Security Officer

From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 05:42, 25 April 2022 by Lonesoldier55 (talk | contribs) (Refactored this page, a lot is probably "guide to security" material.)


Security Officer

Access: Brig, Maintenance, Security, Service
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Duties: Serve, protect, baton.
Supervisors: Head of Security, Warden (to some extent)
Subordinates: None
Guides: [TBA]

So you decided to sign up for Security, eh?

Security Officers are the reasonably-lengthed arm of the Space Law. Unlike the Head of Security or Warden, the humble Officer doesn't have cutting edge equipment or the walls of the Brig to hide behind. The job of a Security Officer is to meet crime and danger where it lives, in the grimy hallways and departments of the station.

Please note that just because you are THE LAW doesn't mean you can beat clowns/mimes/assistants/captains to death on a whim. Make sure when using your baton that it's not using harm mode, and be sure to follow your own rules. Power trip responsibly. You exist to protect the crew first and foremost, even if it is usually from themselves.

On Patrol

Say you're patrolling and see a crime in progress. The first thing you do is use your eyes. Examine the situation, how serious is the crime? Is the offender armed and/or dangerous? A clown breaking a window to get into tool storage requires a different response to a hardsuited traitor with a gun.

In the case that there's no clear threat to yourself, the crew, or any (valuable) station property, you'll be pleasantly surprised with how often well-chosen words can defuse a situation. Tell the clown to quit breaking the window, ask if he's got a welder and can fix it. Maybe ask what he needed, and if it's something reasonable, ask on the radio if anyone can help him with it. Meeting low-intensity situations with weapons immediately escalates things which can dangerously backfire on you and turn the crew against you. Crew not looking for trouble will sometimes agree to allow themselves to be searched, saving you the trouble and energy of detaining them.

Negotiations Have Broken Down

If it's clear that a civil discussion isn't on the table, you may have to detain the offender. Before you reach for your weapon of choice, think of the situation and what best fits:

  • Flash - A small bulb which can be trigged in your hand or used on another person to temporarily blind and disorient them. This slows them greatly, makes them much easier to follow up on with a stun baton, and disorients them enough to make fighting back difficult for a few seconds. This is very low-risk to use against offenders and should be one of your first options, since if they manage to get it away from you, your security secHUD sunglasses will protect you from it. This goes in reverse though; anyone with sufficient eye protection will be immune to your flash.
  • Stun Baton - Electrically charged baton. Using it in your hand turns it on and off. It can still stun people when used on them without combat mode enabled, but will beat the tar out of people otherwise, so don't do that. Risky to use as an opener as you may be slipped or disarmed, with the baton stolen or used against you in the process. Use a flash first or be quick and decisive.
  • Taser - Five-shot electrical stun gun. Must be in combat mode to fire. The bolts travel long distances and are quite accurate, and the stun lasts enough time to quickly get cuffs on the suspect. Very dangerous to use up close or during a chase as an offender can disarm or slip you and gain control of your most effective piece of equipment. Also be mindful of bystanders and your fellow officers! Don't fire off all five shots in a wild spray hoping to hit the suspect. Anticipate their movements and strike with accuracy rather than volume.
  • Flashbang Grenade - Timed-fuse flashbang grenade that can be thrown. Its effects are very similar to the flash, but stronger and in a wider area. These can be used in a pinch where a flash can't reach effectively or in large crowds to try and allow you some breathing room (if someone is trying to interfere with you dragging a prisoner, these can slow them both for a moment and allow you some time to move). Like the flash, you should follow up with another weapon after deploying this and you are immune to its effects if your eyes are properly shielded.

In any case, once you have immobilized the perp, make sure they stay that way long enough for you to apply cuffs. Give a few redundant pokes from your baton (without the harm intent on, please) to ensure they stay down for the moment, then quickly swap to some handcuffs or zipties and restrain them (cuffs are liable to get lost or stolen, so have one or two pairs extra). Make sure you drag the perp after you are done cuffing them to prevent them from moving with Ctrl+Click. As long as you maintain a hold on them and are cuffed, they can't move on their own.

