Reinforcement Teleporter

From Space Station 14 Wiki

A radio that calls in a specialized agent of variable quality. They come in three flavors medic, spy, and thief and are all equipped with a Viper, Combat Knife and carp plush. It is their job to assist you in whatever operation or objectives you are campaigning on.


A reinforcement teleporter is a device used in order to summon additional syndicate reinforcements through the Traitor Uplink and may be used by both syndicate agents and Nuclear Operatives alike

A reinforcement when used opens up a ghost role for someone to request in order to become said reinforcement this role acts halfway between a traditional antagonist and a familiar to the Nuclear Operative and or Sydnie who summoned them

important distinctions

It is important to note that the cost of a Reinforcement teleporter is dependent on whether the player summoning them is a syndicate agent or a Nuclear Operative as the cost associated with a syndicate agent summoning an additional reinforcement ie 14TC (70%TC cost) is far less than if a Nuclear Operative summons them ie 35TC (92.5% cost)

in addition to this syndicate reinforcements poses around 7TC in items they spawn with (4TC in specialization specific items) (3TC in the viper they spawn with) functionally meaning that the actual cost of the reinforcement themselves is closer to 7TC and 28TC rather than the 14TC and 35TC cost displayed


Syndicate reinforcements come in the following three specializations

Image Name Description
Thief Comes with a suspicious toolbox and a pair of jaws of life. Perfect for breaking into places you're definitely not supposed to be and stealing that which is rightfully yours!
Medic Comes with an advanced combat medical kit stocked with all your station killing needs.
Spy Comes with an agent ID and a voice mask. Tider ops anyone?