Guide to Medical

From Space Station 14 Wiki

Starting your shift

Medbay often starts out calm, but you'd best prepare for the storm that's about to come. You'll either get blown up by some syndicate agent wanting the hypospray or something similar, or you'll get so inundated with bodies and people screaming in your ear for you to treat them faster that you'll blow medbay up yourself.

Coordinate with the chemists. Give them a laundry list of drugs you'll need to treat your patients. Try to have a variety of meds on deck, and don't just keep a stockpile of Tricordrazine for everyone that comes your way.

It's optional, but bringing a body scanner out to the front of medbay for them to come and scan their DNA without pestering you to do it is usually something most medical staff will set up.

Use the body scanners to identify the damage being done to the victim and treat them accordingly. Scan their DNA if they haven't done so already.

If there is no crew monitor out in medical's public area, ask the CMO to bring the crew monitor out from their office to leave in the medical bay for you to peruse. Some maps have a monitor out in Medbay already though. When you have the time, you can check the crew monitor for anyone dead, and attempt to clone them if they have scanned their DNA prior to death. If they have their suit sensors set to display coordinates, you may also use those to potentially locate their body. Currently the only way to view coordinates is to press F3.

Cloning vs. Morgue

If someone dies in your care or is brought to you as a corpse, before you decide to stuff them in the morgue, verify that the body has a soul. The best, and simplest way to do this is ⇧ Shift + left click.

If you see text in red stating "His/her soul has departed.", this means that this person is still cloneable. Once they've been cloned, the old body will display the uncloneable text shown below, and can be disposed of, after the person has gathered all their things off of it.

If instead you see text in yellow stating "His/her soul has departed and moved on. Any recovery is unlikely.", then this person is gone. They've either left the server, or they've taken a ghost role, such as a drone or monkey, and thus forfeited the right to come back to their body. That or they've just been cloned. Toss this body in the morgue. Alternatively, if someone has disconnected from the round while still being alive, they will receive a variant of this text stating something along the lines of "being unresponsive with a distant stare."

There is a third possibility, of there being purple text, stating "He/She is totally catatonic. The stresses of life deep in space must have been too much for her. Any recovery is unlikely." This player ghosted while alive, meaning they forfeited the ability to go back into their body. They can be considered brain dead, and put in the morgue, or donated to your local chef.

Stabilizing and Administering Medication

Patients are often dragged in gasping for air in a critical state. The usual best response to this is to inject Epinephrine to stabilize them, which has the effect as well of stopping O2 loss. Everyone starts with an Epipen inside their survival box, which contains 15u of Epinephrine. You shouldn't need more than this. Medical doctors also have one Epipen on their medical belt. If you run out, There are also bottles inside the NanoMed of Epinephrine which you can use with a syringe, also inside the vendor.

If you don't have Epinephrine then Inaprovaline can also be useful, to a lesser degree.

When it comes to administering your medication, it doesn’t matter if it's in pill or injection. Pills contain higher volumes of medication, up to 50 units, but syringes kick in almost instantly, with the drawback of only being able to insert 5 units at a time, and the capacity being 15.

A good idea is to keep a pill bottle or two of assorted medications once the chem lab has kicked into gear and started a decent production, so that you can be prepared for any situation.

Ah fuck everyone is bleeding out

Everyone in medbay is dying of bloodloss (If they look pale when examined, they are bleeding out), this is what you need to make: Pills containing 15u of Tranexamic Acid and 35u of Iron called "Clotter", and pills containing Dexalin Plus called "Stopper".

Clotter will seal people's wounds (though not as fast as bandaging them with gauze) and help them recover blood, Stopper will help them recover from the effects of bloodloss faster. Inaprovaline works as a decent substitute for Tranexamic Acid if necessary.

If you have gauze available, Gauze + Dexalin Plus + Iron is a more effective solution to bloodloss, but keep in mind gauze is a consumable, and you may wish to save some for emergencies.

Common Chemicals

These are chemicals you should probably keep a beaker or two of on hand.

