Playable Species

From Space Station 14 Wiki

There are currently 5 playable species in Space Station 14 - Humans, Reptilians, Slimes, Diona, and Dwarves. Each has their own distinct stats, strengths, and weaknesses, but all have a few things in common:

  • all species are capable of equipping the same tools and items.
  • all species are capable of metabolizing reagents and experiencing their effects.
  • all species speak the same language.
  • all species are to be treated equally by the crew and AI onboard.

NOTE: "Damage Modifiers" refers to TAKEN damage, not damage dealt to other entities.


Baseline, unmodified human beings, functionally similar to the human beings of our world, aside for a comparatively incredible resistance to the vacuum of space (a trait shared more or less with all SS14 species). They cannot eat raw meat.

Damage Modifiers

  • All damage types: 1.0


Image Organ Purpose
Heart Determines the efficiency of blood pumping. A healthy heart means a healthier body.
Brain The center of self, the most important part of any individual. Determines who inhabits and controls the body.
Lungs Determines the rate of breathing. Unhealthy lungs may result in the body getting less O2/N2 than it needs.
Stomach Aids in the digestion of foods, liquids, and reagents in the body.
Kidneys Filter the vital fluids of any toxins they might contain.
Liver Contains enzymes that aid in certain biological processes.
Eyes Allow for visual information to be extracted from an organism's environment via light.


Reptile-like humanoids with sharp claws, tough scales, and an appetite for raw meat. Their unarmed melee attacks do piercing instead of blunt damage due to their claws. For whatever reason, onions, chocolate, coffee and tea are poisonous to them, however they are able to eat most corpses without butchering.

Damage Modifiers

  • Blunt - 1.1
  • Slash - 0.9
  • Pierce - 1.0
  • Heat - 0.9
  • Cold - 1.5
  • Shock - 1.0
  • Poison - 0.9
  • Radiation - 1.0
  • Pressure - 1.0
  • Cellular - 1.0


Image Organ Purpose
Heart Determines the efficiency of blood pumping. A healthy heart means a healthier body.
Brain The center of self, the most important part of any individual. Determines who inhabits and controls the body.
Lungs Determines the rate of breathing. Unhealthy lungs may result in the body getting less O2/N2 than it needs.
Stomach Aids in the digestion of foods, liquids, and reagents in the body.
Kidneys Filter the vital fluids of any toxins they might contain.
Liver Contains enzymes that aid in certain biological processes.
Eyes Allow for visual information to be extracted from an organism's environment via light.


Gelatinous human-shaped masses of goo who breath nitrogen instead of oxygen, and exhale nitrous oxide. They are naturally vulnerable to both high and low pressure barotrauma, but their elastic form makes them resistant to blunt damage.

Slimes are almost completely immune to cancer due to the nature of their cellular structure, and cannot get drunk due to a specialized metabolism process that isn't affected by alcohol.

Damage Modifiers

  • Blunt - 0.6
  • Slash - 1.2
  • Pierce - 1.2
  • Heat - 1.0
  • Cold - 1.5
  • Shock - 1.0
  • Poison - 0.8
  • Radiation - 1.0
  • Pressure - approx. 1.28
  • Cellular - 0.2


Image Organ Purpose
Heart Determines the efficiency of blood pumping. A healthy heart means a healthier body.
Brain The center of self, the most important part of any individual. Determines who inhabits and controls the body.
Lungs Determines the rate of breathing. Unhealthy lungs may result in the body getting less O2/N2 than it needs.
Stomach Aids in the digestion of foods, liquids, and reagents in the body.
Kidneys Filter the vital fluids of any toxins they might contain.
Liver Contains enzymes that aid in certain biological processes.
Eyes Allow for visual information to be extracted from an organism's environment via light.


Tree-like plant people whose bodies react with fertilizer and weed-killing chemicals similar to regular plants. They cannot wear shoes, walk slower than the other races, and have a relatively high resistance to brute-force damage. They also have water instead of blood, and require significantly more water to stay hydrated.

Damage Modifiers

  • Blunt - 0.7
  • Slash - 0.8
  • Pierce - 1.0
  • Heat - 1.5
  • Cold - 1.0
  • Shock - 1.2
  • Poison - 1.0
  • Radiation - 1.0
  • Pressure - 1.0
  • Cellular - 1.0


NOTE: Diona have plantlike organs, allowing chemicals such as weed killer and robust harvest to affect their bodies similar to plants.

Ex: Diona can consume robust harvest as a weaker form of omnizine.

Image Organ Purpose
Heart Determines the efficiency of blood pumping. A healthy heart means a healthier body.
Diona Brain The center of self, the most important part of any individual. Determines who inhabits and controls the body. Functionally identical to the other humanoid brains.
Lungs Determines the rate of breathing. Unhealthy lungs may result in the body getting less O2/N2 than it needs.
Diona Stomach Aids in the digestion of foods, liquids, and reagents in the body. Due to its plantlike nature, it can digest fertilizers and weedkillers similar to the ways a plant would. Still capable of metabolizing medicine meant for animals.
Kidneys Filter the vital fluids of any toxins they might contain.
Liver Contains enzymes that aid in certain biological processes.
Diona Eyes Allow for visual information to be extracted from an organism's environment via light. Functionally identical to other humanoid eyeballs.


A stout and stalwart race quite similar to humans, save for their diminutive stature, as well as a propensity for alcohol and goofy Scottish accents. Somehow, alcohol is able to heal their injuries.

Damage Modifiers

  • Unknown, likely similar to humans.


Image Organ Purpose
Heart Determines the efficiency of blood pumping. A healthy heart means a healthier body.
Brain The center of self, the most important part of any individual. Determines who inhabits and controls the body.
Lungs Determines the rate of breathing. Unhealthy lungs may result in the body getting less O2/N2 than it needs.
Stomach Aids in the digestion of foods, liquids, and reagents in the body. Somehow capable of metabolizing alcohol as a healing agent(?)
Kidneys Filter the vital fluids of any toxins they might contain.
Liver Contains enzymes that aid in certain biological processes.
Eyes Allow for visual information to be extracted from an organism's environment via light.


The newest species contracted for employment on Space Station 14, particularly for their pressure-resistant exoskeletons and dexterity. Possibly related to the space spiders and giant tarantulas found in outer space.

Damage Modifiers

  • Blunt - 1.15
  • Slash - 0.85
  • Pierce - 1.15
  • Heat - 1.25
  • Airloss - >1
  • Pressure - <1
  • Poison - 0.8


NOTE: Arachnids have a slower metabolic rate than other organisms, meaning they heal from medicine and take damage from ingested toxins slower. This has no effect on externally applied reagents.

Image Organ Purpose
Heart Determines the efficiency of blood pumping. A healthy heart means a healthier body.
Brain The center of self, the most important part of any individual. Determines who inhabits and controls the body.
Lungs Determines the rate of breathing. Unhealthy lungs may result in the body getting less O2/N2 than it needs.
Stomach Aids in the digestion of foods, liquids, and reagents in the body.
Kidneys Filter the vital fluids of any toxins they might contain.
Liver Contains enzymes that aid in certain biological processes.
Eyes Allow for visual information to be extracted from an organism's environment via light.