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From Space Station 14 Wiki
m (just spelling errors)
(I'll fix the rest of this shit later i gtg)
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! Map !!  Description !! Mappers !! Min / Max Players
! Map !!  Description !! Mappers !! Min / Max Players
| Atlas || [[File:Atlas-0.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> A a low-pop ship map adapted from Goonstation (SS13). Major credit goes to all those who worked on the original layout of Atlas on Goonstation. || Emisse || 0-35
| Amber Station ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map]) || Amber Station is an ex-independent amalgamation of various ships cobbled together around some asteroids which has recently come under the ownership of Nanotrasen.
Created for SS14.
| Southbridge, Flipsie27 || 7 - 60
| [[Bagelstation|Bagel]] || [[File:Bagelstation13.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> Inspired by old bagel and old donut station from SS13. Released hot on the heels of Pillar to much fanfare.|| Emisse || 35 - 70
| Bagel Station ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map]) || Inspired by Bagel and Donut Station from SS13. Released hot on the heels of Pillar to much fanfare.|| Emisse || 35 - 80
| Box || [[File:Box Station.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] || AJCM, Emisse || 35 - 70
| Box Station ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map]) || || AJCM, Emisse || 50+
| Cluster || [[File:Cluster_Station.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] Low pop station, lacks space in engineering for a singularity. || Scribbles || 0 - 35
|Cog ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map])
|Inspired by goonstation's Cog Station. It's based on an circular design with space in the middle. Cause of much pain for engineers due to the way power is set up.
|40 - 80
| Core || [[File:Core-0.png|thumb|left|Click to enlage]] <br> Core is a map featuring a singularity in the center along with an off-branching arrivals area and two solar panel arrays. || Ubaser || 30 - 60
|Convex Recreational Complex (Coming Next Update)
|Convex Recreation Complex is a very large station designed for crew needs, featuring a central Service area, with Medbay just nearby.
| Fland || [[File:Fland-0.png|thumb|left|Click to enlage]] <br> Fland is a soft port of the BeeStation map of the same name. there are some big differences between SS14's and Bee's but overall the layout and department layout are similar. || Emisse (Port, original author PigeonVerde) || 60+
| Core ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map]) || Core is a station featuring a singularity in the center along with an off-branching arrivals area and two solar panel arrays. || Ubaser || 35 - 70
| Marathon || [[File:Marathonstation.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Recreation of Pubby Station from TG's SS13 server. Midpop map that contains all current SS14 jobs and amenities you are used to. The easily-understood hall layout is perfect for vehicle racing. || Emisse || 35 - 70
|Elkridge Depot ([ Full Render])
|Elkridge Depot is a run-down station, sorely reminding many people of Barratry Station.
|7 - 35
| Fland Installation ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map]) || Fland is a soft port of the BeeStation map of the same name. there are some big differences between SS14's and Bee's but overall the layout and department layout are similar. || Emisse (original author PigeonVerde) || 70+
|Loop Station ([ Full Render]) ([ Interactive Map])
|Loop Station is build around a central twin Security and Medical department, with a large looping hallway and an open plaza surrounding them.
|35 - 70
| Marathon Station || [[File:Marathonstation.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br>A recreation of Pubby Station from TG's SS13 server. Midpop map that contains all current SS14 jobs and amenities you are used to. The easily-understood hall layout is perfect for vehicle racing. || Emisse || 35 - 70
| Meta || [[File:MetaStation.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Midpop map featuring similar design language as box/delta. Inspiration was taken from many forms of Meta over the years for this with a lot of unique ideas as well. || Emisse || 35
| Meta || [[File:MetaStation.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Midpop map featuring similar design language as box/delta. Inspiration was taken from many forms of Meta over the years for this with a lot of unique ideas as well. || Emisse || 35
| Omega || [[File:Omega.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> low-mid pop station. || Emisse || 0 - 35
| Omega || [[File:Omega.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> low-mid pop station. || Emisse || 0 - 35
| Origin || [[File:Origin.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> mid-high pop station. Contains several asteroids for mining, as well as a boxing ring. || Brainfood || 35 - 70
| Packed || [[File:PackedStation.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Recreated for SS14 by Timrod based on the map with the same name from SS13. This is the second major map to hit the game || Timrod || 15 - 55
| Packed || [[File:PackedStation.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Recreated for SS14 by Timrod based on the map with the same name from SS13. This is the second major map to hit the game || Timrod || 15 - 55
| Reach || [[File:Reach-0.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> An ultra-low pop map originally made by Schiene and remastered by Emisse featuring a tiny ship || Schiene, Emisse || 0 - 5
| Reach || [[File:Reach-0.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> An ultra-low pop map originally made by Schiene and remastered by Emisse featuring a tiny ship || Schiene, Emisse || 0 - 5
| Saltern || [[File:Saltern Station.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Previously the default map for testing, but is now a regular low-pop station. || PJB, Emisse, Deltanedas || 0 - 35
| Train || [[File:Train-0.png|thumb|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> A map by TheShuEd where the station is actually a space train || TheShuEd || ? - ?
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Derotated stations
! Map !!  Description !! Mappers !! Min / Max Players
| Pillar || [[File:NSSPillar.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> The third major map to hit SS14. Partially inspired by Box and intended to be one long ship-station very loosely inspired by the Pillar of Autumn. Also the first map to feature docked escape pods and shuttles. Spacious map with large departments, good for new players to learn the ropes. || Peptide || 40 - 70
| Aspid || [[File:AspidStation.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> A mid-pop map modeled as a large passenger ship. It features hangar-like docks for evac, cargo, and other shuttles, with an atmos 'engine' and 'thruster'. || Cheackraze (Original map) || 55-65
| Barratry || [[File:NewBarratry.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> Station built around a worn-down and destroyed aesthetic. Commonly referred to as "Detroit" by the community, because nobody could remember its actual name. Oh, and there are active landmines in the maintenance corridors. || Scribbles, EmoGarbage (Original map) || 35-55
| Gemini || [[File:Kettle_Station.png|thumb|left|Click to enlarge]] <br> Gemini is a mid to high pop map with the station exclusive role of Zookeeper. Originally named Kettle for the fact that atmos is in the center of the station. || Checkraze || 35 - 70
| Lighthouse ||
[[File:Lighthouse.png|thumb|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> An original map created with feedback and assistance from the mapping contributors and #Cartography.
|| Old Dance Jacket
|| 35 - 70
| Moose || [[File:Moose.png|left|thumb|Click to enlarge]] <br> Back by overwhelming popular demand, and after extensive renovations by a dedicated NT crew and long hours invested by multiple teams of elite, wizard-class janitors, Moose Station is ready to be brought back into commission. Featuring a modernized cargo bay and xenoarch lab, along with standards-compliant evacuation and loading docks, this small asteroid station also adds some much needed dormitories and even a state-of-the-art holodeck entertainment room. Now with almost 2x the maintenance hallways! || Checkraze || 0 - 35
| Split ||  <br> First played with the idea of separating cargo and salvage and as a test for grid splitting. || Peptide || 50

