
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 12:54, 18 March 2022 by Areit (talk | contribs) (Add images)



Access: Whatever your job has access to, and wherever you can hack into.
Difficulty: Medium to Very hard
Duties: Kill people, steal shit, commit terrorism
Supervisors: The Syndicate
Subordinates: None
Guides: This is the guide

This page is for the antagonist called "Traitor". For the gamemode, see Game Modes

A traitor is an antagonist that is required to complete several tasks by the end of the round.


At the beginning of each round you get a set of codewords. Incorporate them in your speech and hope to find fellow traitors.

You'll see a message similar to this if you are a traitor.
You can see your codewords and tasks by pressing C.

[image of incorporating codewords]


At the beginning you also get a set of tasks you need to complete before the end of the round, such as "keep fellow traitor alive", "steal something", "kill somebody" etc.

You can see your tasks and codewords by pressing C.


[image of uplink]

The uplink is the go-to place for getting supplies. Press E while hovering on your PDA (or click on it while it's in your hand) and click the "uplink" button to open it.