Dexalin plus
Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 7 Asphyxiation, and 6 Bloodloss per unit.
Removes 3 lexorin when more than 1u lexorin present.
Deals 10 Asphyxiation, and 6 Cold per unit when more than 25u.

Used in treatment of extreme cases of oxygen deprivation. Effective at healing blood loss damage.
Seems to be cloudy.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 3 Heat, 3 Shock, and 3 Cold per unit.
Deals 2 Asphyxiation, and 4 Cold per unit when more than 10u.
cause jittering when more than 10u.

An advanced chemical that is more effective at treating burn damage than Kelotane.
Seems to be translucent.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 4 Brute per unit.
Deals 1 Asphyxiation, and 3 Poison per unit when more than 15u.
Causes vomitting.
cause jittering when more than 15u.

Alcohol (0.5 units per second)

Causes drunkness.

An analgesic which is highly effective at treating brute damage. It's useful for stabilizing people who have been severely beaten, as well as treating less life-threatening injuries. In the case of bleeding (internal or external), bicaridine will slow down the bleeding heavily. If the dosage exceeds the overdose limit, it'll stop it outright.
Seems to be opaque.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 0.66 Heat, 0.66 Shock, 2 Brute, 1 Poison, and 0.66 Cold per unit when below 50 damage.

A wide-spectrum stimulant, originally derived from Cordrazine. It's capable of healing most common damage types simultaneously, however only at about half the rate of other medications. Because of its low potency, it's best used as a supplement to other medicines.
Seems to be opaque.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 2 Radiation per unit.
Causes vomitting.
Deals 4 Heat per unit when more than 30u.
cause jittering when more than 30u.

A weak treatment for radiation damage. Considered to be useful mainly for genetic modification, where it reduces radiation levels, and thus the chance of genetic mutations. Largely outclassed by Arithrazine.
Seems to be cloudy.

Tranexamic acid
Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Reduces bleeding.
Deals 6 Bloodloss per unit when more than 15u.

A blood clotting medicine for preventing heavy bleeding. Very dangerous in large quantities.
Seems to be viscous.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 1 Brute, 1 Poison, 1 Burn, and 6 Asphyxiation per unit when , and less than 20u.
Deals 2 Asphyxiation, and 2 Poison per unit when more than 20u.
Removes 2 lexorin.
Removes 1 epinephrine when more than 1u lexorin present.
10% chance to add 4 histamine when more than 1u lexorin present.
Reduces stun time by 0.75 seconds per unit when more than 1u lexorin present.
Reduces knockdown time by 0.75 seconds per unit when more than 1u lexorin present.

Effective at bringing people back from a critical state. Reduces some stun times. Easy to overdose on.
Seems to be odorless.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 2 Poison per unit.
Deals 4 Brute per unit when more than 20u.
cause jittering when more than 20u.
Causes vomitting.

Alcohol (0.5 units per second)

Causes drunkness.

A broad-spectrum anti-toxin, which treats toxin damage in the blood stream. Overdosing will cause vomiting, dizzyness and pain.
Seems to be translucent.

Further useful chems can be found in the Medicine section of the chemistry page.

Types of Damage

Use your health analyzer to determine the damage of your patient. Sometimes there will be multiple types of damage and the patient will need multiple treatments applied. Below are the types of damage and their treatments.

Damage Treatment
Brute Bruise pack, Bicaridine, Tricordrazine
Caustic Siderlac
Burn Ointment, Dermaline, Kelotane, Tricordrazine
Airloss Dexalin, Dex+, Epinephrine, Inaprovaline
Toxin Dylovene, Ultravasculine, Arithrazine, Hyronalin, Stellibinin, Diphenhydramine
Genetic Spaceacillin, Phalanximine,
Bleeding Pulped Banana Peel, Inaprovaline, Tranexamic acid

Brute Damage

So your patient was just bludgeoned by shitcurity again. What do you do?

There are three types of brute damage: blunt, slash, and piercing. At present all instances of brute damage can be treated the same.

