NitrogenTank | "Oxygen tank red.png" |
OxygenTank | "OxygenTank.png" |
GasAnalyzer | "Gas Analyzer.png" |
PlantBag | "Plant bag.png" |
LockerBotanist | "Hydro_Locker.png" |
ClothingBackpackDuffelHydroponics | "ClothingBackpackDuffelHydroponics.png" |
HydroponicsToolHatchet | "Hatchet.png" |
HydroponicsToolMiniHoe | "minihoe.png" |
HydroponicsToolSpade | "Spade.png" |
HydroponicsToolClippers | "clippers.png" |
WaterTank | "Watertank.png" |
VendingMachineHydrobe | "Hydrobe.png" |
hydroponicsTray | "HydrotrayMK3.png" |
VendingMachineSeeds | "seedsvending.png" |
KitchenMicrowave | "microwave.png" |
VendingMachineNutri | "NutriMax.png" |
hydroponicsSoil | "Soil_Patch.png" |
ReagentGrinderIndustrial | "Grinder.png" |
SeedExtractor | "Seed_extractor.png" |
HoloprojectorField | "Force field projector-East-22350.png" |
SyringeBluespace | "Bluespace syringe-East-11774.png" |
BluespaceBeaker | "Bluespace beaker-East-11758.png" |
ClothingShoesBootsSpeed | "Speed boots-East-11645.png" |
FloorTileItemAstroSnow | "Astro-snow-East-11400.png" |
FloorTileItemAstroIce | "Astro-ice-East-11398.png" |
FloorTileItemAstroGrass | "Astro-grass-East-11395.png" |
ClothingBackpackWaterTank | "Backpack water tank-East-11333.png" |
WeaponSprayNozzle | "Spray nozzle-East-11217.png" |
MegaSprayBottle | "Mega spray bottle-East-11119.png" |
AdvMopItem | "Advanced mop-East-11072.png" |
SynthesizerInstrument | "Synthesizer-East-10959.png" |
WeaponTetherGun | "Tether gun-South-10715.png" |
WeaponForceGun | "Force gun-East-10667.png" |
DeviceQuantumSpinInverter | "Quantum spin inverter-East-10564.png" |
WeaponPistolCHIMP | "C.H.I.M.P. handcannon-East-10510.png" |
WeaponParticleDecelerator | "Portable particle decelerator-East-10467.png" |
ClothingShoesBootsMoon | "Moon boots-South-10357.png" |
ClothingShoesBootsMag | "Magboots-East-10284.png" |
WeaponGauntletGorilla | "G.O.R.I.L.L.A. gauntlet-East-10228.png" |
WeaponLaserSvalinn | "Svalinn laser pistol-East-10001.png" |
WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator | "Proto-kinetic accelerator-East-9950.png" |
ChemicalPayload | "Chemical payload-East-9870.png" |
ExplosivePayload | "Explosive payload-East-9873.png" |
FlashPayload | "Flash payload-East-9876.png" |
SignalTrigger | "Signal trigger-East-9760.png" |
VoiceTrigger | "Voice trigger-East-9819.png" |
TimerTrigger | "Timer trigger-East-9815.png" |
RemoteSignallerAdvanced | "Advanced remote signaller-East-9674.png" |
CableApcStack | "Coillv-30.png" |
CableApcStack10 | "Coillv-20.png" |
CableApcStack1 | "Coillv-10.png" |
CableMVStack | "Coilmv-30.png" |
CableMVStack10 | "Coilmv-20.png" |
CableMVStack1 | "Coilmv-10.png" |
CableHVStack | "Coilhv-30.png" |
CableHVStack10 | "Coilhv-20.png" |
CableHVStack1 | "Coilhv-10.png" |
RipleyCentralElectronics | "Ripley central control module-East-8395.png" |
RipleyPeripheralsElectronics | "Ripley peripherals control module-East-8399.png" |
PortableGeneratorPacmanMachineCircuitboard | "Engineering.png" |
PortableGeneratorSuperPacmanMachineCircuitboard | "Engineering.png" |
PortableGeneratorJrPacmanMachineCircuitboard | "Engineering.png" |
PowerComputerCircuitboard | "Cpu engineering.png" |
SolarControlComputerCircuitboard | "Cpu engineering.png" |
SolarTrackerElectronics | "Generic.png" |
EmitterCircuitboard | "Engineering.png" |
AutolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
ProtolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
CircuitImprinterHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
SheetifierMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
FlatpackerMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
OreProcessorIndustrialMachineCircuitboard | "Supply.png" |
ThermomachineFreezerMachineCircuitBoard | "Engineering.png" |
GasRecyclerMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
TurboItemRechargerCircuitboard | "Power mod.png" |
