
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 22:33, 26 February 2025 by MagnusV (talk | contribs) (Start of my work on sec page. Planning on updating lethals and nonlethals.)

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The security department, or sec department for short, is tasked with keeping the station reasonably safe -which in a game about a shift going wrong is going to be hard.


Security has many non lethal options when it comes to incapactating criminals. Below are some of the options you have:

Item Name Description Notes
Stun Baton Works primarily as a tool to stun criminals. Remember to turn it on first! Otherwise, it's just a middling melee weapon, and people will yell at you.
Handcuffs Used to detain people, disallowing them from using any items. Only to be used on "Bad guys" - suspects and known criminals.
Flashbang Explodes, blinding everyone nearby. Security shades, as well as other types of sunglasses, will negate the blinding effect.


The Security department also has lethal weapons in the armory, but only the Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can open the doors. Do not give them out without a good reason. killing the clown isn't a good reason

Lethal Weapons (Not up to date.)
weapon ammo damage notes
Mk 58 .35 auto 16 Piercing a small but effective firearm. You get one in your default equipment.
Lecter .20 rifle 17 Piercing A high end military grade assault rifle.
WT550 .35 auto 16 Piercing An excellent fully automatic sub-machine gun
Kammerer Shotgun Shells Depends on shell a basic shotgun with a capacity of 4 shells
Laser Gun Energy (battery) 14 Burn Favored by Security for being cheap and easy to use.


Almost every station in the game has 3-4 temporary jail cells that can be used to store criminals temporarily. However for the more dangerous or repeated troublemakers, you have a permanent prison (referred to as perma), as a means of imprisonment till the end of shift.

As cited in space law, if a prisoner requests basic needs such as water, food or medical aid you are obligated to attempt to deliver these to them. However in certain situations (e.g. they keep killing themselves, there's no food available, etc.) then you can decline these requests, however make sure you let them know why you are declining them.

The catching of criminals goes as follows:

  1. - catch a bad guy
  2. - cuff them (or stun and cuff if resisting)
  3. - bring them to their cell
  4. - strip them of their coat, bag, belt, pockets, and check pda for an open uplink. You can check their radio if there is knowledge of leaked encryption keys. If you are in charge of prisoners, you can take the prisoners radio if they abuse it.
  5. - ask the warden how much time they will get (after telling him why you arrested them)
  6. - place all the possessions they had in a locker and lock it.

Chain of Command

The chain of command is as follows: Captain -> Head of Security -> Warden -> Officers Follow the chain of command, but know that it may change in an emergency.


Know your duties as a officer/cadet in code green:

  1. - Patrol around the station
  2. - Look for suspicious activity and address crew conflict, but don't expect it to happen(refer to Metashield).
  3. - If you find criminal activity or evidence, report it over security comms and apprehend any suspects (If any are present).

Use judgement and common sense to see if you need to get involved in a conflict, sometimes disputes are civil and you wont be needed.

If you're unsure about if a certain department should have an item, shift click that item and ensure it aligns with the owners department. (For example, no one outside of engineering should have an RCD without a permit!) If need be, you are within your rights to confiscate any contraband, however not all of it needs to lead to an arrest and brigging, unless it's a repeated issue.

On Blue Alert, you shouldn't necessarily deviate from the green alert procedure unless told otherwise. However, there are some changes to how your gameplay will go.

  1. Random searches of crew is allowed, you will not need a reason to search someone unlike on green. (However, it is advised to keep searches to suspicious people to not waste your own time)
  2. You may get new gear for a blue alert, namely goodies from science. Examples of such gear are, truncheons, disabler SMGs, clusterflashes, and more advanced long arms.

On Red Alert, you will most likely be given direct instructions on the threat at hand and what to do. Divert to the Head of Security or the Warden for instructions following a red alert announcement. You will most likely be allowed into the armory to arm up. It is extremely recommended to partner up for patrols if no instructions are given, or if instructions to patrol are given.


Your job as the Warden is pretty cushy at first glance, having the gun and perks of a Security Officer with the obligations of a desk job, however, you still need to be fair and keep the department safe.

One of the jobs of the warden is book prisoners, once someone is brought into the brig, you should ask for their reason of detainment, or, if they've been marked wanted for a particular reason, figure out how long they should be brigged. Make sure to keep the officer nearby to consult until you've decided on a sentence, and always to refer Space Law for how long you are allowed to keep them. Once you have determined how long they should be locked away, and have successfully ignored the Lawyer's pleas for a reduced sentence, you are to set the brig timer for the respective cell that the criminal will be staying in. Keep in mind not to always sentence the maximum unless the crime has been repeated, but the rest is up to your discretion. Sentences that total over 15 minutes will almost always result in permanent confinement.

Prisoners have right to food, water and adequate medical care. They also have the right to have access to basic communications unless abused, e.g. screaming over common for someone to break them out.

Another very important job is to keep the brig and the rest of security safe. You are the first line of defense against any sneaky ne'er do-wells trying to tiptoe into the armoury, or an unruly prisoner attempting to slash their way out of their prison cell, as well as safely transporting prisoners to evac or out of a spaced area.

DO NOT LEAVE SECURITY UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO. Wardens who wander off into the halls are often called out with "wardenloose". If you need food or drink, there are often vending machines inside or very close to sec, and any idle patrolling officer can do an errand for you if you ask nicely(or don't, you're their boss).

Your (hopefully) last job is, when all hell breaks loose, open up the armoury to allow Security, or even the crew, to arm themselves with bigger, badder weapons to combat the bigger, badder enemies on board, such as Nuclear Operatives. This most often occurs during situations requiring a Red alert.

Head of Security

As the Head of Security you have many jobs to be doing at once. Some may say your job is harder than the Captain's. The various station alert codes will alter what you are meant to be doing. However your main focus should be ensuring all of your officers are completing their job.

Inside of your office are some very valuable items. On almost all maps you will have a choice between the WT550 SMG, which is a lethal SMG with 3 mags total (one already loaded) and additional mags can be printed via the security fabricator. The other primary is one that most security officers will choose, the energy shotgun. It can be used as a slightly more effective disabler and for the most part is what you should be carrying on green alert and blue alert.

During green and blue, you should mainly be keeping your focus to patrolling the station alongside your security officers. However if there are any cadets, you should give them training. The main areas that you should train brand new cadets in is:

  • Stun cuffing - The art of using your baton (and ensuring it is turned on!) to incapacitate a target, then quickly switching to your cuffs to arrest the target before they can move again.
  • De-escalation - The art of actually speaking to someone who is committing a crime and attempting to de-escalate the situation and make it so no one is affected. For example if someone has stolen the clowns shoes. Instead of arresting the person who stole them and then shoving them in the brig, instead approaching them and just asking for them back. (Of course, if it happens multiple times then this can be ignored.)

During blue, you should let your officers know that they are able to commit random searches. However, it is a courtesy to attempt to limit the searches to people who are suspicious. On the topic of searches, you and the warden can permit a search of an individual on any alert level as long as you have a justifiable reason to, e.g. searching someone who was talking on command comm's radio.

In code red, HOS may choose to allow lethals via opening the armory section of the security department. It is heavily advised to not arm any other departments outside of security and command. However, if the station goes off of red, anyone who was armed should be de-armed as soon as possible.

Evac Protocol

In the event of evac you are prohibited from leaving prisoners behind. You must cuff them and take them to the evac shuttle. Keep an eye on them. You may decide to let prisoners with shorter sentences out early as well.

Any prisoner may demand a trial, the captain should be the judge (you can read more about trials at If the trial didn't go in the prisoner's favor, they may not demand another one.