Latest revision as of 17:33, 30 January 2025

Better Map View

This page isn't always super up to date, despite being a better external resource that updates automatically, it is often not always fully updated.

Knowing the layout of the current station is important!

Stations currently in rotation
Map Description Mappers Min / Max Players
Amber Station (Full Render) (Interactive Map) Amber Station is an ex-independent amalgamation of various ships cobbled together around some asteroids which has recently come under the ownership of Nanotrasen.

Created for SS14.

Southbridge, Flipsie27 7 - 60
Bagel Station (Full Render) (Interactive Map) Inspired by Bagel and Donut Station from SS13. Released hot on the heels of Pillar to much fanfare. Emisse 35 - 80
Box Station (Full Render) (Interactive Map) AJCM, Emisse 50+
Cog (Full Render) (Interactive Map) Inspired by goonstation's Cog Station. It's based on an circular design with space in the middle. Cause of much pain for engineers due to the way power is set up. Spessman 40 - 80
Convex Recreational Complex (Coming Next Update) Convex Recreation Complex is a very large station designed for crew needs, featuring a central Service area, with Medbay just nearby. Spessman 75+
Core (Full Render) (Interactive Map) Core is a station featuring a singularity in the center along with an off-branching arrivals area and two solar panel arrays. Ubaser 35 - 70
Elkridge Depot (Full Render) Elkridge Depot is a run-down station, sorely reminding many people of Barratry Station. Deerstop 7 - 35
Fland Installation (Full Render) (Interactive Map) Fland is a soft port of the BeeStation map of the same name. there are some big differences between SS14's and Bee's but overall the layout and department layout are similar. Emisse (original author PigeonVerde) 70+
Loop Station (Full Render) (Interactive Map) Loop Station is build around a central twin Security and Medical department, with a large looping hallway and an open plaza surrounding them. TytosB 35 - 70
Marathon Station
Click to enlarge

A recreation of Pubby Station from TG's SS13 server. Midpop map that contains all current SS14 jobs and amenities you are used to. The easily-understood hall layout is perfect for vehicle racing.
Emisse 35 - 70
Click to enlarge

Midpop map featuring similar design language as box/delta. Inspiration was taken from many forms of Meta over the years for this with a lot of unique ideas as well.
Emisse 35
Click to enlarge

low-mid pop station.
Emisse 0 - 35
Click to enlarge

Recreated for SS14 by Timrod based on the map with the same name from SS13. This is the second major map to hit the game
Timrod 15 - 55
Click to enlarge

An ultra-low pop map originally made by Schiene and remastered by Emisse featuring a tiny ship
Schiene, Emisse 0 - 5