SS14:Maintaining specific pages
Page: Maps
Thumb images
Map images are shown as thumbnail images (small images) to prevent slow load and performance issues.
Thumb images should be in webp format, 300px wide (the maximum allowed thumbnail size in user preferences). Height doesn't matter.
Changing the format and resizing can be done with an online tool or locally. Author recommends using libwebp
— the official webp CLI utility, although that requires some console commands knowledge.
If using libwebp
, to convert from another image format to webp and resize, use (on Windows):
cwebp.exe map_image.png -o map_image.webp -resize 300 0 -q 100
where map_image.png
is the input filename, and map_image.webp
is the output filename.
Powershell script to process all files in current directory Note: this requires the libwebp to be in some other directory, eg a subdirectory.
Full size images
There are 3 links at the start of each section:
- - an interactive map.
- this wiki - for storing full scale map images here on the wiki.
- - the source for the full scale images. Should be up to date with new updates [1] once an issue [2] is resolved.
Updating map image on wiki
For the wiki image, use a direct link to the image file instead of the file page. File pages contain previous versions and can degrade performance significantly. To get a direct link, click the image file or the "original file" link.
To get a file page link from a direct image link, take the filename from the end of a link, for instance:
and put it at the end of this link:
Working with Mapserver
Mapserver links look like this:
They usually don't change with existing maps, but it's not impossible. The mapper would have to delete the grid and place down a new one for it to change (the grid ID number at the end).
They are assembled with this format:
<mapserver url>/api/Image/grid/:mapId/:gitRef/:gridId
<mapserver url>
is a map ID, egfland
is the name of a branch on ss14 repo, usuallymaster
is a grid ID within the map. To see the grids for a particular map, go to
For Box (map), the link would look like:
Grids would be ordered from biggest to smallest, so the first one is usually correct.
Use your browser search to find gridId
fields. Use links in url
fields to see how a grid looks like. If a grid looks like a whole station, then it's a right grid.
Full API docs for Mapserver: