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Forms to use in Salamander [collection] I totally didn't get a hyper focusation on forms or something.


Mental Health Evaluation Form

[bold]To:[/bold] Central Command, NanoTrasen Corporation [bold]From:[/bold] Medical Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red] DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Mental Health Evaluation Form[/color]

[head=1]Mental Health Evaluation Form[/head]

[head=2]Patient Information[/head] 1. Full Name: ___________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth: ________________________________________________ 3. Employee ID: _________________________________________________ 4. Department: __________________________________________________ 5. Position: ____________________________________________________ 6. Date of Evaluation: ___________________________________________ 7. Evaluator's Name: ____________________________________________

[head=2]Evaluation Questions[/head] [head=3]General Health and Background[/head] - How would you describe your overall health? - Have you had any previous mental health diagnoses or treatments? If yes, please specify. - Are you currently taking any medications? Please list them.

[head=3]Mood and Behavior[/head] - How have you been feeling in general lately? - Have you noticed any changes in your mood or behavior? - Do you experience frequent mood swings?

[head=3]Thought Processes[/head] - How would you describe your thought patterns? (e.g., clear, focused, scattered) - Do you have any concerns about your memory or concentration? - Have you experienced any unusual thoughts or perceptions?

[head=3]Stress and Coping[/head] - What are your current stress levels like? - How do you usually cope with stress? - Have you faced any recent life changes or stressors?

[head=3]Work Performance and Relationships[/head] - How do you feel about your current job and work environment? - Have you experienced any difficulties in your relationships with colleagues or supervisors? - How do you handle conflicts or challenges at work?

[head=3]Physical Health and Habits[/head] - How would you rate your sleep quality? - Do you have any chronic physical health conditions? - What are your eating and exercise habits like?

[head=3]Safety and Risk Assessment[/head] - Have you had any thoughts of harming yourself or others? - Do you feel safe in your current living and working environment? - Is there anything else you would like to share that might help us understand your mental health better?

[head=2]Evaluator's Notes and Recommendations[/head] - Observations: - Recommendations:

[head=2]Consent and Acknowledgment[/head] I, [Patient's Name], hereby acknowledge that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have been informed about the confidentiality and use of this evaluation.

Patient's Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________

Evaluator's Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________

[italic]This document is confidential and intended solely for the use of NanoTrasen's Central Command and authorized personnel.[/italic]

Mental Health Evaluation Form - Hallucination Assessment

[bold]To:[/bold] Central Command, NanoTrasen Corporation [bold]From:[/bold] Medical Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red] DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Mental Health Evaluation Form - Hallucination Assessment[/color]

[head=1]Mental Health Evaluation Form - Hallucination Assessment[/head]

[head=2]Patient Information[/head] 1. Full Name: ___________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth: ________________________________________________ 3. Employee ID: _________________________________________________ 4. Department: __________________________________________________ 5. Position: ____________________________________________________ 6. Date of Evaluation: ___________________________________________ 7. Evaluator's Name: ____________________________________________

[head=2]Evaluation Questions and Responses[/head] [head=3]General Health and Background[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] Can you describe your overall health, including any medical conditions?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you previously been diagnosed with any mental health conditions?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Are you currently taking any medications or substances, prescribed or otherwise?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=3]Hallucination Specific Assessment[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you been experiencing any visual, auditory, or other sensory hallucinations?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Can you describe these hallucinations in detail (e.g., what you see, hear, feel)?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] When did you first notice these hallucinations, and how frequently do they occur?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Do these hallucinations occur in specific situations or at particular times?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] How do these hallucinations affect your daily life and functioning?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you noticed any triggers or patterns that seem to precede the hallucinations?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=3]Mood and Thought Processes[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] How have your mood and emotions been alongside these hallucinations?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you experienced any changes in your thinking or perception of reality?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Do you feel in control of your thoughts, or do you experience intrusive or racing thoughts?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=3]Safety and Risk Assessment[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] Have the hallucinations ever prompted thoughts of harm towards yourself or others?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Do you feel safe in your current environment, or do the hallucinations cause fear or distress?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Is there anything else you feel is important to share about your experiences or mental state?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=2]Evaluator's Notes and Recommendations[/head] - Observations: ________________________________________________________________________ - Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________________

[head=2]Consent and Acknowledgment[/head] I, [Patient's Name], hereby acknowledge that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have been informed about the confidentiality and use of this evaluation.

