FireAxe = { "FireAxe", "fireaxe", }, FireAxeFlaming = { "FireAxeFlaming", "fire axe", }, Gohei = { "Gohei", "gohei", }, KitchenKnife = { "KitchenKnife", "kitchen knife", }, ButchCleaver = { "ButchCleaver", "butcher's cleaver", }, CombatKnife = { "CombatKnife", "combat knife", }, SurvivalKnife = { "SurvivalKnife", "survival knife", }, KukriKnife = { "KukriKnife", "kukri knife", }, BladedFlatcapGrey = { "BladedFlatcapGrey", "grey flatcap", }, BladedFlatcapBrown = { "BladedFlatcapBrown", "brown flatcap", }, Shiv = { "Shiv", "shiv", }, ReinforcedShiv = { "ReinforcedShiv", "reinforced shiv", }, PlasmaShiv = { "PlasmaShiv", "plasma shiv", }, UraniumShiv = { "UraniumShiv", "uranium shiv", }, ThrowingKnife = { "ThrowingKnife", "throwing knife", }, Pickaxe = { "Pickaxe", "pickaxe", }, MiningDrill = { "MiningDrill", "mining drill", }, MiningDrillDiamond = { "MiningDrillDiamond", "diamond tipped mining drill", }, BaseWeaponCrusher = { "BaseWeaponCrusher", "crusher", }, WeaponCrusherDagger = { "WeaponCrusherDagger", "crusher dagger", }, WeaponCrusherGlaive = { "WeaponCrusherGlaive", "crusher glaive", }, WeaponMeleeNeedle = { "WeaponMeleeNeedle", "official security anti-inflatable armament", }, Sledgehammer = { "Sledgehammer", "sledgehammer", }, Spear = { "Spear", "spear", }, SpearReinforced = { "SpearReinforced", "reinforced spear", }, SpearPlasma = { "SpearPlasma", "plasma spear", }, SpearUranium = { "SpearUranium", "uranium spear", }, SpearBone = { "SpearBone", "bone spear", }, Stunprod = { "Stunprod", "stun prod", }, CaptainSabre = { "CaptainSabre", "captain's sabre", }, Katana = { "Katana", "katana", }, EnergyKatana = { "EnergyKatana", "energy katana", }, Machete = { "Machete", "machete", }, Claymore = { "Claymore", "claymore", }, Cutlass = { "Cutlass", "cutlass", }, Throngler = { "Throngler", "Throngler", }, WeaponMeleeToolboxRobust = { "WeaponMeleeToolboxRobust", "robust toolbox", }, WhiteCane = { "WhiteCane", "white cane", }, Bola = { "Bola", "bola", }, ClusterBang = { "ClusterBang", "clusterbang", }, ClusterBangFull = { "ClusterBangFull", "clusterbang", }, ClusterGrenade = { "ClusterGrenade", "clustergrenade", }, ClusterBananaPeel = { "ClusterBananaPeel", "cluster banana peel", }, GrenadeStinger = { "GrenadeStinger", "stinger grenade", }, GrenadeIncendiary = { "GrenadeIncendiary", "incendiary grenade", }, GrenadeShrapnel = { "GrenadeShrapnel", "shrapnel grenade", }, SlipocalypseClusterSoap = { "SlipocalypseClusterSoap", "slipocalypse clustersoap", }, GrenadeFoamDart = { "GrenadeFoamDart", "foam dart grenade", }, ExGrenade = { "ExGrenade", "explosive grenade", }, GrenadeFlashBang = { "GrenadeFlashBang", "flashbang", }, SyndieMiniBomb = { "SyndieMiniBomb", "syndicate minibomb", }, SelfDestructSeq = { "SelfDestructSeq", "self destruct", }, SupermatterGrenade = { "SupermatterGrenade", "supermatter grenade", }, WhiteholeGrenade = { "WhiteholeGrenade", "whitehole grenade", }, NuclearGrenade = { "NuclearGrenade", "the nuclear option", }, ModularGrenade = { "ModularGrenade", "modular grenade", }, EmpGrenade = { "EmpGrenade", "EMP grenade", }, HolyHandGrenade = { "HolyHandGrenade", "holy hand grenade", }, SmokeGrenade = { "SmokeGrenade", "smoke grenade", }, CleanerGrenade = { "CleanerGrenade", "cleanade", }, TearGasGrenade = { "TearGasGrenade", "tear gas grenade", }, MetalFoamGrenade = { "MetalFoamGrenade", "metal foam grenade", }, GrenadeDummy = { "GrenadeDummy", "trick grenade", }, SyndieTrickyBomb = { "SyndieTrickyBomb", "syndicate trickybomb", }, ThrowingStar = { "ThrowingStar", "throwing star", }, ThrowingStarNinja = { "ThrowingStarNinja", "ninja throwing star", }, AirlockMaint = { "AirlockMaint", "maintenance access", }, AirlockHatch = { "AirlockHatch", "airtight hatch", }, AirlockHatchMaintenance = { "AirlockHatchMaintenance", "maintenance hatch", }, PinionAirlockAssembly = { "PinionAirlockAssembly", "airlock assembly", }, AirlockAssembly = { "AirlockAssembly", "airlock assembly", }, Airlock = { "Airlock", "airlock", }, AirlockGlass = { "AirlockGlass", "glass airlock", }, HighSecDoor = { "HighSecDoor", "high security door", }, AirlockShuttle = { "AirlockShuttle", "external airlock", }, AirlockGlassShuttle = { "AirlockGlassShuttle", "external airlock", }, AirlockShuttleAssembly = { "AirlockShuttleAssembly", "external airlock assembly", }, AirlockGlassShuttleSyndicate = { "AirlockGlassShuttleSyndicate", "external airlock", }, AirlockShuttleSyndicate = { "AirlockShuttleSyndicate", "external airlock", }, BaseFirelock = { "BaseFirelock", "firelock", }, FirelockGlass = { "FirelockGlass", "glass firelock", }, FirelockEdge = { "FirelockEdge", "firelock", }, FirelockFrame = { "FirelockFrame", "firelock frame", }, BaseMaterialDoor = { "BaseMaterialDoor", "door", }, MetalDoor = { "MetalDoor", "metal door", }, WoodDoor = { "WoodDoor", "wooden door", }, PaperDoor = { "PaperDoor", "paper door", }, PlasmaDoor = { "PlasmaDoor", "plasma door", }, GoldDoor = { "GoldDoor", "gold door", }, SilverDoor = { "SilverDoor", "silver door", }, BananiumDoor = { "BananiumDoor", "bananium door", }, WebDoor = { "WebDoor", "web door", }, BaseSecretDoor = { "BaseSecretDoor", "solid wall", }, BaseSecretDoorAssembly = { "BaseSecretDoorAssembly", "secret door assembly", }, SolidSecretDoor = { "SolidSecretDoor", "solid wall", }, BlastDoor = { "BlastDoor", "blast door", }, BlastDoorFrame = { "BlastDoorFrame", "blast door frame", }, BaseShutter = { "BaseShutter", "shutter", }, ShuttersRadiation = { "ShuttersRadiation", "radiation shutters", }, ShuttersWindow = { "ShuttersWindow", "window shutters", }, ShuttersFrame = { "ShuttersFrame", "shutter frame", }, WindoorAssembly = { "WindoorAssembly", "windoor assembly", }, WindoorAssemblySecure = { "WindoorAssemblySecure", "secure windoor assembly", }, WindoorAssemblyClockwork = { "WindoorAssemblyClockwork", "clockwork windoor assembly", }, WindoorAssemblyPlasma = { "WindoorAssemblyPlasma", "plasma windoor assembly", }, WindoorAssemblySecurePlasma = { "WindoorAssemblySecurePlasma", "secure plasma windoor assembly", }, WindoorAssemblyUranium = { "WindoorAssemblyUranium", "uranium windoor assembly", }, WindoorAssemblySecureUranium = { "WindoorAssemblySecureUranium", "secure uranium windoor assembly", }, BaseClockworkWindoor = { "BaseClockworkWindoor", "clockwork windoor", }, Windoor = { "Windoor", "windoor", }, WindoorSecure = { "WindoorSecure", "secure windoor", }, WindoorClockwork = { "WindoorClockwork", "clockwork windoor", }, WindoorPlasma = { "WindoorPlasma", "plasma windoor", }, WindoorSecurePlasma = { "WindoorSecurePlasma", "secure plasma windoor", }, WindoorUranium = { "WindoorUranium", "uranium windoor", }, WindoorSecureUranium = { "WindoorSecureUranium", "secure uranium windoor", }, TableBase = { "TableBase", "table", }, CounterBase = { "CounterBase", "counter", }, OperatingTable = { "OperatingTable", "operating table", }, TableFrame = { "TableFrame", "table frame", }, CounterWoodFrame = { "CounterWoodFrame", "wooden counter frame", }, CounterMetalFrame = { "CounterMetalFrame", "metal counter frame", }, Table = { "Table", "table", }, TableReinforced = { "TableReinforced", "reinforced table", }, TableGlass = { "TableGlass", "glass table", }, TableReinforcedGlass = { "TableReinforcedGlass", "reinforced glass table", }, TablePlasmaGlass = { "TablePlasmaGlass", "plasma glass table", }, TableBrass = { "TableBrass", "brass table", }, TableWood = { "TableWood", "wood table", }, TableCarpet = { "TableCarpet", "gambling table", }, TableStone = { "TableStone", "stone table", }, TableWeb = { "TableWeb", "web table", }, TableFancyBase = { "TableFancyBase", "fancy table", }, TableDebug = { "TableDebug", "table", }, TableCounterWood = { "TableCounterWood", "wood counter", }, TableCounterMetal = { "TableCounterMetal", "metal counter", }, ArcadeBase = { "ArcadeBase", "arcade", }, SpaceVillainArcade = { "SpaceVillainArcade", "space villain arcade", }, BlockGameArcade = { "BlockGameArcade", "NT block game", }, BaseComputer = { "BaseComputer", "computer", }, ComputerAlert = { "ComputerAlert", "alerts computer", }, ComputerEmergencyShuttle = { "ComputerEmergencyShuttle", "emergency shuttle console", }, BaseComputerShuttle = { "BaseComputerShuttle", "shuttle console", }, ComputerShuttle = { "ComputerShuttle", "shuttle console", }, ComputerShuttleSyndie = { "ComputerShuttleSyndie", "syndicate shuttle console", }, ComputerShuttleCargo = { "ComputerShuttleCargo", "cargo shuttle console", }, ComputerShuttleSalvage = { "ComputerShuttleSalvage", "salvage shuttle console", }, ComputerIFF = { "ComputerIFF", "IFF computer", }, ComputerIFFSyndicate = { "ComputerIFFSyndicate", "IFF computer", }, ComputerPowerMonitoring = { "ComputerPowerMonitoring", "power monitoring computer", }, ComputerMedicalRecords = { "ComputerMedicalRecords", "medical records computer", }, ComputerCriminalRecords = { "ComputerCriminalRecords", "criminal records computer", }, ComputerStationRecords = { "ComputerStationRecords", "station records computer", }, ComputerCrewMonitoring = { "ComputerCrewMonitoring", "crew monitoring console", }, ComputerResearchAndDevelopment = { "ComputerResearchAndDevelopment", "R&D computer", }, ComputerAnalysisConsole = { "ComputerAnalysisConsole", "analysis console", }, ComputerId = { "ComputerId", "ID card computer", }, computerBodyScanner = { "computerBodyScanner", "body scanner computer", }, ComputerComms = { "ComputerComms", "communications computer", }, SyndicateComputerComms = { "SyndicateComputerComms", "syndicate communications computer", }, ComputerSolarControl = { "ComputerSolarControl", "solar control computer", }, ComputerRadar = { "ComputerRadar", "mass scanner computer", }, ComputerCargoShuttle = { "ComputerCargoShuttle", "cargo shuttle computer", }, ComputerCargoOrders = { "ComputerCargoOrders", "cargo request computer", }, ComputerCargoBounty = { "ComputerCargoBounty", "cargo bounty computer", }, ComputerCloningConsole = { "ComputerCloningConsole", "cloning console computer", }, ComputerSalvageExpedition = { "ComputerSalvageExpedition", "salvage expeditions computer", }, ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor = { "ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor", "camera monitor", }, ComputerSurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitor = { "ComputerSurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitor", "wireless camera monitor", }, ComputerPalletConsole = { "ComputerPalletConsole", "cargo sale computer", }, ComputerMassMedia = { "ComputerMassMedia", "news manager console", }, ComputerSensorMonitoring = { "ComputerSensorMonitoring", "sensor monitoring computer", }, ComputerRoboticsControl = { "ComputerRoboticsControl", "robotics control console", }, ComputerFrame = { "ComputerFrame", "computer frame", }, ComputerBroken = { "ComputerBroken", "broken computer", }, ComputerTechnologyDiskTerminal = { "ComputerTechnologyDiskTerminal", "tech disk terminal", }, BiomassReclaimer = { "BiomassReclaimer", "biomass reclaimer", }, MachineElectrolysisUnit = { "MachineElectrolysisUnit", "electrolysis unit", }, MachineCentrifuge = { "MachineCentrifuge", "tabletop centrifuge", }, CryoPod = { "CryoPod", "cryo pod", }, DiseaseDiagnoser = { "DiseaseDiagnoser", "Disease Diagnoser Delta Extreme", }, DiagnosisReportPaper = { "DiagnosisReportPaper", "disease diagnoser report", }, Vaccinator = { "Vaccinator", "vaccinator", }, GasPressurePump = { "GasPressurePump", "gas pump", }, GasVolumePump = { "GasVolumePump", "volumetric gas pump", }, GasPassiveGate = { "GasPassiveGate", "passive gate", }, GasValve = { "GasValve", "manual valve", }, SignalControlledValve = { "SignalControlledValve", "signal valve", }, GasPort = { "GasPort", "connector port", }, GasDualPortVentPump = { "GasDualPortVentPump", "dual-port air vent", }, GasRecycler = { "GasRecycler", "gas recycler", }, HeatExchanger = { "HeatExchanger", "radiator", }, GasMinerBase = { "GasMinerBase", "gas miner", }, GasMinerOxygen = { "GasMinerOxygen", "O2 gas miner", }, GasMinerOxygenStation = { "GasMinerOxygenStation", "O2 gas miner", }, GasMinerOxygenStationLarge = { "GasMinerOxygenStationLarge", "O2 gas miner", }, GasMinerNitrogen = { "GasMinerNitrogen", "N2 gas miner", }, GasMinerNitrogenStation = { "GasMinerNitrogenStation", "N2 gas miner", }, GasMinerNitrogenStationLarge = { "GasMinerNitrogenStationLarge", "N2 gas miner", }, GasMinerCarbonDioxide = { "GasMinerCarbonDioxide", "CO2 gas miner", }, GasMinerPlasma = { "GasMinerPlasma", "plasma gas miner", }, GasMinerTritium = { "GasMinerTritium", "tritium gas miner", }, GasMinerWaterVapor = { "GasMinerWaterVapor", "water vapor gas miner", }, GasMinerAmmonia = { "GasMinerAmmonia", "ammonia gas miner", }, GasMinerNitrousOxide = { "GasMinerNitrousOxide", "nitrous oxide gas miner", }, GasPipeBase = { "GasPipeBase", "pipe", }, GasPipeBroken = { "GasPipeBroken", "broken pipe", }, PortableScrubber = { "PortableScrubber", "portable scrubber", }, SpaceHeater = { "SpaceHeater", "space heater", }, AtmosDeviceFanTiny = { "AtmosDeviceFanTiny", "tiny fan", }, AtmosDeviceFanDirectional = { "AtmosDeviceFanDirectional", "directional fan", }, GasFilter = { "GasFilter", "gas filter", }, GasFilterFlipped = { "GasFilterFlipped", "gas filter", }, GasMixer = { "GasMixer", "gas mixer", }, GasMixerFlipped = { "GasMixerFlipped", "gas mixer", }, PressureControlledValve = { "PressureControlledValve", "pneumatic valve", }, GasVentPump = { "GasVentPump", "air vent", }, GasPassiveVent = { "GasPassiveVent", "passive vent", }, GasVentScrubber = { "GasVentScrubber", "air scrubber", }, GasOutletInjector = { "GasOutletInjector", "air injector", }, BaseGasThermoMachine = { "BaseGasThermoMachine", "thermomachine", }, GasThermoMachineFreezer = { "GasThermoMachineFreezer", "freezer", }, GasThermoMachineHeater = { "GasThermoMachineHeater", "heater", }, GasThermoMachineHellfireFreezer = { "GasThermoMachineHellfireFreezer", "hellfire freezer", }, GasThermoMachineHellfireHeater = { "GasThermoMachineHellfireHeater", "hellfire heater", }, BaseGasCondenser = { "BaseGasCondenser", "condenser", }, DisposalMachineFrame = { "DisposalMachineFrame", "high pressure machine frame", }, DisposalHolder = { "DisposalHolder", "disposal holder", }, DisposalPipeBroken = { "DisposalPipeBroken", "broken disposal pipe", }, DisposalPipe = { "DisposalPipe", "disposal pipe segment", }, DisposalTagger = { "DisposalTagger", "disposal pipe tagger", }, DisposalTrunk = { "DisposalTrunk", "disposal trunk", }, DisposalRouter = { "DisposalRouter", "disposal router", }, DisposalJunction = { "DisposalJunction", "disposal junction", }, DisposalYJunction = { "DisposalYJunction", "disposal y-junction", }, DisposalBend = { "DisposalBend", "disposal bend", }, DisposalSignalRouter = { "DisposalSignalRouter", "disposal signal router", }, DisposalUnit = { "DisposalUnit", "disposal unit", }, MailingUnit = { "MailingUnit", "mailing unit", }, AmeController = { "AmeController", "AME controller", }, AmeShielding = { "AmeShielding", "AME shielding", }, BaseGenerator = { "BaseGenerator", "generator", }, BaseGeneratorWallmount = { "BaseGeneratorWallmount", "wallmount generator", }, BaseGeneratorWallmountFrame = { "BaseGeneratorWallmountFrame", "wallmount generator frame", }, GeneratorWallmountAPU = { "GeneratorWallmountAPU", "shuttle APU", }, GeneratorRTG = { "GeneratorRTG", "RTG", }, GeneratorRTGDamaged = { "GeneratorRTGDamaged", "damaged RTG", }, PortableGeneratorPacman = { "PortableGeneratorPacman", "P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator", }, PortableGeneratorSuperPacman = { "PortableGeneratorSuperPacman", "S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator", }, PortableGeneratorJrPacman = { "PortableGeneratorJrPacman", "J.