
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 04:57, 29 January 2024 by Moomoobeef (talk | contribs)

I have created many documents and templates in my time playing this game, and in this page I have compiled them together so that you can too. Before we get to the templates themselves, here are some tips:


General Advise

  • Be Concise: People don't always want to read huge paragraphs of text especially in-game.
  • Be Consistent: It's helpful to have a consistent style, it can make your documents look more professional.
  • Don't Create Hard Questions: If you are creating a form for roleplay, only request information that matters if at all possible. Asking for things like the date, or an employee ID # can cause holdups and disagreements.
  • Be reasonable: Nice looking forms/documents are really cool, but you can't hold cool paper over roleplay, so please don't cause unnecessary barriers just for the sake of bureaucracy. It's not always cute.
  • Take Feedback/Criticism: The best way you can improve what you make is to make use of the thinking of others. This applies everywhere, not just in document prep, but still some people need to be reminded of it.

Specific Tips for In-Game Formatting

  • Refer to the "writing" section of the guidebook for the formatting tags.
  • Headers may encroach upon lines above them, it is good to keep this in mind.
  • Any time brackets appear like this "[ ]" the game will treat it as a formatting command even if it is empty. All brackets can be escaped using "\", for instance allowing you to write "\[bold]" on the page.
  • Stamping a page will make it un-editable except for with a cybersun pen.
  • Certain non-ASCII characters can be used on paper. Characters from the Windows Glyph List 4 have been tested to be working, with other unicode characters your mileage may vary as these have occasionally been known to break formatting and even line breaks. That said, these all work: © ® § ™ № Ω ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ≠ ♪ ♫ ☻ ☺
  • If you are trying to make a document/form that is similar to something that exists in real life, try looking up some reference for you to blatantly stea-- I mean, loosely copy off of!
  • On long documents, when the scrollbar appears you loose a line of width from it. This can cause things to shift down the page or for horizontal lines to become broken. If your page contains elements that go from one side to the other such as a horizontal line, you should make sure they are short enough that the scrollbar does not break them!


None of the "tips" on this page are rules. They are intended to help you end up at a result that you and others will appreciate. If they are getting in the way of this, do not hesitate to forget em!

Department Colors

The following colors are grabbed from the job icons, and therefore are the colors that appear on the manifest. (except for CentCom as CC officials simply get the NanoTrasen job icon and there is no CentCom one. For the CentCom color I simply grabbed the color of their uniform.)

  • cb0000 Security
  • c96dbf Science
  • 5b97bc Medical
  • b18644 Cargo
  • f39f27 Engineering
  • ff2fff Clown (how special)
  • 9fed58 Food Service (bartender/chef/botany/service worker)
  • 6e6e6e Passenger
  • 1b67a5 Command
  • 009100 CentCom
  • 134975 NanoTrasen
  • ff0000 Syndicate

If you are a department head, or writing something to represent your department, it would be a good idea to use your respective color! (unless it's really gaudy or something)

Now Onto Documents

This list may grow over time as I add more to it. If you have any suggestions/requests/ideas/comments/etc, I can be reached on discord by the username "moomoobeef"

Also of note, due to there being no existence of code blocks (that I can tell) I have elected to share the texts via .txt files which you can download and paste, they are hosted on a repo I made here.

General Headers/Footers

Description Example Image TXT file
A rather generic header that can be used with your department color to give some flare to any old letter. Comes with an NT logo.


Example Example Example