Xenoarcheology: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Reaction: station-wide destruction reaction warning)
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|Station-wide Destruction
|Station-wide Destruction
| colspan="2" |WARNING: Will either spawn the singularity or tesla. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Depth 10 exclusive
| colspan="2" |{{Callout|Danger|Will either spawn '''the singularity''' or '''tesla'''. '''EXTREMELY DANGEROUS'''. Depth 10 exclusive.}}

Revision as of 21:45, 14 August 2024

Xenoarcheology (aka «xeno») is a method of point generation for R&D utilizing randomly generated artifacts. It is the job of scientists to discover and activate the secrets of these artifacts.


The actual experimentation of artifacts uses a variety of equipment that can be found scattered around the station. This specifically focuses on the specific items used and contained within the Xenoarcheology lab.

Analysis Console

The analysis console is the main method of getting information about the artifacts that are being researched. In order to properly use it, it must be linked to an artifact analyzer via multitool as well as have a research server selected.

From the console itself, the screen displays information about the last artifact scanned.

The analysis console's UI before any scanning has occurred.

The buttons along the side perform various functions:

Button Name Description
Server List Opens a menu for selecting a research server.
Scan Scans the artifact currently on top of the linked pad. Scanning has a large energy intake and takes about a minute to complete for base-level artifact analyzers.
Print Prints a paper copy of the scan. Can only print one copy per scan. Useful for manually organizing scans.
Up/Down Directs the artifact to go up or down in depth. Control this wisely and you will be able to fully extract value from the artifact.
Extract Collects any earned research points from activated nodes, and sends them to the selected server. This can be done again, as long as more nodes are activated.

Artifact Analyzer

Artifact Analyzer icon

The artifact analyzer is a machine used in conjunction with the analysis console to scan artifacts to discover information about them. Artifacts are scanned by placing them on this machine and then pressing the Scan button on the console, which will cause it to scan. The scan will be interrupted by either the artifact being moved off of the artifact analyzer or by the artifact being activated.


Artifacts are the core of Xenoarcheology and are what scientists will be analyzing and experimenting on. Artifacts can take on a variety of random appearances and can be acquired in various ways, such as through finding them in the lab at the start of the round, purchasing them from Cargo, getting them from Salvage, or finding them from the Bluespace Artifact station event.

Artifacts consist of randomly generated "trees" which dictates the artifacts behavior. Each tree consists of various "nodes" which the artifact can be inside of. Nodes each contain a "trigger" and an "effect". Effects can be both passive, constantly occurring while inside the node, or active, occurring only when the artifacts trigger is met. Triggers cause the artifact to shift to an adjacent node in the tree. The direction of the depth shift is guided by either up or down through the analysis console.

The activation of the various nodes is the main goal of Xenoarcheology. Unlocking the nodes of an artifact increases its value, both in research points and in spesos.

Artifact Utility Effects

When the artifact is triggered it can sometimes be provided with a permanent utility effect such as:

Spoilers ahead be warned!!!

Name of Effect Use for Effect
Intercom Provides an intercom with all channels except syndicate.
Instrument The artifact will have the ability to be played like a randomly picked instrument.
Item storage The artifact will have a storage capacity of a 10x5 grid
Solution storage The artifact can hold 150u of any liquid, similar to a beaker.
Wandering The artifact will wander in random directions. It cannot be anchored.
Speed The artifact will provide the creature holding it a 30% speed increase.
Drill The artifact can be used as a sharp weapon that does 18 pierce and 4 blunt damage.
Power Generator The artifact will provide 20,000kw when anchored to an HV wire.
Big Iron The artifact will work like a 7 chamber magnum pistol.
Sentience The artifact will become sentient and thus available as a ghost role.
Multi tool The artifact can be used as the following tool uses: screwing, prying, anchoring, cutting, and pulsing.


Node Scanner

Node scanner equipment icon

The node scanner is a valuable piece of equipment that will speed up the artifact activation process. The node scanner when used on an artifact will tell you the active NODE_ID of the artifact.

If you are a diligent printer of node information then you would be able to compare the NODE_ID of the artifact to the node papers you have collected. If a NODE_ID shows a number that matches one of your saved node papers, then you may skip the analysis console scanning process entirely. This process would save you 30 seconds for the scan!

Analysis Interpretation

The analysis console's UI after a scan has occurred.

It is important to note that each scan functions as a static snapshot of the current node. It does not update with the artifact and will only update when scanned again.

Each scan of the artifact analyzer gives various data about the artifact:


Some examples of stimulus interpretations (i.e. how to cause the artifact to make a reaction):

Spoilers ahead be warned!!!
Stimulus What to do?
Hydro-reactive Activated through water interaction. Splash a water bottle, use a fire extinguisher, or a spray bottle.
Sonic Vibrations Play a musical instrument close to the artifact.
Magnetic Vibrations Equip Magboots and activate them near the artifact
Extreme Pressure Carry the artifact into space or space the room it is in (use caution and common sense here. This does not give you the right to endanger others or demand a hardsuit). Can also require higher end of the spectrum - filling the room with gases until a super-high pressure is reached (use pumps for this).
Physical Trauma Punch the artifact or hit it with a blunt object via Combat Mode. This may take several hits.
Electricity Touch it with a multi-tool.
Active Deceleration Throw the artifact.
No Stimulus Time based, wait for X amount of time.
Life Essence Kill something nearby (not a crewmate!). Insects, monkeys, mothroaches all work.
Hemalogical Toss Blood on it using either a beaker of blood or use a syringe to fill a Spray Bottle with Blood then use the spray bottle.
Tool Usage Use a Wrench on the artifact, make sure it is unanchored afterwards.
Examination Examine the artifact.
Radiation Provide radiation to the artifact. Stab with a uranium spear or use a cancer mouse.


Some of the examples of what could occur after being activated:

Spoilers ahead be warned!!!
Reaction What does it do?
Biochemical Disruption Spawns a puddle or foam. The chemical is chosen from a few lists that depend on the depth of the artifact.
Mental Disruption Will give a random message saying you generally feel either good or bad.
Matter Creation Will vary from spawning trash and bananas at higher depths to spawning a random Anomaly at lower depths.
Electrical Interference Will harmlessly flicker the nearby electrical devices.
Environmental Distruption Will range from a non-structural explosion at higher depths to a massive structural explosion depending on lower depths.
Displacement Will either randomly teleport itself to a moderate distance or teleport a sentient creature to it.
Polymorph Can polymorph other nearby creatures into a glass creature or a lizard.
Energy Release Can either release heat, charge batteries, become mildly radioactive, become highly radioactive, or Ignite all nearby creatures and objects.
Station-wide Destruction
Will either spawn the singularity or tesla. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Depth 10 exclusive.