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Uses JSON data
This module uses JSON data pages:
Implements {{Role}}.
How to add/edit/remove a role
Go to the roles JSON file (linked at the top).
Each key is a role name that can be used in the template. These must all be lowercase.
Each value is an object with properties:
"display": "[required] display name aka the label that would be displayed, for example: Atmospheric Technician",
"icon": "[optional] icon file name, for example: File:JobIconStationEngineer.png",
"link": "[optional] page name to link to, for example: Station Engineer"
Value can also be a string. This is used to make abbreviations. Note that abbreviations are only used to lookup roles, they cannot be displayed.
To make an abbreviation, put the key of another role as a value. For example, to add a an atmosian
abbreviation for an Atmospheric Technician
"atmosian": "atmospheric technician",
"atmospheric technician": {
"display": "Atmospheric Technician",
"icon": "File:JobIconAtmosphericTechnician.png",
"link": "Atmospheric Technician"
local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
-- =======================
local roles_json = mw.loadJsonData("Module:Role/roles.json")
local default_icon = "File:JobIconUnknown.png"
local default_icon_size = "24px"
-- =======================
local function assert_not_nil(value, error_message)
if value == nil then
if error_message == nil then
error("value is nil")
-- =========================
-- Lookups role from the json. If a role is defined, returns the object defining it, or `nil` otherwise.
local function lookup_role(role)
local result = roles_json[string.lower(role)]
if type(result) == "string" then
-- abbreviation. lookup actual definition.
return roles_json[result]
return result
-- Generates a role element.
function p.main(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local role = args[1]
assert_not_nil(role, "failed to generate role label: role not provided")
local icon_size = args[2] or default_icon_size
local role_obj = lookup_role(role)
assert_not_nil(role_obj, "failed to generate role label: role '" .. role .."' not found. Make sure the role is defined in the roles JSON in Module:Role")
local role_display = role_obj["display"]
assert_not_nil(role_display, "failed to generate role label: no 'display' name is defined for the role label '" .. role .."'")
local role_icon = role_obj["icon"] or default_icon
local role_link = role_obj["link"]
local label_wikitext = role_link and "[[" .. role_link .. "|" .. role_display .. "]]" or role_display
local icon_wikitext = "[[" .. role_icon .. "|" .. icon_size .. "]]"
return mw.html.create('span')
:wikitext(icon_wikitext, " ", label_wikitext)
-- Generates a list of roles.
-- @param `columns` - amount of columns to generate for all roles. Default is `4`.
function p.list_all_roles(frame)
local columns = frame.columns or 4
local role_els = {}
for role, _ in pairs(roles_json) do
frame.args[1] = role
local wrapper_el = mw.html.create('div')
table.insert(role_els, tostring(wrapper_el))
return frame:expandTemplate{
title = 'Cols',
args = {
table.concat(role_els, '')
return p