Syndicate Hardsuit
The Syndicate's iconic Blood-Red hardsuit. Known for false "Nukies!" callouts when worn.
Alternative suit variants
(TODO: add raid suit to list)
The standardised Nuclear Operatives suit of choice and for good reason. The syndicate blood-red hardsuit is an 8TC cost hardsuit available to both Syndicate agents and Nuclear Operatives through the Syndicate Uplink.The suit much like the Syndicate Elite Hardsuit and Cybersun Juggernaut Suit, is void faring and is fitted with an inbuilt flashlight. In addition to this it is important to note that Nuclear Operatives spawn with some variation of this suit equipped for free making it an amazingly efficient suit for that reason alone.
The Syndicate Hardsuit will slow you down by 10% if you are running.
The Syndicate Hardsuit offer 50% protection against the following damage types:
- Blunt
- Slash
- Pierce
- Heat
- Radiation
- Explosion
- Caustic
(note: when regarding suit values this purely relates to the "suit" aspect of the suit itself the helmet provides a further 10% damaged reduction in all of the aforementioned categories though this is multiplicative not additive i.e 50% x 10% = 55% not 60% so as to not allow completely damaged reduction)
Use Cases
General use
This suit is amazing in any and all cases as a general use cost effective way of dealing out death to the citizens of the station whilst keeping yourself alive.
As for cons this suit does not really have any but in the process has cons as the saying goes jack of all trades master of none this is evident in its lackluster performance when compared to other syndicate suit options in specialized situations.