Hydroponics layout
Not all stations have a well put hydroponics department;
always having a wrench on you to throw at furniture to displace it wherever you want is a nice additional tool to the arsenal.
Layout Examples
{Placeholder for a more proper Oasis' Hydroponics layout}
Oasis has a very basic layout (if not for the number of botanists available), as all the trays are separated but not too far away from each other, and there is a central place to put all the equipment you don't want to keep on yourself; I find it good, but too simple
{Placeholder for a more proper Cog's Hydroponics layout}
On the other hand, as full of resources as it may be, I find that it's too big and too separated, the two trays behind the pillar are hard to access and it's
- Map layouts were using
- Shots of performing tasks were done with a localhost server through the steps in
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