Patient's Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________

Evaluator's Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________

[italic]This document is confidential and intended solely for the use of NanoTrasen's Central Command and authorized personnel.[/italic]

Mental Health Evaluation Form - Assessment for Violent Behavior

[bold]To:[/bold] Central Command, NanoTrasen Corporation [bold]From:[/bold] Medical Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red] DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Mental Health Evaluation Form - Assessment for Violent Behavior[/color]

[head=1]Mental Health Evaluation Form - Assessment for Violent Behavior[/head]

[head=2]Patient Information[/head] 1. Full Name: ___________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth: ________________________________________________ 3. Employee ID: _________________________________________________ 4. Department: __________________________________________________ 5. Position: ____________________________________________________ 6. Date of Evaluation: ___________________________________________ 7. Evaluator's Name: ____________________________________________

[head=2]Evaluation Questions and Responses[/head] [head=3]General Health and Background[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] Can you describe your overall health and any medical or psychological conditions you have?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you been diagnosed with any mental health disorders in the past?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Are you currently using any medications, drugs, or substances?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=3]Assessment of Violent Behavior[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you ever engaged in acts of violence or aggression? If yes, can you describe the circumstances?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] What emotions or thoughts do you experience during or after these acts of violence?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Do you feel that you have control over these violent behaviors?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you ever experienced any traumatic events that might have influenced your behavior?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] How do you typically feel about other people? Do you feel connected to others or distant?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Are there any particular triggers or situations that lead to feelings of anger or violence?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=3]Mood and Thought Processes[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] How would you describe your mood in general?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Do you experience any persistent thoughts that you find troubling or hard to control?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you ever felt a lack of empathy or disregard for others' feelings?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=3]Safety and Risk Assessment[/head] - [italic]Question:[/italic] Have you ever thought about harming yourself or others?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Do you feel that you pose a risk to yourself or others in your current state?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

- [italic]Question:[/italic] Is there anything else that you think is important for us to know about your mental state or behaviors?

 [italic]Response:[/italic] _______________________________________________________________

[head=2]Evaluator's Notes and Recommendations[/head] - Observations: ________________________________________________________________________ - Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________________

[head=2]Consent and Acknowledgment[/head] I, [Patient's Name], hereby acknowledge that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have been informed about the confidentiality and use of this evaluation.

Patient's Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________

Evaluator's Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________

[italic]This document is confidential and intended solely for the use of NanoTrasen's Central Command and authorized personnel.[/italic]


Expedition Form Notice & Instructions

[bold]From:[/bold] Central Command, NanoTrasen Corporation [bold]To:[/bold] Supply Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red]DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Expedition Request Form[/color]

[head=2]Subject: Expedition Request Form[/head]

Dear Recipient,

Please find attached the Expedition Request Form for your convenience. This form is intended for individuals who possess an unwavering passion for exploring the unknown and a commendable disregard for personal safety.

Before proceeding with your adventurous endeavor, please take note of the following guidelines:

[bullet/] Ensure that you have received proper survival training, as we do not guarantee the presence of breathable air, friendly lifeforms, or sanity-preserving environments in uncharted territories. [bullet/] Please be aware that expeditions may involve encounters with extraterrestrial lifeforms, dangerous anomalies, or interdimensional beings. NanoTrasen will not be held liable for any psychological trauma, physical disfigurement, or existential crises that may result. [bullet/] It is highly recommended to bring along sufficient supplies of emergency rations, advanced medical equipment, and a copy of "Surviving Cosmic Nightmares: A Practical Guide" by Dr. Phobos. [bullet/] In the event of an unforeseen catastrophe, remember to document your findings, snap some captivating pictures, and transmit them to our headquarters. After all, what's a brush with imminent death without some stunning visuals to share? [bullet/] Finally, please note that the approval process for expedition requests can be as unpredictable as the cosmic void itself. Your patience is appreciated as we assess the viability of your proposed venture.

