
From Space Station 14 Wiki
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Admins are a group of volunteers that moderate the various servers. This article will focus on the Wizard's Den game servers' administrators. Administrators conduct behaviour in accordance with the server rules.

While the main duty of an admin is to enforce the rules and punish those who break them, admins do a variety of other tasks including occasionally setting up game events and helping out new players.

Admin Intervention!

Admins can intervene for a few main reasons.

  • Getting rid of Raiders
  • Admemes
  • Resolving conflicts or issues between players

There won't be depth to the description of dealing with raiders and conflicts, if you have any questions concerning those, please ask it in the admin question channel in the official SS14 discord.


Admeme is slang, which can be broken down into admin and meme. Admemes are any actions done by an admin with the purpose for providing fun for the crew, or roleplaying. While this does not follow the original usage of the word, it is what is used today.

Admemes have created a great environment for players to tell stories, and there are many great examples. I will list a few examples given here.

  • ERT sent to deal with respawning zombies in the morgue.
  • Talking Objects
  • Inverted Goat.

If you have an admeme example you wish to share, please add it to the list, or reach out if you need aid adding it to the list.

Reportedly some admins accidently do admemes. ScarKy0 is an example.

How Do I Contact an Admin?

The main way to report someone or to talk with the admins is by using the Ahelp button in the Escape menu. Your ahelp message will be sent to an admin who will review it. All messages are relayed to a Discord channel so be sure to include as much information as possible, even if no admin is currently available. In the most urgent cases you may ping game admins on Discord if none are active and online, such as when there is an extremely disruptive raider that is flooding chat or killing everyone.

I Was Banned!

You can submit a ban appeal here, or you can just wait it out if it is short.

Can I Become an Admin?

To apply to become an admin, see this post.