
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 22:11, 17 August 2024 by Aliser (talk | contribs) (extra changes for previous update #5)
Module documentation
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Implements {{Item}}.

Known items are synced regularly from the upstream, but things like icons and links must be defined manually. See #JSON files to see what data files there are, and see #FAQ on specific instructions.

JSON files

JSON files that are updated automatically, syncing with the upstream:

Do not make changes to the above JSON files - any changes made will be erased on next update.

JSON files that are filled manually:


How to add new item?

New items are added automatically. This doesn't include icons - for that, see #How to add icon to item?.

Where to get item ID?

From Module:Item/item_names_by_item_ids.json.

How to add icon to item?

If you want to add multiple textures per single item, see #Adding multiple icons to item

1. Upload new icon to the wiki.

2. Go to Module:Item/item_image_files_by_item_id.json.

3. Add a new line. Follow the format: "<item ID>": "<file name>"

"WeaponLaserCarbine": "laser rifle-East-35325.png"

4. Save the file. The icon should now appear when using {{item}}.

Adding multiple icons to item

Currently, the only supported use case if for items that have a different icon based on the amount of item.

1. Upload new icons to the wiki.

2. Go to Module:Item/item_image_files_by_item_id.json.

3. Add a new line. Follow the format:

"<item ID>": {
	"default": "<default file name>",
	"byCondition": [
			"type": "amount",
			"conditions": [
					"file": "<file name 1>",
					"min": <minimum amount 1>
					"file": "<file name 2>",
					"min": <minimum amount 2>
					"file": "<file name 3>",
  • item ID - item ID to add icons for.
  • default file name - icon to use when amount is not specified.
  • file name 1/2/N - icons to use with specified amounts.
  • "min": <amount 1/2/N> - icon to use when there's at least this much of item.

Last condition entry (objects that have "file" and "min" fields) shouldn't have any condition in it (i.e. no "min" specified), because it will be used in cases where other conditions do not satisfy.

Conditions are evaluated top to bottom, meaning the file from the first one that satisfies will be used.

4. Save the file. The icons should now appear when using {{item}} and differ based on the amount.

How to add custom names to item?

When using {{item}}, you probably don't want to use item IDs because that's internal game info which is a pain in the ass to write. Gladly, there's an existing set of item names defined in Module:Item/item_ids_by_item_lowercase_names.json, which are human-readable. But not all existing items will have their names in there, because some names do repeat (for instance, various bottles named bottle).

To add new cool names and have them not be erased on new update (which happens to the JSON file linked in previous paragraph), add them to Module:Item/item_ids_by_item_lowercase_names_overrides.json. These will have higher priority and will be used instead. You can define as much "aliases" for an item ID as you wish.

Step-by-step: 1. Go to Module:Item/item_ids_by_item_lowercase_names_overrides.json.

2. Add a new line. Follow format: "<item lowercase name>": "<item ID>". Please note, that all items names defined here must be lowercase.

"emag": "EmagUnlimited"

3. Save the file.

How to add a link to item?

To make {{item}} behave like a link all the time, a page link needs to be established in Module:Item/item page links by item ids.json. Please note, if you need a one-time link, use the link parameter in the {{item}} template.

1. Go to Module:Item/item_ids_by_item_lowercase_names_overrides.json.

2. Add a new line. Follow format: "<item ID>": "<page name>".

"Protolathe": "Research_and_Development#Protolathe"

3. Save the file.


  • Ores are currently hardcoded into names overrides. Figure out a way to pull them from game resources. This is for Module:Item recipe.

-- Contains utilities for working with in-game items.

local p = {} --p stands for package
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

-- A table of items IDs mapped to their names.
local item_names_by_item_id = mw.loadJsonData("Module:Item/item names by item id.json")

-- A table of items IDs mapped to their image file names.
local item_image_by_item_id = mw.loadJsonData("Module:Item/item image files by item id.json")

-- A config for resolving which item is returned from a name lookup when the query matches multiplte items.
local item_name_lookup_conflicts_resolvers = mw.loadJsonData("Module:Item/item lookup conflicts resolvers.json")

function numeric_table_length(t)
  local count = 0
  for _ in ipairs(t) do count = count + 1 end
  return count

function table_length(t)
  local count = 0
  for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end
  return count

function table_has_value (tab, val)
    for _, value in ipairs(tab) do
        if value == val then
            return true

    return false

function assert_value_not_nil(value, error_message)
	if value == nil then
		if error_message == nil then
			error("value is nil")

-- Check is item with given ID has a name conflict resolver - if so, resolve the conflict using the item's ID and amount.
-- Note: The item ID provided must exist in item names table. 
function resolve_item_name_conflict_if_needed(item_id, items_amount)
	-- find a matching resolver config
	local resolver_config = nil
	for _, resolver_config_candidate in ipairs(item_name_lookup_conflicts_resolvers) do
		if table_has_value(resolver_config_candidate["match"], item_id) then
			resolver_config = resolver_config_candidate
	-- if no matching config was found, then there's nothing to resolve.
	-- return the item ID as-is.
	if resolver_config == nil then
		return item_id


