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Access: Chapel, Maintenance
Difficulty: Easy
Duties: Preach to crew members and aid them in their journeys to spiritual oneness. Get bored and switch places with a Passenger.
Supervisors: Head of Personnel
Subordinates: Your trusty bat
Guides: [TBA]

You, as the Chaplain, are in a position of divine roleplaying power to start up any religious (or cult-like) order you see fit and garner the respect of your peers. This is a difficult task, as you shouldn't antagonize the station with violence or overall malicious activity, as the power your hold is just (and the rules are firm). You may spend your round with little to no followers, and simply slot into the role of another face at the bar having idle chit-chat and playing music, but... You are someone that everyone regards a bit differently, many will default into referring to you as father/mother/sister and much like how a Mime is apt to emote properly, you should often lean in to this aspect and maintain your role.

As there's an underlying reason why you're more than just a Passenger with his own special room...

The Bible

Your bible has minimal storage space, but beyond that, when clicking on someone, has the ability to heal them for Brute and Burn with a 5 second cooldown. There is a 1/3 chance that you will damage them instead, but if you make sure they are wearing headgear, there is no chance of failure. The best part is if anyone tries to use your Bible, they will instead take Burn damage; this helps ensure your role can't just be taken from you by some robust Clown.

It's not much - conventional healing from a medical doctor or a chemist trumps your abilities in a variety of ways - but when in a pinch you're able to rise to the occasion and save lives.

It can be worn in the belt slot.

The Crematorium

On certain stations, you will find a room with a crematorium inside your chapel. This is used to keep the station from piling up with corpses after cloning or after they've been left alone for too long and started rotting. As the chaplain, it is your duty to deliver their last rites and remove any belongings before turning the cadavers into ash. Make sure to check on your chapel periodically, as medbay may send the deceased your way, and if you're not careful, you could come back to a mountain of corpses releasing miasma everywhere.

Divinely Appointed Antagonist

It is possible that the game admin may choose you to be an antagonist for the round. Look for ominous messages to appear above your head such as "You feel a connection to darkness" or "I...SEE...YOU". These messages can only be seen by you but will appear in the chat box. It is possible that the admin may contact you directly though admin chat or if they think you're ignoring them. How you choose to react to these messages can shape the course of the round. If you send an acknowledgement message via prayer they may ask you to start a cult and plop down a bunch of cult robes/hoods in the chapel or something else depending on what they have in mind.

Cult activity is technically illegal but starting a cult can be something the chaplain does on their own initiative for roleplay, so it may be possible to walk and recruit openly among the crew for a significant amount of time before security decides to investigate so long as you don't name drop Nar'Sie or whatever dark god it is you worship. Recruiting for a cult is as simple as walking up to the crew and asking if they want to join. Grey tiders are often easy pickings since they have no job and are often new players looking for something exciting to do. However, don't be afraid to ask other departments if they want to join. It would be wise to avoid recruiting command staff and the security department however, lone cadets are all too often willing to join. Once you have assembled your following for whatever task you have been given you are set. Although, don't be surprised if said dark god kills you all and appears to murder everyone on the station or turns every member of the cult into zombies. They wouldn't be a dark god if they didn't do evil things.