ShuttleConsoleCircuitboard | "Cpuboard.png" |
ThrusterMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
GyroscopeMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
MiniGravityGeneratorCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
RadarConsoleCircuitboard | "Cpuboard.png" |
HellfireFreezerMachineCircuitBoard | "Engineering.png" |
PortableScrubberMachineCircuitBoard | "Engineering.png" |
AnalysisComputerCircuitboard | "Cpu science.png" |
ArtifactAnalyzerMachineCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
APECircuitboard | "Science.png" |
AnomalyVesselCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
ExosuitFabricatorMachineCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
TechDiskComputerCircuitboard | "Cpu science.png" |
ArtifactCrusherMachineCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
AnomalySynchronizerCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
AnomalyVesselExperimentalCircuitboard | "Science.png" |
SeedExtractorMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
HydroponicsTrayMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
BiofabricatorMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
BiomassReclaimerMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
HamtrCentralElectronics | "Ripley central control module-East-8395.png" |
HamtrPeripheralsElectronics | "Ripley peripherals control module-East-8399.png" |
ComputerTelevisionCircuitboard | "Cpuboard.png" |
DawInstrumentMachineCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
ComputerMassMediaCircuitboard | "Cpu service.png" |
JukeboxCircuitBoard | "Generic.png" |
SurveillanceCameraRouterCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
SurveillanceCameraMonitorCircuitboard | "Cpuboard.png" |
SurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitorCircuitboard | "Cpuboard.png" |
TelecomServerCircuitboard | "Generic.png" |
HonkerCentralElectronics | "Ripley central control module-East-8395.png" |
HonkerPeripheralsElectronics | "Ripley peripherals control module-East-8399.png" |
HonkerTargetingElectronics | "Ripley peripherals control module-East-8399.png" |
CargoTelepadMachineCircuitboard | "Supply.png" |
StasisBedMachineCircuitboard | "Medical.png" |
CryoPodMachineCircuitboard | "Medical.png" |
MiningDrill | "Mining drill-East-28985.png" |
WeaponGrapplingGun | "Grappling gun-East-29063.png" |
ClothingMaskWeldingGas | "Welding gas mask-East-29162.png " |
WelderExperimental | "Experimental welding tool-East-29469.png" |
PowerDrill | "Power drill-East-29542.png" |
JawsOfLife | "Jaws of life-East-29594.png" |
OreBagOfHolding | "Ore bag of holding-East-29665.png" |
MiningDrillDiamond | "Diamond tipped mining drill-East-29780.png" |
HandHeldMassScanner | "Handheld mass scanner-East-29969.png" |
HolofanProjector | "Holofan projector-East-30069.png" |
ClothingBackpackHolding | "Bag of holding-East-30158.png" |
ClothingBackpackDuffelHolding | "Duffelbag of holding-East-30160.png" |
ClothingBackpackSatchelHolding | "Satchel of holding-East-30237.png" |
PowerCellMicroreactor | "Powercellmicro.png" |
NodeScanner | "Node scanner.png" |
AnomalyLocatorUnpowered | "Anomaly locator-East-13058.png" |
AnomalyLocatorWideUnpowered | "Wide-spectrum anomaly locator-East-13064.png" |
CryostasisBeaker | "Cryostasis beaker-East-12634.png" |
SyringeCryostasis | "Cryostasis syringe-East-12637.png" |
PowerCellHigh | "Powercellhigh.png" |
AirAlarm | "air alarm-South-13250.png" |
AirSensor | "air sensor-East-13255.png" |
Crowbar | "crowbar-East-14236.png" |
WindowReinforcedDirectional | "directional reinforced window-East-131521.png" |
Igniter | "igniter-East-14169.png" |
MatterBinStockPart | "matter bin-East-14122.png" |
Multitool | "multitool-East-13622.png" |
NetworkConfigurator | "network configurator-East-13709.png" |
Screwdriver | "screwdriver-East-13569.png" |
SpaceHeater | "space heater-East-13370.png" |
