
From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 21:31, 15 May 2023 by ParallaxNZ48 (talk | contribs) (Tritium production)

In the process of being merged into Atmospheric Technician.

WIP: All content listed below is still in the testing phase and is subject to change.


Nitrogen gas(N2)

Nitrogen gas is colorless and undetectable to the eye. Nitrogen gas is completely harmless on its own and can safely be breathed in as long as there is adequate oxygen present. Nitrogen gas is mixed with oxygen gas to create air. About 79% nitrogen to 21% oxygen is the standard air mix.

Slime characters breathe nitrogen (not oxygen). When there's not enough nitrogen in the air, slime characters will start gasping and taking Airloss damage.

Nitrogen is very good at putting out fires. A full blown plasma and oxygen fire can be put out in seconds if a small amount of nitrogen gas is pumped in.



Oxygen gas is colorless and undetectable to the eye. Oxygen gas is completely harmless on its own and can be safely breathed in by non-slime characters. Oxygen gas is mixed with Nitrogen gas to create air. About 79% nitrogen to 21% oxygen is the standard air mix. As the oxygen levels in the air lower non-slime characters will begin to gasp. This usually happens around 18-19 moles of oxygen. Anything lower than around 15 moles of oxygen at standard temperature and pressure will cause you to take Airloss damage.

While alive, your character will slowly convert oxygen gas in the atmosphere into carbon dioxide. If a character spends a lot of time in a room make sure the oxygen levels are being replenished either by an air vent or by opening adjacent airlocks to nearby hallways to balance out the air levels.

Oxygen gas is not flammable on its own and will not burn unless plasma or other flammable gas is mixed in with it. A standard burn mix is 66% oxygen and 33% plasma. A higher oxygen to plasma ratio will result in a hotter burning fire. Fires require oxygen to burn, remove all the oxygen from a fire and it will burn out.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide(C02)

Carbon dioxide is colorless and undetectable to the eye. At high concentrations carbon dioxide becomes harmful and will cause toxin poison damage. Carbon dioxide will start to cause damage at 5 moles and will deal increasingly more damage as the moles increase. Carbon dioxide is often found mixed in the air around the station. Your character will slowly convert oxygen into carbon dioxide while alive.

Water Vapor

Water Vapor

Water vapor can be clearly seen as steam. The intensity of visible steam depends on the concentration of water vapor present in the air. Water vapor is completely harmless and can safely be breathed in by most species on the station as long as oxygen levels are adequate.

Water is harmful to slimepeople. Water vapor will damage slimes once integrated and they begin to properly metabolize water vapor into water.



Plasma gas glows a pinkish purple and is visible in the air even at low amounts. Breathing in plasma gas is harmful to your character and will give you poison toxin damage depending on the concentration of plasma present in the air. 4% or more plasma will kill you almost instantly.

Plasma gas is extremely flammable but will not ignite on its own. A room full of pure plasma will not ignite, even if heated. Plasma requires an oxygenated room for combustion. Plasmafires burn oxygen and plasma to produce fire, heat, and waste gases. A plasma fire will quickly deplete the room of oxygen and will burn itself out if no more oxygen is supplied to feed the fire.


Tritium is a high price gas formed by the combustion of oxygen with ignited plasma.

To form Tritium, there must be 96x more Oxygen than Plasma during the reaction. This means you want a 1% Plasma / Oxygen mix with perfect flow, though often you can increase that mix to 2% because most of the Oxygen survives the reaction. If there is too much plasma, the reaction will produce Carbon Dioxide instead.

The reaction of Plasma and Oxygen will consume the same amount of each. So a 50/50 ratio of these two gasses will consume all the inputs. However it will produce Carbon dioxide due to the high plasma ratio.

Tritium will also react at high temperatures to turn into Water Vapor, so when creating it for Frezon production you must separate it as soon as possible to prevent a secondary reaction.

A simple Tritium production system is a gas mixer with 2% plasma, 98% oxygen feeding into a volumetric pump, then a pipe, then a filter set to filter out Tritium with a low flowrate say 50 L/s. Place a heater on the pipe and set it to max temp to start the reaction. Only partially fill the pipe with input gasses and then turn off both the filter and input valve. Watch the reaction with a Gas Analyzer. Once the mix suddenly increases in temperature, begin introducing more input gasses and filting the outputs.

Ensure your waste flows directly into space and doesn't mix with your station waste or supply gasses.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide(N20)


Foam may infrequently seep out of air vents as a yellow cloud. Try to avoid breathing in foam, if possible, by moving out of range of the air vent or putting on a mask + oxygen tank and turning on Internal flow via the tank.


Miasma is a gas generated by corpses / Rat King. It looks like a black wave / shimmer. In large amounts it is dangerous to characters.


A blue gas with a very high value To make it, you need to mix cold tritium and oxygen in a nitrogen-filled chamber.