Should you choose to proceed, we wish you the best of luck in your quest for knowledge, discovery, and potential obliteration.

Yours adventurously, NanoTrasen Official

Expedition Request Form

[bold]To:[/bold] Central Command, NanoTrasen Corporation [bold]From:[/bold] Supply Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red] DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Expedition Request Form[/color]

[head=2]Expedition Request Form[/head]

[bold]Name:[/bold] _______________________________________________

[bold]Department/Division:[/bold] __________________________________

[bold]Title/Rank:[/bold] ___________________________________________

[bold]Date of Request:[/bold] ______________________________________

[bold]Proposed Destination:[/bold] _________________________________

[bold]Expedition Purpose (Briefly describe the objective):[/bold]

[bold]Estimated Duration of Expedition:[/bold] ________________________

[bold]List of Equipment and Supplies Requested:[/bold]

[bullet] [/bullet] [bullet] [/bullet] [bullet] [/bullet]

[bold]Estimated Number of Personnel:[/bold] _________________________

[bold]Risk Assessment and Contingency Plan (Summarize potential risks and outline contingency measures):[/bold]

[bold]Acknowledgement and Acceptance:[/bold]

I, the undersigned, understand the risks associated with the proposed expedition and hereby acknowledge that NanoTrasen will not be held responsible for any personal injury, psychological trauma, or other adverse events that may occur during the course of this venture.

I confirm that all personnel participating in the expedition are fully aware of the potential risks involved and have received the necessary training and briefing.

[bold]Signature:[/bold] ________________________________ [bold]Date:[/bold] ______________

Please submit this completed form to the Expeditions Department for review and approval. Kindly note that the approval process may take time, and submission of this form does not guarantee authorization.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. NanoTrasen Official

Empty Request Received

[bold]From:[/bold] Central Command, NanoTrasen Corporation [bold]To:[/bold] Supply Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red]DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Empty Expedition Request Form[/color]

[head=2]Subject: Empty Expedition Request Form[/head]

Attention: [italic]<name>[/italic],

We have received the expedition request form you submitted, and to our dismay, it arrived completely devoid of any information. It appears to be as empty as the void of space itself.

As a NanoTrasen Official, I must express my bewilderment as to why you would send back a form that resembles a black hole, swallowing all relevant details. Are we to embark on an expedition of the unknown, armed with nothing but a blank piece of paper?

I implore you to revisit the form and fill it out with the essential information we require. Without the necessary details, we cannot process your request or allocate the appropriate resources. It is akin to asking us to navigate the stars blindfolded.

Please take the time to rectify this oversight promptly. Remember, precision and clarity are paramount when venturing into uncharted territories. We eagerly anticipate your revised submission.

Yours expectantly, NanoTrasen Official

Order Request

[head=2]Cargo Order Request Form[/head]

[bold]Name of Requester:[/bold] _______________________________________________

[bold]Department/Division:[/bold] _____________________________________________

[bold]Title/Rank:[/bold] ______________________________________________________

[bold]Details of Order:[/bold] Please provide a clear and detailed list of items you are requesting. Include item names, quantities, and any specific requirements or NT standards that must be met.

[bold]Purpose of Order:[/bold] Briefly describe the reason for this order and how these items will be used.

[bold]Priority Level:[/bold] [ ] High - Urgent need [ ] Medium - Important but not urgent [ ] Low - Routine order

[bold]Delivery Instructions:[/bold] Include any specific instructions for delivery, such as location, time, or handling requirements.

[bold]Additional Notes:[/bold] Provide any other information that might help in processing your order efficiently.

[bold]Approval:[/bold] I, NAME, certify that the information provided is accurate and that the order is necessary for the operations of my department. I understand that this request will be reviewed according to NanoTrasen's procurement procedures and standards.