Windoor | "windoor-East-130061.png" |
Wirecutter | "wirecutter-East-13492.png" |
Autolathe | "Autolathe-East-10560.png" |
Protolathe | "Protolathe.png" |
CircuitImprinter | "CircuitImprinter.png" |
ComputerResearchAndDevelopment | "RDComputer.png" |
BorgModuleAdvancedCleaning | "advanced cleaning cyborg module-East-52606.png" |
BorgModuleAdvancedTool | "advanced tool cyborg module-East-51820.png" |
BorgModuleAdvancedTreatment | "advanced treatment cyborg module-East-51822.png" |
BorgModuleAnomaly | "anomaly cyborg module-East-51983.png" |
BorgModuleArtifact | "artifact cyborg module-East-52093.png" |
BorgModuleClowning | "clowning cyborg module-East-52708.png" |
BorgModuleDefibrillator | "defibrillator cyborg module-East-52876.png" |
BorgModuleGardening | "gardening cyborg module-East-52192.png" |
BorgModuleGPS | "GPS cyborg module-East-51699.png" |
BorgModuleGrapplingGun | "grappling gun cyborg module-East-51664.png" |
BorgModuleMining | "Mining cyborg module-East-51573.png" |
RipleyHarness | "H.O.N.K. harness-East-53044.png" |
RipleyLArm | "H.O.N.K. left arm-East-53047.png" |
RipleyLLeg | "H.O.N.K. left leg-East-53049.png" |
RipleyRArm | "H.O.N.K. right arm-East-53054.png" |
RipleyRLeg | "H.O.N.K. right leg-East-53056.png " |
MechEquipmentGrabber | "Hydraulic clamp-East-51352.png" |
HonkerHarness | "H.O.N.K. harness-East-53044.png" |
HonkerLArm | "H.O.N.K. left arm-East-53047.png" |
HonkerLLeg | "H.O.N.K. left leg-East-53049.png" |
HonkerRArm | "H.O.N.K. right arm-East-53054.png" |
HonkerRLeg | "H.O.N.K. right leg-East-53056.png " |
MechEquipmentHorn | "Mech horn-East-53116.png" |
BorgModuleHarvesting | "Harvesting cyborg module-East-52386.png" |
BorgModuleLightReplacer | "Light replacer cyborg module-East-52473.png" |
BorgModuleMusique | "Musique cyborg module-East-52267.png" |
ProximitySensor | "Proximity sensor-East-52147.png" |
BorgModuleRCD | "RCD cyborg module-East-51864.png" |
MagazineRifleUranium | "magazine (.20 rifle uranium)-East-33657.png" |
MagazinePistolUranium | "pistol magazine (.35 auto uranium)-East-33834.png" |
MagazineLightRifleUranium | "magazine (.30 rifle uranium)-East-34039.png" |
SpeedLoaderMagnumUranium | "speed loader (.45 magnum uranium)-East-34222.png" |
MagazineBoxPistolUranium | "ammunition box (.35 auto uranium)-East-34353.png" |
MagazineBoxMagnumUranium | "ammunition box (.45 magnum uranium)-East-34461.png" |
MagazineBoxLightRifleUranium | "ammunition box (.30 rifle uranium)-East-34584.png" |
MagazineBoxRifleUranium | "ammunition box (.20 rifle uranium)-East-34667.png" |
BoxShotgunUranium | "shotgun uranium cartridges dispenser-East-34721.png" |
Truncheon | "truncheon-East-34786.png" |
TelescopicShield | "telescopic shield-East-34873.png" |
HoloprojectorSecurity | "holobarrier projector-East-35027.png" |
WeaponDisablerSMG | "disabler SMG-East-35095.png" |
WeaponLaserCarbine | "laser rifle-East-35325.png" |
MagazineRifleIncendiary | "magazine (.20 rifle incendiary)-East-35478.png" |
MagazinePistolIncendiary | "pistol magazine (.35 auto incendiary)-East-35490.png" |
MagazineLightRifleIncendiary | "magazine (.30 rifle incendiary)-East-35498.png" |
SpeedLoaderMagnumIncendiary | "speed loader (.45 magnum incendiary)-East-35504.png" |
MagazineBoxPistolIncendiary | "ammunition box (.35 auto incendiary)-East-35511.png" |
MagazineBoxMagnumIncendiary | "ammunition box (.45 magnum incendiary)-East-35519.png" |
MagazineBoxLightRifleIncendiary | "ammunition box (.30 rifle incendiary)-East-35527.png" |
MagazineBoxRifleIncendiary | "ammunition box (.20 rifle incendiary)-East-35533.png" |
BoxShotgunIncendiary | "shotgun incendiary cartridges dispenser-East-35541.png" |
MagazineShotgunIncendiary | "ammo drum (.50 incendiary)-East-35550.png" |
ClothingBackpackElectropack | "electropack-East-35637.png" |
MagazineShotgunBeanbag | "ammo drum (.50 beanbags)-East-35646.png" |