If the damage isn't severe, around 20 points of damage, give them a bruise pack and call it a day. Bruise packs heal 5 points of brute damage per use in each category, meaning one use of the pack (which has 5 uses) will heal 5 blunt, 5 slash, and 5 piercing. Anything more than that, and you're better off using proper medication.

Bicaridine is the best option for healing straight brute damage, healing 4 Brute damage per unit. If you do not have Bicaridine on hand, the next best thing to look for is Tricordrazine. Tricordrazine is a favorite of doctors because it's a triple cure. It will cure 2 brute damage a unit, on top of 1 poison, and 2 burn. It's not as strong, and will require a higher dosage on some patients to see them in the clear. As mentioned earlier, if there's not that much brute damage overall, you're better off saving medication and using a bruise pack.

Burn Damage

"I touched a lightbulb, I don't feel so good."

There are three types of burn damage: heat, shock, and cold. As with brute, minor instances of burn damage can be treated by simply applying ointment instead. However, while bruise packs heal three categories of damage in Brute, ointment only heals heat and shock. It will heal 10 points of damage, 5 in each category, per use.

The best option for healing burn damage of any kind is Dermaline . This will heal 6 damage per unit of the medication applied.

Failing that, if there is Kelotane, but this will only heal 2 damage per unit.

Last but not least, Tricordrazine will also heal 2 burn damage a unit, along with 1 poison and 2 brute.

Airloss Damage

It's likely you've seen the blurb further up regarding bleeding. For bloodloss, refer to that.

When it comes to asphyxiation, Epinephrine is good for stabilizing patients losing air to give you time to work on them, but it will only temporarily divert the issue. Get them some proper medication. An easier to make alternative to stabilize patients is Inaprovaline, which does the same thing but to a lesser extent, and also is far easier for the chemists to make. These medications do not lower asphyxiation below 100, they only prevent it from getting higher.

To actually treat asphyxiation, Dexalin and DexalinPlus are your friends. Dexalin will treat 2 asphyxiation damage, and one 1 bloodloss. DexalinPlus will treat 6 asphyxiation damage, and 4 bloodloss.

Toxin Damage

There are two types of Toxin damage, and both are treated with different medications.

The first kind is Poison Damage. For poison, your best option to detox is Dylovene. Dylovene heals 2 poison damage per unit. It's quite easy to make. Technically, Ultravasculine is far superior in terms of an antitoxin, however it is much more difficult to source, and comes with the side effect of dealing brute damage along side the detox.

If you do not have Dylovene, you can also use Tricordrazine to heal 1 poison damage per unit, along with 2 brute and 2 burn.

The next kind of Toxin is Radiation damage. Radiation is best treated with Arithrazine. Arithrazine Heals 6 radiation per unit, however deals 1 brute damage per unit. This is why it is usually best practice for chemists to mix some Bicaridine in with the Arithrazine pill, however if they do not, just give the patient a Bicaridine pill to go alongside the Arithrazine. Or give them a bruise pack.

If they do not have Arithrazine, then Hyronalin is the other alternative. It heals slower, curing 2 radiation per unit, however it doesn't have any side effects.

How to Deal with a Pandemic

"hewp doctow i don't feew so weww"

Diseases can be challenging to deal with: they expand every second you aren't curing someone.

Ensure you and the other medbay staff are wearing PPE. Everyone, at minimum, should be wearing latex gloves and a sterile mask. Immediately segregate any sick patients into virology or another enclosed space where they can't infect others.

To identify how the disease should be treated, take a swab from the swab box. Then, use it to test someone and put it in the Diagnoser and read the printout it makes. If you have the time and manpower to spare, using swab samples from the patient on the vaccinator and distributing them to high priority personnel can be worth it.

If the disease has low or medium Spaceacillin resistance, then Spaceacillin is your best bet. It has a small chance of not working, so be sure to give them a decent amount. If the disease has high Spaceacillin resistance or the outbreak is already big enough that med needs assistance, alternative cures are listed at the bottom of the printout.