Cargo Technician

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Cargo Department

Cargo Technician

Access: None (lame)
Difficulty: Medium
Duties: Deliver supplies for the station, salvage items from space wrecks
Supervisors: Head of Personnel, Quartermaster, Captain
Subordinates: Too lame
Guides: [TBA]

Although intially a trivial job, Cargo Department employees can amass any type of items with a little bit of luck, wits and time. Whenever anyone runs out supplies related to their job, they will turn to Cargo Deparment to resupply. If you're bored of sitting at the front desk and staring blankly at the corridor wall you can also put on your hardsuit and dwell into space to salvage some shipwrecks for free guns and dehydrated space carps extra materials!

Cargo Ordering Computer

Using Cargo Console, you can order supplies that are required for other departments to operate, but among the positions in the list you can also find items purely for recreation, like art supplies, instruments, plushies or some good ol' smokes for relieving stress whenever someone accidentally spaces your department.

Remember to order and deliver items responsibly! Do not give clown a crate full of guns and do not waste all your funds on monkey cubes.

Cargo Teleporter

Cargo Teleporter is where all the crates you've ordered will teleport to. Don't worry, standing on it won't get you tele-fragged... probably.

Salvage Magnet

This console is used for pulling in salvage wrecks, which you can explore for extra loot. Keep in mind that salvaging is primarly a job of Salvage Specialists so make sure you don't snatch their suit (unless the map you're playing doesn't have a Salvage Specialists job).

The salvage magnet will always pull in a wreck in a specific distance away from it, meaning that if the magnet is facing the wrong way or is installed too deep inside the station, then you won't be able to pull anything in.

Constructing a shuttle

Due to ease of obtaining materials for a shuttle, Cargo is usually the first to build their own, personal flying shuttle. More details and a guide can be found in Shuttle Construction.

Useful trivia and tricks

  • Make sure to close the airlocks properly whenever you go out of the station, otherwise you will risk spacing your department and incurring Quartermaster's wrath
  • If you ever find yourself among a mess of several empty crates, you can deconstruct them using a screwdriver
  • Make sure to leave some empty paper on your desk, so your crewmates can leave out orders during your abscence at the front desk