BoxShellTranquilizer | "tranquilizer cartridges dispenser-East-35678.png" |
BoxBeanbag | "shotgun beanbag cartridges dispenser-East-35682.png" |
WeaponDisabler | "disabler-East-35693.png" |
WeaponLaserCannon | "laser cannon-East-35700.png" |
WeaponXrayCannon | "x-ray cannon-East-35706.png" |
PowerCageSmall | "small-capacity power cage-East-35711.png" |
PowerCageMedium | "medium-capacity power cage-East-35719.png" |
MagazineGrenadeEmpty | "grenade cartridge-East-35728.png" |
GrenadeFlash | "flash grenade-East-35736.png" |
GrenadeBlast | "blast grenade-East-35741.png" |
ShuttleGunSvalinnMachineGunCircuitboard | "Security.png" |
ShuttleGunPerforatorCircuitboard | "Security.png" |
ShuttleGunFriendshipCircuitboard | "Security.png" |
EmpGrenade | "EMP grenade-East-35968.png" |
PowerCageHigh | "high-capacity power cage-East-35974.png" |
ShuttleGunDusterCircuitboard | "Security.png" |
WeaponAdvancedLaser | "advanced laser pistol-East-35981.png" |
PortableRecharger | "portable recharger-East-35985.png" |
ShuttleGunKinetic | "Security.png" |
HamtrHarness | "HAMTR harness-East-9195.png" |
HamtrLArm | "HAMTR left arm-East-9199.png" |
HamtrLLeg | "HAMTR left leg-East-9204.png" |
HamtrRArm | "HAMTR right arm-East-9209.png" |
HamtrRLeg | "HAMTR right leg-East-9213.png" |
VimHarness | "vim harness-East-10760.png" |
MechEquipmentGrabberSmall | "small hydraulic clamp-East-9298.png" |
FoodSnackRaisins | "4no raisins-East-2805.png" |
MachineAPE | "A.P.E.-East-2829.png" |
MedkitAdvanced | "advanced first aid kit-East-4116.png" |
WelderIndustrialAdvanced | "advanced industrial welding tool-East-4280.png" |
ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv | "advanced magboots-East-4142.png" |
StationAiHolo | "AI eye-East-2973.png" |
StationAiUploadComputer | "AI upload console-South-3785.png" |
AirTankFilled | "air tank-East-4370.png" |
AirlockServiceLocked | "airlock-East-4805.png" |
RandomHumanoidSpawnerCentcomOfficial | "Akeenus-Chalaree-South-8325.png" |
WeaponRifleAk | "AKMS-East-3888.png" |
DrinkBottleAle | "ale bottle-East-5014.png" |
ComputerAlert | "alerts computer-South-5172.png" |
MobAlexander | "Alexander (807)-South-4677.png" |
AloeCream | "aloe cream-East-5103.png" |
FoodAloe | "aloe-East-5100.png" |
FoodJellyAmanita | "amanita jelly-East-5353.png" |
FoodPieAmanita | "amanita pie-East-5359.png" |
FoodAmbrosiaVulgaris | "ambrosia vulgaris-East-5280.png" |
AmeController | "AME controller-East-3939.png" |
AmePartFlatpack | "AME flatpack-East-3993.png" |
AmeJar | "AME fuel jar-East-3995.png" |
AmeShielding | "AME shielding-East-4017.png" |
MagazineShotgun | "ammo drum (.50 pellet)-East-6329.png" |
MagazineShotgunSlug | "ammo drum (.50 slug)-East-6331.png" |
AmmoTechFab | "ammo techfab-East-6337.png" |
AmmoniaCanister | "ammonia canister-East-6661.png" |
MagazineBoxRifle | "ammunition box (.20 rifle)-East-6734.png" |
MagazineBoxCaselessRifle | "ammunition box (.25 caseless)-East-6766.png" |
MagazineBoxLightRifle | "ammunition box (.30 rifle)-East-6772.png" |
MagazineBoxPistol | "ammunition box (.35 auto)-East-6780.png" |
MagazineBoxMagnumAP | "ammunition box (.45 magnum armor-piercing)-East-6787.png" |
MagazineBoxMagnum | "ammunition box (.45 magnum)-East-6789.png" |
MagazineBoxAntiMateriel | "ammunition box (.60 anti-materiel)-East-6792.png" |
WallRockAndesiteArtifactFragment | "andesite-East-7200.png" |
WallRockAndesiteUranium | "andesite-East-7203.png" |
WallRockAndesiteCoal | "andesite-East-7211.png" |
WallRockAndesiteDiamond | "andesite-East-7216.png" |
WallRockAndesiteGold | "andesite-East-7220.png" |
WallRockAndesiteTin | "andesite-East-7224.png" |
WallRockAndesitePlasma | "andesite-East-7228.png" |
WallRockAndesiteQuartz | "andesite-East-7237.png" |
WallRockAndesiteSalt | "andesite-East-7246.png" |
WallRockAndesiteSilver | "andesite-East-7254.png" |
WallRockAndesiteBananium | "andesite-East-7260.png" |
WallRockAndesite | "andesite-East-7270.png" |
