From Space Station 14 Wiki
- Access: Can squeeze under most doors
- Difficulty: Medium-
rare - Duties: Eating, Squeaking,
Biting - Supervisors: Captain
- Subordinates: None.
- Guides: This is the guide.
Hamlet is a hamster Ghost Role that spawns in the bridge. He’s very similar to the normal mouse ghost role but has a few key changes.
- He can bite for 2 piercing damage, usually not needed though. Don’t go around biting random crew.
- Hamlet is also able to operate the HAMTR mech, which can be created by Science.
- Hamlet has a mask slot, a helmet slot, a glasses slot, and a tank slot. These can be utilized to deck yourself out.
When playing as Hamlet, be aware that some of the crew will probably try to throw you in a microwave or eat you, so keep your guard up, and wiggle out of anyone's grasp if they have microwaving intent. However, it's not all bad, and some crew will happily feed you or keep you as a sidekick.
Keep in mind that as Hamlet, you are station-aligned and should not be antagonistic, outside of acting a little hangry. This includes repeatedly biting people for no reason, spilling valuable medicine, or attacking other station pets without proper escalation.