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator", }, SolarPanelBasePhysSprite = { "SolarPanelBasePhysSprite", "solar panel", }, SolarPanel = { "SolarPanel", "solar panel", }, SolarPanelBroken = { "SolarPanelBroken", "solar panel", }, SolarAssembly = { "SolarAssembly", "solar assembly", }, SolarTracker = { "SolarTracker", "solar tracker", }, TegCenter = { "TegCenter", "thermo-electric generator", }, TegCirculator = { "TegCirculator", "circulator", }, BaseAnomaly = { "BaseAnomaly", "anomaly", }, AnomalyFloraBulb = { "AnomalyFloraBulb", "strange glowing berry", }, BaseAnomalyCore = { "BaseAnomalyCore", "anomaly core", }, AirSensor = { "AirSensor", "air sensor", }, AirSensorAssembly = { "AirSensorAssembly", "air sensor assembly", }, FloorDrain = { "FloorDrain", "drain", }, MopBucket = { "MopBucket", "mop bucket", }, MopBucketFull = { "MopBucketFull", "mop bucket", }, JanitorialTrolley = { "JanitorialTrolley", "janitorial trolley", }, GasCanister = { "GasCanister", "gas canister", }, StorageCanister = { "StorageCanister", "storage canister", }, AirCanister = { "AirCanister", "air canister", }, OxygenCanister = { "OxygenCanister", "oxygen canister", }, LiquidOxygenCanister = { "LiquidOxygenCanister", "liquid oxygen canister", }, NitrogenCanister = { "NitrogenCanister", "nitrogen canister", }, LiquidNitrogenCanister = { "LiquidNitrogenCanister", "liquid nitrogen canister", }, CarbonDioxideCanister = { "CarbonDioxideCanister", "carbon dioxide canister", }, LiquidCarbonDioxideCanister = { "LiquidCarbonDioxideCanister", "liquid carbon dioxide canister", }, PlasmaCanister = { "PlasmaCanister", "plasma canister", }, TritiumCanister = { "TritiumCanister", "tritium canister", }, WaterVaporCanister = { "WaterVaporCanister", "water vapor canister", }, AmmoniaCanister = { "AmmoniaCanister", "ammonia canister", }, NitrousOxideCanister = { "NitrousOxideCanister", "nitrous oxide canister", }, FrezonCanister = { "FrezonCanister", "frezon canister", }, GasCanisterBrokenBase = { "GasCanisterBrokenBase", "broken gas canister", }, WaterVaporCanisterBroken = { "WaterVaporCanisterBroken", "broken water vapor canister", }, ClosetBase = { "ClosetBase", "closet", }, BaseWallCloset = { "BaseWallCloset", "wall closet", }, SuitStorageBase = { "SuitStorageBase", "suit storage unit", }, BaseBigBox = { "BaseBigBox", "cardboard box", }, GhostBox = { "GhostBox", "ghost box", }, ClosetTool = { "ClosetTool", "tool closet", }, ClosetRadiationSuit = { "ClosetRadiationSuit", "radiation suit closet", }, ClosetEmergency = { "ClosetEmergency", "emergency closet", }, ClosetEmergencyN2 = { "ClosetEmergencyN2", "emergency nitrogen closet", }, ClosetFire = { "ClosetFire", "fire-safety closet", }, ClosetBomb = { "ClosetBomb", "EOD closet", }, ClosetJanitorBomb = { "ClosetJanitorBomb", "janitorial bomb suit closet", }, ClosetL3 = { "ClosetL3", "level 3 biohazard gear closet", }, ClosetMaintenance = { "ClosetMaintenance", "maintenance closet", }, LockerSyndicate = { "LockerSyndicate", "armory closet", }, ClosetBluespace = { "ClosetBluespace", "suspicious closet", }, ClosetBluespaceUnstable = { "ClosetBluespaceUnstable", "suspicious closet", }, ClosetCursed = { "ClosetCursed", "closet", }, ClosetWall = { "ClosetWall", "maintenance wall closet", }, ClosetWallEmergency = { "ClosetWallEmergency", "emergency wall closet", }, ClosetWallFire = { "ClosetWallFire", "fire-safety wall closet", }, ClosetWallBlue = { "ClosetWallBlue", "blue wall closet", }, ClosetWallPink = { "ClosetWallPink", "pink wall closet", }, ClosetWallBlack = { "ClosetWallBlack", "black wall closet", }, ClosetWallGreen = { "ClosetWallGreen", "green wall closet", }, ClosetWallOrange = { "ClosetWallOrange", "prison wall closet", }, ClosetWallYellow = { "ClosetWallYellow", "yellow wall closet", }, ClosetWallWhite = { "ClosetWallWhite", "white wall closet", }, ClosetWallGrey = { "ClosetWallGrey", "grey wall closet", }, ClosetWallMixed = { "ClosetWallMixed", "mixed wall closet", }, ClosetWallAtmospherics = { "ClosetWallAtmospherics", "atmospherics wall closet", }, LockerWallMedical = { "LockerWallMedical", "medical wall locker", }, WardrobeBlue = { "WardrobeBlue", "blue wardrobe", }, WardrobePink = { "WardrobePink", "pink wardrobe", }, WardrobeBlack = { "WardrobeBlack", "black wardrobe", }, WardrobeGreen = { "WardrobeGreen", "green wardrobe", }, WardrobePrison = { "WardrobePrison", "prison wardrobe", }, WardrobeYellow = { "WardrobeYellow", "yellow wardrobe", }, WardrobeWhite = { "WardrobeWhite", "white wardrobe", }, WardrobeGrey = { "WardrobeGrey", "grey wardrobe", }, WardrobeMixed = { "WardrobeMixed", "mixed wardrobe", }, WardrobeSecurity = { "WardrobeSecurity", "security wardrobe", }, WardrobeAtmospherics = { "WardrobeAtmospherics", "atmospherics wardrobe", }, ClosetJanitor = { "ClosetJanitor", "custodial closet", }, WardrobeFormal = { "WardrobeFormal", "formal closet", }, ClosetChef = { "ClosetChef", "chef's closet", }, WardrobeChapel = { "WardrobeChapel", "chaplain's wardrobe", }, ClosetLegal = { "ClosetLegal", "legal closet", }, WardrobeCargo = { "WardrobeCargo", "cargo wardrobe", }, WardrobeSalvage = { "WardrobeSalvage", "salvage wardrobe", }, WardrobeEngineering = { "WardrobeEngineering", "engineering wardrobe", }, WardrobeMedicalDoctor = { "WardrobeMedicalDoctor", "medical doctor's wardrobe", }, WardrobeRobotics = { "WardrobeRobotics", "robotics wardrobe", }, WardrobeChemistry = { "WardrobeChemistry", "chemistry wardrobe", }, WardrobeGenetics = { "WardrobeGenetics", "genetics wardrobe", }, WardrobeVirology = { "WardrobeVirology", "virology wardrobe", }, WardrobeScience = { "WardrobeScience", "science wardrobe", }, WardrobeBotanist = { "WardrobeBotanist", "botanist wardrobe", }, CrateGeneric = { "CrateGeneric", "crate", }, CrateGenericSteel = { "CrateGenericSteel", "crate", }, CratePlastic = { "CratePlastic", "plastic crate", }, CrateFreezer = { "CrateFreezer", "freezer", }, CrateHydroponics = { "CrateHydroponics", "hydroponics crate", }, CrateMedical = { "CrateMedical", "medical crate", }, CrateRadiation = { "CrateRadiation", "radiation gear crate", }, CrateInternals = { "CrateInternals", "oxygen crate", }, CrateElectrical = { "CrateElectrical", "electrical crate", }, CrateEngineering = { "CrateEngineering", "engineering crate", }, CrateScience = { "CrateScience", "science crate", }, CrateSurgery = { "CrateSurgery", "surgery crate", }, CrateWeb = { "CrateWeb", "web crate", }, CrateSecgear = { "CrateSecgear", "secgear crate", }, CrateEngineeringSecure = { "CrateEngineeringSecure", "secure engineering crate", }, CrateMedicalSecure = { "CrateMedicalSecure", "secure medical crate", }, CrateChemistrySecure = { "CrateChemistrySecure", "secure chemistry crate", }, CratePrivateSecure = { "CratePrivateSecure", "private crate", }, CrateScienceSecure = { "CrateScienceSecure", "secure science crate", }, CratePlasma = { "CratePlasma", "plasma crate", }, CrateSecure = { "CrateSecure", "secure crate", }, CrateHydroSecure = { "CrateHydroSecure", "secure hydroponics crate", }, CrateWeaponSecure = { "CrateWeaponSecure", "secure weapon crate", }, CrateContrabandStorageSecure = { "CrateContrabandStorageSecure", "contraband storage crate", }, CrateCommandSecure = { "CrateCommandSecure", "command crate", }, CrateLivestock = { "CrateLivestock", "livestock crate", }, CrateRodentCage = { "CrateRodentCage", "hamster cage", }, CratePirate = { "CratePirate", "pirate chest", }, CrateToyBox = { "CrateToyBox", "toy box", }, CrateCoffin = { "CrateCoffin", "coffin", }, CrateWoodenGrave = { "CrateWoodenGrave", "grave", }, CrateStoneGrave = { "CrateStoneGrave", "grave", }, CrateSyndicate = { "CrateSyndicate", "Syndicate crate", }, CrateTrashCart = { "CrateTrashCart", "trash cart", }, CrateTrashCartJani = { "CrateTrashCartJani", "janitorial trash cart", }, StorageTank = { "StorageTank", "storage tank", }, WeldingFuelTank = { "WeldingFuelTank", "fuel tank", }, WeldingFuelTankHighCapacity = { "WeldingFuelTankHighCapacity", "high-capacity fuel tank", }, WaterTank = { "WaterTank", "water tank", }, WaterCooler = { "WaterCooler", "water cooler", }, WaterTankHighCapacity = { "WaterTankHighCapacity", "high-capacity water tank", }, PlaqueAtmos = { "PlaqueAtmos", "atmos plaque", }, BaseBarSign = { "BaseBarSign", "bar sign", }, BarSign = { "BarSign", "bar sign", }, BarSignComboCafe = { "BarSignComboCafe", "Combo Cafe", }, BarSignEmergencyRumParty = { "BarSignEmergencyRumParty", "Emergency Rum Party", }, BarSignLV426 = { "BarSignLV426", "LV426", }, BarSignMaidCafe = { "BarSignMaidCafe", "Maid Cafe", }, BarSignMalteseFalcon = { "BarSignMalteseFalcon", "Maltese Falcon", }, BarSignOfficerBeersky = { "BarSignOfficerBeersky", "Officer Beersky", }, BarSignRobustaCafe = { "BarSignRobustaCafe", "Robusta Cafe", }, BarSignTheAleNath = { "BarSignTheAleNath", "The Ale Nath", }, BarSignTheBirdCage = { "BarSignTheBirdCage", "The Bird Cage", }, BarSignTheCoderbus = { "BarSignTheCoderbus", "The Coderbus", }, BarSignTheDrunkCarp = { "BarSignTheDrunkCarp", "The Drunk Carp", }, BarSignEngineChange = { "BarSignEngineChange", "The Engine Change", }, BarSignTheHarmbaton = { "BarSignTheHarmbaton", "The Harmbaton", }, BarSignTheLightbulb = { "BarSignTheLightbulb", "The Lightbulb", }, BarSignTheLooseGoose = { "BarSignTheLooseGoose", "The Loose Goose", }, BarSignTheNet = { "BarSignTheNet", "The Net", }, BarSignTheOuterSpess = { "BarSignTheOuterSpess", "The Outer Spess", }, BarSignTheSingulo = { "BarSignTheSingulo", "The Singulo", }, BarSignTheSun = { "BarSignTheSun", "The Sun", }, BarSignWiggleRoom = { "BarSignWiggleRoom", "Wiggle Room", }, BarSignZocalo = { "BarSignZocalo", "Zocalo", }, BarSignEmprah = { "BarSignEmprah", "4 The Emprah", }, BarSignSpacebucks = { "BarSignSpacebucks", "Spacebucks", }, BaseSign = { "BaseSign", "base sign", }, BlankFlag = { "BlankFlag", "blank flag", }, NTFlag = { "NTFlag", "Nanotrasen flag", }, SyndieFlag = { "SyndieFlag", "syndicate flag", }, LGBTQFlag = { "LGBTQFlag", "LGBTQ flag", }, PirateFlag = { "PirateFlag", "pirate flag", }, PosterMapMetaRight = { "PosterMapMetaRight", "Meta Station map", }, PaintingEmpty = { "PaintingEmpty", "empty frame", }, PaintingMoony = { "PaintingMoony", "Abstract No.1", }, PaintingPersistenceOfMemory = { "PaintingPersistenceOfMemory", "The Persistence of Memory", }, PaintingTheSonOfMan = { "PaintingTheSonOfMan", "The Son of Man", }, PaintingTheKiss = { "PaintingTheKiss", "The Kiss", }, PaintingTheScream = { "PaintingTheScream", "The Scream", }, PaintingTheGreatWave = { "PaintingTheGreatWave", "The Great Wave off Kanagawa", }, PaintingCafeTerraceAtNight = { "PaintingCafeTerraceAtNight", "Cafe Terrace at Night", }, PaintingNightHawks = { "PaintingNightHawks", "Nighthawks", }, PaintingSkeletonCigarette = { "PaintingSkeletonCigarette", "Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette", }, PaintingSkeletonBoof = { "PaintingSkeletonBoof", "Skull of MLG Skeleton with Fat Boof", }, PaintingPrayerHands = { "PaintingPrayerHands", "Study of the Hands of an Apostle", }, PaintingOldGuitarist = { "PaintingOldGuitarist", "The Old Guitarist", }, PaintingOlympia = { "PaintingOlympia", "Olympia", }, PaintingSaturn = { "PaintingSaturn", "Saturn Devouring His Son", }, PaintingSleepingGypsy = { "PaintingSleepingGypsy", "The Sleeping Gypsy", }, PaintingRedBlueYellow = { "PaintingRedBlueYellow", "Composition with Red Blue and Yellow", }, PaintingAmogusTriptych = { "PaintingAmogusTriptych", "Amogus Triptych (Untitled.)", }, PaintingHelloWorld = { "PaintingHelloWorld", "Hello World", }, PaintingSadClown = { "PaintingSadClown", "Sad Clown", }, PosterBroken = { "PosterBroken", "broken poster", }, PosterContrabandFreeTonto = { "PosterContrabandFreeTonto", "Free Tonto", }, PosterContrabandAtmosiaDeclarationIndependence = { "PosterContrabandAtmosiaDeclarationIndependence", "Atmosia Declaration of Independence", }, PosterContrabandFunPolice = { "PosterContrabandFunPolice", "Fun Police", }, PosterContrabandLustyExomorph = { "PosterContrabandLustyExomorph", "Lusty Exomorph", }, PosterContrabandSyndicateRecruitment = { "PosterContrabandSyndicateRecruitment", "Syndicate Recruitment", }, PosterContrabandClown = { "PosterContrabandClown", "Clown", }, PosterContrabandSmoke = { "PosterContrabandSmoke", "Smoke", }, PosterContrabandGreyTide = { "PosterContrabandGreyTide", "Grey Tide", }, PosterContrabandMissingGloves = { "PosterContrabandMissingGloves", "Missing Gloves", }, PosterContrabandHackingGuide = { "PosterContrabandHackingGuide", "Hacking Guide", }, PosterContrabandRIPBadger = { "PosterContrabandRIPBadger", "RIP Badger", }, PosterContrabandAmbrosiaVulgaris = { "PosterContrabandAmbrosiaVulgaris", "Ambrosia Vulgaris", }, PosterContrabandDonutCorp = { "PosterContrabandDonutCorp", "Donut Corp.", }, PosterContrabandEAT = { "PosterContrabandEAT", "EAT.", }, PosterContrabandTools = { "PosterContrabandTools", "Tools", }, PosterContrabandPower = { "PosterContrabandPower", "Power", }, PosterContrabandSpaceCube = { "PosterContrabandSpaceCube", "Space Cube", }, PosterContrabandCommunistState = { "PosterContrabandCommunistState", "Communist State", }, PosterContrabandLamarr = { "PosterContrabandLamarr", "Lamarr", }, PosterContrabandBorgFancy = { "PosterContrabandBorgFancy", "Borg Fancy", }, PosterContrabandBorgFancyv2 = { "PosterContrabandBorgFancyv2", "Borg Fancy v2", }, PosterContrabandKosmicheskayaStantsiya = { "PosterContrabandKosmicheskayaStantsiya", "Kosmicheskaya Stantsiya 13 Does Not Exist", }, PosterContrabandRebelsUnite = { "PosterContrabandRebelsUnite", "Rebels Unite", }, PosterContrabandC20r = { "PosterContrabandC20r", "C-20r", }, PosterContrabandHaveaPuff = { "PosterContrabandHaveaPuff", "Have a Puff", }, PosterContrabandRevolver = { "PosterContrabandRevolver", "Revolver", }, PosterContrabandDDayPromo = { "PosterContrabandDDayPromo", "D-Day Promo", }, PosterContrabandSyndicatePistol = { "PosterContrabandSyndicatePistol", "Syndicate Pistol", }, PosterContrabandEnergySwords = { "PosterContrabandEnergySwords", "Energy Swords", }, PosterContrabandRedRum = { "PosterContrabandRedRum", "Red Rum", }, PosterContrabandCC64KAd = { "PosterContrabandCC64KAd", "CC 64K Ad", }, PosterContrabandPunchShit = { "PosterContrabandPunchShit", "Punch Shit", }, PosterContrabandTheGriffin = { "PosterContrabandTheGriffin", "The Griffin", }, PosterContrabandFreeDrone = { "PosterContrabandFreeDrone", "Free Drone", }, PosterContrabandBustyBackdoorExoBabes6 = { "PosterContrabandBustyBackdoorExoBabes6", "Busty Backdoor Exo Babes 6", }, PosterContrabandRobustSoftdrinks = { "PosterContrabandRobustSoftdrinks", "Robust Softdrinks", }, PosterContrabandShamblersJuice = { "PosterContrabandShamblersJuice", "Shambler's Juice", }, PosterContrabandPwrGame = { "PosterContrabandPwrGame", "Pwr Game", }, PosterContrabandSunkist = { "PosterContrabandSunkist", "Sun-kist", }, PosterContrabandSpaceCola = { "PosterContrabandSpaceCola", "Space Cola", }, PosterContrabandSpaceUp = { "PosterContrabandSpaceUp", "Space-Up!", }, PosterContrabandKudzu = { "PosterContrabandKudzu", "Kudzu", }, PosterContrabandMaskedMen = { "PosterContrabandMaskedMen", "Masked Men", }, PosterContrabandUnreadableAnnouncement = { "PosterContrabandUnreadableAnnouncement", "Unreadable Announcement", }, PosterContrabandFreeSyndicateEncryptionKey = { "PosterContrabandFreeSyndicateEncryptionKey", "Free Syndicate Encryption Key", }, PosterContrabandBountyHunters = { "PosterContrabandBountyHunters", "Bounty Hunters", }, PosterContrabandTheBigGasTruth = { "PosterContrabandTheBigGasTruth", "The Big Gas Giant Truth", }, PosterContrabandWehWatches = { "PosterContrabandWehWatches", "Weh Watches", }, PosterContrabandVoteWeh = { "PosterContrabandVoteWeh", "Vote Weh", }, PosterContrabandBeachStarYamamoto = { "PosterContrabandBeachStarYamamoto", "Beach Star Yamamoto!", }, PosterContrabandHighEffectEngineering = { "PosterContrabandHighEffectEngineering", "High Effect Engineering", }, PosterContrabandNuclearDeviceInformational = { "PosterContrabandNuclearDeviceInformational", "Nuclear Device Informational", }, PosterContrabandRise = { "PosterContrabandRise", "Rise Up", }, PosterContrabandRevolt = { "PosterContrabandRevolt", "Revolt", }, PosterContrabandMoth = { "PosterContrabandMoth", "Syndie Moth - Nuclear Operation", }, PosterContrabandCybersun600 = { "PosterContrabandCybersun600", "Cybersun: 600 Years Commemorative Poster", }, PosterContrabandDonk = { "PosterContrabandDonk", "DONK CO. BRAND MICROWAVEABLE FOOD", }, PosterContrabandEnlistGorlex = { "PosterContrabandEnlistGorlex", "Enlist", }, PosterContrabandInterdyne = { "PosterContrabandInterdyne", "Interdyne Pharmaceutics: For the Health of Humankind", }, PosterContrabandWaffleCorp = { "PosterContrabandWaffleCorp", "Make Mine a Waffle Corp: Fine Rifles, Economic Prices", }, PosterContrabandMissingSpacepen = { "PosterContrabandMissingSpacepen", "Missing Spacepen", }, PosterLegitHereForYourSafety = { "PosterLegitHereForYourSafety", "Here For Your Safety", }, PosterLegitNanotrasenLogo = { "PosterLegitNanotrasenLogo", "Nanotrasen Logo", }, PosterLegitCleanliness = { "PosterLegitCleanliness", "Cleanliness", }, PosterLegitHelpOthers = { "PosterLegitHelpOthers", "Help Others", }, PosterLegitBuild = { "PosterLegitBuild", "Build", }, PosterLegitBlessThisSpess = { "PosterLegitBlessThisSpess", "Bless This Spess", }, PosterLegitScience = { "PosterLegitScience", "Science", }, PosterLegitIan = { "PosterLegitIan", "Ian", }, PosterLegitObey = { "PosterLegitObey", "Obey", }, PosterLegitWalk = { "PosterLegitWalk", "Walk", }, PosterLegitStateLaws = { "PosterLegitStateLaws", "State Laws", }, PosterLegitLoveIan = { "PosterLegitLoveIan", "Love Ian", }, PosterLegitSpaceCops = { "PosterLegitSpaceCops", "Space Cops.", }, PosterLegitUeNo = { "PosterLegitUeNo", "Ue No.", }, PosterLegitGetYourLEGS = { "PosterLegitGetYourLEGS", "Get Your LEGS", }, PosterLegitDoNotQuestion = { "PosterLegitDoNotQuestion", "Do Not Question", }, PosterLegitWorkForAFuture = { "PosterLegitWorkForAFuture", "Work For A Future", }, PosterLegitSoftCapPopArt = { "PosterLegitSoftCapPopArt", "Soft Cap Pop Art", }, PosterLegitSafetyInternals = { "PosterLegitSafetyInternals", "Safety: Internals", }, PosterLegitSafetyEyeProtection = { "PosterLegitSafetyEyeProtection", "Safety: Eye Protection", }, PosterLegitSafetyReport = { "PosterLegitSafetyReport", "Safety: Report", }, PosterLegitReportCrimes = { "PosterLegitReportCrimes", "Report Crimes", }, PosterLegitIonRifle = { "PosterLegitIonRifle", "Ion Rifle", }, PosterLegitFoamForceAd = { "PosterLegitFoamForceAd", "Foam Force Ad", }, PosterLegitCohibaRobustoAd = { "PosterLegitCohibaRobustoAd", "Cohiba Robusto Ad", }, PosterLegit50thAnniversaryVintageReprint = { "PosterLegit50thAnniversaryVintageReprint", "50th Anniversary Vintage Reprint", }, PosterLegitFruitBowl = { "PosterLegitFruitBowl", "Fruit Bowl", }, PosterLegitPDAAd = { "PosterLegitPDAAd", "PDA Ad", }, PosterLegitEnlist = { "PosterLegitEnlist", "Enlist", }, PosterLegitNanomichiAd = { "PosterLegitNanomichiAd", "Nanomichi Ad", }, PosterLegit12Gauge = { "PosterLegit12Gauge", "12 gauge", }, PosterLegitHighClassMartini = { "PosterLegitHighClassMartini", "High-Class Martini", }, PosterLegitTheOwl = { "PosterLegitTheOwl", "The Owl", }, PosterLegitNoERP = { "PosterLegitNoERP", "No ERP", }, PosterLegitCarbonDioxide = { "PosterLegitCarbonDioxide", "Carbon Dioxide", }, PosterLegitDickGumshue = { "PosterLegitDickGumshue", "Dick Gumshue", }, PosterLegitThereIsNoGasGiant = { "PosterLegitThereIsNoGasGiant", "There Is No Gas Giant", }, PosterLegitJustAWeekAway = { "PosterLegitJustAWeekAway", "Just a Week Away...", }, PosterLegitSecWatch = { "PosterLegitSecWatch", "Sec is Watching You", }, PosterLegitAnatomyPoster = { "PosterLegitAnatomyPoster", "Anatomy of a spessman", }, PosterLegitMime = { "PosterLegitMime", "Mime Postmodern", }, PosterLegitCarpMount = { "PosterLegitCarpMount", "Wall-mounted Carp", }, PosterLegitSafetyMothDelam = { "PosterLegitSafetyMothDelam", "Safety Moth - Delamination Safety Precautions", }, PosterLegitSafetyMothEpi = { "PosterLegitSafetyMothEpi", "Safety Moth - Epinephrine", }, PosterLegitSafetyMothHardhat = { "PosterLegitSafetyMothHardhat", "Safety Moth - Hardhats", }, PosterLegitSafetyMothMeth = { "PosterLegitSafetyMothMeth", "Safety Moth - Methamphetamine", }, PosterLegitSafetyMothPiping = { "PosterLegitSafetyMothPiping", "Safety Moth - Piping", }, PosterLegitVacation = { "PosterLegitVacation", "Nanotrasen Corporate Perks: Vacation", }, PosterLegitPeriodicTable = { "PosterLegitPeriodicTable", "Periodic Table of the Elements", }, PosterLegitRenault = { "PosterLegitRenault", "Renault Poster", }, PosterLegitNTTGC = { "PosterLegitNTTGC", "Nanotrasen Tactical Game Cards", }, PosterMapBagel = { "PosterMapBagel", "Bagel Map", }, PosterMapDelta = { "PosterMapDelta", "Delta Map", }, PosterMapMarathon = { "PosterMapMarathon", "Marathon Map", }, PosterMapMoose = { "PosterMapMoose", "Moose Map", }, PosterMapPacked = { "PosterMapPacked", "Packed Map", }, PosterMapPillar = { "PosterMapPillar", "Pillar Map", }, PosterMapSaltern = { "PosterMapSaltern", "Saltern Map", }, PosterMapSplit = { "PosterMapSplit", "Split Station Map", }, PosterMapLighthouse = { "PosterMapLighthouse", "Lighthouse Map", }, PosterMapWaystation = { "PosterMapWaystation", "Waystation Map", }, PosterMapOrigin = { "PosterMapOrigin", "origin map", }, PaintingMonkey = { "PaintingMonkey", "monkey painting", }, SignDirectionalBar = { "SignDirectionalBar", "bar sign", }, SignDirectionalBridge = { "SignDirectionalBridge", "bridge sign", }, SignDirectionalBrig = { "SignDirectionalBrig", "brig sign", }, SignDirectionalChapel = { "SignDirectionalChapel", "chapel sign", }, SignDirectionalChemistry = { "SignDirectionalChemistry", "chemistry sign", }, SignDirectionalCryo = { "SignDirectionalCryo", "cryo sign", }, SignDirectionalDorms = { "SignDirectionalDorms", "dorms sign", }, SignDirectionalEng = { "SignDirectionalEng", "engineering sign", }, SignDirectionalEvac = { "SignDirectionalEvac", "evac sign", }, SignDirectionalExam = { "SignDirectionalExam", "exam sign", }, SignDirectionalFood = { "SignDirectionalFood", "food sign", }, SignDirectionalGravity = { "SignDirectionalGravity", "gravity sign", }, SignDirectionalHop = { "SignDirectionalHop", "hop sign", }, SignDirectionalHydro = { "SignDirectionalHydro", "hydro sign", }, SignDirectionalIcu = { "SignDirectionalIcu", "icu sign", }, SignDirectionalJanitor = { "SignDirectionalJanitor", "janitor sign", }, SignDirectionalLibrary = { "SignDirectionalLibrary", "library sign", }, SignDirectionalMed = { "SignDirectionalMed", "medical sign", }, SignDirectionalSalvage = { "SignDirectionalSalvage", "salvage sign", }, SignDirectionalSci = { "SignDirectionalSci", "science sign", }, SignDirectionalSec = { "SignDirectionalSec", "sec sign", }, SignDirectionalSolar = { "SignDirectionalSolar", "solars sign", }, SignDirectionalSupply = { "SignDirectionalSupply", "supply sign", }, SignDirectionalWash = { "SignDirectionalWash", "washroom sign", }, SignAi = { "SignAi", "ai sign", }, SignAiUpload = { "SignAiUpload", "ai upload sign", }, SignArcade = { "SignArcade", "arcade sign", }, SignArmory = { "SignArmory", "armory sign", }, SignToolStorage = { "SignToolStorage", "tool storage sign", }, SignAnomaly = { "SignAnomaly", "xenoarcheology lab sign", }, SignAnomaly2 = { "SignAnomaly2", "anomaly lab sign", }, SignAtmos = { "SignAtmos", "atmos sign", }, SignBar = { "SignBar", "bar sign", }, SignKitchen = { "SignKitchen", "kitchen sign", }, SignTheater = { "SignTheater", "theater sign", }, SignBarbershop = { "SignBarbershop", "barbershop sign", }, SignBio = { "SignBio", "bio sign", }, SignBiohazard = { "SignBiohazard", "biohazard sign", }, SignBridge = { "SignBridge", "bridge sign", }, SignCanisters = { "SignCanisters", "canisters sign", }, SignCargo = { "SignCargo", "cargo sign", }, SignCargoDock = { "SignCargoDock", "cargo dock sign", }, SignChapel = { "SignChapel", "chapel sign", }, SignChem = { "SignChem", "chemistry sign", }, SignCloning = { "SignCloning", "cloning sign", }, SignConference = { "SignConference", "conference room sign", }, SignCryo = { "SignCryo", "cryosleep sign", }, SignDisposalSpace = { "SignDisposalSpace", "disposal sign", }, SignDoors = { "SignDoors", "doors sign", }, SignRestroom = { "SignRestroom", "restroom sign", }, SignMaterials = { "SignMaterials", "materials sign", }, SignEngine = { "SignEngine", "power sign", }, SignEngineering = { "SignEngineering", "engineering sign", }, SignEscapePods = { "SignEscapePods", "escape pods sign", }, SignEVA = { "SignEVA", "EVA sign", }, SignElectrical = { "SignElectrical", "electrical sign", }, SignExamroom = { "SignExamroom", "examination room sign", }, SignFire = { "SignFire", "fire sign", }, SignGravity = { "SignGravity", "gravity sign", }, SignHead = { "SignHead", "head sign", }, SignHydro1 = { "SignHydro1", "hydro sign", }, SignInterrogation = { "SignInterrogation", "interrogation sign", }, SignJanitor = { "SignJanitor", "janitor sign", }, SignLaundromat = { "SignLaundromat", "laundromat sign", }, SignLawyer = { "SignLawyer", "law sign", }, SignLibrary = { "SignLibrary", "library sign", }, SignMail = { "SignMail", "mail sign", }, SignMedical = { "SignMedical", "medbay sign", }, SignMorgue = { "SignMorgue", "morgue sign", }, SignNews = { "SignNews", "news sign", }, SignNosmoking = { "SignNosmoking", "no smoking sign", }, SignPrison = { "SignPrison", "prison sign", }, SignPsychology = { "SignPsychology", "psychology sign", }, SignReception = { "SignReception", "reception sign", }, SignRND = { "SignRND", "research and development sign", }, SignRobo = { "SignRobo", "robo sign", }, SignSalvage = { "SignSalvage", "salvage sign", }, SignScience = { "SignScience", "science sign", }, SignServer = { "SignServer", "server sign", }, SignCans = { "SignCans", "canisters sign", }, SignShipDock = { "SignShipDock", "evac sign", }, SignSpace = { "SignSpace", "space sign", }, SignSurgery = { "SignSurgery", "surgery sign", }, SignTelecomms = { "SignTelecomms", "telecomms sign", }, SignToxins = { "SignToxins", "toxins sign", }, SignVault = { "SignVault", "vault sign", }, SignVirology = { "SignVirology", "virology sign", }, SignCorrosives = { "SignCorrosives", "corrosives warning sign", }, SignCryogenics = { "SignCryogenics", "cryogenics warning sign", }, SignDanger = { "SignDanger", "danger warning sign", }, SignExplosives = { "SignExplosives", "explosives warning sign", }, SignFlammable = { "SignFlammable", "flammable warning sign", }, SignLaser = { "SignLaser", "laser warning sign", }, SignMagnetics = { "SignMagnetics", "magnetics warning sign", }, SignMemetic = { "SignMemetic", "memetic warning sign", }, SignSecure = { "SignSecure", "secure sign", }, SignSecurearea = { "SignSecurearea", "secure area sign", }, SignShock = { "SignShock", "shock sign", }, SignOptical = { "SignOptical", "optical warning sign", }, SignOxidants = { "SignOxidants", "oxidants warning sign", }, SignRadiation = { "SignRadiation", "radiation warning sign", }, SignXenobio = { "SignXenobio", "xenobio sign", }, SignZomlab = { "SignZomlab", "zombie lab sign", }, SignSecureMedRed = { "SignSecureMedRed", "red secure sign", }, SignSecureSmall = { "SignSecureSmall", "small secure sign", }, SignSecureSmallRed = { "SignSecureSmallRed", "small red secure sign", }, SignBlankMed = { "SignBlankMed", "blank sign", }, SignMagneticsMed = { "SignMagneticsMed", "magnetics sign", }, SignDangerMed = { "SignDangerMed", "danger sign", }, ExplosivesSignMed = { "ExplosivesSignMed", "explosives sign", }, SignCryogenicsMed = { "SignCryogenicsMed", "cryogenics sign", }, SignElectricalMed = { "SignElectricalMed", "electrical sign", }, SignBiohazardMed = { "SignBiohazardMed", "biohazard sign", }, SignRadiationMed = { "SignRadiationMed", "radiation sign", }, SignFlammableMed = { "SignFlammableMed", "flammable sign", }, SignLaserMed = { "SignLaserMed", "laser sign", }, SignSecureMed = { "SignSecureMed", "secure sign", }, WarningAir = { "WarningAir", "air warning sign", }, WarningCO2 = { "WarningCO2", "CO2 warning sign", }, WarningN2 = { "WarningN2", "N2 warning sign", }, WarningN2O = { "WarningN2O", "N2O warning sign", }, WarningO2 = { "WarningO2", "O2 warning sign", }, WarningPlasma = { "WarningPlasma", "plasma waste sign", }, WarningTritium = { "WarningTritium", "tritium waste sign", }, WarningWaste = { "WarningWaste", "atmos waste sign", }, SignSmoking = { "SignSmoking", "no smoking sign", }, SignSomethingOld = { "SignSomethingOld", "old sign", }, SignSomethingOld2 = { "SignSomethingOld2", "old sign", }, SignSecurity = { "SignSecurity", "security sign", }, SignPlaque = { "SignPlaque", "golden plaque", }, SignKiddiePlaque = { "SignKiddiePlaque", "kiddie plaque", }, SignNanotrasen1 = { "SignNanotrasen1", "nanotrasen sign 1", }, SignNanotrasen2 = { "SignNanotrasen2", "nanotrasen sign 2", }, SignNanotrasen3 = { "SignNanotrasen3", "nanotrasen sign 3", }, SignNanotrasen4 = { "SignNanotrasen4", "nanotrasen sign 4", }, SignNanotrasen5 = { "SignNanotrasen5", "nanotrasen sign 5", }, SignRedOne = { "SignRedOne", "one sign", }, SignRedTwo = { "SignRedTwo", "two sign", }, SignRedThree = { "SignRedThree", "three sign", }, SignRedFour = { "SignRedFour", "four sign", }, SignRedFive = { "SignRedFive", "five sign", }, SignRedSix = { "SignRedSix", "six sign", }, SignRedSeven = { "SignRedSeven", "seven sign", }, SignRedEight = { "SignRedEight", "eight sign", }, SignRedNine = { "SignRedNine", "nine sign", }, SignRedZero = { "SignRedZero", "zero sign", }, SignSurvival = { "SignSurvival", "survival sign", }, SignNTMine = { "SignNTMine", "mine sign", }, DonkpocketBoxSpawner = { "DonkpocketBoxSpawner", "Donkpocket Box Spawner", }, RandomDrinkBottle = { "RandomDrinkBottle", "random drink spawner", }, RandomDrinkGlass = { "RandomDrinkGlass", "random drink spawner", }, RandomDrinkSoda = { "RandomDrinkSoda", "random soda spawner", }, RandomFoodBakedSingle = { "RandomFoodBakedSingle", "random baked food spawner", }, RandomFoodBakedWhole = { "RandomFoodBakedWhole", "random baked food spawner", }, RandomFoodMeal = { "RandomFoodMeal", "random food spawner", }, RandomProduce = { "RandomProduce", "random produce spawner", }, RandomFoodSingle = { "RandomFoodSingle", "random food spawner", }, RandomSnacks = { "RandomSnacks", "random snack spawner", }, FoodBagel = { "FoodBagel", "bagel", }, FoodBagelPoppy = { "FoodBagelPoppy", "poppy seed bagel", }, FoodBreadVolcanic = { "FoodBreadVolcanic", "volcanic loaf", }, FoodBreadVolcanicSlice = { "FoodBreadVolcanicSlice", "volcanic slice", }, FoodBreadBanana = { "FoodBreadBanana", "banana bread", }, FoodBreadBananaSlice = { "FoodBreadBananaSlice", "banana bread slice", }, FoodBreadCorn = { "FoodBreadCorn", "cornbread", }, FoodBreadCornSlice = { "FoodBreadCornSlice", "cornbread slice", }, FoodBreadCreamcheese = { "FoodBreadCreamcheese", "cream cheese bread", }, FoodBreadCreamcheeseSlice = { "FoodBreadCreamcheeseSlice", "cream cheese bread slice", }, FoodBreadMeat = { "FoodBreadMeat", "meat bread", }, FoodBreadMeatSlice = { "FoodBreadMeatSlice", "meat bread slice", }, FoodBreadMimana = { "FoodBreadMimana", "mimana bread", }, FoodBreadMimanaSlice = { "FoodBreadMimanaSlice", "mimana bread slice", }, FoodBreadPlain = { "FoodBreadPlain", "bread", }, FoodBreadPlainSlice = { "FoodBreadPlainSlice", "bread slice", }, FoodBreadSausage = { "FoodBreadSausage", "sausage bread", }, FoodBreadSausageSlice = { "FoodBreadSausageSlice", "sausage bread slice", }, FoodBreadMeatSpider = { "FoodBreadMeatSpider", "spider meat bread", }, FoodBreadMeatSpiderSlice = { "FoodBreadMeatSpiderSlice", "spider meat bread slice", }, FoodBreadTofu = { "FoodBreadTofu", "tofu bread", }, FoodBreadTofuSlice = { "FoodBreadTofuSlice", "tofu bread slice", }, FoodBreadMeatXeno = { "FoodBreadMeatXeno", "xeno meat bread", }, FoodBreadMeatXenoSlice = { "FoodBreadMeatXenoSlice", "xeno meat bread slice", }, FoodBreadBaguette = { "FoodBreadBaguette", "baguette", }, FoodBreadBaguetteSlice = { "FoodBreadBaguetteSlice", "crostini", }, FoodBreadButteredToast = { "FoodBreadButteredToast", "buttered toast", }, FoodBreadFrenchToast = { "FoodBreadFrenchToast", "french toast", }, FoodBreadGarlicSlice = { "FoodBreadGarlicSlice", "garlic bread", }, FoodBreadJellySlice = { "FoodBreadJellySlice", "jelly toast", }, FoodBreadMoldySlice = { "FoodBreadMoldySlice", "moldy bread slice", }, FoodBreadTwoSlice = { "FoodBreadTwoSlice", "two slice", }, MobBreadDog = { "MobBreadDog", "bread dog", }, FoodCakeBlueberry = { "FoodCakeBlueberry", "blueberry cake", }, FoodCakeBlueberrySlice = { "FoodCakeBlueberrySlice", "blueberry slice", }, FoodCakePlain = { "FoodCakePlain", "cake", }, FoodCakePlainSlice = { "FoodCakePlainSlice", "slice of cake", }, FoodCakeCarrot = { "FoodCakeCarrot", "carrot cake", }, FoodCakeCarrotSlice = { "FoodCakeCarrotSlice", "slice of carrot cake", }, FoodCakeBrain = { "FoodCakeBrain", "brain cake", }, FoodCakeBrainSlice = { "FoodCakeBrainSlice", "slice of brain cake", }, FoodCakeCheese = { "FoodCakeCheese", "cheese cake", }, FoodCakeCheeseSlice = { "FoodCakeCheeseSlice", "slice of cheese cake", }, FoodCakeOrange = { "FoodCakeOrange", "orange cake", }, FoodCakeOrangeSlice = { "FoodCakeOrangeSlice", "slice of orange cake", }, FoodCakeLime = { "FoodCakeLime", "lime cake", }, FoodCakeLimeSlice = { "FoodCakeLimeSlice", "slice of lime cake", }, FoodCakeLemon = { "FoodCakeLemon", "lemon cake", }, FoodCakeLemonSlice = { "FoodCakeLemonSlice", "slice of lemon cake", }, FoodCakeLemoon = { "FoodCakeLemoon", "lemoon cake", }, FoodCakeLemoonSlice = { "FoodCakeLemoonSlice", "shard of lemoon cake", }, FoodCakeChocolate = { "FoodCakeChocolate", "chocolate cake", }, FoodCakeChocolateSlice = { "FoodCakeChocolateSlice", "slice of chocolate cake", }, FoodCakeApple = { "FoodCakeApple", "apple cake", }, FoodCakeAppleSlice = { "FoodCakeAppleSlice", "slice of apple cake", }, FoodCakeSlime = { "FoodCakeSlime", "slime cake", }, FoodCakeSlimeSlice = { "FoodCakeSlimeSlice", "slice of slime cake", }, FoodCakePumpkin = { "FoodCakePumpkin", "pumpkin-spice cake", }, FoodCakePumpkinSlice = { "FoodCakePumpkinSlice", "slice of pumpkin-spice cake", }, FoodCakeChristmas = { "FoodCakeChristmas", "christmas cake", }, FoodCakeChristmasSlice = { "FoodCakeChristmasSlice", "slice of christmas cake", }, FoodCakeBirthday = { "FoodCakeBirthday", "birthday cake", }, FoodCakeBirthdaySlice = { "FoodCakeBirthdaySlice", "slice of birthday cake", }, FoodCakeVanilla = { "FoodCakeVanilla", "vanilla cake", }, FoodCakeVanillaSlice = { "FoodCakeVanillaSlice", "slice of vanilla cake", }, FoodCakeClown = { "FoodCakeClown", "clown cake", }, FoodCakeClownSlice = { "FoodCakeClownSlice", "slice of clown cake", }, FoodCakeSpaceman = { "FoodCakeSpaceman", "spaceman's cake", }, FoodCakeSpacemanSlice = { "FoodCakeSpacemanSlice", "slice of spaceman's cake", }, MobCatCake = { "MobCatCake", "cak", }, FoodCakeSuppermatter = { "FoodCakeSuppermatter", "suppermatter", }, FoodCakeSuppermatterSlice = { "FoodCakeSuppermatterSlice", "suppermatter shard", }, FoodDonkpocket = { "FoodDonkpocket", "donk-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketWarm", "warm donk-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketDank = { "FoodDonkpocketDank", "dank-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketDankWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketDankWarm", "warm dank-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketSpicy = { "FoodDonkpocketSpicy", "spicy-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketSpicyWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketSpicyWarm", "warm spicy-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketTeriyaki = { "FoodDonkpocketTeriyaki", "teriyaki-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketTeriyakiWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketTeriyakiWarm", "warm teriyaki-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketPizza = { "FoodDonkpocketPizza", "pizza-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketPizzaWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketPizzaWarm", "warm pizza-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketHonk = { "FoodDonkpocketHonk", "honk-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketHonkWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketHonkWarm", "warm honk-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketBerry = { "FoodDonkpocketBerry", "berry-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketBerryWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketBerryWarm", "warm berry-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketStonk = { "FoodDonkpocketStonk", "stonk-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketStonkWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketStonkWarm", "warm stonk-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketCarp = { "FoodDonkpocketCarp", "carp-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketCarpWarm = { "FoodDonkpocketCarpWarm", "warm carp-pocket", }, FoodDonkpocketDink = { "FoodDonkpocketDink", "dink-pocket", }, FoodDonutPlain = { "FoodDonutPlain", "plain donut", }, FoodDonutJellyPlain = { "FoodDonutJellyPlain", "plain jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutHomer = { "FoodDonutHomer", "donut", }, FoodDonutChaos = { "FoodDonutChaos", "chaos donut", }, FoodDonutMeat = { "FoodDonutMeat", "meat donut", }, FoodDonutPink = { "FoodDonutPink", "pink donut", }, FoodDonutSpaceman = { "FoodDonutSpaceman", "spaceman's donut", }, FoodDonutApple = { "FoodDonutApple", "apple donut", }, FoodDonutCaramel = { "FoodDonutCaramel", "caramel donut", }, FoodDonutChocolate = { "FoodDonutChocolate", "chocolate donut", }, FoodDonutBlumpkin = { "FoodDonutBlumpkin", "blorbo donut", }, FoodDonutBungo = { "FoodDonutBungo", "bungo donut", }, FoodDonut = { "FoodDonut", "matcha donut", }, FoodDonutSweetpea = { "FoodDonutSweetpea", "sweet pea donut", }, FoodDonutJellyHomer = { "FoodDonutJellyHomer", "jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellyPink = { "FoodDonutJellyPink", "pink jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellySpaceman = { "FoodDonutJellySpaceman", "spaceman's jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellyApple = { "FoodDonutJellyApple", "apple jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellyCaramel = { "FoodDonutJellyCaramel", "caramel jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellyChocolate = { "FoodDonutJellyChocolate", "chocolate jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellyBlumpkin = { "FoodDonutJellyBlumpkin", "blumpkin jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellyBungo = { "FoodDonutJellyBungo", "bungo jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJelly = { "FoodDonutJelly", "matcha jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellySweetpea = { "FoodDonutJellySweetpea", "sweet pea jelly-donut", }, FoodDonutJellySlugcat = { "FoodDonutJellySlugcat", "slugcat jelly-donut", }, FoodBakedMuffin = { "FoodBakedMuffin", "muffin", }, FoodBakedMuffinBerry = { "FoodBakedMuffinBerry", "berry muffin", }, FoodBakedMuffinCherry = { "FoodBakedMuffinCherry", "cherry muffin", }, FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry = { "FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry", "bluecherry muffin", }, FoodBakedBunHoney = { "FoodBakedBunHoney", "honey bun", }, FoodBakedBunHotX = { "FoodBakedBunHotX", "hotcross bun", }, FoodBakedBunMeat = { "FoodBakedBunMeat", "meat bun", }, FoodBakedCookie = { "FoodBakedCookie", "cookie", }, FoodBakedCookieOatmeal = { "FoodBakedCookieOatmeal", "oatmeal cookie", }, FoodBakedCookieRaisin = { "FoodBakedCookieRaisin", "raisin cookie", }, FoodBakedCookieSugar = { "FoodBakedCookieSugar", "sugar cookie", }, FoodBakedNugget = { "FoodBakedNugget", "chicken nugget", }, FoodBakedPancake = { "FoodBakedPancake", "pancake", }, FoodBakedPancakeBb = { "FoodBakedPancakeBb", "blueberry pancake", }, FoodBakedPancakeCc = { "FoodBakedPancakeCc", "chocolate chip pancake", }, FoodBakedWaffle = { "FoodBakedWaffle", "waffles", }, FoodBakedWaffleSoy = { "FoodBakedWaffleSoy", "soy waffles", }, FoodBakedWaffleSoylent = { "FoodBakedWaffleSoylent", "soylent waffles", }, FoodBakedWaffleRoffle = { "FoodBakedWaffleRoffle", "roffle waffles", }, FoodBakedPretzel = { "FoodBakedPretzel", "poppy pretzel", }, FoodBakedCannoli = { "FoodBakedCannoli", "cannoli", }, FoodBakedDumplings = { "FoodBakedDumplings", "dumplings", }, FoodBakedChevreChaud = { "FoodBakedChevreChaud", "chèvre chaud", }, FoodBakedBrownieBatch = { "FoodBakedBrownieBatch", "brownies", }, FoodBakedBrownie = { "FoodBakedBrownie", "brownie", }, FoodBakedCannabisBrownieBatch = { "FoodBakedCannabisBrownieBatch", "special brownies", }, FoodBakedCannabisBrownie = { "FoodBakedCannabisBrownie", "special brownie", }, FoodOnionRings = { "FoodOnionRings", "onion rings", }, FoodPieApple = { "FoodPieApple", "apple pie", }, FoodPieAppleSlice = { "FoodPieAppleSlice", "slice of apple pie", }, FoodPieBaklava = { "FoodPieBaklava", "baklava", }, FoodPieBaklavaSlice = { "FoodPieBaklavaSlice", "slice of baklava", }, FoodPieBananaCream = { "FoodPieBananaCream", "banana cream pie", }, FoodPieBananaCreamSlice = { "FoodPieBananaCreamSlice", "slice of banana cream pie", }, FoodPieClafoutis = { "FoodPieClafoutis", "berry clafoutis", }, FoodPieClafoutisSlice = { "FoodPieClafoutisSlice", "slice of berry clafoutis", }, FoodPieCherry = { "FoodPieCherry", "cherry pie", }, FoodPieCherrySlice = { "FoodPieCherrySlice", "slice of cherry pie", }, FoodPieMeat = { "FoodPieMeat", "meat pie", }, FoodPieMeatSlice = { "FoodPieMeatSlice", "slice of meat pie", }, FoodPieXeno = { "FoodPieXeno", "xeno pie", }, FoodPieXenoSlice = { "FoodPieXenoSlice", "slice of xeno pie", }, FoodPieFrosty = { "FoodPieFrosty", "frosty pie", }, FoodPieFrostySlice = { "FoodPieFrostySlice", "slice of frosty pie", }, FoodTartMime = { "FoodTartMime", "mime tart", }, FoodTartMimeSlice = { "FoodTartMimeSlice", "slice of mime tart", }, FoodPieAmanita = { "FoodPieAmanita", "amanita pie", }, FoodPiePlump = { "FoodPiePlump", "plump pie", }, FoodTartGrape = { "FoodTartGrape", "grape tart", }, FoodTartGapple = { "FoodTartGapple", "golden apple streusel tart", }, FoodTartCoco = { "FoodTartCoco", "chocolate lava tart", }, FoodPizzaMargherita = { "FoodPizzaMargherita", "margherita pizza", }, FoodPizzaMargheritaSlice = { "FoodPizzaMargheritaSlice", "slice of margherita pizza", }, FoodPizzaMeat = { "FoodPizzaMeat", "meat pizza", }, FoodPizzaMeatSlice = { "FoodPizzaMeatSlice", "slice of meat pizza", }, FoodPizzaMushroom = { "FoodPizzaMushroom", "mushroom pizza", }, FoodPizzaMushroomSlice = { "FoodPizzaMushroomSlice", "slice of mushroom pizza", }, FoodPizzaVegetable = { "FoodPizzaVegetable", "vegetable pizza", }, FoodPizzaVegetableSlice = { "FoodPizzaVegetableSlice", "slice of vegetable pizza", }, FoodPizzaDonkpocket = { "FoodPizzaDonkpocket", "donk-pocket pizza", }, FoodPizzaDonkpocketSlice = { "FoodPizzaDonkpocketSlice", "slice of donk-pocket pizza", }, FoodPizzaDank = { "FoodPizzaDank", "dank pizza", }, FoodPizzaDankSlice = { "FoodPizzaDankSlice", "slice of dank pizza", }, FoodPizzaSassysage = { "FoodPizzaSassysage", "sassysage pizza", }, FoodPizzaSassysageSlice = { "FoodPizzaSassysageSlice", "slice of sassysage pizza", }, FoodPizzaPineapple = { "FoodPizzaPineapple", "Hawaiian pizza", }, FoodPizzaPineappleSlice = { "FoodPizzaPineappleSlice", "slice of Hawaiian pizza", }, FoodPizzaArnold = { "FoodPizzaArnold", "Arnold's pizza", }, FoodPizzaArnoldSlice = { "FoodPizzaArnoldSlice", "slice of Arnold's pizza", }, FoodPizzaMoldySlice = { "FoodPizzaMoldySlice", "slice of moldy pizza", }, FoodPizzaUranium = { "FoodPizzaUranium", "spicy rock pizza", }, FoodPizzaUraniumSlice = { "FoodPizzaUraniumSlice", "slice of spicy rock pizza", }, FoodBowlBig = { "FoodBowlBig", "bowl", }, FoodBowlBigTrash = { "FoodBowlBigTrash", "broken bowl", }, FoodBowlFancy = { "FoodBowlFancy", "bowl", }, FoodBoxDonut = { "FoodBoxDonut", "donut box", }, FoodContainerEgg = { "FoodContainerEgg", "egg carton", }, FoodBoxPizza = { "FoodBoxPizza", "pizza box", }, FoodBoxPizzaFilled = { "FoodBoxPizzaFilled", "pizza box", }, FoodBoxNugget = { "FoodBoxNugget", "chicken nuggets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocket = { "FoodBoxDonkpocket", "box of donk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketSpicy = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketSpicy", "box of spicy-flavoured donk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketTeriyaki = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketTeriyaki", "box of teriyaki-flavoured donk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketPizza = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketPizza", "box of pizza-flavoured donk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketStonk = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketStonk", "box of limited edition stonk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketCarp = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketCarp", "box of carp-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketBerry = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketBerry", "box of berry-flavoured donk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketHonk = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketHonk", "box of banana-flavoured donk-pockets", }, FoodBoxDonkpocketDink = { "FoodBoxDonkpocketDink", "box of dink-pockets", }, HappyHonk = { "HappyHonk", "happy honk meal", }, HappyHonkNukie = { "HappyHonkNukie", "robust nukie meal", }, HappyHonkNukieSnacks = { "HappyHonkNukieSnacks", "syndicate snack box", }, HappyHonkCluwne = { "HappyHonkCluwne", "woeful cluwne meal", }, BaseFoodCondimentPacket = { "BaseFoodCondimentPacket", "condiment packet", }, FoodCondimentPacketAstrotame = { "FoodCondimentPacketAstrotame", "Astrotame", }, FoodCondimentPacketBbq = { "FoodCondimentPacketBbq", "BBQ sauce", }, FoodCondimentPacketCornoil = { "FoodCondimentPacketCornoil", "corn oil", }, FoodCondimentPacketFrostoil = { "FoodCondimentPacketFrostoil", "coldsauce", }, FoodCondimentPacketHorseradish = { "FoodCondimentPacketHorseradish", "horseradish sauce", }, FoodCondimentPacketHotsauce = { "FoodCondimentPacketHotsauce", "hotsauce", }, FoodCondimentPacketKetchup = { "FoodCondimentPacketKetchup", "ketchup", }, FoodCondimentPacketMustard = { "FoodCondimentPacketMustard", "mustard", }, FoodCondimentPacketPepper = { "FoodCondimentPacketPepper", "black pepper", }, FoodCondimentPacketSalt = { "FoodCondimentPacketSalt", "salt", }, FoodCondimentPacketSoy = { "FoodCondimentPacketSoy", "soy sauce", }, FoodCondimentPacketSugar = { "FoodCondimentPacketSugar", "sugar", }, BaseFoodCondimentBottle = { "BaseFoodCondimentBottle", "condiment bottle", }, FoodCondimentBottleColdsauce = { "FoodCondimentBottleColdsauce", "coldsauce bottle", }, FoodCondimentBottleEnzyme = { "FoodCondimentBottleEnzyme", "universal enzyme", }, FoodCondimentBottleVinegar = { "FoodCondimentBottleVinegar", "vinegar bottle", }, FoodCondimentBottleHotsauce = { "FoodCondimentBottleHotsauce", "hotsauce bottle", }, FoodCondimentBottleKetchup = { "FoodCondimentBottleKetchup", "ketchup bottle", }, FoodCondimentBottleBBQ = { "FoodCondimentBottleBBQ", "BBQ sauce bottle", }, BaseFoodShaker = { "BaseFoodShaker", "empty shaker", }, FoodShakerSalt = { "FoodShakerSalt", "salt shaker", }, FoodShakerPepper = { "FoodShakerPepper", "pepper shaker", }, FoodPlate = { "FoodPlate", "large plate", }, FoodPlateTrash = { "FoodPlateTrash", "broken plate", }, FoodPlateSmall = { "FoodPlateSmall", "small plate", }, FoodPlatePlastic = { "FoodPlatePlastic", "plastic plate", }, FoodPlateSmallPlastic = { "FoodPlateSmallPlastic", "plastic plate", }, FoodPlateTin = { "FoodPlateTin", "pie tin", }, FoodTinBase = { "FoodTinBase", "tin", }, FoodTinBaseTrash = { "FoodTinBaseTrash", "empty tin", }, FoodTinPeaches = { "FoodTinPeaches", "tinned peaches", }, FoodTinPeachesTrash = { "FoodTinPeachesTrash", "tinned peaches", }, FoodTinPeachesMaint = { "FoodTinPeachesMaint", "maintenance peaches", }, FoodTinPeachesMaintTrash = { "FoodTinPeachesMaintTrash", "maintenance peaches", }, FoodTinBeans = { "FoodTinBeans", "tin of beans", }, FoodTinBeansTrash = { "FoodTinBeansTrash", "tin of beans", }, FoodTinMRE = { "FoodTinMRE", "tinned meat", }, FoodTinMRETrash = { "FoodTinMRETrash", "tinned meat", }, CigCartonGreen = { "CigCartonGreen", "Spessman's Smokes carton", }, CigCartonRed = { "CigCartonRed", "DromedaryCo carton", }, CigCartonBlue = { "CigCartonBlue", "AcmeCo carton", }, CigCartonBlack = { "CigCartonBlack", "Nomads carton", }, CigCartonMixed = { "CigCartonMixed", "Dan's soaked smokes", }, Cigarette = { "Cigarette", "cigarette", }, SoakedCigarette = { "SoakedCigarette", "cigarette", }, CigaretteSyndicate = { "CigaretteSyndicate", "cigarette", }, CigaretteOmnizine = { "CigaretteOmnizine", "Hot Dog Water Flavor Explosion", }, CigaretteIron = { "CigaretteIron", "Rusty Orange Baja Blast", }, CigaretteTricordrazine = { "CigaretteTricordrazine", "Licorice Allsorts", }, CigaretteDylovene = { "CigaretteDylovene", "Urinal Cake Disolver", }, CigaretteDermaline = { "CigaretteDermaline", "Aloe Peanut Butter Medley", }, CigaretteArithrazine = { "CigaretteArithrazine", "Roman Pipe Works", }, CigaretteIpecac = { "CigaretteIpecac", "Grandma's Christmas Fruitcake", }, CigaretteBicaridine = { "CigaretteBicaridine", "Wet Dog Enhanced Cigarette", }, CigaretteDexalin = { "CigaretteDexalin", "Rocky Mountain Musk", }, CigarettePax = { "CigarettePax", "Switzerland Express", }, CigaretteBbqSauce = { "CigaretteBbqSauce", "Spicy Wood Aroma", }, CigaretteBlackPepper = { "CigaretteBlackPepper", "English Spice", }, CigaretteCapsaicinOil = { "CigaretteCapsaicinOil", "Chilly P", }, CigaretteBread = { "CigaretteBread", "Double Toasted", }, CigaretteMilk = { "CigaretteMilk", "Bovine Extract", }, CigaretteBanana = { "CigaretteBanana", "Clown Adjancency Bonus", }, CigaretteSpaceDrugs = { "CigaretteSpaceDrugs", "80's Power Hour", }, CigaretteMuteToxin = { "CigaretteMuteToxin", "Mixed Lozenges", }, CigaretteMold = { "CigaretteMold", "Beneath The Sink Experience", }, CigaretteLicoxide = { "CigaretteLicoxide", "Wake Up Call", }, CigaretteWeldingFuel = { "CigaretteWeldingFuel", "Plasma Sauce", }, CigaretteTHC = { "CigaretteTHC", "Hippy Romance Novel", }, Joint = { "Joint", "joint", }, JointRainbow = { "JointRainbow", "joint", }, Blunt = { "Blunt", "blunt", }, BluntRainbow = { "BluntRainbow", "blunt", }, CigPackBase = { "CigPackBase", "cigarette pack", }, CigPackMixedBase = { "CigPackMixedBase", "soaked cigarette pack", }, CigPackGreen = { "CigPackGreen", "Spessman's Smokes packet", }, CigPackRed = { "CigPackRed", "DromedaryCo packet", }, CigPackBlue = { "CigPackBlue", "AcmeCo packet", }, CigPackBlack = { "CigPackBlack", "Nomads packet", }, CigPackSyndicate = { "CigPackSyndicate", "Interdyne herbals packet", }, CigPackMixedMedical = { "CigPackMixedMedical", "Dan's soaked smokes", }, CigPackMixed = { "CigPackMixed", "Dan's soaked smokes", }, CigPackMixedNasty = { "CigPackMixedNasty", "Dan's soaked smokes", }, PackPaperRolling = { "PackPaperRolling", "pack of rolling paper", }, PackPaperRollingFilters = { "PackPaperRollingFilters", "pack of rolling paper with filters", }, PaperRolling = { "PaperRolling", "rolling paper", }, CigaretteFilter = { "CigaretteFilter", "cigarette filter", }, CigarCase = { "CigarCase", "cigar case", }, CigarGoldCase = { "CigarGoldCase", "premium cigar case", }, Cigar = { "Cigar", "cigar", }, CigarGold = { "CigarGold", "premium Havanian cigar", }, SmokingPipe = { "SmokingPipe", "pipe", }, SmokingPipeFilledTobacco = { "SmokingPipeFilledTobacco", "pipe", }, SmokingPipeFilledCannabis = { "SmokingPipeFilledCannabis", "pipe", }, SmokingPipeFilledCannabisRainbow = { "SmokingPipeFilledCannabisRainbow", "pipe", }, Vape = { "Vape", "vape", }, BaseMachineCircuitboard = { "BaseMachineCircuitboard", "machine board", }, ShuttleGunSvalinnMachineGunCircuitboard = { "ShuttleGunSvalinnMachineGunCircuitboard", "LSE-400c \"Svalinn machine gun\" machine board", }, ShuttleGunPerforatorCircuitboard = { "ShuttleGunPerforatorCircuitboard", "LSE-1200c \"Perforator\" machine board", }, ShuttleGunFriendshipCircuitboard = { "ShuttleGunFriendshipCircuitboard", "EXP-320g \"Friendship\" machine board", }, ShuttleGunDusterCircuitboard = { "ShuttleGunDusterCircuitboard", "EXP-2100g \"Duster\" machine board", }, ShuttleGunKineticCircuitboard = { "ShuttleGunKineticCircuitboard", "PTK-800 \"Matter Dematerializer\" machine board", }, MachineParticleAcceleratorEndCapCircuitboard = { "MachineParticleAcceleratorEndCapCircuitboard", "PA end cap board", }, MachineParticleAcceleratorFuelChamberCircuitboard = { "MachineParticleAcceleratorFuelChamberCircuitboard", "PA fuel chamber board", }, MachineParticleAcceleratorPowerBoxCircuitboard = { "MachineParticleAcceleratorPowerBoxCircuitboard", "PA power box board", }, MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboardCircuitboard = { "MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboardCircuitboard", "PA starboard emitter board", }, MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterForeCircuitboard = { "MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterForeCircuitboard", "PA fore emitter board", }, MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterPortCircuitboard = { "MachineParticleAcceleratorEmitterPortCircuitboard", "PA port emitter board", }, AutolatheMachineCircuitboard = { "AutolatheMachineCircuitboard", "autolathe machine board", }, AutolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard = { "AutolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard", "hyper convection autolathe machine board", }, ProtolatheMachineCircuitboard = { "ProtolatheMachineCircuitboard", "protolathe machine board", }, ProtolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard = { "ProtolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard", "hyper convection protolathe machine