MachineAnomalyGenerator | "anomaly generator-East-7536.png" |
MachineAnomalyVessel | "anomaly vessel-East-7550.png" |
AnomalyBluespace | "anomaly-East-7417.png" |
AnomalyElectricity | "anomaly-East-7429.png" |
AnomalyFlesh | "anomaly-East-7436.png" |
AnomalyFlora | "anomaly-East-7440.png" |
AnomalyGravity | "anomaly-East-7444.png" |
AnomalyIce | "anomaly-East-7461.png" |
AnomalyLiquid | "anomaly-East-7465.png" |
AnomalyPyroclastic | "anomaly-East-7475.png" |
AnomalyRockIron | "anomaly-East-7482.png" |
AnomalyShadow | "anomaly-East-7490.png" |
APCBasic | "APC-South-4066.png" |
FoodCakeApple | "apple cake-East-7683.png" |
FoodDonutApple | "apple donut-East-7686.png" |
FoodDonutJellyApple | "apple jelly-donut-East-7689.png" |
FoodPieApple | "apple pie-East-7692.png" |
FoodApple | "apple-East-7680.png" |
AppraisalTool | "appraisal tool-East-7798.png" |
RubberStampApproved | "APPROVED rubber stamp-East-4269.png" |
ClothingOuterApron | "apron-East-7852.png" |
ClothingOuterApronBar | "apron-East-7855.png" |
ClothingOuterApronBotanist | "apron-East-7859.png" |
ClothingOuterApronChef | "apron-East-7861.png" |
CrateSecurityArmor | "armor crate-East-7934.png" |
LockerSyndicate | "armory closet-East-8084.png" |
DoorRemoteArmory | "armory door remote-East-8194.png" |
FoodPizzaArnold | "Arnold's pizza-East-5325.png" |
ClothingNeckAromanticPin | "aromantic pin-East-8320.png" |
ToolboxArtisticFilled | "artistic toolbox-East-8585.png" |
ClothingNeckAsexualPin | "asexual pin-East-8524.png" |
Ash | "ash-East-8893.png" |
AsteroidRockArtifactFragment | "asteroid rock-East-8683.png" |
AsteroidRockUranium | "asteroid rock-East-8687.png" |
AsteroidRockCoal | "asteroid rock-East-8690.png" |
AsteroidRockDiamond | "asteroid rock-East-8694.png" |
AsteroidRockGold | "asteroid rock-East-8697.png" |
AsteroidRockTin | "asteroid rock-East-8700.png" |
AsteroidRockPlasma | "asteroid rock-East-8709.png" |
AsteroidRockQuartz | "asteroid rock-East-8766.png" |
AsteroidRockSalt | "asteroid rock-East-8770.png" |
AsteroidRockSilver | "asteroid rock-East-8773.png" |
AsteroidRockBananium | "asteroid rock-East-8779.png" |
AsteroidRock | "asteroid rock-East-8788.png" |
ClothingHeadHelmetAtmosFire | "atmos fire helmet-East-9030.png" |
ClothingOuterSuitAtmosFire | "atmos fire suit-East-9027.png" |
ClothingOuterHardsuitAtmos | "atmos hardsuit-East-9039.png" |
AtmosPDA | "atmos PDA-East-9019.png" |
VendingMachineAtmosDrobe | "AtmosDrobe-East-5388.png" |
WeaponSubMachineGunAtreides | "Atreides-East-5482.png" |
VendingMachineRestockCostumes | "AutoDrobe restock box-East-5560.png" |
VendingMachineTheater | "AutoDrobe-East-5531.png" |
MobBandito | "Bandito (751)-South-5899.png" |
VendingBarDrobe | "BarDrobe-East-5980.png" |
FoodBurgerMcrib | "BBQ Rib Sandwich-East-5626.png" |
FoodCondimentBottleBBQ | "BBQ sauce bottle-East-5662.png" |
FoodCondimentPacketBbq | "BBQ sauce-East-5638.png" |
VendingMachineRestockRobustSoftdrinks | "beverage restock box-East-454.png" |
MobBingus | "Bingus (946)-South-6583.png" |
ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndie | "blood-red hardsuit-East-2756.png" |
ClothingOuterHardsuitSyndieMedic | "blood-red medic hardsuit-East-2766.png" |
VendingMachineSovietSoda | "BODA-East-5702.png" |
VendingMachineRestockBooze | "Booze-O-Mat restock box-East-6774.png" |
CrateVendingMachineRestockBoozeFilled | "Booze-O-Mat restock crate-East-6802.png" |
VendingMachineBooze | "Booze-O-Mat-East-6761.png" |
WeaponShotgunBulldog | "Bulldog-East-7053.png" |
FoodSnackCnDs | "C&Ds-East-7277.png" |
WeaponPistolCHIMPUpgradeKit | "C.H.I.M.P. handcannon upgrade chip-East-7421.png" |
ClothingBackpackDuffelSyndicateFilledSMG | "C-20r bundle-East-7322.png" |
WeaponSubMachineGunC20r | "C-20r sub machine gun-East-7313.png" |
VendingMachineCargoDrobe | "CargoDrobe-East-8154.png" |
ClothingHeadHelmetCBURN | "CBURN exosuit helmet-East-7614.png" |
