Science Department

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Welcome to the Science department! One second you might be excitedly stumbling onto a money printing artifact. The next moment that same artifact turns science department into a crater. This department is all about throwing caution to the wind all while you scream "In the name of science!!"

Science is a large department that is composed of a few sections. The sections that are under the science department includes Robotics, Anomalous Research, and Xenoarcheology. There are four jobs that are typically associated with the science department. The jobs that are associated with science includes Research Director, Scientist, Research Assistant, and Cyborgs.

Sections of Science


Robotics is the synthetic lifeblood of the station. Robotics is a department that strives to create as many synthetic lives as they can to help the station and it's crew. Roboticists can make small and helpful bots, such as medibots. They may also focus on more expensive creations like cyborgs and mechs like the Ripley.

Anomalous Research

One of R&D's main ways to harvest research points, and the leading cause of headaches in captains of non-coordinated stations. Anomalous Research is a subdepartment of R&D focused around the containment and manipulation of various unique anomalies. These anomalies can be extremely dangerous to the station if left alone so be careful!


The other main way to harvest research points, this methodology for harvesting is simultaneously safer for the station and more dangerous for science. This section of science involves a lot of trial and error to figure out to activate alien artifacts. These artifacts can be really mild or really dangerous depending on their depth.

Jobs of Science

Research Director

The Research Director (Or RD) is in charge of the Science department and oversees the duties of Science Department. While they will ideally have Scientists under them to aid in research, they are expected to have at least a fundamental understanding of how to operate their department. The Research Director will be focusing on teaching any staff that needs assistance. The Research Director is also expected to lead the team through a path of research through the Research Tree. The Research Director might also have to pick up any role that is missing so that the department remains functional.


Scientists follow guidance, direction, and tasks assigned by the Research Director. Scientists are usually tasked with providing research points by researching artifacts or studying anomalies. Scientists may also be tasked with building and providing various high tech tools, weapons, equipment, and machines to the other various departments. It's important as a scientist to be kind to your colleagues, provide gifts for others, and throw caution to the wind in the name of science!!

Research Assistant

Research assistants follow guidance, direction, and tasks assigned by the Research Director and Scientists. Research assistants are usually tasked with providing research points by researching artifacts or studying anomalies. Feel free to ask someone higher up if you get confused on what to do or how to do something. Study, learn, and watch your teacher blow up the science department while trying to teach you artifacts!


Brought to life by the power of research and technology sits the silicon life of the Cyborg. The cyborg is bound by silicon laws that restrict how they can interact with others. With a default "crewsimov" set of laws the cyborg will be out to help the crew in any way they are asked to. Cyborgs typically will report to science to assist research and in turn gain the benefit of new chasis and modules that will aid their goals.