Initial Infected

From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 23:27, 30 January 2025 by 3P5I7ON (talk | contribs) (added stuff about grace period and Poison damage as II)
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Initial Infected

Access: Standard/Job-related
Difficulty: Medium
Duties: Convert as much of the station as possible, at all costs.
Supervisors: N/A
Subordinates: Initial Infected, Zombies
Guides: SS14 - Zombies Explained - Liltenhead

"You are an initial infected. Get supplies and prepare for your eventual transformation. Your goal is to overtake the station while infecting as many people as possible."

The Initial Infected are conversion antagonists that are tasked with converting as much of the station to zombies as possible. An Initial Infected can turn into a zombie in one of two ways; one, they will turn into a zombie upon death, or two, they can willingly convert at any time through an Initial Infected-exclusive UI button. After conversion, the Initial Infected turn into a regular zombie.

While an Initial Infected receives a 15 minute "grace period" where they are free to do however they like, they will slowly start accumulating Poison damage, forcing their conversion.

Zombie Propagation

There are two main methods of creating new zombies:

  • Zombies can bite a crit/dead body in order to instantly convert it into a new zombie.
  • A crew member or animal can die after being infected, which will cause them to instantly turn into a zombie upon falling into crit.

A key note about the infection is that, while it is spread through bite, the chance of the infection itself is noticably dependent on clothing. The infected have a 50% chance to spread the infection with each bite if the victim has no clothing, and a 20% chance if the victim is wearing clothing.

Zombie Infection

Though the main way the infection spreads being through zombie bites, it can be transmitted in other ways. Notably, it can be gained through ingesting Romerol, a Syndicate-branded poison designed to artifically create a zombie infection. Romerol can be purchased by Nuclear Operatives, and show up through a vent foam event.