ClothingOuterHardsuitCBURN | "CBURN exosuit-East-7589.png" |
CBURNPDA | "CBURN PDA-East-7606.png" |
ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomAgent | "CentComm agent's jumpsuit-East-8242.png" |
BedsheetCentcom | "CentComm bedsheet-East-8250.png" |
ClothingHeadHatCentcom | "CentComm brand hat-East-8264.png" |
ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap | "CentComm cap-East-8272.png" |
BoxFolderCentComClipboard | "CentComm clipboard-East-8275.png" |
ClothingMaskGasCentcom | "CentComm gas mask-East-8290.png" |
ClothingHeadsetCentCom | "CentComm headset-East-8294.png" |
FaxMachineCentcom | "CentComm long range fax machine-East-8308.png" |
ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomOfficial | "CentComm official's jumpsuit-East-8395.png" |
ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom | "CentComm over-ear headset-East-8400.png" |
CentcomPDA | "CentComm PDA-East-8231.png" |
PenCentcom | "CentComm pen-East-8410.png" |
VendingMachineCentDrobe | "CentDrobe-East-8426.png" |
MobCorgiCerberus | "Cerberus (655)-South-8585.png" |
BedsheetCE | "CE's bedsheet-East-7738.png" |
CrateVendingMachineRestockChangFilled | "Chang restock crate-East-8781.png" |
VendingMachineChefDrobe | "ChefDrobe-East-481.png" |
VendingMachineRestockChefvend | "ChefVend restock box-East-704.png" |
VendingMachineChefvend | "ChefVend-East-484.png" |
VendingMachineChemDrobe | "ChemDrobe-East-678.png" |
ChemDispenser | "chemical dispenser-East-679.png" |
ChemMaster | "ChemMaster 4000-East-660.png" |
VendingMachineRestockChemVend | "ChemVend restock box-East-700.png" |
CrateVendingMachineRestockChemVendFilled | "ChemVend restock crate-East-705.png" |
VendingMachineChemicals | "ChemVend-East-480.png" |
WeaponLauncherChinaLake | "china lake-East-509.png" |
VendingMachineClothing | "ClothesMate-East-671.png" |
BedsheetCMO | "CMO's bedsheet-East-7796.png" |
GasMinerCarbonDioxide | "CO2 gas miner-East-8080.png" |
RandomHumanoidSpawnerCBURNUnit | "Colonel Ginan-South-10913.png" |
ComputerComms | "communications computer-South-674.png" |
ComputerCrewMonitoring | "crew monitoring console-South-672.png" |
CrewMonitoringServer | "crew monitoring server-East-680.png" |
FoodMealCubancarp | "Cuban carp-East-706.png" |
FoodMealNachosCuban | "Cuban nachos-East-513.png" |
VendingMachineCuraDrobe | "CuraDrobe-East-482.png" |
ClothingOuterHardsuitJuggernaut | "cybersun juggernaut suit-East-711.png" |
CyberPen | "Cybersun pen-East-712.png" |
WeaponRevolverDeckard | "Deckard-East-707.png" |
RubberStampDenied | "DENIED rubber stamp-East-710.png" |
VendingMachineDetDrobe | "DetDrobe-East-681.png" |
VendingMachineRestockDiscountDans | "Discount Dan's restock box-East-136.png" |
VendingMachineDiscount | "Discount Dan's-East-112.png" |
DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTank | "double emergency nitrogen tank-East-4609.png" |
DoubleEmergencyOxygenTank | "double emergency oxygen tank-East-4692.png" |
DrinkDrGibbCan | "Dr. Gibb can-East-398.png" |
VendingMachineDrGibb | "Dr. Gibb Vendor-East-381.png" |
WeaponSubMachineGunDrozd | "Drozd-East-396.png" |
AltarDruid | "druid altar-East-5289.png" |
EmergencyNitrogenTank | "emergency nitrogen tank-East-4611.png" |
EmergencyOxygenTank | "emergency oxygen tank-East-4615.png" |
EnergySword | "energy sword-East-11869.png" |
WeaponShotgunEnforcer | "Enforcer-East-12073.png" |
VendingMachineEngiDrobe | "EngiDrobe-East-11956.png" |
VendingMachineRestockEngineering | "EngiVend restock box-East-11960.png" |
CrateVendingMachineRestockEngineeringFilled | "EngiVend restock crate-East-11962.png" |
VendingMachineEngivend | "Engi-Vend-East-11952.png" |
PlushieLizard | "Plushie lizard.png" |
PlushieLizardMirrored | "Plushie lizard mirrored.png" |
Biofabricator | "Biocube fabricator-East-3083.png" |
Biogenerator | "Biogenerator-East-3316.png" |
CutterMachine | "Cutter machine-East-3305.png" |
