Bruise Pack
Bruise Pack is a basic topicalTopical is a medical item that is applied externally to a patient to heal them, even if they are dead. that heals 15 brute (5 blunt, 5 slash and 5 piercing) damage per use.
The Bruise pack especially excels in healing brute damage when there are multiple types present. The bruise pack does not stop bleeding like Gauze or Medicated Sutures.
Found on stations
Can be found in Medvends, in medical supply locks, as maintenance loot, or as standard issue in medical belts.
Can be created using a Medical techfab (recipe below), requiring 2.5 of each material for a full stack. Bruise packs, like all topicals, are able to heal damage from deceased crew members. As chemicals are much more efficient as healing damage, it is recommended to only use Bruize packs (and all topicals for that matter) to heal a deceased patient to below 195 damage in order to conserve them.