board", }, BiofabricatorMachineCircuitboard = { "BiofabricatorMachineCircuitboard", "biocube fabricator machine board", }, SecurityTechFabCircuitboard = { "SecurityTechFabCircuitboard", "security techfab machine board", }, AmmoTechFabCircuitboard = { "AmmoTechFabCircuitboard", "ammo techfab circuit board", }, MedicalTechFabCircuitboard = { "MedicalTechFabCircuitboard", "medical techfab machine board", }, CircuitImprinterMachineCircuitboard = { "CircuitImprinterMachineCircuitboard", "circuit imprinter machine board", }, CircuitImprinterHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard = { "CircuitImprinterHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard", "hyper convection circuit imprinter machine board", }, ExosuitFabricatorMachineCircuitboard = { "ExosuitFabricatorMachineCircuitboard", "exosuit fabricator machine board", }, ResearchAndDevelopmentServerMachineCircuitboard = { "ResearchAndDevelopmentServerMachineCircuitboard", "R&D server machine board", }, UniformPrinterMachineCircuitboard = { "UniformPrinterMachineCircuitboard", "uniform printer machine board", }, VaccinatorMachineCircuitboard = { "VaccinatorMachineCircuitboard", "vaccinator machine board", }, DiagnoserMachineCircuitboard = { "DiagnoserMachineCircuitboard", "diagnoser machine board", }, ArtifactAnalyzerMachineCircuitboard = { "ArtifactAnalyzerMachineCircuitboard", "artifact analyzer machine board", }, ArtifactCrusherMachineCircuitboard = { "ArtifactCrusherMachineCircuitboard", "artifact crusher machine board", }, AnomalyVesselCircuitboard = { "AnomalyVesselCircuitboard", "anomaly vessel machine board", }, AnomalyVesselExperimentalCircuitboard = { "AnomalyVesselExperimentalCircuitboard", "experimental anomaly vessel machine board", }, AnomalySynchronizerCircuitboard = { "AnomalySynchronizerCircuitboard", "anomaly synchronizer machine board", }, APECircuitboard = { "APECircuitboard", "A.P.E. machine board", }, ThermomachineFreezerMachineCircuitBoard = { "ThermomachineFreezerMachineCircuitBoard", "freezer thermomachine machine board", }, ThermomachineHeaterMachineCircuitBoard = { "ThermomachineHeaterMachineCircuitBoard", "heater thermomachine machine board", }, HellfireFreezerMachineCircuitBoard = { "HellfireFreezerMachineCircuitBoard", "hellfire freezer machine board", }, HellfireHeaterMachineCircuitBoard = { "HellfireHeaterMachineCircuitBoard", "hellfire heater machine board", }, CondenserMachineCircuitBoard = { "CondenserMachineCircuitBoard", "condenser machine board", }, PortableScrubberMachineCircuitBoard = { "PortableScrubberMachineCircuitBoard", "portable scrubber machine board", }, SpaceHeaterMachineCircuitBoard = { "SpaceHeaterMachineCircuitBoard", "space heater machine board", }, CloningPodMachineCircuitboard = { "CloningPodMachineCircuitboard", "cloning pod machine board", }, MedicalScannerMachineCircuitboard = { "MedicalScannerMachineCircuitboard", "medical scanner machine board", }, CrewMonitoringServerMachineCircuitboard = { "CrewMonitoringServerMachineCircuitboard", "crew monitoring server machine board", }, CryoPodMachineCircuitboard = { "CryoPodMachineCircuitboard", "cryo pod machine board", }, ChemMasterMachineCircuitboard = { "ChemMasterMachineCircuitboard", "ChemMaster 4000 machine board", }, ChemDispenserMachineCircuitboard = { "ChemDispenserMachineCircuitboard", "chem dispenser machine board", }, BiomassReclaimerMachineCircuitboard = { "BiomassReclaimerMachineCircuitboard", "biomass reclaimer machine board", }, HydroponicsTrayMachineCircuitboard = { "HydroponicsTrayMachineCircuitboard", "hydroponics tray machine board", }, SeedExtractorMachineCircuitboard = { "SeedExtractorMachineCircuitboard", "seed extractor machine board", }, SMESMachineCircuitboard = { "SMESMachineCircuitboard", "SMES machine board", }, CellRechargerCircuitboard = { "CellRechargerCircuitboard", "cell recharger machine board", }, PowerCageRechargerCircuitboard = { "PowerCageRechargerCircuitboard", "cage recharger machine board", }, BorgChargerCircuitboard = { "BorgChargerCircuitboard", "cyborg recharging station machine board", }, WeaponCapacitorRechargerCircuitboard = { "WeaponCapacitorRechargerCircuitboard", "recharger machine board", }, TurboItemRechargerCircuitboard = { "TurboItemRechargerCircuitboard", "turbo recharger machine board", }, SubstationMachineCircuitboard = { "SubstationMachineCircuitboard", "substation machine board", }, DawInstrumentMachineCircuitboard = { "DawInstrumentMachineCircuitboard", "digital audio workstation machine board", }, PortableGeneratorPacmanMachineCircuitboard = { "PortableGeneratorPacmanMachineCircuitboard", "P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator machine board", }, ThrusterMachineCircuitboard = { "ThrusterMachineCircuitboard", "thruster machine board", }, GyroscopeMachineCircuitboard = { "GyroscopeMachineCircuitboard", "gyroscope machine board", }, PortableGeneratorSuperPacmanMachineCircuitboard = { "PortableGeneratorSuperPacmanMachineCircuitboard", "S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator machine board", }, PortableGeneratorJrPacmanMachineCircuitboard = { "PortableGeneratorJrPacmanMachineCircuitboard", "J.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator machine board", }, ReagentGrinderMachineCircuitboard = { "ReagentGrinderMachineCircuitboard", "reagent grinder machine board", }, HotplateMachineCircuitboard = { "HotplateMachineCircuitboard", "hotplate machine board", }, ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard = { "ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard", "electric grill machine board", }, StasisBedMachineCircuitboard = { "StasisBedMachineCircuitboard", "stasis bed machine board", }, ElectrolysisUnitMachineCircuitboard = { "ElectrolysisUnitMachineCircuitboard", "electrolysis unit machine board", }, CentrifugeMachineCircuitboard = { "CentrifugeMachineCircuitboard", "centrifuge machine board", }, MaterialReclaimerMachineCircuitboard = { "MaterialReclaimerMachineCircuitboard", "material reclaimer machine board", }, OreProcessorMachineCircuitboard = { "OreProcessorMachineCircuitboard", "ore processor machine board", }, OreProcessorIndustrialMachineCircuitboard = { "OreProcessorIndustrialMachineCircuitboard", "industrial ore processor machine board", }, SheetifierMachineCircuitboard = { "SheetifierMachineCircuitboard", "sheet-meister 2000 machine board", }, MicrowaveMachineCircuitboard = { "MicrowaveMachineCircuitboard", "microwave machine board", }, SyndicateMicrowaveMachineCircuitboard = { "SyndicateMicrowaveMachineCircuitboard", "donk co. microwave machine board", }, FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard = { "FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard", "lipid extractor machine board", }, FlatpackerMachineCircuitboard = { "FlatpackerMachineCircuitboard", "Flatpacker 1001 machine board", }, EmitterCircuitboard = { "EmitterCircuitboard", "emitter machine board", }, SurveillanceCameraRouterCircuitboard = { "SurveillanceCameraRouterCircuitboard", "surveillance camera router board", }, SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterCircuitboard = { "SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterCircuitboard", "surveillance camera wireless router board", }, SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableCircuitboard = { "SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableCircuitboard", "movable wireless camera board", }, SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredCircuitboard = { "SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredCircuitboard", "wireless camera board", }, GasRecyclerMachineCircuitboard = { "GasRecyclerMachineCircuitboard", "gas recycler board", }, BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard = { "BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard", "booze dispenser machine board", }, CargoTelepadMachineCircuitboard = { "CargoTelepadMachineCircuitboard", "cargo telepad machine board", }, SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard = { "SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard", "soda dispenser machine board", }, TelecomServerCircuitboard = { "TelecomServerCircuitboard", "telecommunication server machine board", }, SalvageMagnetMachineCircuitboard = { "SalvageMagnetMachineCircuitboard", "salvage magnet machine board", }, MiniGravityGeneratorCircuitboard = { "MiniGravityGeneratorCircuitboard", "mini gravity generator machine board", }, ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard = { "ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard", "industrial reagent grinder machine board", }, JukeboxCircuitBoard = { "JukeboxCircuitBoard", "jukebox machine board", }, CutterMachineCircuitboard = { "CutterMachineCircuitboard", "cutter machine board", }, CartridgeRocket = { "CartridgeRocket", "PG-7VL grenade", }, CartridgeRocketSlow = { "CartridgeRocketSlow", "PG-7VL grenade \"Snail-Rocket\"", }, BaseGrenade = { "BaseGrenade", "base grenade", }, GrenadeBaton = { "GrenadeBaton", "baton grenade", }, GrenadeBlast = { "GrenadeBlast", "blast grenade", }, GrenadeFlash = { "GrenadeFlash", "flash grenade", }, GrenadeFrag = { "GrenadeFrag", "frag grenade", }, GrenadeEMP = { "GrenadeEMP", "EMP grenade", }, BaseCannonBall = { "BaseCannonBall", "base cannon ball", }, CannonBall = { "CannonBall", "cannonball", }, CannonBallGrapeshot = { "CannonBallGrapeshot", "grapeshot", }, CannonBallGlassshot = { "CannonBallGlassshot", "glassshot", }, WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator = { "WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator", "proto-kinetic accelerator", }, WeaponSprayNozzle = { "WeaponSprayNozzle", "spray nozzle", }, WeaponStaffHealing = { "WeaponStaffHealing", "staff of healing", }, WeaponStaffPolymorphDoor = { "WeaponStaffPolymorphDoor", "staff of entrance", }, WeaponWandPolymorphCarp = { "WeaponWandPolymorphCarp", "wand of carp polymorph", }, WeaponWandPolymorphMonkey = { "WeaponWandPolymorphMonkey", "wand of monkey polymorph", }, WeaponWandFireball = { "WeaponWandFireball", "wand of fireball", }, WeaponWandDeath = { "WeaponWandDeath", "magical wand of instant death", }, WeaponWandPolymorphDoor = { "WeaponWandPolymorphDoor", "wand of entrance", }, WeaponWandCluwne = { "WeaponWandCluwne", "wand of cluwning", }, WeaponWandPolymorphBread = { "WeaponWandPolymorphBread", "magic bread wand", }, WeaponWaterPistol = { "WeaponWaterPistol", "water pistol", }, WeaponWaterBlaster = { "WeaponWaterBlaster", "water blaster", }, WeaponWaterBlasterSuper = { "WeaponWaterBlasterSuper", "super water blaster", }, WeaponLaserSvalinn = { "WeaponLaserSvalinn", "svalinn laser pistol", }, WeaponLaserGun = { "WeaponLaserGun", "retro laser blaster", }, WeaponMakeshiftLaser = { "WeaponMakeshiftLaser", "makeshift laser pistol", }, WeaponTeslaGun = { "WeaponTeslaGun", "tesla gun", }, WeaponLaserCarbine = { "WeaponLaserCarbine", "laser rifle", }, WeaponLaserCarbinePractice = { "WeaponLaserCarbinePractice", "practice laser rifle", }, WeaponPulsePistol = { "WeaponPulsePistol", "pulse pistol", }, WeaponPulseCarbine = { "WeaponPulseCarbine", "pulse carbine", }, WeaponPulseRifle = { "WeaponPulseRifle", "pulse rifle", }, WeaponLaserCannon = { "WeaponLaserCannon", "laser cannon", }, WeaponParticleDecelerator = { "WeaponParticleDecelerator", "portable particle decelerator", }, WeaponXrayCannon = { "WeaponXrayCannon", "x-ray cannon", }, WeaponDisabler = { "WeaponDisabler", "disabler", }, WeaponDisablerSMG = { "WeaponDisablerSMG", "disabler SMG", }, WeaponDisablerPractice = { "WeaponDisablerPractice", "practice disabler", }, WeaponTaser = { "WeaponTaser", "taser", }, WeaponAntiqueLaser = { "WeaponAntiqueLaser", "antique laser pistol", }, WeaponAdvancedLaser = { "WeaponAdvancedLaser", "advanced laser pistol", }, WeaponPistolCHIMP = { "WeaponPistolCHIMP", "C.H.I.M.P. handcannon", }, WeaponPistolCHIMPUpgraded = { "WeaponPistolCHIMPUpgraded", "experimental C.H.I.M.P. handcannon", }, WeaponBehonkerLaser = { "WeaponBehonkerLaser", "eye of a behonker", }, BaseBow = { "BaseBow", "bow", }, BaseWeaponHeavyMachineGun = { "BaseWeaponHeavyMachineGun", "BaseWeaponHeavyMachineGun", }, WeaponMinigun = { "WeaponMinigun", "minigun", }, BaseWeaponLauncher = { "BaseWeaponLauncher", "BaseWeaponLauncher", }, WeaponLauncherChinaLake = { "WeaponLauncherChinaLake", "china lake", }, WeaponLauncherRocket = { "WeaponLauncherRocket", "RPG-7", }, WeaponLauncherMultipleRocket = { "WeaponLauncherMultipleRocket", "multiple rocket launcher", }, WeaponLauncherPirateCannon = { "WeaponLauncherPirateCannon", "pirate cannon", }, WeaponTetherGun = { "WeaponTetherGun", "tether gun", }, WeaponForceGun = { "WeaponForceGun", "force gun", }, WeaponGrapplingGun = { "WeaponGrapplingGun", "grappling gun", }, WeaponTetherGunAdmin = { "WeaponTetherGunAdmin", "tether gun", }, WeaponForceGunAdmin = { "WeaponForceGunAdmin", "force gun", }, WeaponLauncherAdmemeMeteorLarge = { "WeaponLauncherAdmemeMeteorLarge", "meteor launcher", }, WeaponLauncherAdmemeImmovableRodSlow = { "WeaponLauncherAdmemeImmovableRodSlow", "immovable rod launcher", }, BaseWeaponLightMachineGun = { "BaseWeaponLightMachineGun", "BaseWeaponLightMachineGun", }, WeaponLightMachineGunL6 = { "WeaponLightMachineGunL6", "L6 SAW", }, WeaponLightMachineGunL6C = { "WeaponLightMachineGunL6C", "L6C ROW", }, BaseWeaponPistol = { "BaseWeaponPistol", "BasePistol", }, WeaponPistolViper = { "WeaponPistolViper", "viper", }, WeaponPistolEchis = { "WeaponPistolEchis", "echis", }, WeaponPistolCobra = { "WeaponPistolCobra", "cobra", }, WeaponPistolMk58 = { "WeaponPistolMk58", "mk 58", }, WeaponPistolN1984 = { "WeaponPistolN1984", "N1984", }, ArrowRegular = { "ArrowRegular", "arrow", }, ArrowImprovised = { "ArrowImprovised", "glass shard arrow", }, ProjectileFireball = { "ProjectileFireball", "fireball", }, ProjectileDragonsBreath = { "ProjectileDragonsBreath", "dragon's breath", }, ProjectileAnomalyFireball = { "ProjectileAnomalyFireball", "fireball", }, ProjectilePolyboltCarp = { "ProjectilePolyboltCarp", "carp polybolt", }, ProjectilePolyboltMonkey = { "ProjectilePolyboltMonkey", "monkey polybolt", }, ProjectilePolyboltDoor = { "ProjectilePolyboltDoor", "door polybolt", }, ProjectileHealingBolt = { "ProjectileHealingBolt", "healing bolt", }, BulletInstakillMagic = { "BulletInstakillMagic", "magical lead cylinder", }, ProjectilePolyboltCluwne = { "ProjectilePolyboltCluwne", "cluwne polybolt", }, ProjectileIcicle = { "ProjectileIcicle", "icicle", }, ProjectilePolyboltBread = { "ProjectilePolyboltBread", "bread polybolt", }, BaseMeteor = { "BaseMeteor", "meteor", }, MeteorSpaceDust = { "MeteorSpaceDust", "space dust", }, MeteorUrist = { "MeteorUrist", "Urist McMeteor", }, BaseBullet = { "BaseBullet", "BaseBullet", }, BaseBulletPractice = { "BaseBulletPractice", "base bullet practice", }, BaseBulletIncendiary = { "BaseBulletIncendiary", "base bullet incendiary", }, BaseBulletAP = { "BaseBulletAP", "base bullet armor-piercing", }, BaseBulletUranium = { "BaseBulletUranium", "base bullet uranium", }, BulletTaser = { "BulletTaser", "taser bolt", }, BulletDisabler = { "BulletDisabler", "disabler bolt", }, BulletDisablerPractice = { "BulletDisablerPractice", "disabler bolt practice", }, EmitterBolt = { "EmitterBolt", "emitter bolt", }, WatcherBolt = { "WatcherBolt", "watcher bolt", }, WatcherBoltMagmawing = { "WatcherBoltMagmawing", "magmawing watcher bolt", }, BulletKinetic = { "BulletKinetic", "kinetic bolt", }, BulletCharge = { "BulletCharge", "charge bolt", }, AnomalousParticleDelta = { "AnomalousParticleDelta", "delta particles", }, AnomalousParticleEpsilon = { "AnomalousParticleEpsilon", "epsilon particles", }, AnomalousParticleZeta = { "AnomalousParticleZeta", "zeta particles", }, AnomalousParticleOmegaStrong = { "AnomalousParticleOmegaStrong", "omega particles", }, AnomalousParticleSigma = { "AnomalousParticleSigma", "sigma particles", }, AnomalousParticleSigmaStrong = { "AnomalousParticleSigmaStrong", "sigma particles", }, BulletRocket = { "BulletRocket", "rocket", }, BulletWeakRocket = { "BulletWeakRocket", "weak rocket", }, BulletGrenadeBaton = { "BulletGrenadeBaton", "baton grenade", }, BulletGrenadeBlast = { "BulletGrenadeBlast", "blast grenade", }, BulletGrenadeFlash = { "BulletGrenadeFlash", "flash grenade", }, BulletGrenadeFrag = { "BulletGrenadeFrag", "frag grenade", }, BulletGrenadeEMP = { "BulletGrenadeEMP", "EMP rocket", }, BulletCap = { "BulletCap", "cap bullet", }, BulletAcid = { "BulletAcid", "acid spit", }, BulletWaterShot = { "BulletWaterShot", "water", }, BulletCannonBall = { "BulletCannonBall", "cannonball", }, GrapplingHook = { "GrapplingHook", "grappling hook", }, BulletDisablerSmg = { "BulletDisablerSmg", "disabler bolt smg", }, TeslaGunBullet = { "TeslaGunBullet", "tesla gun lightning", }, BaseWeaponRevolver = { "BaseWeaponRevolver", "BaseWeaponRevolver", }, WeaponRevolverDeckard = { "WeaponRevolverDeckard", "Deckard", }, WeaponRevolverInspector = { "WeaponRevolverInspector", "Inspector", }, WeaponRevolverMateba = { "WeaponRevolverMateba", "Mateba", }, WeaponRevolverPython = { "WeaponRevolverPython", "Python", }, WeaponRevolverPirate = { "WeaponRevolverPirate", "pirate revolver", }, BaseWeaponRifle = { "BaseWeaponRifle", "BaseWeaponRifle", }, WeaponRifleAk = { "WeaponRifleAk", "AKMS", }, WeaponRifleM90GrenadeLauncher = { "WeaponRifleM90GrenadeLauncher", "M-90gl", }, WeaponRifleLecter = { "WeaponRifleLecter", "Lecter", }, WeaponRifleFoam = { "WeaponRifleFoam", "Foam Force Astro Ace", }, BaseWeaponShotgun = { "BaseWeaponShotgun", "BaseWeaponShotgun", }, WeaponShotgunBulldog = { "WeaponShotgunBulldog", "Bulldog", }, WeaponShotgunDoubleBarreled = { "WeaponShotgunDoubleBarreled", "double-barreled shotgun", }, WeaponShotgunDoubleBarreledRubber = { "WeaponShotgunDoubleBarreledRubber", "double-barreled shotgun", }, WeaponShotgunEnforcer = { "WeaponShotgunEnforcer", "Enforcer", }, WeaponShotgunKammerer = { "WeaponShotgunKammerer", "Kammerer", }, WeaponShotgunSawn = { "WeaponShotgunSawn", "sawn-off shotgun", }, WeaponShotgunSawnEmpty = { "WeaponShotgunSawnEmpty", "sawn-off shotgun", }, WeaponShotgunHandmade = { "WeaponShotgunHandmade", "handmade pistol", }, WeaponShotgunBlunderbuss = { "WeaponShotgunBlunderbuss", "blunderbuss", }, WeaponShotgunImprovised = { "WeaponShotgunImprovised", "improvised shotgun", }, WeaponShotgunImprovisedLoaded = { "WeaponShotgunImprovisedLoaded", "improvised shotgun", }, BaseWeaponSubMachineGun = { "BaseWeaponSubMachineGun", "BaseSMG", }, WeaponSubMachineGunAtreides = { "WeaponSubMachineGunAtreides", "Atreides", }, WeaponSubMachineGunC20r = { "WeaponSubMachineGunC20r", "C-20r sub machine gun", }, WeaponSubMachineGunDrozd = { "WeaponSubMachineGunDrozd", "Drozd", }, WeaponSubMachineGunVector = { "WeaponSubMachineGunVector", "Vector", }, WeaponSubMachineGunWt550 = { "WeaponSubMachineGunWt550", "WT550", }, BaseWeaponSniper = { "BaseWeaponSniper", "BaseWeaponSniper", }, WeaponSniperMosin = { "WeaponSniperMosin", "Kardashev-Mosin", }, WeaponSniperHristov = { "WeaponSniperHristov", "Hristov", }, Musket = { "Musket", "musket", }, WeaponPistolFlintlock = { "WeaponPistolFlintlock", "flintlock pistol", }, ParticleAcceleratorControlBox = { "ParticleAcceleratorControlBox", "PA control computer", }, ParticleAcceleratorControlBoxUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorControlBoxUnfinished", "PA control computer", }, ParticleAcceleratorEmitterPort = { "ParticleAcceleratorEmitterPort", "PA port containment emitter", }, ParticleAcceleratorEmitterFore = { "ParticleAcceleratorEmitterFore", "PA fore containment emitter", }, ParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboard = { "ParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboard", "PA starboard containment emitter", }, ParticleAcceleratorEmitterPortUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorEmitterPortUnfinished", "PA port containment emitter", }, ParticleAcceleratorEmitterForeUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorEmitterForeUnfinished", "PA fore containment emitter", }, ParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboardUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorEmitterStarboardUnfinished", "PA starboard containment emitter", }, ParticleAcceleratorEndCap = { "ParticleAcceleratorEndCap", "PA end-cap", }, ParticleAcceleratorEndCapUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorEndCapUnfinished", "PA end-cap", }, ParticleAcceleratorFuelChamber = { "ParticleAcceleratorFuelChamber", "PA fuel chamber", }, ParticleAcceleratorFuelChamberUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorFuelChamberUnfinished", "PA fuel chamber", }, ParticlesProjectile = { "ParticlesProjectile", "particles", }, AntiParticlesProjectile = { "AntiParticlesProjectile", "anti particles", }, ParticleAcceleratorPowerBox = { "ParticleAcceleratorPowerBox", "PA power box", }, ParticleAcceleratorPowerBoxUnfinished = { "ParticleAcceleratorPowerBoxUnfinished", "PA power box", }, RadiationCollector = { "RadiationCollector", "radiation collector", }, ContainmentFieldGenerator = { "ContainmentFieldGenerator", "containment field generator", }, ContainmentField = { "ContainmentField", "containment field", }, Emitter = { "Emitter", "emitter", }, SingularityGenerator = { "SingularityGenerator", "gravitational singularity generator", }, Singularity = { "Singularity", "gravitational singularity", }, TeslaCoil = { "TeslaCoil", "tesla coil", }, TeslaGroundingRod = { "TeslaGroundingRod", "grounding rod", }, TeslaEnergyBall = { "TeslaEnergyBall", "ball lightning", }, TeslaMiniEnergyBall = { "TeslaMiniEnergyBall", "mini ball lightning", }, TeslaGenerator = { "TeslaGenerator", "tesla generator", }, LockerBooze = { "LockerBooze", "booze storage", }, LockerSteel = { "LockerSteel", "secure closet", }, LockerQuarterMaster = { "LockerQuarterMaster", "quartermaster's locker", }, LockerSalvageSpecialist = { "LockerSalvageSpecialist", "salvage specialist's equipment", }, LockerCaptain = { "LockerCaptain", "captain's locker", }, LockerHeadOfPersonnel = { "LockerHeadOfPersonnel", "head of personnel's locker", }, LockerChiefEngineer = { "LockerChiefEngineer", "chief engineer's locker", }, LockerElectricalSupplies = { "LockerElectricalSupplies", "electrical supplies locker", }, LockerWeldingSupplies = { "LockerWeldingSupplies", "welding supplies locker", }, LockerAtmospherics = { "LockerAtmospherics", "atmospheric technician's locker", }, LockerEngineer = { "LockerEngineer", "engineer's locker", }, LockerFreezerBase = { "LockerFreezerBase", "freezer", }, LockerFreezer = { "LockerFreezer", "freezer", }, LockerBotanist = { "LockerBotanist", "botanist's locker", }, LockerMedicine = { "LockerMedicine", "medicine locker", }, LockerMedical = { "LockerMedical", "medical doctor's locker", }, LockerParamedic = { "LockerParamedic", "paramedic's locker", }, LockerChemistry = { "LockerChemistry", "chemical locker", }, LockerChiefMedicalOfficer = { "LockerChiefMedicalOfficer", "chief medical officer's locker", }, LockerResearchDirector = { "LockerResearchDirector", "research director's locker", }, LockerScientist = { "LockerScientist", "scientist's locker", }, LockerHeadOfSecurity = { "LockerHeadOfSecurity", "head of security's locker", }, LockerWarden = { "LockerWarden", "warden's locker", }, LockerBrigmedic = { "LockerBrigmedic", "brigmedic locker", }, LockerSecurity = { "LockerSecurity", "security officer's locker", }, GunSafe = { "GunSafe", "gun safe", }, LockerDetective = { "LockerDetective", "detective's cabinet", }, LockerEvidence = { "LockerEvidence", "evidence locker", }, LockerSyndicatePersonal = { "LockerSyndicatePersonal", "armory closet", }, LockerBluespaceStation = { "LockerBluespaceStation", "bluespace locker", }, LockerClown = { "LockerClown", "clown locker", }, LockerMime = { "LockerMime", "mime locker", }, LockerRepresentative = { "LockerRepresentative", "representative locker", }, BaseMagazineBoxAntiMateriel = { "BaseMagazineBoxAntiMateriel", "ammunition box (.60 anti-materiel)", }, MagazineBoxAntiMaterielBig = { "MagazineBoxAntiMaterielBig", "ammunition box (.60 anti-materiel)", }, MagazineBoxAntiMateriel = { "MagazineBoxAntiMateriel", "ammunition box (.60 anti-materiel)", }, BaseMagazineBoxCaselessRifle = { "BaseMagazineBoxCaselessRifle", "ammunition box (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineBoxCaselessRifle10x24 = { "MagazineBoxCaselessRifle10x24", "ammunition box (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineBoxCaselessRifleBig = { "MagazineBoxCaselessRifleBig", "ammunition box (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineBoxCaselessRifle = { "MagazineBoxCaselessRifle", "ammunition box (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineBoxCaselessRiflePractice = { "MagazineBoxCaselessRiflePractice", "ammunition box (.25 caseless practice)", }, BaseMagazineBoxLightRifle = { "BaseMagazineBoxLightRifle", "ammunition box (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineBoxLightRifleBig = { "MagazineBoxLightRifleBig", "ammunition box (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineBoxLightRifle = { "MagazineBoxLightRifle", "ammunition box (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineBoxLightRiflePractice = { "MagazineBoxLightRiflePractice", "ammunition box (.30 rifle practice)", }, MagazineBoxLightRifleIncendiary = { "MagazineBoxLightRifleIncendiary", "ammunition box (.30 rifle incendiary)", }, MagazineBoxLightRifleUranium = { "MagazineBoxLightRifleUranium", "ammunition box (.30 rifle uranium)", }, MagazineBoxMagnum = { "MagazineBoxMagnum", "ammunition box (.45 magnum)", }, MagazineBoxMagnumPractice = { "MagazineBoxMagnumPractice", "ammunition box (.45 magnum practice)", }, MagazineBoxMagnumIncendiary = { "MagazineBoxMagnumIncendiary", "ammunition box (.45 magnum incendiary)", }, MagazineBoxMagnumUranium = { "MagazineBoxMagnumUranium", "ammunition box (.45 magnum uranium)", }, MagazineBoxMagnumAP = { "MagazineBoxMagnumAP", "ammunition box (.45 magnum armor-piercing)", }, BaseMagazineBoxPistol = { "BaseMagazineBoxPistol", "ammunition box (.35 auto)", }, MagazineBoxPistol = { "MagazineBoxPistol", "ammunition box (.35 auto)", }, MagazineBoxPistolPractice = { "MagazineBoxPistolPractice", "ammunition box (.35 auto practice)", }, MagazineBoxPistolIncendiary = { "MagazineBoxPistolIncendiary", "ammunition box (.35 auto incendiary)", }, MagazineBoxPistolUranium = { "MagazineBoxPistolUranium", "ammunition box (.35 auto uranium)", }, MagazineBoxRifleBig = { "MagazineBoxRifleBig", "ammunition box (.20 rifle)", }, MagazineBoxRifle = { "MagazineBoxRifle", "ammunition box (.20 rifle)", }, MagazineBoxRiflePractice = { "MagazineBoxRiflePractice", "ammunition box (.20 rifle practice)", }, MagazineBoxRifleIncendiary = { "MagazineBoxRifleIncendiary", "ammunition box (.20 rifle incendiary)", }, MagazineBoxRifleUranium = { "MagazineBoxRifleUranium", "ammunition box (.20 rifle uranium)", }, BoxBeanbag = { "BoxBeanbag", "shotgun beanbag cartridges dispenser", }, BoxLethalshot = { "BoxLethalshot", "shotgun lethal cartridges dispenser", }, BoxShotgunSlug = { "BoxShotgunSlug", "shotgun slug cartridges dispenser", }, BoxShotgunFlare = { "BoxShotgunFlare", "shotgun flare cartridges dispenser", }, BoxShotgunIncendiary = { "BoxShotgunIncendiary", "shotgun incendiary cartridges dispenser", }, BoxShotgunUranium = { "BoxShotgunUranium", "shotgun uranium cartridges dispenser", }, BoxShotgunPractice = { "BoxShotgunPractice", "shotgun practice cartridges dispenser", }, BoxShellTranquilizer = { "BoxShellTranquilizer", "tranquilizer cartridges dispenser", }, BoxDonkSoftBase = { "BoxDonkSoftBase", "foamdart box", }, BoxDonkSoftBox = { "BoxDonkSoftBox", "box of foam darts", }, BoxCartridgeCap = { "BoxCartridgeCap", "cap gun cartridge box", }, CartridgeAntiMateriel = { "CartridgeAntiMateriel", "cartridge (.60 anti-materiel)", }, BaseCartridgeCaselessRifle = { "BaseCartridgeCaselessRifle", "cartridge (.25 rifle)", }, CartridgeCaselessRifle = { "CartridgeCaselessRifle", "cartridge (.25 caseless)", }, CartridgeCaselessRiflePractice = { "CartridgeCaselessRiflePractice", "cartridge (.25 caseless practice)", }, BaseCartridgeHeavyRifle = { "BaseCartridgeHeavyRifle", "cartridge (.20 rifle)", }, CartridgeMinigun = { "CartridgeMinigun", "cartridge (.10 rifle)", }, BaseCartridgeLightRifle = { "BaseCartridgeLightRifle", "cartridge (.30 rifle)", }, CartridgeLightRifle = { "CartridgeLightRifle", "cartridge (.30 rifle)", }, CartridgeLightRiflePractice = { "CartridgeLightRiflePractice", "cartridge (.30 rifle practice)", }, CartridgeLightRifleIncendiary = { "CartridgeLightRifleIncendiary", "cartridge (.30 rifle incendiary)", }, CartridgeLightRifleUranium = { "CartridgeLightRifleUranium", "cartridge (.30 rifle uranium)", }, BaseCartridgeMagnum = { "BaseCartridgeMagnum", "cartridge (.45 magnum)", }, CartridgeMagnum = { "CartridgeMagnum", "cartridge (.45 magnum)", }, CartridgeMagnumPractice = { "CartridgeMagnumPractice", "cartridge (.45 magnum practice)", }, CartridgeMagnumIncendiary = { "CartridgeMagnumIncendiary", "cartridge (.45 magnum incendiary)", }, CartridgeMagnumAP = { "CartridgeMagnumAP", "cartridge (.45 magnum armor-piercing)", }, CartridgeMagnumUranium = { "CartridgeMagnumUranium", "cartridge (.45 magnum uranium)", }, BaseCartridgePistol = { "BaseCartridgePistol", "cartridge (.35 auto)", }, CartridgePistol = { "CartridgePistol", "cartridge (.35 auto)", }, CartridgePistolPractice = { "CartridgePistolPractice", "cartridge (.35 auto practice)", }, CartridgePistolIncendiary = { "CartridgePistolIncendiary", "cartridge (.35 auto incendiary)", }, CartridgePistolUranium = { "CartridgePistolUranium", "cartridge (.35 auto uranium)", }, BaseCartridgeRifle = { "BaseCartridgeRifle", "cartridge (.20 rifle)", }, CartridgeRifle = { "CartridgeRifle", "cartridge (.20 rifle)", }, CartridgeRiflePractice = { "CartridgeRiflePractice", "cartridge (.20 rifle practice)", }, CartridgeRifleIncendiary = { "CartridgeRifleIncendiary", "cartridge (.20 rifle incendiary)", }, CartridgeRifleUranium = { "CartridgeRifleUranium", "cartridge (.20 rifle uranium)", }, BaseShellShotgun = { "BaseShellShotgun", "shell (.50)", }, ShellShotgunBeanbag = { "ShellShotgunBeanbag", "shell (.50 beanbag)", }, ShellShotgunSlug = { "ShellShotgunSlug", "shell (.50 slug)", }, ShellShotgunFlare = { "ShellShotgunFlare", "shell (.50 flare)", }, ShellShotgun = { "ShellShotgun", "shell (.50)", }, ShellShotgunIncendiary = { "ShellShotgunIncendiary", "shell (.50 incendiary)", }, ShellShotgunPractice = { "ShellShotgunPractice", "shell (.50 practice)", }, ShellTranquilizer = { "ShellTranquilizer", "shell (.50 tranquilizer)", }, ShellShotgunImprovised = { "ShellShotgunImprovised", "improvised shotgun shell", }, ShellShotgunUranium = { "ShellShotgunUranium", "uranium shotgun shell", }, BaseCartridgeCap = { "BaseCartridgeCap", "cartridge (cap)", }, CartridgeCap = { "CartridgeCap", "cap gun cartridge", }, BaseMagazineCaselessRifle = { "BaseMagazineCaselessRifle", "magazine (.25 caseless)", }, BaseMagazineCaselessRifleShort = { "BaseMagazineCaselessRifleShort", "caseless rifle short magazine (.25 caseless)", }, BaseMagazinePistolCaselessRifle = { "BaseMagazinePistolCaselessRifle", "pistol magazine (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineCaselessRifle10x24 = { "MagazineCaselessRifle10x24", "box magazine (.25 caseless)", }, MagazinePistolCaselessRifle = { "MagazinePistolCaselessRifle", "pistol magazine (.25 caseless)", }, MagazinePistolCaselessRiflePractice = { "MagazinePistolCaselessRiflePractice", "pistol magazine (.25 caseless practice)", }, MagazineCaselessRifle = { "MagazineCaselessRifle", "magazine (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineCaselessRiflePractice = { "MagazineCaselessRiflePractice", "magazine (.25 caseless practice)", }, MagazineCaselessRifleShort = { "MagazineCaselessRifleShort", "short magazine (.25 caseless)", }, MagazineCaselessRifleShortPractice = { "MagazineCaselessRifleShortPractice", "short magazine (.25 caseless practice)", }, BaseMagazineGrenade = { "BaseMagazineGrenade", "grenade cartridge", }, MagazineGrenadeEmpty = { "MagazineGrenadeEmpty", "grenade cartridge", }, MagazineGrenadeFrag = { "MagazineGrenadeFrag", "frag grenade cartridge", }, MagazineGrenadeEMP = { "MagazineGrenadeEMP", "EMP grenade cartridge", }, MagazineGrenadeFlash = { "MagazineGrenadeFlash", "flash grenade cartridge", }, MagazineGrenadeBlast = { "MagazineGrenadeBlast", "blast grenade cartridge", }, MagazineGrenadeBaton = { "MagazineGrenadeBaton", "baton grenade cartridge", }, BaseMagazineHeavyRifle = { "BaseMagazineHeavyRifle", "magazine (.20 rifle)", }, BaseMagazineLightRifle = { "BaseMagazineLightRifle", "magazine (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineLightRifleBox = { "MagazineLightRifleBox", "L6 SAW magazine box (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineLightRifle = { "MagazineLightRifle", "magazine (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineLightRifleEmpty = { "MagazineLightRifleEmpty", "magazine (.30 rifle any)", }, MagazineLightRiflePractice = { "MagazineLightRiflePractice", "magazine (.30 rifle practice)", }, MagazineLightRifleUranium = { "MagazineLightRifleUranium", "magazine (.30 rifle uranium)", }, MagazineLightRifleIncendiary = { "MagazineLightRifleIncendiary", "magazine (.30 rifle incendiary)", }, MagazineLightRifleMaxim = { "MagazineLightRifleMaxim", "pan magazine (.30 rifle)", }, MagazineLightRiflePkBox = { "MagazineLightRiflePkBox", "PK munitions box (.30 rifle)", }, BaseMagazineMagnum = { "BaseMagazineMagnum", "pistol magazine (.45 magnum)", }, BaseMagazineMagnumSubMachineGun = { "BaseMagazineMagnumSubMachineGun", "Vector magazine (.45 magnum)", }, MagazineMagnumEmpty = { "MagazineMagnumEmpty", "pistol magazine (.45 magnum any)", }, MagazineMagnum = { "MagazineMagnum", "pistol magazine (.45 magnum)", }, MagazineMagnumPractice = { "MagazineMagnumPractice", "pistol magazine (.45 magnum practice)", }, MagazineMagnumUranium = { "MagazineMagnumUranium", "pistol magazine (.45 magnum uranium)", }, MagazineMagnumAP = { "MagazineMagnumAP", "pistol magazine (.45 magnum armor-piercing)", }, MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunEmpty = { "MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunEmpty", "Vector magazine (.45 magnum any)", }, MagazineMagnumSubMachineGun = { "MagazineMagnumSubMachineGun", "Vector magazine (.45 magnum)", }, MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunPractice = { "MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunPractice", "Vector magazine (.45 magnum practice)", }, MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunUranium = { "MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunUranium", "Vector magazine (.45 magnum uranium)", }, MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunPiercing = { "MagazineMagnumSubMachineGunPiercing", "Vector magazine (.45 magnum armor-piercing)", }, BaseMagazinePistol = { "BaseMagazinePistol", "pistol magazine (.35 auto)", }, BaseMagazinePistolHighCapacity = { "BaseMagazinePistolHighCapacity", "machine pistol magazine (.35 auto)", }, BaseMagazinePistolSubMachineGun = { "BaseMagazinePistolSubMachineGun", "SMG magazine (.35 auto)", }, MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted = { "MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted", "WT550 magazine (.35 auto top-mounted)", }, MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMountedEmpty = { "MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMountedEmpty", "WT550 magazine (.35 auto top-mounted any)", }, MagazinePistol = { "MagazinePistol", "pistol magazine (.35 auto)", }, MagazinePistolEmpty = { "MagazinePistolEmpty", "pistol magazine (.35 auto any)", }, MagazinePistolIncendiary = { "MagazinePistolIncendiary", "pistol magazine (.35 auto incendiary)", }, MagazinePistolPractice = { "MagazinePistolPractice", "pistol magazine (.35 auto practice)", }, MagazinePistolUranium = { "MagazinePistolUranium", "pistol magazine (.35 auto uranium)", }, MagazinePistolHighCapacityEmpty = { "MagazinePistolHighCapacityEmpty", "machine pistol magazine (.35 auto any)", }, MagazinePistolHighCapacity = { "MagazinePistolHighCapacity", "machine pistol magazine (.35 auto)", }, MagazinePistolHighCapacityPractice = { "MagazinePistolHighCapacityPractice", "machine pistol magazine (.35 auto practice)", }, MagazinePistolHighCapacityRubber = { "MagazinePistolHighCapacityRubber", "machine pistol magazine (.35 auto rubber)", }, MagazinePistolSubMachineGun = { "MagazinePistolSubMachineGun", "SMG magazine (.35 auto)", }, MagazinePistolSubMachineGunEmpty = { "MagazinePistolSubMachineGunEmpty", "SMG magazine (.35 auto any)", }, MagazinePistolSubMachineGunPractice = { "MagazinePistolSubMachineGunPractice", "SMG magazine (.35 auto practice)", }, MagazinePistolSubMachineGunUranium = { "MagazinePistolSubMachineGunUranium", "SMG magazine (.35 auto rubber)", }, BaseMagazineRifle = { "BaseMagazineRifle", "magazine (.20 rifle)", }, MagazineRifle = { "MagazineRifle", "magazine (.20 rifle)", }, MagazineRifleEmpty = { "MagazineRifleEmpty", "magazine (.20 rifle any)", }, MagazineRifleIncendiary = { "MagazineRifleIncendiary", "magazine (.20 rifle incendiary)", }, MagazineRiflePractice = { "MagazineRiflePractice", "magazine (.20 rifle practice)", }, MagazineRifleUranium = { "MagazineRifleUranium", "magazine (.20 rifle uranium)", }, BaseMagazineShotgun = { "BaseMagazineShotgun", "ammo drum (.50 shells)", }, MagazineShotgunEmpty = { "MagazineShotgunEmpty", "ammo drum (.50 shells any)", }, MagazineShotgun = { "MagazineShotgun", "ammo drum (.50 pellet)", }, MagazineShotgunBeanbag = { "MagazineShotgunBeanbag", "ammo drum (.50 beanbags)", }, MagazineShotgunSlug = { "MagazineShotgunSlug", "ammo drum (.50 slug)", }, MagazineShotgunIncendiary = { "MagazineShotgunIncendiary", "ammo drum (.50 incendiary)", }, MagazineFoamBox = { "MagazineFoamBox", "ammunition box (foam)", }, BulletAntiMateriel = { "BulletAntiMateriel", "bullet (.60 anti-materiel)", }, BulletCaselessRifle = { "BulletCaselessRifle", "bullet (.25 caseless)", }, BulletCaselessRiflePractice = { "BulletCaselessRiflePractice", "bullet (.25 caseless practice)", }, PelletClusterRubber = { "PelletClusterRubber", "pellet (ball, rubber)", }, PelletClusterLethal = { "PelletClusterLethal", "pellet (ball, lethal)", }, PelletClusterIncendiary = { "PelletClusterIncendiary", "pellet (ball, incendiary)", }, BulletHeavyRifle = { "BulletHeavyRifle", "bullet (.20 rifle)", }, BulletMinigun = { "BulletMinigun", "minigun bullet (.10 rifle)", }, BulletLightRifle = { "BulletLightRifle", "bullet (.20 rifle)", }, BulletLightRiflePractice = { "BulletLightRiflePractice", "bullet (.20 rifle practice)", }, BulletLightRifleIncendiary = { "BulletLightRifleIncendiary", "bullet (.20 rifle incendiary)", }, BulletLightRifleUranium = { "BulletLightRifleUranium", "bullet (.20 rifle uranium)", }, BulletMagnum = { "BulletMagnum", "bullet (.45 magnum)", }, BulletMagnumPractice = { "BulletMagnumPractice", "bullet (.45 magnum practice)", }, BulletMagnumIncendiary = { "BulletMagnumIncendiary", "bullet (.45 magnum incendiary)", }, BulletMagnumAP = { "BulletMagnumAP", "bullet (.45 magnum armor-piercing)", }, BulletMagnumUranium = { "BulletMagnumUranium", "bullet (.45 magnum uranium)", }, BulletPistol = { "BulletPistol", "bullet (.35 auto)", }, BulletPistolPractice = { "BulletPistolPractice", "bullet (.35 auto practice)", }, BulletPistolIncendiary = { "BulletPistolIncendiary", "bullet (.35 auto incendiary)", }, BulletPistolUranium = { "BulletPistolUranium", "bullet (.35 auto uranium)", }, BulletRifle = { "BulletRifle", "bullet (0.20 rifle)", }, BulletRiflePractice = { "BulletRiflePractice", "bullet (0.20 rifle practice)", }, BulletRifleIncendiary = { "BulletRifleIncendiary", "bullet (0.20 rifle incendiary)", }, BulletRifleUranium = { "BulletRifleUranium", "bullet (0.20 rifle uranium)", }, PelletShotgunSlug = { "PelletShotgunSlug", "pellet (.50 slug)", }, PelletShotgunBeanbag = { "PelletShotgunBeanbag", "beanbag (.50)", }, PelletShotgun = { "PelletShotgun", "pellet (.50)", }, PelletShotgunIncendiary = { "PelletShotgunIncendiary", "pellet (.50 incendiary)", }, PelletShotgunPractice = { "PelletShotgunPractice", "pellet (.50 practice)", }, PelletShotgunImprovised = { "PelletShotgunImprovised", "improvised pellet", }, PelletShotgunTranquilizer = { "PelletShotgunTranquilizer", "pellet (.50 tranquilizer)", }, PelletShotgunFlare = { "PelletShotgunFlare", "pellet (.50 flare)", }, PelletShotgunUranium = { "PelletShotgunUranium", "pellet (.50 uranium)", }, PelletGrapeshot = { "PelletGrapeshot", "grapeshot pellet", }, PelletGlass = { "PelletGlass", "glass shard", }, BulletFoam = { "BulletFoam", "foam dart", }, BaseSpeedLoaderMagnum = { "BaseSpeedLoaderMagnum", "speed loader (.45 magnum)", }, SpeedLoaderMagnum = { "SpeedLoaderMagnum", "speed loader (.45 magnum)", }, SpeedLoaderMagnumEmpty = { "SpeedLoaderMagnumEmpty", "speed loader (.45 magnum any)", }, SpeedLoaderMagnumIncendiary = { "SpeedLoaderMagnumIncendiary", "speed loader (.45 magnum incendiary)", }, SpeedLoaderMagnumPractice = { "SpeedLoaderMagnumPractice", "speed loader (.45 magnum practice)", }, SpeedLoaderMagnumAP = { "SpeedLoaderMagnumAP", "speed loader (.45 magnum armor-piercing)", }, SpeedLoaderMagnumUranium = { "SpeedLoaderMagnumUranium", "speed loader (.45 magnum uranium)", }, BaseSpeedLoaderPistol = { "BaseSpeedLoaderPistol", "speed loader (.35 auto)", }, SpeedLoaderPistol = { "SpeedLoaderPistol", "speed loader (.35 auto)", }, SpeedLoaderPistolPractice = { "SpeedLoaderPistolPractice", "speed loader (.35 auto practice)", }, SpeedLoaderLightRifle = { "SpeedLoaderLightRifle", "speed loader (.30 rifle)", }, BaseSpeedLoaderCap = { "BaseSpeedLoaderCap", "cap gun loader", }, SpeedLoaderCap = { "SpeedLoaderCap", "cap gun loader", }, }