To the Brig

Next, you need to consider the situation around you. Hallway Clowns and all of the manner of citizen spectators, greys, and other undesirables love nothing more then to interfere with an arrest since they know you can only handle one person at a time. Bring your detainee straight to the Brig where practical. If you are otherwise in a secluded or low-traffic area, you may be able to do a quick search or ask a few pertinent questions, but for the most part that should be done in the Brig behind closed and secured doors, free from interference.

Congratulations, you've brought in a perp. You're a loose cannon, but I knew you were a damn good cop. Now you need to do the other critically important part of your job which is quickly, effectively, and fairly handling someone you've detained. This is just as important as actually stopping most crimes in progress: the crew will quickly forget a quick and painless trip in and out of the brig, but they will absolutely remember if you fail to give them gear back, beat them up while they are cuffed, give them an excessive sentence, or in general demean them while they are in your custody.

Security is already a juicy target for most of the crew on the station for various reasons, so don't give anyone another reason to cave your skull in the next time you slip on a banana peel, or to bomb security. Remember, someone you've arrested is your responsibility. If you have medical supplies in Security, it is an act of good faith to make sure they get any major wounds tended to before you toss them into the brig.

The Fourth Amendment

First things first, you need to conduct a search of your detainee. Regardless of the crime, letting someone detained have access to everything in their bag, up to and potentially including firearms or other incredibly dangerous traitor items, is absolutely the fastest way to get killed in the brig. Remove their bag and search its contents for anything you have a good reason to believe may be stolen or contraband. Tasers, handcuffs, ID's and PDAs not belonging to them, weapons, all of those things need to be removed from the prisoner and put away in a secured storage. Contraband and other dangerous items will not be returned to the prisoner when they are released. Be sure to also give a cursory check inside containers within the bag, as the crew is crafty and will hide small stolen objects like ID cards in them.

Check the detainee's PDA to make sure their own ID is in it, make sure you look at their pockets, and remove any tools they may have before you brig them as those make it extremely easy for them to break out. Remove any sunglasses in case you need to flash them later. Bundle all of the removed gear up in their bag (as much as will fit) and place it to the side outside the cell.

Chat with your detainee, who will almost undoubtedly want to talk to you about all the manner of things. Try to determine if there's any other factors at play to their crime, try to mitigate their outrage that you would have the audacity to arrest them, assure them that their equipment (minus contraband) will be returned to them after you are done. There's nothing worse to a detainee then the arresting officer they are dealing with not saying a single word the entire time they are in your custody.

Time for Crime

You will have to brig your offender for a few minutes, depending on the crime. Be reasonable and take totality of the circumstance into account. Look to the Warden or Head of Security for guidance on brig times for particular crimes and go from there. For very minor crimes like minor theft or vandalism, you may consider just releasing them after you search them as you have already had them in your custody for about two minutes.

Once you put the offender in the brig, don't just buckle them to the bed in cuffs and leave them there. Remove the cuffs and leave them buckled in the cell, then make sure they serve the sentence. Once that's done, let them out of the brig, make sure all of their possessions (minus contraband or dangerous equipment) are returned to them, and get them out of the brig so you can repeat your cycle anew.

Good job, Officer. I'd promote you here and now if I wasn't a wiki page.


  • Any members of Security and the Heads of Staff cannot be selected as traitor. Trust in and work together with your fellow officers.
  • Don't be afraid to pair up with another Officer! It is much more difficult for the crew to interfere with you if there are two of you and you can both back one another up when something goes wrong.
  • Listen to your radio! The crew will often voice various complaints over the radio which can clue you in to crimes in progress or particular crew members to look out for.
  • Security is a careful battle of keeping yourself in the general public's good graces. Security hurts the hardest when all of the crew is working against what you are trying to do, and you only make it worse if you make the crew distrust you. Treat prisoners fairly without putting anyone in undue danger.
  • The Warden should be watching over the Brig and Armory for you. Generally he can make sure prisoners serve out their sentence and get their belongings back afterwards, which frees you up from sitting in the brig for a few minutes. The Warden will also hand out other security gear as needed, such as lethal weapons.
  • Serious crimes and traitor activity often happen out of the main hallways where nobody is watching. Remember that you have access to maintenance tunnels if you need to move around other parts of the station and remember to give them a patrol every now and again. Be sure to bring a SecLite and be careful within the narrow halls.