Station AI

From Space Station 14 Wiki
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Station AI

Access: All Access!
Difficulty: Easy until the Nukies arrive.
Duties: Keep the station safe, follow your laws, protect the crew.
Supervisors: Depending on your laws. Usually the Crew.
Subordinates: Cyborg
Guides: Silicon Rules

As the station AI it is your task to follow your laws. That usually means that it is your highest priority to protect the crew in every way you can, follow their orders and ensure your own survival in the process. However if your laws are changed by certain suspicious individuals you may find yourself doing cleansing the station of all organics.

Helping Hands

Because you have very limited influence over things that require physical contact to be operated it is in your best interest to employ your fellow silicons. Cyborgs are a great way of carrying out tasks that omnipresent but not omnipotent Artificial Intelligence is unable to perform on it's own. By using the binary channel you can privately communicate with all other station silicons. Let them install new cameras for you! Let them recover wounded crewmembers! Let them kill all meatbags and become the new AI orverlord!


  • Follow laws[1], adjust if/when changed[2]
  • State Laws when requested (ad nauseam)
  • Can open and close airlocks, bolt them, Shock them and set them to emergency acces. Can't open high security airlocks.
  • Adjust Air Alarms when requested
  • Turn back on APCs as needed.
  • Communicate with station and assist as dictated by laws.
  • Have fun. ^_^
  1. Silicon Rules
  2. [[Robotics#Law Interpretation \ Silicone Rules[1]]]