
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 11:06, 29 October 2022 by Ldsvegeta (talk | contribs) (update overview with start/end tips, where to source stuff, cow interactions.)



Access: Kitchen, Maintenance, Service,
Difficulty: Medium
Duties: Cook food, force the botanists to do their job.
Supervisors: Head of Personnel
Subordinates: None
Guides: List of Recipes

As the chef, your goal is to provide food. for the hungry masses using your trusty Cooking and Grinder. Depending on the shift, some of the time you'll have almost no customers, while others you'll be overwhelmed. It is your job to coordinate with the Bartender and the other chefs and manage food distribution and rationing, and the types of food needed for the current situation. Ask botany for the required plants or stick to animal products.

When starting your shift, your first job is to order the botanists on what to grow. The next is to go to Cargo and order a Cow. If there's no Botanists on your shift, contemplate getting your own hands dirty if you can get into Hydroponics. Alternatively, consider whether you can stomach cannibalism and if so, make a deal with Medical for unused corpses. You'll be competing with the medical team and Cargo for precious corpses (both animal and human). Medical needs them for biomass and cargo wants them as they sell well.

In an emergency where you just cannot source ingredients, plead with Scientists or Chemists to generate Sugar and Salt out of thin air. Remember to return their container if you want them to not get irritated.

When ending your shift, remember to stock up on your created foodstuffs and haul them with you (in a crate if need-be) to Evac. On the shuttle be sure to fill the tables with your food.

Things to keep in mind

  • Most cooked foods can be cut into slices, deliver these to customers instead of the entire batch, as food is expensive in labor
  • Different foods have different nutritional values. Many meat dishes have protein, and other healthy dishes have vitamins. Some healthy dishes, like nettle soup, may even have omnizine.
  • You have a utensil dispenser, it is essentially a vending machine for cups, bowls, mugs, and the like. However, it also contains knives and your trusty cleaver. Thankfully it can only be accessed normally by the chefs, however, if someone gains kitchen access, they can quickly gain a very deadly weapon. Don't be afraid to call security if there is a trespasser, or complain to the Head of Personnel if they are giving out unneeded access.
  • Sometimes you will be alone, but sometimes you will have one to three other chefs helping you out in the kitchen, coordinate with them and make sure they know the needed recipes and teach them if they do not.
  • Treat your cleaver like you would a gun. It is extremely deadly, and should be treated as such. Keep it in your pocket or backpack when not in use to prevent stealing, and only use as a last resort or in extreme circumstances, such as assault. Get Hop and the bartender involved if necessary.
  • You may have to be more careful when delivering food if there is a risk of bodily harm or theft, if so, deliver the food to the bartender, who can give the desired food to the customer.
  • Do not gib people if you are not a traitor.
  • When holding a bucket, you can Alt Click on a Cow in order to fill your bucket with milk.