ExosuitFabricator | "Exosuit fabricator-East-2954.png" |
OreProcessorIndustrial | "Industrial ore processor-East-3287.png" |
MedicalTechFab | "Medical techfab-East-3071.png" |
OreProcessor | "Ore processor-East-3111.png" |
SecurityTechFab | "Security techfab-East-3096.png" |
Sheetifier | "Sheet-meister 2000-East-3298.png" |
UniformPrinter | "Uniform printer-South-48.png" |
Implanter | "implanter-East-2804.png" |
ClothingOuterHoodieBlack | "black hoodie-East-2975.png" |
EncryptionKeyStationMaster | "station master encryption key-East-4402.png" |
NitrousOxideTankFilled | "nitrous oxide tank-East-4593.png" |
NitrousOxideTank | "nitrous oxide tank-East-4593.png" |
ClothingNeckCloakVoid | "void cloak-East-4514.png" |
Telecrystal | "telecrystal-East-3069.png" |
DrinkNukieCan | "blood-red brew can-East-10109.png" |
ClothingUniformJumpsuitNinja | "ninja jumpsuit-East-4774.png" |
ClothingMaskNinja | "ninja mask-East-4771.png" |
ThrowingStarNinja | "ninja throwing star-East-4768.png" |
ClothingEyesVisorNinja | "ninja visor-East-4766.png" |
ClothingHandsGlovesSpaceNinja | "space ninja gloves-East-4762.png" |
ClothingHeadHelmetSpaceNinja | "space ninja helmet-East-4758.png" |
ClothingShoesSpaceNinja | "space ninja shoes-East-4753.png" |
ClothingOuterSuitSpaceNinja | "space ninja suit-East-4745.png" |
SpiderCharge | "spider clan charge-East-6348.png" |
EnergyKatana | "energy katana-East-1900.png" |
BorgChassisMedical | "medical cyborg (Si-9113)-South-9256.png" |
BorgChassisMining | "salvage cyborg (Si-8544)-South-9285.png" |
BorgChassisService | "service cyborg (Si-2464)-South-9298.png" |
BorgChassisGeneric | "Cyborg_(Si-8864)-South-4944.png" |
BorgChassisEngineer | "engineer cyborg (Si-2947)-South-9210.png" |
BorgChassisJanitor | "janitor cyborg (Si-8585)-South-9237.png" |
BorgChassisSyndicateAssault | "syndicate assault cyborg (Si-8329)-South-9332.png" |
BorgModuleL6C | "L6C ROW cyborg module-South-5326.png" |
BorgModuleEsword | "L6C ROW cyborg module-South-5326.png" |
BorgModuleOperative | "L6C ROW cyborg module-South-5326.png" |
BorgModuleMartyr | "martyr cyborg module-South-5730.png" |
BorgModuleAppraisal | "appraisal cyborg module-South-5375.png" |
BorgModuleCable | "cable cyborg module-South-5668.png" |
BorgModuleCleaning | "cleaning cyborg module-South-5670.png" |
BorgModuleConstruction | "construction cyborg module-South-5706.png" |
BorgModuleDiagnosis | "diagnosis cyborg module-South-5708.png" |
BorgModuleFireExtinguisher | "fire extinguisher cyborg module-South-5722.png" |
BorgModuleRadiationDetection | "radiation detection cyborg module-South-5747.png" |
BorgModuleService | "service cyborg module-South-5753.png" |
BorgModuleTool | "tool cyborg module-South-5755.png" |
BorgModuleTreatment | "treatment cyborg module-South-5757.png" |
BorgModuleSyndicateWeapon | "L6C ROW cyborg module-South-5326.png" |
SheetSteel | default | "Steel-East-9073.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Steel-East-9073.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Steel-East-9076.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Steel-East-9066.png" |
MaterialCloth | default | "cloth-East-35658.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "cloth-East-35658.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "cloth-East-35661.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "cloth-East-35664.png" |
SheetBrass | default | "Brass-East-19820.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Brass-East-19820.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Brass-East-19823.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Brass-East-19826.png" |
SheetPlasteel | default | "Plasteel-East-21262.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Plasteel-East-21262.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Plasteel-East-21259.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Plasteel-East-21265.png" |