	-- check if amount is set. if it's missing, then there's no need to resolve anything 
	-- since the only condition currnetly defined uses the amount to resolve.
	-- so, we just use the fallback item ID.
	if items_amount == nil then
		return resolver_config["fallbackItemId"]

	-- do the resolve stuff
	for _, resolver in ipairs(resolver_config["resolvers"]) do

		-- check if resolver has coniditions
		-- if not, it automatically wins.
		local conditions = resolver["conditions"]
		if conditions == nil then
			return resolver["itemId"]

		-- if resolver has conditions - check for a single condition currently in use
		local condition_min_amount = resolver["conditions"]["min"]
		-- if the single conditions is defined, check against it.
		if condition_min_amount ~= nil then
			-- perform the check
			if items_amount >= condition_min_amount then
				-- if successful - the resolver wins. use its item ID
				return resolver["itemId"]

	-- if all resolvers are exhausted, use the fallback item ID.
	return resolver_config["fallbackItemId"]

-- Lookups the item's ID by its name (main name, ID or an alias) and an optional amount. 
-- Any casing for the name is allowed, except when using an ID.
function p.lookup_item_id_by_name_and_amount(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)

	local name_query = args[1]
	assert_value_not_nil(name_query, "item name was not provided")

	-- optional items amount
	local items_amount = args[2]
	local items_amount_type = type(items_amount)
	-- check if items amount is not string or nil
	if items_amount_type ~= "string" and items_amount_type ~= "nil" then
		error("expected items amount to be string, got " .. items_amount_type .. " for value: " .. items_amount)

	-- if items amount is a string, we do some processing.
	-- if it nil, we leave it at that.
	if items_amount_type == "string" then
		-- if it's anb empty string, then it's assumed to be unspecified and replaced with a nil value.
		if items_amount == "" then
			items_amount = nil
			-- otherwise - parse it to a number
			local items_amount_new = tonumber(items_amount)
			assert_value_not_nil(items_amount_new, "failed to parse items amount to number, value: " .. items_amount)
			items_amount = items_amount_new

	-- check if name is an item ID in disguise 
	local match_by_id = item_names_by_item_id[name_query]
	if match_by_id ~= nil then
		-- if so - return the name = item ID
		return name_query
	-- otherwise look through the names for each item there is
	local name_query_lower = string.lower(name_query)
	for item_id, names in pairs(item_names_by_item_id) do
		for _, name in ipairs(names) do
			if string.lower(name) == name_query_lower then			
				-- check for name conflicts - resolve if needed.
				return resolve_item_name_conflict_if_needed(item_id, items_amount)
	error("No item ID found for item with name: " .. name_query)

-- Lookups the item's image by its ID. 
-- The case must match.
function p.lookup_item_image_by_id(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local id_query = args[1]
	assert_value_not_nil(id_query, "item ID was not provided")
	local match = item_image_by_item_id[id_query]
	assert_value_not_nil(match, "No item image found by ID: " .. id_query .. ". Note that new images must be added manually to the module")
	return match

-- Lookups the item's image by its name (main name, ID or an alias) and an optional amount. 
-- Any casing for the name is allowed, except when using an ID.
function p.lookup_item_image_by_name_and_amount(frame)
	return p.lookup_item_image_by_id(p.lookup_item_id_by_name_and_amount(frame))

-- Lookups the item's name by its ID.
-- The case must match.
function p.lookup_item_name_by_id(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local id_query = args[1]
	assert_value_not_nil(id_query, "item ID was not provided")
	local names = item_names_by_item_id[id_query]
	assert_value_not_nil(id_query, "Item with ID " .. id_query .. "doesn't exist")
	local names_length = numeric_table_length(names) 
	if names_length == 0 then
		error("Expected item with ID'" .. id_query .. "' to have atleast one name")
	return names[1]

function p.generate_list_of_all_items_with_icons(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local columns_count = args[1]
	assert_value_not_nil(columns_count, "columns count was not provided")

	local container = mw.html.create("div")
		:css("column-count", columns_count)
	-- an array of item ids that have images
	local item_ids_with_images = {}
	for item_id, _ in pairs(item_image_by_item_id) do
		table.insert(item_ids_with_images, item_id)
	-- sort alphabetically
	table.sort(item_ids_with_images, function (first, second)
	    return p.lookup_item_name_by_id({ [1] = first }) < p.lookup_item_name_by_id({ [1] = second })
	-- generate child elements from the template
	for _, item_id in ipairs(item_ids_with_images) do
		container:node(frame:preprocess("<div>{{item|" .. item_id .. "}}</div>"))
	return container

return p