[bold]Signature:[/bold] ________________________________ [bold]Date:[/bold] ______________

[italic]Please submit this completed form to the Cargo Department for processing. Note that all orders are subject to approval and availability of resources. Thank you for following NanoTrasen's procedures and standards in your request.[/italic]


= Blanko Security

[bold]To:[/bold] [bold]From:[/bold] Security Department, NT14 Station Name Here [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red]DATE 2X23[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Security Record[/color]

[head=1]Security Record[/head]

[bold]Employee Name:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Employee ID:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Position:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Date of Birth:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Hire Date:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Last Review Date:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Security Clearance Level:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Violations:[/bold] None recorded as of [color=red]DATE 2X23[/color] OR 1. ___________________________ on [color=red]DATE[/color] 2. ___________________________ on [color=red]DATE[/color] (Note: Add more lines as needed)

[bold]Comments:[/bold] ___________________________ ___________________________ Note: Add more lines as needed

[bold]Security Officer's Name:[/bold] ___________________________

[bold]Signature:[/bold] ___________________________ [color=red]DATE 2X23[/color]

[italic]This record is confidential and should only be accessed by authorized personnel. Any unauthorized access or distribution of this record is a violation of NanoTrasen's policies and may result in disciplinary action.[/italic]

Note: Please fill in the blanks with the appropriate information. If there are no violations, mention "None recorded as of [color=red]DATE 2X23[/color]". If there are violations, list them with the date of occurrence.


Job Transfer

[bold]To:[/bold] Head of Personnel [bold]From:[/bold] [Department Name], NanoTrasen [bold]Date:[/bold] [color=red]Insert Date Here[/color] [bold]Subject:[/bold] [color=green]Job Transfer Request Form[/color]

[head=2]Job Transfer Request Form[/head]

This form is for use by NanoTrasen employees seeking a transfer to a different department or position within the company. Please fill out the form completely and submit it to the Head of Personnel for processing. A stamp from the department heads is recommended for faster processing and adherence to NT standards.

[bold]Employee Information[/bold] Name: ___________________________________________________ Current Department/Division: _______________________________ Current Title/Rank: ________________________________________ Employee ID: _____________________________________________

[bold]Transfer Information[/bold] Requested Department/Division: _____________________________ Requested Title/Rank: ______________________________________ Reason for Transfer: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

[bold]Approval and Acknowledgement[/bold] I, NAME, request a job transfer as detailed above. I understand that this request is subject to approval based on company policies, departmental needs, and individual qualifications. I agree to continue to perform my current duties to the best of my ability until a decision is made regarding this request.

Employee Signature: ___________________________ Date: _____________

[bold]For Department Use Only[/bold] [italic]Comments from Current Department Head:[/italic] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

[italic]Comments from Requested Department Head:[/italic] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Department Head Signature: ______________________ Date: _____________

Please return the completed form to the Head of Personnel. The approval process may vary in time, and submission of this form does not guarantee a transfer. Thank you for your cooperation.

Job Hire

[head=2]Job Hiring Request Form[/head]

This form is intended for NanoTrasen department heads or managers looking to hire new personnel. Please complete all sections of this form and submit it to Central Command for review and approval. A stamp from the department head is highly recommended for compliance with NT standards.

[bold]Department Information[/bold] Department/Division Requesting Hire: _________________________ Department Head Name: _____________________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________________

[bold]Position Information[/bold] Title/Rank of Position: ______________________________________ Job Description: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Required Qualifications: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Preferred Skills: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

[bold]Justification for Hiring[/bold] Reason for Request (e.g., replacement, department expansion): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Expected Impact on Department (e.g., increased efficiency, workload distribution): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

[bold]Approval and Acknowledgement[/bold] I, the undersigned department head, confirm that the information provided is accurate and that the requested position is essential for the department's operations. I understand that this request is subject to approval based on company policies and budget considerations.

Department Head Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________

[bold]Central Command Use Only[/bold] Approved: [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Central Command Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________

Please submit this completed form to Central Command for processing. The approval process may vary in time, and submission of this form does not guarantee the creation or filling of the position. Thank you for your cooperation.

NanoTrasen Official

I am getting to overboard with this, I am stopping.