SheetPaper | default | "Paper-East-19546.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Paper-East-19546.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Paper-East-20711.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Paper-East-20706.png" |
SheetPlastic | default | "Plastic-East-9354.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Plastic-East-9354.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Plastic-East-9351.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Plastic-East-9357.png" |
SheetGlass | default | "Glass-East-9240.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Glass-East-9240.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Glass-East-9244.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Glass-East-9237.png" |
SheetRGlass | default | "Reinforced glass-East-21416.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Reinforced glass-East-21416.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Reinforced glass-East-21414.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Reinforced glass-East-21421.png" |
SheetPGlass | default | "Plasma glass-East-20536.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Plasma glass-East-20536.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Plasma glass-East-20853.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Plasma glass-East-20584.png" |
SheetRPGlass | default | "Reinforced plasma glass-East-20589.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Reinforced plasma glass-East-20589.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Reinforced plasma glass-East-20865.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Reinforced plasma glass-East-20592.png" |
SheetRUGlass | default | "Reinforced uranium glass-East-21135.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Reinforced uranium glass-East-21135.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Reinforced uranium glass-East-21137.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Reinforced uranium glass-East-21140.png" |
SheetClockworkGlass | default | "Clockwork glass-East-19780.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Clockwork glass-East-19780.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Clockwork glass-East-20993.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Clockwork glass-East-19931.png" |
IngotSilver | default | "Silver bar-East-9857.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Silver bar-East-9857.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Silver bar-East-19176.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Silver bar-East-9854.png" |
IngotGold | default | "Gold bar-East-9575.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Gold bar-East-9575.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Gold bar-East-19091.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Gold bar-East-9452.png" |
MaterialDiamond | default | "Refined diamond-East-10668.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Refined diamond-East-10668.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Refined diamond-East-18333.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Refined diamond-East-10663.png" |
SheetPlasma | default | "Plasma-East-9753.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Plasma-East-9753.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Plasma-East-18739.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Plasma-East-9756.png" |
SheetUranium | default | "Uranium-East-10119.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Uranium-East-10119.png" |
min | 20 |
file | "Uranium-East-18875.png" |
min | 10 |
file | "Uranium-East-10122.png" |
MaterialBananium | default | "Bananium-East-12345.png" |
byCondition | type | "amount" |
conditions | file | "Bananium-East-12345.png" |
min | 5 |
file | "Bananium-East-12350.png" |