Space Ninja

From Space Station 14 Wiki
Revision as of 16:55, 20 February 2025 by Cloudyskies (talk | contribs) (changed pronouns in the fighting a ninja section, not everyone playing this game is a dude, come on I thought we were past this)
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Spider Clan

Space Ninja

Access: Basically anywhere
Difficulty: Hard
Duties: Energy Katana everything, nom on electrical wires.
Supervisors: Spider Clan
Subordinates: None
Guides: This is the guide

"I am an elite mercenary of the mighty Spider Clan! Surprise is my weapon. Shadows are my armor. Without them, I am nothing."

You are a ninja, but in space. The Spider Clan has sent you to the station to wreak all kinds of havoc, from bolting the armory open and killing the entire station to engaging in a slipping war with the clown and fighting in rage cages.

You must fight with honor. That means no guns - they're for cowards.


The Ninja has a variety of mundane or Syndicate equipment upon spawn, in addition to their specialized gear.

Ninjas start with a Death Acidifier Implant already injected, so if you get KIA or cuffed by Security you can acidify to destroy all your equipment, preventing it from falling into the crew's hands.

You also spawn with an Agent ID, capable of changing your name, job, and job icon at will and allowing you to copy the access of any ID you get your hands on.

Your bag is full of regular tools for more subtle sabotage, along with a survival box if you need a snack.

You have a Jetpack and a special Station Pinpointer that will always point to the station, these will let you actually get to the station.

Item Description
Energy Katana
The modern version of an ancient weeaboo sword. Deals 30 Slashing damage a hit, making it capable of cutting down most targets in 3-4 quick swipes. It also has a 25% chance to deflect incoming projectiles, so cross your fingers and hope that incoming X-Ray beam will bounce back.

When the sword is in your hand you can use a Katana Dash to teleport to anywhere you can see, meaning past most doors and windows, but not past solid walls. The Katana can hold up to three dash charges which regenerate rather quickly.

Should you ever lose your Katana for any reason, you can use an action to recall it to your person, at the cost of Suit energy. The further away the Energy Katana is, the more energy it costs to recall it.

Ninja Jumpsuit
Your comfortable jumpsuit. Doesn't contain any vitals trackers, for obvious reasons.
Ninja Mask
A stylized mask which also provides you Welding protection. Looks intimidating.
Ninja Throwing Star
Tiny metal throwing stars which you can create using a small amount of your suit power. Although they don't do much damage, they can be thrown while Cloaked without breaking your invisibility, and they stun targets in just two hits. Very useful for suddenly incapacitating a target at a range. They disintegrate after a short time, so make them when you need them.
Ninja Visor
A sleek visor that can be worn in the Glasses slot. Protects you from Flashes and similar effects.
Space Ninja Gloves
These bad boys are your bread and butter. They are insulated so you can nom on wires in peace. Obviously they block your fingerprints from being left on things you touch.

You have an action to toggle the gloves. When the gloves are turned on, they allow you to use special abilities, which are triggered by interacting with things with an empty hand and with combat mode disabled.

Your glove abilities include:

  • Emagging an unlimited number of doors.
  • Draining power from transformers such as APCs, Substations and SMESes. The higher the voltage, the more efficient it is. You can always do this, so long as your gloves are turned on and your target has power.
  • You can deliver an electric shock to any mob, stunning and slightly damaging them. Use it to get rid of anyone chasing you, or stun a target before executing them.
  • You can hack anything required for you to complete an objective, including the Communications Console, Research Server, and Criminal Records Computer. Hacking in this way takes quite a long time, so be sure to do it as stealthily as possible.
Space Ninja Helmet
A sleek black helmet that, when worn with your suit, gives you EVA protection.
Space Ninja Shoes
Exceptionally useful boots. They require no power, naturally function as magboots, and provide a 30% increase to your running speed. Although your Suit will slow you down slightly, the boots more than make up for it and make the Space Ninja much harder to chase after. There is never any reason to take them off.
Space Ninja Suit
Perhaps your most important possession, this enables all of your abilities. Don't lose it. It requires power to function, provided from an internal battery. It starts out with a small capacity powercell and doesn't last long. Upgrading it quickly is advised. Pro tip: seclites have high capacity powercells. You can see the current charge by examining your suit, a general level can be seen in an alert on the right of your screen.

This battery can be recharged in 2 ways:

  • Inserting a better powercell into your suit. Will permanently increase your power capacity.
  • Recharging by draining an APC, Substation or SMES using your special gloves.

Your suit comes with a phase cloak, which can be turned on to make you almost completely invisible. If you run out of power, you will be revealed. Worse yet, if you are attacked while cloaked you are revealed and cannot use any abilities for a five seconds.

You can summon Ninja Throwing Stars using some power. They will disintegrate after a short while.

Using a very large amount of power, typically half your capacity, you can create an EMP to disable electronics in a wide area.

Spider Clan Charge
A modified explosive device provided to you by the Spider Clan. An objective may require you to plant the bomb in a certain area, so only use it when necessary.


You start with around 4-5 of the following objectives. You are not required to complete them, but your NINJA HONOR (and desire to greentext) demands that you try.

  • Doorjack X doors on the station: Use your gloves to Emag a random number of doors. You can either be subtle and Emag dorms and maints, or go wild and bolt open the Bridge and Armory, to the woe of the crew and delight of traitors.
  • Steal X technologies: Steal technologies from a R&D Server. You will have a fixed number of these required, so get researching if there's not enough.
  • Call in a threat: Hack a Communications Console to call in a random threat, such as a Space Dragon. Sends an Announcement to the entire station when completed.
  • Set Everyone to Wanted: Hack a Criminal Records Computer to automatically set everyone on the station to Wanted. Sends an Announcement to the entire station when completed. The Warden will hate you.
  • Detonate your spider charge: Plant your spider charge at a random location and watch it go boom.
  • Survive: This is harder than it sounds, trust me.

Fighting A Ninja

Of course, the Ninja isn't raiding an empty station. What do you do if you're a brave member of Security, tasked with stopping the infiltrator?

  • Alert the station to the Ninja's presence, first and foremost. A Ninja is most effective when the crew doesn't even know they exist, so alerting the crew to the threat will put them on a far worse footing, and it makes their Hacking objectives especially difficult.
  • The Ninja's Armor provides them with a number of dangerous and useful abilities, but it's rather poor at actually preventing damage. If you manage to catch them while they're still invisible, an attack with your service weapon is often enough to kill them before they have a chance to react. Be wary of the 25% reflect chance on his Katana, though.
  • The Ninja is not free of the stun meta. If you manage to catch them in a tight spot with your Stun Baton or you're just a really good shot with a Disabler, you can stun the Ninja and cuff them before they gets a chance to react. Careful, though - a quick ninja can use an EMP blast before you finish the stun, leaving you with a useless weapon against one of the most dangerous swords in the game.